Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Just as a note, this reduces my desire to see more of these worlds not one bit. It just means my speculation on what might be out there has a broader field of dreams.
I've been working on it for a while. It might be the idea I'm proudest of mealy for in this quest :D Maybe it'll even appease those people constantly demanding pseudo-Devices for non-mages
except we've just been shown (repeatedly!) that there ARE mechanical benefits to socializing, they boost the Linker Core potential, and if that fails it'll reduce the Mutation potential if we stick with them.

By this point Kayleigh probably has a near guaranteed Core from our sporadic interactions with her, but if we don't stop getting pushback from people who hate her for being a teenager instead of a child soldier we'll never know it.

The actual, mechanical benefits were only revealed to us very recently. If anything, it seems to have pushed some people even further from the idea of using vials that grant a guaranteed, but unknown power under the idea that we can make allies into mages and have more control over the specifics. The thing that makes this really funny, albeit sad, is that these same people are the ones who really want us to use the random GB creation method for the extra power that comes with the loss of control.

That we could have followed up giving them a vial by giving them a core and device to remove the power, should it be that bad is something completely ignored by that faction.

I don't hate her for being a teenager, I just don't trust her with anything to do involving us since her Shipping-induced lack of judgement is a strong mark against her.

The thing with people like Kayleigh is that you can rely on her to be true to her nature, once you understand what her nature is. No secret will be withheld from Laura, but she also has a track record of keeping other secrets of equivalent magnitude to our identity.
There was interest in using the vials. Several of us fought against giving both of them away because it was such a massive waste. At least some of the voters pushing to give away both of the vials admitted it was because they disliked Kayleigh, our one contact who is a viable candidate for granting powers. We could have tried Kurt, but he's already shown he can't be trusted with power.

I agree that the OCs are interesting and fun. If we can get people voting to explore other worlds, we might find better candidates for powers, but lacking an immediate use for the vials, a before the EB fight use specifically, people voted to pour our superpowers down the drain.

Specifically no MAJOR interest. The people who actively dislike them outnumber the people who actively want them and the rest don't care. Hence burning bridges with write ins.
I've been working on it for a while. It might be the idea I'm proudest of mealy for in this quest :D Maybe it'll even appease those people constantly demanding pseudo-Devices for non-mages
To be fair, this kinda exists for the later Nanoha movies with the Variant Core and Formula system... which is a full pseudo-Devices and magic system.

But world with it would be kinda unreachable even if it was canon for the quest.
The thing with people like Kayleigh is that you can rely on her to be true to her nature, once you understand what her nature is. No secret will be withheld from Laura,
which is why she can be recruited only after we recruit Laura.
Or we can not recruit her at all, leaving her as our (and Laura's too) only link to civilian life.

I've been working on it for a while. It might be the idea I'm proudest of mealy for in this quest :D Maybe it'll even appease those people constantly demanding pseudo-Devices for non-mages
The question of course is whether or not this pseudo-Devices somehow related to Earth He sorry state.
To be fair, this kinda exists for the later Nanoha movies with the Variant Core and Formula system... which is a full pseudo-Devices and magic system.

But world with it would be kinda unreachable even if it was canon for the quest.
Watching Reflection and seeing the Formula system in action is one of the reasons I could justify a pseudo-Device. Justify to myself, that is, because I require internal consistency.

That being said, do not expect the VERSATILITY of the Formula system. You're looking at one to a few spell-like effects.
Watching Reflection and seeing the Formula system in action is one of the reasons I could justify a pseudo-Device. Justify to myself, that is, because I require internal consistency.

That being said, do not expect the VERSATILITY of the Formula system. You're looking at one to a few spell-like effects.
Detonation also had been subbed, which showed off the higher end of that system.

Just the versatility, so it keeps similar strength? It actuality would be useful upgrade to Taylor than.

Detonation also had been subbed, which showed off the higher end of that system.

Just the versatility, so it keeps similar strength? It actuality would be useful upgrade to Taylor than.
Haven't watched Detonation yet. Regarding my plans, though, it is NOT a full replacement for magic, and it is generally going to be WEAKER than a full mage. It has its uses, but please drop the foolish assumptions that I'm going to completely overturn the entirety of the mechanics I spent three years working on.
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which is why she can be recruited only after we recruit Laura.
Or we can not recruit her at all, leaving her as our (and Laura's too) only link to civilian life.

