Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.

But can we use a sensible method of hacking? Directly exposing anything of ours to a hostile computer system is a big no-no, and if we can just rob off with his server blades or hard drive or whatever, that'll be much safer in the long term.
Frankly, I don't even understand why is hacking so important.
Recursion Field will prevent Coil from using self-destruction, WAS and Dragon's drones will prevent anyone from hiding or getting away.
After we apprehend Coil and whatever parahuman support he may have, I believe we can call it a day and let the PRT worry about the base and mercenaries.

My opinion aside, both plans have good points, but both also have piecemeal approach. The fight will have two stage: inside the Recursion field and outside of it. [] Smash the base concentrates on the first stage, ignoring the second, while [] Cut off the Head does exactly the opposite. It would be beneficial to combine them.
...But I feel too lazy to do it and it's too late to suggest a new plan anyway.
...But the last time I felt so all the Evil Fantastic Four got away.

[X] Plan Cut off the base
-[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.
I have a question - does this plan mean "all hostile capes WITHIN the field, then go to Coil", or does it mean "all hostile capes WITHIN the field, then drop the field and take down the others, and ONLY THEN go to Coil"?

EDIT: Question answered.

[X] Plan Cut off the base
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I have a question - does this plan mean "all hostile capes WITHIN the field, then go to Coil", or does it mean "all hostile capes WITHIN the field, then drop the field and take down the others, and ONLY THEN go to Coil"?
Deal with capes who were pulled inside the field (which most probably include Coil).
Then drop the field and subvert the base security systems.
Then deal with mercenaries and capes who weren't pulled inside the field (which may include Coil).
But can we use a sensible method of hacking? Directly exposing anything of ours to a hostile computer system is a big no-no, and if we can just rob off with his server blades or hard drive or whatever, that'll be much safer in the long term.

Perfect Storm is an intelligent, militarized system far ahead of anything but Tinkertech and designed with an absurd degree of apocalypse proofing.

The counterhacking hazard is negligible.
Do computers work in a recession field? Cause if yes than it could be hacked and data mined with none the wiser, right?
Do computers work in a recession field? Cause if yes than it could be hacked and data mined with none the wiser, right?
No, computers don't work in a recursion field. It only copies a snapshot of the shape of objects. A copied computer wouldn't have a power source, an external data connection, or even working circuits.
Perfect Storm is an intelligent, militarized system far ahead of anything but Tinkertech and designed with an absurd degree of apocalypse proofing.

The counterhacking hazard is negligible.
Paranoia and ensuring that Dragon, who despite being a Unison Device and Tinkertech besides is still based on contemporary Earth-Bet code, doesn't get hit with anything. Richter probably hacked her together in Perl or something.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Silently Watches on Jun 28, 2018 at 7:09 AM, finished with 16206 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Plan Cut off the base
    -[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
    -[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
    -[X] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.
    [X] Smash the base
    -[X] Have Dragon and Storm seize as much of the base's security as they can.
    -[X] Deploy Recursion Field and then Wide Area Search.
    -[X] Breach the base with Solar Wrath and enter with Chevalier on front, Taylor and Vista on the center and Samanta guarding the back.
    [X] Cut off the Head
    -[X] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search. Somebody's likely going to notice something once you start, so your time window is limited here. The main objective is Coil's office / control center / throne room / whatever.
    -[X] Once you know where the control center is and any cape shenanigans are concluded, move to the control center, find appropriate hiding places and drop the field. Chevalier, Samantha and Vista are on mook capture/cleanup duty while you and Perfect Storm subvert the base's computers.
Dragon should get a technopathic, remote access, tinker hacking device. To get past the safety provided by a closed off systems. I'm confident they exist. Somewhere.
Tho no idea who would build or how they could market. Hacking device, gets past all defenses! Get it now, while it's fresh and hot!
How exactly would it "get past closed off systems".
Do you even understand what that means?
A "closed off system" is one that is not physically connected to an outside network nor has a wireless access point.
Some might have a wireless access point, but the access point only connects to the local network, not one that can access or be accessed by anything outside that specific network.
Usually those access points are for laptops within the building and take full advantage of the limited range such that you need to be inside the building to use them.
It is theoretically possible to be on the edge of the property and access a theoretical WAP, but usually the signal is too poor to do so, by design.

