Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

or even PRT gear. Everyone knows that foam sprayer's just plain better than any gun you can bring to a fight, and is non-lethal.

True, but by the same token, the odds of us getting our hands on any of that are practically nil. They don't share with the police, so they won't share with us, and stealing them seems like a bad idea.
You know, every indication is that Purity will wind up in prison from that option at best.
Citation needed. And you'll need more than 'Taylor thinks Purity is racist'. Otherwise, you're just making an assumption.
True, but by the same token, the odds of us getting our hands on any of that are practically nil. They don't share with the police, so they won't share with us, and stealing them seems like a bad idea.
Maybe, maybe not. I can think of a couple ways it could happen legally. A Lend-Lease situation, for one.
The whole weapon issue is why I think we should have the second mage we recruit be the inventor/scientist template. That way we can arm the Privateers with non-lethal weapons. And then we either have ourselves or the other mage cross-train as a healer.
[x] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
[x] Light in the Darkness – Purity is one of the strongest Blasters in the country, and more than once you've heard her be referred to as "evil Legend". This is not someone you can afford to let go unchallenged, even if she hasn't been seen in Nazi company for a while.
Again, if that sort of thing was practical and/or allowed by the PRT, why don't the police have containment foam?
Nothing I could find on Worm WOG to provide a canon explanation, so I'm assuming it's a mixture of 'not enough for police and PRT', and not wanting it to get in the hands of crooked cops who'd sell/give them to the gangs.
I'm mainly going of of fanfic authors like LacksCreativity who stick close to canon for the idea of PRT gear getting handed out or PRT advisors assigned to independent hero group's unpowered members.
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Nothing I could find on Worm WOG to provide a canon explanation, so I'm assuming it's a mixture of 'not enough for police and PRT', and not wanting it to get in the hands of crooked cops who'd sell/give them to the gangs.
I'm mainly going of of fanfic authors like LacksCreativity who stick close to canon for the idea of PRT gear getting handed out to independent hero group's unpowered members.

You do remember that in this universe, they don't even acknowledge noncapes as being able to be part of an independent hero group? Furthermore, concerning the corruption, how are we more trustworthy in the eyes of the PRT than the police? If they don't trust the police, they sure as heck don't trust us. And if there's not enough to go around, we're still not getting any of it.

The relevant section from Set-Up 1.6 said:
Miss Militia goes still for a long moment. "Your team is a mix of parahumans and normal humans. That… could pose a problem."

"What? Why?"

"Because hero teams are registered with the Protectorate, not the PRT." Seeing your expression of confusion, she explains, "Entry into Protectorate is limited by law to parahumans, just as membership in the PRT proper is only for unpowered individuals. If a hero team is mixed like yours is, it legally cannot be registered."

"We can't register just because we want to work together?!" you demand.

"I'm afraid so. Technically, you and Captain could register as a team of just the two of you, or you could register independently. But the rest of the Privateers?" She shakes her head. "The PRT does not like civilians, who almost universally do not possess the training necessary to safely contain villains, interfering in cape fights. They place themselves in danger unnecessarily and make the PRT's, and our, jobs more difficult because we have to protect them as well as fight the villains." Leaning back in her chair, Miss Militia continues in a gentle voice, "Affiliating yourself with the Protectorate, even if it only registering with us, gives you a license for what is essentially state-sponsored vigilantism. Your team would not have the same legal protections. Theoretically, they could be arrested for assault and battery any time they got in a fight with one of the gangs, though whether the D.A. would bother charging them is another matter entirely."
Furthermore, concerning the corruption, how are we more trustworthy in the eyes of the PRT than the police?
It wouldn't take alot of work to connect the members of the group to the Dockworkers Union, and how they've withstood the gangs predations for some time. Danny hasn't exactly been meticulous with the Unwritten Rules here.