The question of course is whether or not this pseudo-Devices somehow related to Earth He sorry state.
I want to recruit both Laura and Kayleigh. Both should have a good chance of having higher tier linker cores which means that if we can trust them enough we can give them the right templates to have more breaker capable mages faster.

If we can get Laura to quit her gang we can offer her a complete break from her old cape life by giving her magic.
I want to recruit both Laura and Kayleigh. Both should have a good chance of having higher tier linker cores which means that if we can trust them enough we can give them the right templates to have more breaker capable mages faster.

If we can get Laura to quit her gang we can offer her a complete break from her old cape life by giving her magic.
I want to recruit both Laura and Kayleigh.
I want to recruit [...] Kayleigh.
Why? Afaik the only one that she doesn't keep secrets from is Laura so if we recruit Laura there shouldn't be much problem with recruiting Kayleigh.

The hate for her is largely irrational, so far as I can tell. The specific complaints I've seen have good counterarguments, arguments that are utterly ignored rather than rebutted. Some of it is likely a disdain for her character itself. I've known people like this, and they can be very annoying. They are also necessary for anybody as introverted as Taylor, or me for that matter, if we want to be able to function as anything more than, in her case, a child soldier. Our obsessions and addictions can so easily becoming addictive and destructive without more introverted friends to pull us out of them occasionally to get some air.

Of course, they're most annoying when they interrupt our sleep to drag us into the baleful glare of the burning daystar that sears our flesh and screams with the wrong colors.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I'm all for recruiting and magifying Kayleigh.
Same. I want to recruit Laura too though and that's going to be... tricky.
Quite. But we do have some tools on our side: If Laura has a linker core we can offer her a new power to discard her villain name with.

And we can tell her that her gang either goes legit and disbands or they will be crushed by the newfound strength of the PRT.

IIRC part of what she self-justifies in being a villain/part of a gang is that she's keeping worse elements in check. If we can knock that reason out, in that PRT's newfound firepower will bring the villains to heel, we may be able to sway her.

Reading back on things, Winter Hill may well prove amenable to accepting a sort of a amnesty (helped by them not being overly violent). In post 9.20 Jotunn didn't rule out switching sides and bringing his whole gang with him... if they could be compensated well. But the situation has changed significantly, quite visibly so once the PRT deploys the guardian beasts. That could bring Jotun to the table. Maybe some limited amnesty for the Winter Hill members in exchange for disbanding (and probably offering their services to PRT).

IIRC Angel Dust is a drug tinker. If he works on medical drug instead of recreational drugs he'd be able to provide quite the income even without selling recreational drugs. And the PRT would be fools to turn down the offer if it is reasonable.

Of course before that happens we need to poach Laura instead of letting PRT get her.
Quite. But we do have some tools on our side: If Laura has a linker core we can offer her a new power to discard her villain name with.

Shortly before these characters were introduced, SW talked about adding two more guaranteed cores, then walked it back a bit, saying that they would either both have cores or neither would. These two are really the only paired characters introduced since that comment. It might still help to spend a couple more social slots with them before checking for cores, once we go back to having dedicated social slots.

IIRC Angel Dust is a drug tinker. If he works on medical drug instead of recreational drugs he'd be able to provide quite the income even without selling recreational drugs. And the PRT would be fools to turn down the offer if it is reasonable.

His conflict drive won't let him go completely to safe drugs. His shard would start sabotaging them if he tried, and may in fact already be doing so, given what Laura said about his drugs. A better psychedelic for treating Ziz'ed people might be a good start to getting a deal with law enforcement. Where he might really shine is working with Shipwright on the mutagen projects.

Of course before that happens we need to poach Laura instead of letting PRT get her.

The Protectorate/Wards would be the ones to get her, even if the PRT were to capture her*. From what has been shown about her, probationary freedom as a member of the Wards would definitely be on the table. I'd much rather get her to join us, of course, but that is a viable option if we fail to win enough votes to recruit her.

*While an interlude showed that they want to start integrating the two forces, that's a process that would take years, not least because they aren't going to teach anybody else the Guardian Beast ritual until they see how things play out for us.
This has probably the best look into her mindset.
Shortly before these characters were introduced, SW talked about adding two more guaranteed cores, then walked it back a bit, saying that they would either both have cores or neither would. These two are really the only paired characters introduced since that comment. It might still help to spend a couple more social slots with them before checking for cores, once we go back to having dedicated social slots.
Had nothing to do with Kayleigh and Laura. It actually was about Vista and another character you've seen on-screen.
This has probably the best look into her mindset.

