Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Character Sheet Update:
  • Petty Cure (4/4 Master) – Mild healing spell that can be applied to others as well as yourself. Restores minor injuries (cuts and bruises primarily). Major injuries are unaffected. It currently takes 1 minute to heal all applicable injuries.
  • Singularity (0/4 Novice) – Create a gravity well to pull enemies into a single spot for easy shooting. Thirty foot diameter and 10 second duration.
Bind Mine totally could have made a comeback. :V

As for the Singularity spell, interesting how that was locked behind a low-tier restoration spell. AoE and duration will probably increase as it is trained up.
a thing like a gravity-well-generator (but that is a muddy potential overlap with Temporal Sludge and Bind Mine in a sense...).

Woooo, called it! :p In thinking a bit, theres no reason their practical effects couldn't stack (magic interaction babble I can't speak to) . Imagine some brute trying to struggle out of ring bind or the like, only they're moving in slow motion with weighted-down limbs. By the time they managed to be on the edge of escape, we could've probably readied an Al Hazran ritual version of our Buster or even Breaker xD

I wonder what Vista will think of this new power? Aaand.... considering I can only imagine she'd be able to develop it easier (like Standstill's telepathy) , what does a spell like this say for Vista's lost potential as a device user, for those who'd been concerned back in the day? Gravity well, telekinesis, flight, recursion field... if theres this in a specialized template like Calamity Witch there's bound to be reasonable depth to someone seeking out a variety of grav-warp powers. Ah well.... My Little Transhuman: Upgrades are Magic is purrfectly acceptable to me as a second choice ^_^ And Vista totally asked for this.
Now that's rad. The question is, how strong is the pull, and how fast do you have to move to escape?
@Silently Watches - Something I just noticed; all the ranges for Taylor's spells are listed in imperial units (feet or miles) except for Temporal Sludge and Crescendo which are both 20 meter diameters. Is this intentional?
Huh. No, that was not intentional. If anything, it's super accidental because I listed everything as metric units first before deciding to convert to imperial annnnd I think I forgot to convert the unit when I changed the number because I seem to remember planning on that having a smaller range…

Oh well then. I think I'll leave those as 20 meters just because.
So does Singularity have a lethal mode? Not really needed, but could be useful depending on target.

Given gravity force needed to keep an high-tier brute down should be enough to kill most everyone else.
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So does Singularity have a lethal mode? Not really needed, but could be useful depending on target.

Given gravity force needed to keep an high-tier brute down should be enough to kill most everyone else.
It does not have a lethal mode. People who get sucked up into it move to the center and just kind of stay there until it fades away.

Unless you cast it over a cliff or away from a building or something and chuck people into it. Then yes, it has a lethal mode. ;)
It does not have a lethal mode. People who get sucked up into it move to the center and just kind of stay there until it fades away.

Unless you cast it over a cliff or away from a building or something and chuck people into it. Then yes, it has a lethal mode. ;)
So the force of gravity cuts off when they are within the center... and we can't remove this part.

Also what about any junk within the target area, wouldn't that be sent flying toward the person within the center?
So the force of gravity cuts off when they are within the center... and we can't remove this part.
Hmm... to me, that description sounds more like there's a barrier that prevents things from actually crossing the event horizon without stopping the inward pull of gravity. Then again, it also seems to only affect people. So clearly it's Sufficiently Advanced, and applying logic and present-day scientific knowledge to the spell isn't going to be that effective.
It does work as gravity if it isn't a singularity, despite the name of the spell. Make the 'center' an even sphere (or cylinder, etc.) and no one spot will have much gravity, so basically people would be sucked into the area and then be fine, but when trying to exit would feel more gravity. Like how the center of the Earth would feel like no gravity if there was space to stand.

Remember, singularities don't actually have any more gravity than non-singularities.
Just forget the physics jargon and say AOE suction, omnidirectional vacuum cleaner, etc. All of this is wounding the GR physicist in me.
And what part of my explanation doesn't work? I'm honestly curious.
It's a perfectly capable explanation. I'm an overly pedantic person when it comes to science and language, and my message was addressed to the other people who were discussing this. Using pseudophysics to explain magical effects is one of my pet peeves.