I blame Hollywood and television for this. Especially Time Trax and Star Trek, where they show futuristic computers somehow accessing ancient computers by sticking a credit card sized personal computer inside a disk drive even though said computer was not designed with this in mind, or on Star Trek holding a tricorder near a computer and it somehow wirelessly interfaces despite the episode airing before wireless was common (I don't think the 802.11 standard was finalized yet, it certainly wasn't better than 802.11B) and the machine in question certainly did not have wireless, not even a wireless keyboard.

As for marketing, the only legal purpose for such a magic device would be to sell it to law enforcement to execute search warrants.
Possibly also to sell it to the Canadian intelligence agencies, but anything else would be highly illegal under several laws.
It would be like selling universal keys that unlock any example of the blank, such a key that unlocks and starts all the cars of a given make and model, or all the bank locks, or all the door locks of that brand.
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How exactly would it "get past closed off systems".
Do you even understand what that means?
A "closed off system" is one that is not physically connected to an outside network nor has a wireless access point.
Some might have a wireless access point, but the access point only connects to the local network, not one that can access or be accessed by anything outside that specific network.
Usually those access points are for laptops within the building and take full advantage of the limited range such that you need to be inside the building to use them.
It is theoretically possible to be on the edge of the property and access a theoretical WAP, but usually the signal is too poor to do so, by design.

I blame Hollywood and television for this. Especially Time Trax and Star Trek, where they show futuristic computers somehow accessing ancient computers by sticking a credit card sized personal computer inside a disk drive even though said computer was not designed with this in mind, or on Star Trek holding a tricorder near a computer and it somehow wirelessly interfaces despite the episode airing before wireless was common (I don't think the 802.11 standard was finalized yet, it certainly wasn't better than 802.11B) and the machine in question certainly did not have wireless, not even a wireless keyboard.

As for marketing, the only legal purpose for such a magic device would be to sell it to law enforcement to execute search warrants.
Possibly also to sell it to the Canadian intelligence agencies, but anything else would be highly illegal under several laws.
It would be like selling universal keys that unlock any example of the blank, such a key that unlocks and starts all the cars of a given make and model, or all the bank locks, or all the door locks of that brand.
That's the point of technopathy. Like telepathy. The idea of tele from a distance and pathos as in thought. Tho in this variant it is taking telepathy of thought form a distance and combining it with technology. Thus controling technology from a distance trough telepathy.
Tho there is the type of technopathy or technoempathy that's just controlling tech trough a mind link, controlling a computer via thought but not from a distance. Which is not the technopathy I was thinking of.
It's tinker tech of remotely manipulating machines trough bullshit. Magic, weird shard shaker/thinker effects, or weird shard science that takes advantage of weird effects.
It's a, possible in universe, way to get past a seemingly impenetrable defense system.
Applying real world logic to fictional words does not work, not truly.
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Simurgh is the closest thing we have to Wormverse technopathy...and it doesn't work on Devices, because the Entities work on the basis of Sufficiently Advanced Technology/Physics.

Which means that any Wormverse technopaths and telepaths work on the basis of knowing how the system works, whether by brute force solving of inputs(failed, intelligent system does not treat repeated wrong inputs to find a right input as valid without getting a Simurgh Song effect), precognitive search space(failed, magic is imperfectly modeled by Entity precognition), or exotic physics based physical bypass(failed, Magitech not in Entity knowledge base for hacking purpose).

Theres no conceptual technopathy going on. You're talking about the equivalent of trying to 'hack' a clockwork based computer by using an electronic tool, which wouldn't do anything because they function on different principles.
Claiming this demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the settings involved.
Comparing shards to computers to clockwork. Shards can scan and simulate both systems, getting access to everything. While clockworks cant compute computers and vice versa.