Had nothing to do with Kayleigh and Laura. It actually was about Vista and another character you've seen on-screen.

Presuming that the pair was linked, then, that would mean the roll for Miss Militia most likely was tied to the roll for Vista. Way back then was long before I joined the quest.

I wonder how interested MM would be in a mutagen cocktail to maybe increase some of her senses and give her a few spells to supplement her powers. Since she can make nukes, there would be little benefit to giving her a template, endgame wise. Giving her a GB, barrier jacket, and/or flight would be a major boost to an already top tier cape. We do need to introduce the possibilities of the mutagen to our allies, preferably first to Alexandria. Alexandria would completely understand and sympathize with us being able to offer powers with a risk of terrible side effects with a far better probability of good results than Cauldron ever could manage with new vials. Over time, Tim would likely be able to more refine them to have better odds of success, just as Cauldron did.

If anybody we know would take a big risk like that because her superior said it was a good idea, it would be Miss Militia. That she worked with Alexandria in the first Wards program would just strengthen her willingness to follow orders.
Thunderstorm 12.1
Remember what I said about not updating for a while? Apparently I lied. :oops: Updates will be slow, just FYI, but it looks like they'll keep coming nonetheless.

Thunderstorm 12.1

Tuesday, July 26

«Mistress,» Perfect Storm says in your head, «trouble

The speed with which your Device pulls you from sleep to full wakefulness leaves you queasy as you blink up at the ceiling. "Huh?" you ask, your voice still taking its sweet time to join the rest of your mind. "Trouble? Is that what you said? What kind of trouble do you mean?"

«Urgent message from Dragon. Endbringer attack imminent. Requests Mistress go to her.»

That gets you up and moving. A thought replaces the old t-shirt and sleep shorts you wear with your Barrier Jacket, and you grab the floating jeweled staff. «SAM!»

"I'm up, I'm up," the raccoon-woman says, already in her normal pant suit. That would be more impressive if you did not already know that she changes her clothes before she changes back into her pet form to sleep. "I heard Storm's message. By the way, Lacey's up too and—"

The door opens up to reveal a grumpy Lacey still dressed for bed. "Would someone like to explain why the hell we're all awake at two-thirty in the morning?" she snarls.

"Endbringer." Your simple response cuts through her irritation. "We're headed for Dragon's base. Do you want a ride?"

"I… I'm not a fighter, Taylor! You know that!"

Samantha huffs, pulling Lacey's attention to her. "You need to get over this idea that we're trying to trick you into fighting or something. You're a support mage who can heal. This is an Endbringer. Put two and two together already."

"Oh." The woman blushes and looks away. "Yeah. That… makes more sense."

"So you coming or not?"

Lacey nods and takes the Guardian Beast's outstretched hand. A flash of light surrounds them before they are gone, and you teleport yourself as well.

Tim's lab is fully lit when you arrive, and he and Dragon are standing on either side of Cassiel with Firefly and Nostromo working on something in the background. "How exactly do you know where the attack will be?" demands Tim, though whether his tone is rough because of suspicion or panic is hard to tell.

The feathered Unison Device lets out a sigh. "I remembered that the next attack was scheduled to take place at this general time, thus I used what precognitive ability I retain to investigate. I was able to determine that the Second will attack somewhere on continent of Australia. There are five targets with a high probability. Which he plans to strike I could determine with more time, but I suspected that you and Dragon would prefer to possess actionable intelligence early as opposed to exact information no more than five minutes prior to the attack."

"We do appreciate it," Dragon says, screens open in front of her and displaying code scrolling up at a dizzying speed. "How long would you say we have before he arrives?"

"Half an hour, plus or minus."

"Plenty of time, then. We'll use Canberra as a rally point and command center. It's inland and therefore not Leviathan's target, but it's also close to several places he might choose to attack. Deploying the upgraded Ladon and Pythios as well as the Zomok."

"The Zomok?" you ask. That is a new name, or at least you think it is. You have not exactly made memorizing the roster of Dragon's armada a priority.

