Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Eh, I don't even care all that much if he doesn't get captured. If everybody knows Thomas Calvert is Coil then he's pretty much neutered. His plans go kaput and most of his resources vanish.
Not for very long, though. He still has his power, and what resources he does have will serve him well to start building himself up elsewhere.

If I am not mistaken, the sequence of events in Coil's perspective is something like this:

Timeline A: Thomas Calvert is attending the meeting
Timeline B: Coil is working within his base

Timeline B: Coil has non-stop surveillance on Bakuda's workshop as a matter of course. He is immediately informed when she is attacked, probably by having an automatic alarm on such a thing. He looks at the information, and sees Chevalier (!) and Calamity Witch (!!!) are the main attackers. Also, that they have appeared out of nowhere. He continues the observation through remote surveillance, and orders his troops to rally, just in case.

Timeline A: Thomas Calvert is starting to maneuver the planning to escape, just in case. Chevalier and Calamity Witch are trouble. Once the word of Bakuda's Workshop goes out, he is volunteering as a first responder.

Timeline B: Coil is ambushed within his own base. Timeline B closed.

Timeline A: Thomas Calvert is already on his way to Bakuda's Workshop, having called loyal-to-him PRT agents and the observers for the task. Knowing that his valiant last stand has failed, he splits the timelines again.

Timeline Aa: Thomas Calvert is moving to secure Bakuda's Workshop, keeping up the charade.
Timeline Ab: Coil has revealed himself to the PRT troopers and they are now escaping.

And this is the point we're now at.
It really depends on how good Coil's shard is capable to simulate Taylor's magic.

It's possible, for example, that it doesn't have good enough model of our Spatial Translocation spell and considers Taylor incapable to teleport. In such a case in Coil's second timeline the attack on Bakuda didn't happen at all.

So, right now Calvert may still have his 'safe' second timeline, where he's sitting in his base, pondering why his timelines became so different.
It really depends on how good Coil's shard is capable to simulate Taylor's magic.

It's possible, for example, that it doesn't have good enough model of our Spatial Translocation spell and considers Taylor incapable to teleport. In such a case in Coil's second timeline the attack on Bakuda didn't happen at all.

So, right now Calvert may still have his 'safe' second timeline, where he's sitting in his base, pondering why his timelines became so different.
Shards are shown to be able to guesstimate observed capabilities. They can't emulate it, but they can predict "has energy attack of some form" in a loose model. Coil's is particularly good at it alas
Shards are shown to be able to guesstimate observed capabilities. They can't emulate it, but they can predict "has energy attack of some form" in a loose model. Coil's is particularly good at it alas
It should also be noted that Contessa could simulate Eidolen almost perfectly due to knowing him well despite him being a complete blind spot. Taylor herself isn't even a blind spot, her power is, so she should be easier to simulate.

Since Coil has been targeting Taylor he should have researched her capabilities and personality. Since she hasn't done anything new, he should be able to simulate her almost perfectly, which would involve her attack on Bakuda.
Some event-relevant thoughts while once again re-reading this story for funsies....

This is apparently standard procedure for anyone who applies to join the PRT; just as you were told when you first tried to register the Privateers as a hero group, the Protectorate is for parahumans while the PRT is for unpowered humans, and never the twain shall meet. If somebody wants to be in the PRT, she needs to prove that she isn't a cape.

The wiki seems unclear on it, was Calvert presumably just an unpowered person when he joined, and he only got powers afterwards? Does the PRT not ever do check-ups on its agents to ensure they haven't triggered since joining, if its such a big deal to them? (Especially after a presumably traumatic incident like Ellisburg, where he and Piggot were the only survivors, and Piggot at least got seriously injured. MRI for purely mundane medical reasons seems likely).

So did he only discover Cauldron (how anyways?) and buy his powers after that incident, and avoid any future cases he might've been tested? Orr..... since Cauldron obviously knew that Calvert had powers, did they cover it up? I know they've lost access to their precogs the past few years (compared to canon), but Alexandria said outright that she knows everyone they ever gave a vial to.... shouldn't it be surprising that Costa-Brown didn't mop up old messes like him after their rules of engagement/war-strategy changed with Scion gone?