Or just say "artificial gravity well." I think that nicely summarizes what you said above.
AAR: Heatstroke
After Action Report for Arc 10: Heatstroke
This was a pain to keep track of. I mean, holy shit. I wound up actually drawing out a flow chart for what Coil did in his split timelines based on what choices you could make. If this went much longer than seven chapters, I think I would have gone insane.

Coil needs to just go die in a fire.

Avengers Assemble
  • I let you pick up three people to take with you to Chicago. This being a "boss fight" of sorts, I guess, I felt like giving you a five man band. Try to guess who I pictured in which role if you want.
  • Anyway, the obvious winners were Dragon and Vista. Like, wow, no contest there. After a lot of shuffling, Chevalier became your third, which is part of the reason his introduction was a touch antagonistic. Vista's ill-timed ultimatum was not part of the plan.
The Real World
  • You chose to focus first on Bakuda. Because different characters offered the plans, lending your support to Vista means you get another (probably unnecessary at this point) boost in your reputation with her. It… doesn't do so great with the attitude between Taylor and Chevy. Nor did the conversation when you were waiting for Myrddin to show up.
  • At her workshop, you used Recursion Field to find out that she had booby-trapped her base. Not how I expected you to search it, and honestly the thought of using a Dimensional Barrier that way had never occurred to me. You managed it without much difficulty.
  • Sadly, magic is not quite as OCP as you might think (functionally, a dimensional barrier is not too dissimilar from teleportation), so while Coil didn't get a perfect picture of what would happen when Taylor and co. popped out of Recursion Field, he did know that he was being attacked. It meant he could drop that timeline and get the hell out of Dodge.
  • Correction: try to get out of Dodge. It didn't exactly go as planned.
What Might Have Been
  • Regarding whom to ask to join your attack, different characters brought different strengths and weakness to the table. Of those that were voted for…
    • Cailleach would have been happy to help once you told her you lived in that apartment building. As you already know, she takes the Unwritten Rules very strongly.
    • Miss Militia would have made it easier than most other characters to go after Coil as Thomas Calvert, but Chevalier gave you a bigger bonus in that department.
    • Epoch would have been an interesting choice. He has some contacts in Chicago he could have gotten information from that would have informed Taylor that Bakuda was rumored to have bombs in her minions' heads.
    • Shipwright has a Hazard Jacket to protect himself, and he could have gotten a guaranteed point of Inspiration towards Exotic Physics had he gone with you. Dragon was still a safer choice.
    • Teana would have told you no outright. Thanked you for thinking of her, but she's legally prohibited from getting involved.
    • Circus would have enjoyed getting one over on Coil and could have given you told you he built his Brockton Bay base in an Endbringer shelter, which would have made it easier to find.
  • Going after Coil first would have helped ease tensions between you and Chevalier. This was supposed to be the easiest attack on his base since he had no clue you were in town and after him. Of course, then the blasted little snake drops that timeline and sends a signal to Bakuda to start raising hell. While the PRT is mobilizing, he gets in his car and starts evacuating in one timeline and leading troops in the other until he discovers you know who he is. After that, he does his best to lose you when you come after him. That would give Bakuda time to get ready for war, and unless you had a GREAT plan and great luck on the dice, somebody would have gotten injured. Maybe killed.
    • Or you could have taken a break to go after Bakuda, which would have been a fight not much harder than the one you got, but it would make the Calvert chase trickier since he would have a longer head start.
  • Calvert was a target no one but you and Samantha really wanted to take on. If you had done so, Chevalier was actually a great resource since he can make it seem natural that you want to be in Chicago to meet Myrddin, another "magic cape". Unfortunately, Calvert isn't there because he split the timeline and drops the one where you arrest him, so then it's a choice between going after his base or hitting Bakuda first, who again has started her bombing run. Choosing him would net you a moderately difficult Coil fight where he runs away and you're too busy chasing him and his armored truck and his goons to find Tattletale. The Bakuda fight after that? Another hard, hard fight.
    • "But Silently, what if we decided to save Coil for last and took care of Bakuda in the meantime?" Well, my hypothetically curious little friend, then you would have faced Coil in all his serpentine glory. Guards armed with Tinkertech weapons and backed up by the Revengers (AKA the Evil Fantastic Four). Coil would have revealed Tattletale and thrown her at your group before trying to shoot Vista through her. That would have ended the arc with the choice to kill him or let him be arrested. Vista would have survived without major injury thanks to her armored limb, but that wouldn't have been obvious at the time of the vote.
  • There was only one "reward" offered for each path, which was based on your first target. Going after Bakuda, for instance, earned you a random assortment of Tinkertech bombs. It's a surprise in every bang!
    • Hitting Coil's base first meant you would find Tattletale drugged up in his basement, and Samantha would have teleported her to Tim before reentering the fray. From there you would have had the chance to turn her over to the Protectorate for rehab and (eventual) recruitment or keeping her for yourself as Thinker fodder.
    • Focusing on Calvert in his civvy identity didn't promise a material reward, but it would have kept relations between the Chicago Protectorate and the PRT at their best since everybody would be on the same page from the start. As is, now there is some distrust where there wasn't before it was known that the PRT was housing a villain among their leadership.
  • This was a long series of fights, but at the end of it you got to learn a new spell. You chose Petty Cure.