She nods, not looking up from her screens. "It's not really a new design, more a modification on the Tiamat line. I downsized it, gave it a manatech generator, switched it over to antigravity and ion drives, and built in a pair of teleportation pads. I actually designed it specifically for this. Not Endbringers per se, but rapid deployment rescue and international aid missions." Dragon looks up and gives you a smile. "This should do well to keep the healers away from the fight."

"I can go for that," mutters Lacey.

A flash of blue light heralds the arrival of the only person who both has a way here and is not already present. Vista storms over, a determined expression hardening her gaze and the overhead lights glinting off her heavy combat prosthetic. "Where is the Endbringer attacking?"

"Somewhere in Australia," Tim tells her. He glances up and down, and in a cautious voice he asks, "Have you been in an Endbringer fight before the one where the Simurgh attacked Brockton Bay?"

"I helped in search and rescue when Behemoth attacked Tehran, and then again in Kharkiv."

"Then I don't feel bad about giving you this. Nostromo, she can have her present."

Vista gives him a suspicious look, but her attention is soon pulled away to the red-feathered Gear as he drags over a cube made out of various pieces of green and silver metal. "What is this?" she asks.

"Press the button and find out," the Guardian Beast dares her, pointing to the handle coming out of the top face of the cube. On one end of the handle sits a small button, clearly meant to be pressed by a thumb. "Word of advice. Don't panic."

"If you want me to be calm, that isn't the best way to start." Despite her words, Vista reaches down and grabs the handle with her right hand. Turning her head to stare into Tim's eyes, she pushes the button.

Something beeps and clanks deep within the innards of the cube, and it snaps closed on Vista's forearm.

Her shriek of surprise is cut off as the cube unfolds and stretches upwards. Tongues of metal wrap around her entire arm, plates sliding into place and locking down. The bulk of the former cube lifts up and splits in two to sandwich her front and back, but rather than crush her it gently cradles her torso and rearranges itself into a firm breastplate and shoulder plates. Another strip of steel wraps around the right leg; predicting what is about to happen next, Vista picks up her left to let the other leg on this suit of armor encase her without a moment's hesitation.

She takes a couple of uncertain steps, adjusting to the change in balance now that she is firmly encased in the metal shell. A glance to the left reveals that it has even clamped onto the base of her prosthetic, looking for all the world like they are a solid design. Something twitches at the back of her neck before more metal expands around her neck and jawline and up over her head, finally slamming a plate of translucent green material down in front of her face. "What is this?" she asks in a soft voice, the helmet giving her words a bit of a hissing effect.

"It's something we made for you for bad situations like this." Tim gives her a self-satisfied smile. "I call it the New Horizon. We adjusted one of the suits of power armor I had to fit you. It's got a mechashift framework so it can unfold onto you – like you just saw – along with thrusters on the back for flight and hydraulics to make the rest of you as strong as your prosthetic. Add in seals to protect you from the outside environment and an air tank in case you get submerged in water, and you're as safe as I can possibly make you."

Vista looks over her new armor, and you cannot help but compare the sleek contours to the much harsher lines of its predecessors. "Wow," she finally whispers. "Thank you. Really, thank you so much. This is just… wow." She shifts her head back and forth, and the faceplate slides upwards out of the way. With her face revealed, she gives him a smile that is as bright as the noonday sun. "I don't know what to say to this."

"Just say you'll be careful."

"I don't know that I can't be if I'm outfitted like this." A thought apparently crosses her mind. "Are there any weapon in this thing I need to be aware of? I don't want to accidentally blast someone."

He shakes his head, but it is Nostromo who answers the question. "There was not sufficient time to add weapon systems to little one's armor. It can be done, but the armor will need to be partially disassembled first."

Vista looks down at her hands and watches the fingers of both prosthetic and armor move in turn. "I'll have to keep that in mind. The fight!" she remembers suddenly.

"We have time before it all goes down," Samantha tells her. Your Guardian Beast has taken off her normal jacket to strap on a sheath for her bone harpoon, and her sword is also firmly in place. "Dragon, if you'll give Storm the coordinates, I'll take Vista and Aeris to the rally point."

A nod and a burst of light, and the trio are gone a couple of seconds later.

"I suppose the liquid nitrogen sprayer will not be of much help, will it?" Firefly remarks with a glare at the canister she was previously working on.