I forget the initial discussion and assume it was "we don't have an IC reason", but maaan Alexandria should've been perfect to contact for this. He attacked her pet-project/younger-self! Basically just wondering how /the rest/ of the Protectorate was apparently unaware that Calvert had any powers. Why keep the secret and let him stay in the wrong division?

"Because the last time a Tinker built a 'mutant army', we built a wall around him," the American-themed heroine points out. "No one wants to turn a city of one and a half million people into a second Ellisburg, and that's what will happen should this information become public knowledge. Typhon, our current name for this villain, is moving slower than Nilbog did. We still have time to stop him. Until the situation gets entirely out of our hands, we don't want to cause a panic. Chevalier, Legend, Director Paulson, and Chief Director Costa-Brown talked the situation over, and it was finally decided to make the details classified outside the Protectorate and PRT with few exceptions.

Suppose we may not get an Interlude if we're chasing him now and theres not likely much time to slot it in (is it better suited to Omake? We haven't had many lately) ...... but how do you think Calvert (and Piggot, if anyone cares and she survived Brockton) would react to hearing that this little upstart hero played such a large role in preventing a second Ellisberg where they failed? Mainly Calvert/Coil, since he's had run ins with us and opposes us... did it affect his threat assessment any? Frustrate him at (seemingly inexplicably) losing such a potent asset?

Did he ever suspect Tattletale as the reason that the Privateers swatted his hand of friendship and broke contact? There is that lingering question of where she is, if not with either of Bakuda's hideouts or this main one of Coil's.... if she was never with him, how'd he manage to trace Calamity's (former, old-intel) home in Philly?
So did he only discover Cauldron (how anyways?) and buy his powers after that incident, and avoid any future cases he might've been tested? Orr..... since Cauldron obviously knew that Calvert had powers, did they cover it up?
Going by this:
Worm Interlude 16 said:
"He… gets to live?"

"Yeah," Thomas spoke, letting his head rest on the pillow. "It is a perk of having power, that you get to decide which rules apply to you."

She shook her head.

He sighed. "I thought I might trigger, perhaps. Hoped. I suppose I don't have the potential."
he got his powers post-Nilbog.

Although this:
"Oh, I did mention I wouldn't be on the team in the future. Not because of any injuries, mind you. I'm facing a stay in prison. My captain and I were the only ones left," Thomas knit his fingers together and rested them on his stomach, looking very calm. "He grabbed the rope ladder first, but he didn't climb fast enough. I shot him."
could be taken as Coil having two timelines, one where he did and didn't shoot the captain but kept the latter because he died in the former, but given Coil's overall tone in his talk with Piggot I suspect it wasn't until after all this that he got his vial from Cauldron.
The wiki seems unclear on it, was Calvert presumably just an unpowered person when he joined, and he only got powers afterwards? Does the PRT not ever do check-ups on its agents to ensure they haven't triggered since joining, if its such a big deal to them? (Especially after a presumably traumatic incident like Ellisburg, where he and Piggot were the only survivors, and Piggot at least got seriously injured. MRI for purely mundane medical reasons seems likely).

So did he only discover Cauldron (how anyways?) and buy his powers after that incident, and avoid any future cases he might've been tested? Orr..... since Cauldron obviously knew that Calvert had powers, did they cover it up? I know they've lost access to their precogs the past few years (compared to canon), but Alexandria said outright that she knows everyone they ever gave a vial to.... shouldn't it be surprising that Costa-Brown didn't mop up old messes like him after their rules of engagement/war-strategy changed with Scion gone?
Calvert was scanned when he enlisted in the PRT and was found not to have a corona pollentia. Without that, it is impossible for someone to trigger. He purchased his power after he was released from prison.
And so the downsides of not actually reading Worm appear again xD

Wasn't aware that the Eden-goop vials worked on just anyone, even those who lack a Corona... I guess that means that the ones with Pollentia are those a shard's pre-marked as worth watching for an opportunity, and then develops Gemma is chosen? Obviously either not a problem to emergency-swap (if its the whole shard), or able to select multiple potentials, if QA settled for Danny after losing out on pollentia-bearing Taylor like that.