And again, I'm going from close-to-Wildbow fanfic authors here, and Silently Watches has stated that he's not got too high a view of some of Wildbow's worldbuilding choices. If the author decides MM's statements are the unwavering party line for the PRT/Protectorate, that's that. If the PRT/Protectorate changes their mind, they change their mind. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, and see what happens.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
[X] Endangered Species – You asked for powers with which to eliminate the gangs. You even received the powers of someone who apparently had made it her life's work to do the same. It's long past time you got started on fulfilling that promise. Find a gang and wipe it off the map.
-[X] Target the ABB, specifically focusing on taking down Oni Lee first, then go after their operations in a series of hit and run strikes. Do not specifically seek out Lung, but if he shows up...well, you'd give it a shot.
Honestly, how are we good against Oni Lee? We have nothing hat can counteract his teleporting. In fact his style of teleporting counters our homing bullets since it leaves a target behind to lock onto. We definitely can't handle Lung though. Our main damaging attack is heat based, and he's pretty much heat-proof because of his powers.
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Going after the ABB without a lockdown to his powers and being explosion proof is a bad idea yes. Our time would be better off getting used to working with our familiar so she could punch Oni Lee's throat when we lead him into a trap by tracing the patterns he uses for his boss battle and then explode him with patterned style, non lethal homing bullets.

[X] Big Game Hunting – Now that you have a Guardian Beast, it's time to take her for a spin. Go out on patrol and let her show off!
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.

You do remember that in this universe, they don't even acknowledge noncapes as being able to be part of an independent hero group? Furthermore, concerning the corruption, how are we more trustworthy in the eyes of the PRT than the police? If they don't trust the police, they sure as heck don't trust us. And if there's not enough to go around, we're still not getting any of it.
There's probably no harm in asking regardless. Especially since the other option is going out with laser guns. I'm hoping that talking to Tattletale will discourage us about that option but if we were to at least ask the PRT about getting our hands on some containment foam, we could repeat our request if they ever ask us why our members have started using guns instead.
Oni Lee can't fly, so unless he's packing a explosives

Citation needed. And you'll need more than 'Taylor thinks Purity is racist'. Otherwise, you're just making an assumption

[ ] Light in the Darkness – Purity is one of the strongest Blasters in the country, and more than once you've heard her be referred to as "evil Legend". This is not someone you can afford to let go unchallenged, even if she hasn't been seen in Nazi company for a while.
This is not the train of thought of someone looking for allies.

This is a high profile takedown.
Oni Lee can't fly, so unless he's packing a explosives

This is not the train of thought of someone looking for allies.

This is a high profile takedown.

That just means that she's getting ready for an even more extreme beatingbefriending session!

I still say she should train a bit more before doing this.
This is not the train of thought of someone looking for allies.

This is a high profile takedown.
More subjective interpretation, I'm afraid. A challenge can be 'are you really done with the E88', or 'if you're really a hero, you won't mind answering a few questions'.
That just means that she's getting ready for an even more extreme beatingbefriending session!
I still say she should train a bit more before doing this.
And yet people are going for the option that has lethal combat as a guarantee: Hitting Coil. At least Purity is someone who might talk to you.
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This is not the train of thought of someone looking for allies.

This is a high profile takedown.
More subjective interpretation, I'm afraid. A challenge can be 'are you really done with the E88', or 'if you're really a hero, you won't mind answering a few questions'.
To clarify, Purity got that nickname in the mid-2000s when she, along with Krieg and Crusader, got in a fight with the newly arrived Lung. It was a reference to the sheer power she can throw around and that she was a villain.
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[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting
[X] Endangered Species – You asked for powers with which to eliminate the gangs. You even received the powers of someone who apparently had made it her life's work to do the same. It's long past time you got started on fulfilling that promise. Find a gang and wipe it off the map.
-[X]Merchants. With Squealer already taken care of, they're already weakened. Strike now to finish them off. Attempt to take down Mush from ambush if at all possible, so that he does not have time to assemble his trash armor.
--[X]Make sure to take Sam with you.
Going after the ABB without a lockdown to his powers and being explosion proof is a bad idea yes. Our time would be better off getting used to working with our familiar so she could punch Oni Lee's throat when we lead him into a trap by tracing the patterns he uses for his boss battle and then explode him with patterned style, non lethal homing bullets.

With Bakuda on the team, there's no such thing as explosion proof.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha
So, I just got here, but is there any reason we can't start training up Ragnarök? Also, do we have a cartridge system?