Tim shakes his head. "I don't think so. It was a great idea just in case it was Behemoth again, but apparently the Simurgh's fall wasn't enough to disrupt their schedule as much as we thought." The end of that statement is accompanied by a look in Cassiel's direction.

"I informed you that it was a possibility that the pattern may be disrupted due to my departure. It was never a guarantee. Need I remind you that my conversion to this state of existence placed a substantial limit on my precognition? I am confined to no more than three days of foresight. Perhaps I could tell you more if I spent time in the command center—"

"I'd really rather you didn't," Dragon cuts in.

"Why not? If there is anyone in this world who could predict the First and Second's next moves, it would be me—" Cassiel narrows her eyes, and her wings flutter. "You think I would betray you and aid the Second if I went."

Dragon shakes her head. "It's more that it would be needlessly cruel to force you to watch us fight your brother."

Which pretty much means even Dragon is not ready to trust Cassiel at an Endbringer fight, you decide.

"I'm just gonna get the new armbands ready," Tim whispers as he and his Guardian Beasts retreat out the door. Smart man.

Rather than get in the middle of the fairies' argument, you use the coordinates Dragon relayed to your Device to head to Canberra. You land on top of a building and look west towards the setting sun, then east towards the storm clouds that are rapidly building. Are you really going to have to fight Leviathan in a thunderstorm at night? Visibility is going to go down the toilet. You are going to need all the help you can get.

"Prepare to send a message," you tell Perfect Storm.


"The Enforcers." Your Device beeps, and a blank screen appears. "It's Taylor. You guys said you wanted to help against the Endbringers. If that's still true, everyone's meeting up at the following coordinates. Storm, add the coordinates to the end of the message and send."

"Message transmitted, Mistress."

There is that part done. You keep staring out towards the gathering storm. Even with Cassiel's advance warning, you have no illusions that this will be anything but a bloodbath.

Vista's character sheet updated.

Remember how you needed to join a group during the Simurgh fight? Similar idea applies here. Samantha will join whichever group you do to keep you safe unless you specifically vote otherwise.

[ ] Impact group – With Flare Blade and an upgraded Barrier Jacket, you have a better chance to survive going hand-to-hand than you did in the last Endbringer fight.
[ ] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.
[ ] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.
[ ] Search and rescue – You played this role once before, when fighting the Simurgh. You shouldn't need to rescue capes this time, just help get civilians to safety.
[ ] Transport group – Some capes, Tinkers especially, are using the extra time to finish preparations for the big fight. Head out to pick them up just before Leviathan shows.
[ ] Gofer – Dragon should have Tim and the healers well in hand, but there is always the possibility she will need a mobile pair of hands. Mobility you can do.

Oh yeah. One eensy weensy warning. Depending on how the fight goes, you may or may not be in this group the whole time :whistle:
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

Somebody call Marvin the Martian.
We've found his Earth-shattering Kaboom.
I'm thinking Blaster or Wave, it's what we're built for after all. I expect most people to pick more direct options given how powerful we are, but I personally favor at least starting on a secondary position, that way we can move to something else if we need to.
[X] Blaster group – You have Solar Wrath. You even have Ragnarök. Join the capes heading out to bombard Leviathan and give him a taste of nuclear fire.

Leviathan doesn't have much in the way of (pinpoint) ranged, so we can stay back. We aren't going to kill him, but this seems to be the best use.

Note that while not up for us to decide Vista should be in the Wave group - her power is perfect for compressing the wave front to make it easier for the rest of the group to deal with. Or shunting it off to the side, so it hits everywhere but where the fight is taking place. Both of which would seriously increase survivability against Leviathan - he needs those waves.
[X] Wave group – Leviathan's main strategy involves sending wave after wave at his target. There is always a need for barrier capes to keep them away from the city.

I will, in fact, suggest this instead. As mentioned before Vista may be in this group because of her power, so I think I would prefer to see Taylor in this group to support her if needed. She is Taylor's main friend here and all.

Also while it sounds like trying to nuke Leviathan is an obvious way to make full use of this Taylor's abilities - in the end it doesn't really matter that much. Even Ragnarök isn't powerful enough to actually destroy Leviathan.

Although to be fair there may be installed 'Endbringer backs off after taking X amount of damage' so it may speed up his escape significantly.

But in the end I find more utility for Taylor in making sure Wave's can't get out of hand too much IMO.