Still doesn't quite answer why Alexandria didn't slap Coil's wrist before now, buuut thats perfect Interlude material! Of course Costa-Brown will get a report from Chevalier/Myrrdin after a high profile PRT leader (and one tasked to a high-priority mission like assisting Philly with gangs, press conference and all) gets arrested for varied crimes and unmasked ^_^

Maaaybe it'll make her think on actually /acting/ and not just moping over her thoughts of "You know, now that Scion and Cauldron are gone, maybe I can't justify those old expedient-means" .... she was talking like that as far back as her first Interlude where Taylor made her feel bad about cape/villain Simurgh policies after all. Then again, maybe I need to re-read the interludes in order to be sure I didn't miss something anyways :p

Rereading the various interludes (and confirming that Alexandria did seem invested in revising their behaviour to a kinder gentler Triumverate; see not wanting to pressure/force Taylor to reveal her powers source) , came across a thought here that if I hadn't commented on already, bears repeating

"It wasn't just me," you tell her, turning away from her sparkly eyes. Hero worship from your friend isn't what you wanted or was looking for. "Cailleach was there, too. She helped out a lot."

"There were two capes at the party?!" Kayleigh squeaks. "Ooh, ooh, do you know who she is?"

You try and fail to hold back the laugh that bubbles up. "It isn't like we all have each others' numbers and hang out after work. I'm a hero. Cailleach's a villain. We aren't exactly friends."

"Oh. Yeah, I get that. But if you could meet up and hang out," she continues anyway, "would you want to?"

Obligatory biased/agenda reminder: Kayleigh really is good at keeping cape identities secret. Excited and babbling-hyper, in a moment of shock from revelation of Taylors improved identity over her guess, and she still seamlessly keeps Cailleach's cover by acting like she didn't obviously know about her being there and fighting?

Her feeling like we gave permission (connecting Cailleach to a friendly face was technically the point of the conversation from the start) has been argued already, but in the case of one (gangster) who she did know was meant to be kept secret..... she's loyal and excellent at it. No leaks.
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Wasn't aware that the Eden-goop vials worked on just anyone, even those who lack a Corona... I guess that means that the ones with Pollentia are those a shard's pre-marked as worth watching for an opportunity, and then develops Gemma is chosen? Obviously either not a problem to emergency-swap (if its the whole shard), or able to select multiple potentials, if QA settled for Danny after losing out on pollentia-bearing Taylor like that.
Think of the Pollentia as a shard sticking a microphone on a prospective candidate. It doesn't do anything, just let them piggyback on the prospective host's physical and emotional state for monitoring. When they pick up a sufficiently 'loud' signal, they react.

A trigger event from a shard's perspective is basically like a human watching a rabbit go about its day. The observer has no idea whats the rabbit's mental state, or even physical health, so it doesn't know what sort of powers to grant that might generate interesting data. So it watches, until the rabbit goes catatonic from stress, starts starving, or gets mutilated. Then it has something it can act on.

The shard can just move the Pollentia away if the subject proves to be insufficiently interesting.

The Cauldron vials however, are chunks of misconfigured shards looking for operating instructions from an entity thats no longer there. Last thing they know they're still part of the Eden-body, so they keep looking for a nervous system to link into for instructions, and then trying to guess what its supposed to do. Case 53s and fatal triggers(as happens post Scion's death when shards blasted off in the battle lock onto a host it has no configuration for) are when the shard goes "instructions unclear, improvising based on last known data".

The important part? The shards can bond to anything with intelligence. They're targeted mainly at humans and human-like intellects this cycle, but theres say, no fundamental issues either with them trying to bond animals and creating pokemon.
Still doesn't quite answer why Alexandria didn't slap Coil's wrist before now, buuut thats perfect Interlude material! Of course Costa-Brown will get a report from Chevalier/Myrrdin after a high profile PRT leader (and one tasked to a high-priority mission like assisting Philly with gangs, press conference and all) gets arrested for varied crimes and unmasked ^_^
And now I imagine an AAR for the latest Arc of Alexandria Quest:

A snake in the grass
  • You ignored an opportunity to end Coil's little scheme. Again. Didn't I tell you it's your last chance to deal with him?
  • Had you chosen to go after him the first week (or, you know, any moment in two previous Arcs), you would have deal with him without hurting the PRT image and a would have a chance to acquire Bakuda's services. I don't need to explain you how useful she could have been for your anti-Endbringers efforts.
  • Had you chosen to go after him the second week, you would have run into Chevalier and Calamity Witch in the beginning of their own attack on Bakuda. You would have team up with them, which would give you a chance to find out what kind of grievance Calamity has against Coil and somewhat repair the PRT/Protectorate reputation in her eyes. You also would have find out about a little drama happening amongst Philly's heroes.
  • There was two opportunity to receive Morality Points. But you decided to not clean up a mess you help to create.
  • Aren't Coil and Saint amongst the most hated Worm characters? You, however, decided to ignore their questlines entirely. I'm starting to wonder, what would happened if I didn't kill off the Slaughterhouse 9? :evil:

And then players' comments:

We, of course, would have found out a ton of reasons to not go after them.
...Which in no way would have prevented us from bitching about horribly immoral Cauldron that let such monsters live. :V
Wait, since when Bakuda was working for Coil? o_O
I said it when this questline appeared for the first time and I ready to say it again: Coil is just too small fry to throw Alexandria on him.
It's sad of course that one of our side projects now thinks bad about us, but look at quests we resolved in this Arc:
Yangban organised kidnapping we prevented?
The Elite's expansion we foiled?
Reinforcements we scrape together to help our weakened departments?
For me, each of them is more important than Coil.
Even if we lost our chance to recruit Bakuda, we'll still receive a supply of her bombs.
I mean, Chevalier wouldn't let an independent to pick up such a dangerous thing, right?
We really need to spend a Social action on Calamity. We let that WMD from the parallel Earth side quest stew for how long?
Come on guys, we need to find it before these STAB people come!
Screw you, STAB people, we need it more than you! :p
A drama amongst Philly's heroes? Please don't tell me Chevalier decided to ignore our order to take a hands-off approach to Calamity and now is pressuring her to join the Protectorate.
Time to finally use that 'Inspect the PRT department' action we had from the beginning of the quest but never used.
If we won't have more important things to do.
...Who am I kidding? Of course we will have more important things to do. *sigh*

- *​ - * ​- * ​- *​ - *​ - *​ -

Kayleigh really is good at keeping cape identities secret.
Taylor has an evidence to the contrary: Kayleigh accidentally blabbered Taylor's cape identity to Laura in less than a week after she found it out.
Of course, we, players, know it wasn't accidental at all.

Kayleigh's perfectly capable to keep a secret. If she wants to. If she's not, she's perfectly capable to give a false promise which she intends to honor in letter only, not in spirit.
After all, it's only Taylor's fault she didn't ask what constitutes as 'really, really, really need to know'.
Silly Taylor. /人‿‿ 人\
Taylor has an evidence to the contrary: Kayleigh accidentally blabbered Taylor's cape identity to Laura in less than a week after she found it out.
Of course, we, players, know it wasn't accidental at all.
I'm pretty sure all the info we know about Kayleigh/Cailleach Taylor also knows IC now (she unmasked and told us she was Kayleigh's friend etc). It'd just be a case of remembering that and putting 2 and 2 together (not exactly likely unless she had reason to really consider it though).
Heatstroke 10.7
Heatstroke 10.7

"I have a lead on Calvert's position," Dragon says after a few minutes. "PRT vehicles are equipped with multiple trackers. He disabled most of them, but he didn't touch the toll pass put on all vehicles to waive the fee on interstates. There's a prisoner transport headed southwest on I-55 that I can't locate with any other method."

"That has to be him." He's on the run, but he won't get away from you that easily. "Can you get a better location for him?"

"Not yet, but I'm still working on it."

"Calamity, you and Samantha go after him," orders Chevalier. You had gone to join him and the rest of the group while you waited impatiently for Dragon's information, too angry to bear being by yourself or waiting for them to come back to you. "Vista and I can't fly, and there's too much chaos on the freeway for us to help chase him down. We'll stay here and finish securing the base. There are still a few rooms we can't see on the cameras."

Vista glares at his back for a second or two before sighing and giving you a nod. A twirl of your staff, and you laser yourself a hole in the ceiling. "Dragon, any directions you have would be appreciated."

"Sending toll booth coordinates to Storm now. The Sybaris will meet you there."

With the speed at which you two can fly, it takes less than a minute to race past the toll booth and slow down enough that you can actually see what's going on around you. "Come on!" you shout to Samantha. "This can't be that hard. Look for a PRT truck and cripple it."

If you had to guess based on the honking horns below you, most people in Chicago are less than familiar with heroes flying ten feet or less above their heads. Or maybe they're honking at each other because traffic is slow; who knows? You see several dark vans and only slightly fewer station wagons, but not a single one of them the boxy contraptions used to haul prisoners around.