I extrapolate from shapers being able to alter reality and impose changes onto what is already there. It should, in theory, be possible to create a shaker type of scanning and alteration skill paired with a thinker ability to decypher the system and its inputs to allow the shaker ability to alter it. It is just the first idea that comes to my mind.

This is basically reading minds and mind control. Knowing what happens inside a persons brain and what their decisions are going to be is also needed to create precognitive models, such as coils. Considering those exist for brains why not much simpler systems, as in computers? As coil can create a simulation of the whole system, and hack the computers for information without truly having to ever touch the machine. If the power where just limited to scanning and simulating computers and getting the data from them, skipping the logging in stuff. Well? The power would be so much less than coils but it would still be immensely useful.

The "Sufficiently Advanced Technology/Physics." of the shards might as well be magic. Or in universe called exotic effects using exotic energies and stuff. It is a flimsy excuse for superpowers. I offer my apologies, the vernier should not be broken so casually and sense of belief should be maintained. So yes, there are limitless uses for shard based tech.
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The specific thing is that magic based stuff is an OCP and we have a greater risk of Dragon being fucked via a cold reading scam than magic hacking
I wonder what makes magic black boxed for shards. I wonder if the Simmurg figured something out about the magic while toying with Taylor. Or was it just for forging a mental link or something.
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I wonder what makes magic black boxed for shards. I wonder if the Simmurg figured something out about the magic while toying with Taylor. Or was it just for forging a mental link or something.
Entities as a species don't have Linker Cores, so they can't sense magic. They can simulate the effects because they already do stuff similarly, but actually manipulating mana or spells is impossible for them. Shards are just pieces of Entitites, so the same applies.

The thing with Taylor and the Simurgh is that Zizzy can't foresee Triggers, which is how Taylor appears whenever casting magic, and Storm protects her from Master-y effects, so the Scream is useless.
Heatstroke 10.6
[] Coil – Now that you know where the snake is hiding, you can hurry up and go after him. Maybe you'll even be really, really lucky and keep the element of surprise.
-[] You have Myrddin's digits, probably a good idea to use them; give him an update on the Bakuda situation and find out if Calvert's at the PRT meeting or not. If he's there, Myrddin can do what he can to keep Calvert busy while you wreck all his toys.
-[] Drop the base into Recursion Field and begin a Wide Area Search.
-[] Breach the base with Solar Wrath near the biggest concentration of hostile capes and enter with Chevalier and Samanta on front, and Taylor and Vista on support.
-[] Once all hostile capes are apprehended find the control center/Coil office and drop the field. Hack the computers and put the base on lockdown. After that you can deal with Coil's minions at your leisure pace.

Heatstroke 10.6

You take in the damaged remains of Bakuda's workshop once everyone is out, and ideas roll around in your head. "Hey, Chevalier?" you ask. "What do you think the actual chances are that all that went unnoticed?"

He turns to you with an incredulous expression. "…Slim to none."

"That's what I figured. Do you think you can call up Myrddin again? We didn't want to tip off Coil that we knew his identity, but if Myrddin already has people in place like he said he could, they can hold him at the PRT building if he's there. We're already close to his base, which gives his men less time to prepare for us."

"But if he isn't at his base, how would anyone there even know we're coming after them? Or are we going there just in case he isn't at the PRT?" asks Vista.

"Some of it is a precautionary measure," Dragon agrees, "but a mercenary force like he has? They would be expected to be able to act independently when needed. They may even have contingency plans should his identity be revealed. They're a complication that we don't want making this a bigger mess than it will be already."

Chevalier needs only a couple of minutes to make the call and explain the change in plan, and he does that as the four of you take a trip into a nicer part of the city. It starts to become less of a surprise that he would pick this particular location as the heart of his territory, and Samantha appears to agree with you. "Is it just me, or would this be a bad part of town for a massive villain fight to break out?"

"It's not just you. Hyde Park is home to the University of Chicago as well as a major hub economically. The sort of area that if attacked would lead to the city government pushing the PRT to stamp out whomever caused the trouble in the first place. So long as his forces were not the ones at fault, or did not appear to be at fault anyway, they would reap yet more benefits from law enforcement."