I am putting this quest on hold for a little bit. I really really really need to work on my actual story since I kinda want to finish that before next July, so I'll be taking some time to get it back on track.
This went a hell of a lot better than it should have, but burning bridges with the PRT like this can only prove very, very problematic in the future. After all, for all of the corruption and inefficiency inherent within the organization, it's still a multinational organization with significant government support and legal authority with the backing of the United States and Canada.

Making an enemy of the PRT, deliberately or unintentionally, would be.. unwise, I feel. Especially given that one of the goals here is to build a rapport with the TSAB. That becomes a good deal more difficult if the PRT becomes unwilling to play ball.
So basically we chose the safest route possible, and managed things without any casualties on our side. We also seemed to have lost the chance to recruit Tattletale easily, though we may be able to actually interact with her in the future now that she's in PRT custody.

I'm satisfied with this overall I think. It's pretty good result and no one died, but we're gonna have to deal with Vista's growing discontent with the Protectorate sooner rather than later.
After Action Report for Arc 10: Heatstroke
*insert report*
Well well. In terms of battlefied casualties, we seem to have chose well enough. Unfortunate that we kinda inflicted a noticeable dive in our relations with the Protectorate/PRT though. Might need to spend some updates trying to rebuild it.

Correction: try to get out of Dodge. It didn't exactly go as planned.
"Fucking disloyal mercenaries..."- Coil.

Coil would have revealed Tattletale and thrown her at your group before trying to shoot Vista through her.
And knowing Coil, he'd make sure that shot would be fatal to Lisa.

I am putting this quest on hold for a little bit. I really really really need to work on my actual story since I kinda want to finish that before next July, so I'll be taking some time to get it back on track.
More than fair. Good luck on that project!
Well well. In terms of battlefied casualties, we seem to have chose well enough. Unfortunate that we kinda inflicted a noticeable dive in our relations with the Protectorate/PRT though. Might need to spend some updates trying to rebuild it.
I think all things being equal we're headed towards a point where our options are "throw Vista under the bus" or "accept that the Protectorate isn't going to like us much" and honestly? Vista's gonna win that roll.
I think all things being equal we're headed towards a point where our options are "throw Vista under the bus" or "accept that the Protectorate isn't going to like us much" and honestly? Vista's gonna win that roll.
It might (a big might) be possible to avert that if we try to smooth things between Chevy and Vista. He's the Leader of Phili's Protectorate and he could influence how Vista is treated. He saw this Arc how capable she is and that while Calamity Witch isn't going to bail on Vista, she isn't trying to poach a Ward either. And on Vista's end, she needs to understand that Chevalier can't just decide which of the PRT's regulations he's following and do whatever he wants.