"I'm going a couple of miles ahead," Samantha tells you. "I'll work backwards while you keep going forwards. I'll let you know if I spot him first."


Orange light surrounds her for a second before she vanishes. Alone again, you continue your search, eyes never ceasing their survey of the road. After about ten minutes, you see Samantha flying back in your direction. "Anything?" you ask.

She shakes her head.

"Dragon, they aren't here. Maybe they pulled off on one of the exits. Can you find them?"

Dragon looks off her screen and reaches over as though to tap a button. "Maybe. If he pulled back into the city streets, it's going to be much more complicated to track him down. I will look through street cameras, but that is going to take a while. In the meantime, he may still be on a highway. He could have taken Highway 50 south; it would lead him to I-290."

Your Guardian Beast lays her hand on your shoulder. "Teleport to that intersection with I-290. We'll do the same thing on 50 we did here while Dragon is searching elsewhere."

This time you are the one who whisks yourself to the next location, and even though you keep your attention mostly focused on the road, you can not help but be distracted by the plane that just took off a short distance ahead of you. "Uh, Dragon? Is there any chance the reason we can't find him is because he decided to take a plane?"

"No. I already have a program running through the photo IDs of everyone who has checked in to O'Hare and Midway. He hasn't tried to buy a regular ticket, and there aren't any private flights scheduled for the next five hours. Trust me, I have that avenue of escape firmly in hand."

Thank goodness one of you is thinking ahead.

"Found him," she says after another couple of minutes, soon after Samantha meets up with you again. "He's headed down South Pulaski Road, not far from Highway 50. I think he's trying to get to the mall not far from there."

"At the mall, he and his men could buy new clothes. They'd be unrecognizable," Samantha says. "Between that and hijacking a car, we'd never find them again."

"But we have them now. Dragon, can you give me exact coordinates?"

"Here. They just turned onto West 76th going towards the mall."

"Ready for this?" you ask your partner. She gives you a bloodthirsty smile that you return without hesitation, and then the code is spinning through your head once more. You reappear over a road, and the instant after you find the truck you are throwing a white-hot Flare Shooter through the engine.

The truck stalls to a halt.

It takes a few seconds, but then the back doors open to let a skeletally thin man step out. You drift around and down close enough to see that yes, this really is Calvert. He looks up at you and twitches. He pulls his gun from its holster, and you create a swarm of Flare Shooters only for him to toss it away and raise his hands. A single motion on your part convinces him to kneel.

"The rest of your men, too."

It takes a moment, but he mutters something. The other fake PRT agents leave the truck and join him on the ground.

"Calamity, we found Tattletale," Chevalier says as a screen springs into existence. "I don't think she was after you of her own accord. We found her in one of the rooms Coil's cameras weren't watching. She's in withdrawal right now, but from what we could get out of her, he forcibly addicted her to heroin or morphine and forced her to give him information in exchange for another fix. Find that bastard and bring him down."

A wicked grin curves your lips. "Oh, we don't have to worry about Coil ever again. I have him right where I want him. On his knees."

More than a few of you figured out what was going on with Tattletale real early. Am I getting that predictable? :(

Hold onto your hats, because the end of the arc is coming up… right…
Heatstroke 10.x
Heatstroke 10.x

"…Now, regarding the recent movements of the Revengers…"

Thomas Calvert sighed, even if the effect was ruined by dint of only being able to do it in one of his dual timelines. He did not need to hear about the movements of the very team of capes he had hired to do his more obvious dirty work. He already knew them in greater detail than the fools running the PRT ever would.

Sadly, he could not completely ignore these blowhards, not without risk to his position as team leader of the Chicago PRT. A small risk, but a risk nonetheless. It was why he had the meeting on speakerphone here at his base while he was planning out his men's next mission, and in his disposable timeline he had even deigned to attend in person. It was in that timeline, of course, that he could not show his utter lack of interest.

The door to the PRT conference room opened, and an assistant of some such scurried in. "S-S-Sorry to interrupt, sir, but there's a situation… Um…"

Rather than snap at the sniveling peon, Director Carpenter waved him into the room. "Speak up, son. What's going wrong now?"