"Especially considering that Coil could use his position to shift the blame to whomever his men were fighting anyway," Samantha adds with a nod. "Clever snake, I'll give him that much."

A squat, round building can soon be seen nestled in between large overpass bridges, and your party slows to a stop. "Coil's a paranoid son of a bitch," you think out loud. "Hey, Storm, Dragon, do you guys think you could look in and see if there's a security system or something you could take control of? Maybe we can check that he's actually there or even lock the doors on everybody inside."


Dragon also gives you a nod, but after a minute or two her avatar frowns. "It doesn't look like it. If I had to take a guess, I would say that he probably has his security on a closed system. There is one connection I can find that looks to go into the building, but it's hitting a firewall that I don't know if I could break without making some noise."

«Agreed. Control plausible if connected to physical node.»

"Looks like we're headed inside, then. Anyone want to vote against an encore of our Recursion Field exploration?"

With no voices of dissension, you throw out the dimensional barrier to cover the Endbringer shelter turned villain hangout. A sigil appears beneath Samantha as soon as the barrier stabilizes, and then she throws out the red sparks of Wide Area Search.

"What is that?" asks Chevalier.

"Search spell. Everything went smoothly enough against Bakuda that I'm worried Coil might have a couple of capes under his thumb as well. I'd rather know ahead of time if we will have to put them down." A screen appears at her elbow. "But it looks like we're once again in luck. No capes around, or at least none with powers that get them sucked up."

If you don't need to clear a bunch of villains out of Recursion Field first, that makes the upcoming task that much easier. A tightly focused Solar Wrath rips a hole in yet another empty lair, and your team makes their way inside without difficulty. As though to smooth matters out more, this base has no obvious bombs lurking in the corners to jump out at you. Instead you get a good look at the wide-open spaces and the crisscrossing catwalks while you slowly drift along. Everyone peeks inside various doors and hallways, but nothing obvious catches your attention until Chevalier finds an otherwise unremarkable office room near the center of the base.

"Five bucks says this is where Coil does most of his work," Samantha announces without preamble.

A shake of Chevalier's head, and he says, "No one is going to take you up on a bet that obvious. What I'm more interested in is whether he's here."

"Only one way to find out, isn't there?" You wave Vista to fully enter the room. The door was closed in Recursion Field, which should mean that it is closed in the real world. So long as nobody outside has any clue that things are going south…

Chevalier gives you a nod, and you drop the barrier.

You had hoped to catch Coil off-guard, but it appears that will not be the case. The room is empty.

"Where the hell is he?"

"It is still possible that he is somewhere else within the base," says Chevalier, "but more likely he is at the PRT base. Hopefully Myrddin has managed to hold him there."

"That's all well and good, but we still have a bunch of mercenaries to deal with," Samantha points out. "They're going to make things complicated."

"Not as much as you might believe." You turn to Dragon's screen with a raised eyebrow. "One of these computers is bound to be connected to the overall security system. If Perfect Storm can hack one of them…"

«Suggestion likely.» Without a command on your end, dark purplish casting triangles spin into place and spit out long pronged cords. Those cords physically tear into the computer itself and plug into different spots in the circuit boards. A flurry of screens appear and vanish until there are only a few floating in the air. "Security system accessed. Mistress desires what?"

That is a very good question, and not one you have an immediate answer for. "Do you know where all the mercenaries are?"

"Affirmative. Can track enemy movements."

"Hit them all in small groups and beat the hell out of them?" Samantha gives you a nod. "I like that plan."

"The only issue is that Perfect Storm will need to stay connected to the system to maintain that level of control. Which means you would need to stay here as well," Dragon reminds you.

"It's alright, Calamity. We got this."

Chevalier does not argue against Vista's statement, and with a sigh you turn back to the screens. Another screen pops up without your command, showing a blueprint of the Endbringer shelter with a red line moving through it. "If I might make a recommendation," Dragon says, "this is the most direct path through the base. So long as the mercenaries are trapped in small groups, you should be able to neutralize them with little risk."

At this point you have little argument to raise other than not wanting to be stuck doing this part of the job, so you let out yet another sigh. "Okay. Storm, box them up."