"A building in Englewood just exploded." The various team leaders and administrators leaned in to listen more carefully, and even Thomas found himself concerned in both timelines. Englewood? That was where he had stuffed Bakuda and set her to making more of her bombs. Had she finally gone off the reservation as he had half-expected her to do? "The reports are… really weird. Black holes and ice and other things."

"It sounds like someone stumbled onto Bakuda's workshop, then. Thank you, Simmons." The aide rushed back out, and Carpenter turned to face Thomas. "Calvert, get a couple of teams together. I want PRT presence there five minutes ago."

Of course, in the timeline he was going to keep, the words were slightly different. "Murphy, get a couple of teams together. I want boots on the ground five minutes ago. We'll resume the meeting once this matter has been resolved."

Finally. In his base he hung up the phone while in the PRT building he gave the Director a nod and made his way from the conference room near the top of the building to the elevator that would take him to the garage. He pulled up a list on his office computer of which of his agents were working that day. He could not permit Bakuda to be brought into custody. Considering the unstable woman's narcissism and ego, the chances of her folding and revealing anything to the PRT would normally be minimal, but Carpenter had a damnable sort of charisma that had converted more than one villain who would otherwise be bound for prison.

He also called the team leaders of his mercenaries to come to his office. His base was closer to Bakuda's workshop than the PRT building, so they would be able to reach her and pick her up before the PRT could get there. She would undoubtedly be livid about being found, which would only serve to drive her deeper into his pocket. Or, if it turned out she had not been discovered and had just been playing around, it would give him the opportunity to discipline her for being so reckless.

The elevator dinged and opened, and he stepped out to find a small knot of agents forming in front of him. He called out several of the members and organized them into three teams. "Cavanaugh, Young, Lovins, Desmuch, you four with me. Let's move, people."

Everyone scattered into trucks, and he followed his men into the back of one as well. "What's the plan?" asked Desmuch when the door was closed and the recording devices placed in every PRT vehicle as a Master-Stranger precaution were shut down. Lovins put the truck into gear and followed after the others out of the garage, his eyes still looking back at them through the rearview mirror.

"Carpenter thinks it might be Bakuda's workshop that exploded. If that's the case, we pick her up and take a detour to let her out. She threatened to detonate failsafes she has hidden through the city and I decided it was better to release her so those bombs could be found and disarmed rather than risking innocent bystanders. While I'm handling her 'arrest', find out who found her and set off a confrontation. We need them painted as villains—"

Orange light flashed in his office, and before he could blink the spots out of his eyes an intense heat brushed over his face. It was enough that his mask actually caught fire. He screamed in shock and surprise and shoved himself away from his desk to rip the head of his bodysuit off before the flames could burn his eyes.

"Hey there, Coil," a young woman's voice said in a mocking voice. "I'm sorry, or is it… Thomas Calvert?" He looked up to meet the intruder's eyes only for his mouth to drop slightly. In his office was that Hebert girl and her pet Case 53, an energy blade attached to the side of her staff. Her he could manage, but next to her was the true elephant in the room. Chevalier had his trademark cannonblade braced against his shoulder. "It's so hard to keep your identities straight—"

He severed that timeline and took a couple of deep breaths from the safety of the PRT van in what was meant to be his disposable timeline. Chevalier. If the head of the Philadelphia Protectorate was involved, that could only mean that the truth of his identity was out. Carpenter would not have sent him into the field if the PRT directors knew, but it was only a matter of time before the information spread, and there was no way he could get ahead of it.


"Change of plans," he said, projecting confidence to his men. That was the problem with mercenaries; they would only follow so long as they knew their employer would and could keep paying them. He knew that from personal experience. How many people had he turned on once it became obvious that no matter what happened his employer at the time would be arrested or killed and leave him out in the cold? "Heroes just broke into the base. Head to the nearest safehouse outside city limits. We will regroup once everyone else arrives. Deactivate all the tracking mechanisms in the truck in the meantime."

That would keep them in line for the moment. As soon as he was no longer in immediate danger, he could kill them all as quickly as possible before moving on. He had a number of false identities to choose from when it was safe.

Run. Adopt a new identity. Salvage as many of his resources as possible. Then and only then would he stop to plan anew.

The fastest way to the safehouse was via the interstate, and he relaxed slightly when they had merged with the rest of the traffic. That calm was shattered when they had to pass through the toll booth. This was exactly how the PRT had been able to capture Mockshow when she animated one of their vehicles, by detecting her crossing through a toll booth early in the morning when no one human was watching.

The timelines split.

"Get us off the freeway," he told Lovins in one of them. "The next exit, get us to another road out of the city that doesn't have tolls."

In the other, he kept his silence. The PRT probably would not even think to track them this way, and even if they did, it would happen after they were too far away for that to give their pursuers more than a general direction.

"Um, Commander? What's that?"

He leaned forwards to see what Lovins was talking about. Above I-55 a shimmer in the sky faded to reveal a gunmetal grey aircraft with a red and orange dragon head painted on the nose.

That bitch had Dragon involved in this too?!

The dragon's mouth glowed a bright blue, and bolts of light rained down on the asphalt right in front of them. Lovins had no time to stop before a trio of laser blasts blew holes in the hood of the truck. Orange light shined inside the back from the windows mounted inside the rear doors, and he closed that timeline as soon as he caught sight of the witch's hat.

The timelines split.

"Go to the airport," he told one set of men while the rest stayed on Highway 50. They were moving towards the next interstate, so if they could just get there they could lose themselves in the traffic. And this time, there would be no way for Hebert to find them.

They were halfway to I-290 and approaching the Midway airport in the two respective timelines when a dark-clad figure landed on the surface of Highway 50. "Idiot," he said with a tight sneer. "Run. Her. Over."

"Yes, sir."

The girl shifted slightly, and a tiny ball of light appeared. Did she really think she could stop them with that?

The light raced towards them, and it was no longer a dot. It was an ever-growing circle that had now reached the same width as the road, and it was then that they drove into it. The truck vanished around them, and he screamed as the left side of his face was ripped apart by molten steel.

The timelines split.

"The airport is too exposed," he told the men. "Take us by residential roads toward I-55 again. We'll backtrack and find another way out of the city."

"Are you sure, sir? We're almost to the airport already."

"I know that! Get us out of here!"

The mercenaries looked at each other, and he worried that he would have to drop this timeline already. Rather than continue arguing, however, Lovins turned the wheel and directed them down some little two-lane road. In the car still moving towards the airport, he rubbed his temples. Hebert was persistent, that much was sure, but even with Dragon her ability to find him had to be limited. It was just not possible for her to stay on top of him.

Due to the comparative speeds of the two trucks, it was no surprise that the one headed for the airport made it to its goal while the other had barely left that road. He jumped out of the truck as soon as possible and ripped off his tie to stuff it in his jacket. He would need to buy the first ticket he could find and move on from there. The only blessing in this entire thing was that the PRT could not have frozen his accounts already, so purchasing the ticket would not be an issue.

A click came from behind him, and the mercenaries opened fire.

It was difficult to swallow, but somehow he managed it and did not even give the others any obvious looks of fear. Obviously the men were becoming suspicious, which meant they would not take long to turn on him.

The timelines split.

"Head to the Ford City Mall."

"Pull over."

The men in the first truck did as he ordered, but in the second Young gave him a suspicious glance. "Why?"

"The van is too suspicious. We'll find another car, hotwire it, and get out of town that way. Something is happening at the PRT base, and I want to be far away before it can reach us."

"What's the plan when we get to the mall?" Young asked in the timeline when his men were not disobeying him.

"Get a new vehicle and new clothes. If need be, we can split up and meet at the safehouse independently." By which time he would be well away from all of them. It was looking like it was too dangerous to continue as a group. If he could leave them in the mall, all the better.

The second truck slowed to a stop next to an unremarkable minivan, and the five of them climbed out. With no need for subtlety, Cavanaugh broke the window of the driver's door and unlocked it. "Won't take me a minute to get it started."

Good, good. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the car. His building headache throbbed in time with the thump-thump-thump growing louder overhead. Opening his eyes, he looked for the source only for more bright blue lasers to fall on top of them.

Thomas squeezed his eyes shut, as much because of the pain stabbing into the back of his head as because of frustration. What the hell was he supposed to do?!

The timelines split.

"Pull over."


"Because I said so, dammit!" The three men in back with him slowly moved their hands towards their guns, and that was the last straw. He grabbed his pistol and put a bullet in Desmuch's head before dropping the timeline and watching the buildings pass by as they headed towards the mall.