Heavy metal doors slide shut throughout the building, and thanks to the screens you can see the mercenaries start grabbing weapons and slamming their hands on keypads. Those keypads won't help, though, not with Perfect Storm in complete control. Flicking a copy of the map screen to Samantha, you watch the trio leave Coil's office and head towards the first set of henchmen.

"I hate this part." You glance over to see the feed of Dragon's avatar has been replaced once more by her face. "Waiting, knowing that there is nothing you can do but watch as other people take risks you would gladly shoulder yourself."

"But you can now, can't you? I would have thought that to be one of the benefits of having a physical body."

"Not as much as you would think. Yes, I have a body, but this body can't exactly do much if I go out and punch people. I get to be closer to the fight, but I am still dependent on building machines to go out and fight for me." She gives you a tight smile and a shrug. "Which, to be honest, is far from the worst restriction I could possibly face. I just wanted you to know that I understand your current frustration."

A door opens in front of the trio at Samantha's command, and they rush in to beat the mercenaries unconscious before anyone has a chance to respond to their sudden presence. Helped in large measure by Vista widening the gap as the door opens so that the mercenaries have quite literally no warning between door being closed and then three people jumping inside with them. "Yeah," you agree when you see a couple of mercenaries picking up grenade launchers, "frustrating is one word for it. Guys, keep an eye out. It looks like these guys are carrying Bakuda's ammo. Marking which rooms they're in on your map now."

Between Samantha's speed and Inherent Forcefield, Chevalier's armor and cannonblade, and Vista's powers and prosthetic, they need little time to clear out the main rooms in the base. "Anyone else?" Vista asks via Samantha's map screen.

"Not that I can see, but I don't know for sure that Coil has cameras everywhere in the building. There may be a few blind spots."

"We don't have time to check them all," Chevalier interrupts. You look at the relevant camera feed to find him checking his phone. "Myrddin just sent me a message. Sounds like he finally lost his patience and barged into the meeting, except they had already sent Calvert out with a couple of the PRT teams to lock down Bakuda's workshop."

"What?! I thought Myrddin posted people around the building so that this kind of thing wouldn't happen!"

"He did, but it sounds like a couple of them were drafted by the PRT teams heading out. New members who may have thought this was all part of the plan. He tried to contact the team in Calvert's vehicle, but they're all in the wind. If I had to guess, I would say he grabbed a squad filled with people loyal to him in particular and rabbited."

Miscommunication and underestimation. That was all it took for Coil to try escaping from your grip. "I am not going to let him get away from me so he can try this all again and again. Storm, Dragon, find him!"

I know this chapter is subpar, but between RL being a bitch and my muse being uncooperative, I just wanted to get this chapter over and done with. I want this whole arc done with, honestly.

Anyway, this should technically be a voting block, but next chapter kind of writes itself, so… see you then.
"What?! I thought Myrddin posted people around the building so that this kind of thing wouldn't happen!"

"He did, but it sounds like a couple of them were drafted by the PRT teams heading out. New members who may have thought this was all part of the plan. He tried to contact the team in Calvert's vehicle, but they're all in the wind. If I had to guess, I would say he grabbed a squad filled with people loyal to him in particular and rabbited."

Miscommunication and underestimation. That was all it took for Coil to try escaping from your grip. "I am not going to let him get away from me so he can try this all again and again. Storm, Dragon, find him!"
Hm. I suppose I was expecting a complication like this, Coil's a slippery bastard to pin down after all. Now it's a race against the clock.

Awaiting the next one with interest. Hopefully things are/will improving for you, Silently.
So, Tattletale is not here. Is she on some other base or did Coil let her continue to pretend independent?
Or did she actually manage to get away from him?

And it's really interesting to find out what's going on in Coil's second timeline. I, for one, hope he was just beaten by an angry teenager girl.
Nah, by two angry teenager girls and a raccoon.
Eh, I don't even care all that much if he doesn't get captured. If everybody knows Thomas Calvert is Coil then he's pretty much neutered. His plans go kaput and most of his resources vanish.