Fucking bitch. He was going to find her and kill her with his own two hands.

The truck took the turn onto the road leading to the parking lot, and Fate proved once again that she had abandoned him in favor of the Hebert cunt. A white-hot energy blast punched through the hood of the truck. They skidded to a halt, and he looked out the window to once more find Hebert, this time with her pet floating beside her.

The timelines split.

"Shoot them down!"

His mercenaries grabbed their guns and jumped out, bullets flying at the pair. A ball of light formed at the tip of her staff, and once more fire melted the world.

The timelines split.


Doors were flung open, and Thomas along with the other men jumped out of the car and started running. There were too many of them for the girl to take down at once, and if he could somehow get away…

He chanced a look back and saw several energy blasts flying at all the men simultaneously, and one of them came straight at him. He dived to the side only for it to smash into the side of his head, cutting off that timeline as well.

"Commander? What's the plan?" asked Cavanaugh. All four mercenaries watched him, and he knew that he was in nearly as much danger inside this truck as he would be outside.

He forced the pain from his fully grown migraine to the side. Without answering, he opened the back doors and stepped out. Hebert slowly flew closer.

The timelines split.

He grabbed his pistol and raised it to fire. A ball of light flicked down and exploded in his face.

This was it, wasn't it? He slowly drew his pistol, and while Hebert once again created a cluster of energy blasts, they stayed put in their lazy orbits when he threw the gun to the side. She waved her hand in an unmistakeable signal, and without any other choice he lowered himself to the ground with his hands up in the air.

"The rest of your men, too," she ordered.

The timelines split.

Pitching his voice low, he told the men, "Get out and shoot her." Young and Desmuch shared a look, then Young lifted his sidearm and shot him in the stomach.

That timeline was dropped, and he held back the urge to scream impotently. How?! How could this all have gone so wrong?! "Get out. We're done," he said, his voice resigned. He thought the mercenaries would once more rebel from the expressions on their faces, but they left the safety of the truck and laid down on the ground. Clearly they had no intentions of fighting this little girl of their own accord.

"… worry about Coil ever again. I have him right where I want him." Hebert came closer, and the smirk she wore made him wish he still had his gun so he could try once more to put a bullet in her fucking face. "On his knees."

And DONE. Whew. As the final prize, pick a spell for Taylor to learn.
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A wicked grin curves your lips. "Oh, we don't have to worry about Coil ever again. I have him right where I want him. On his knees."
I may be overly paranoid, but this feels a little *too* easy...

More than a few of you figured out what was going on with Tattletale real early. Am I getting that predictable? :(
Well, it's not you that's predictable, it's Coil and his predilection to addicting the Thinkers under his "employ" to hard drugs to keep them dependent on him.

That timeline was dropped, and he held back the urge to scream impotently. How?! How could this all have gone so wrong?! "Get out. We're done," he said, his voice resigned. He thought the mercenaries would once more rebel from the expressions on their faces, but they left the safety of the truck and laid down on the ground. Clearly they had no intentions of fighting this little girl of their own accord.
Ah, I see now. He tried everything in alternate timelines and said "Hell with it". I assume the merc shooting him in the gut was the last straw, so to speak.

At least he's dealt with, at least for now.

For spell voting:
[X] Bind Mine
Get fucking rekted Tommy.
Thank god that over with. As a bonus Tattletale is now in the protective custody of the Protectorate and can get the therapy for her unwilling drug addiction. Score.

Spells. Hmmm let's see what's mastered.
Petty Cure: I kinda wanna see what else is thrown under the telekinesis branch, but since it doesn't heal as much besides minor cuts and bruises it doesn't feel that that big a priority.
Shell Barrier: A some what large area shield that is stronger than Barrier Jacket? Sounds like it might be useful for defending allies in an Endbringer fight.
Divide Energy: It's just been sitting there for a long ass time and I really wanna know what's under it.
Ahhhhh let's go with the big shield.
[X] Shell Barrier
I may be overly paranoid, but this feels a little *too* easy...
Well Coil isn't a guy for direct confrontation, at least when it's his safety on the line. Now dealing with the villains on his payroll and whatever contingency plans he may have in place if he gets caught, that might be a little trickier.

[X] Petty Cure

Not an amazing healing spell, but at least it's something we can use on other people. Reforge Armor is tempting, but the mastery is still low.
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