Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I didn't pay attention to the date IC, sorry. I wonder if we'll get a chance to take on the Simurgh at Canberra. On he one hand, we're immune to Mastering, on the other hand we're reliant on tech, which she also usually messes with.
On the third hand, it's non-space whale "alien space tech."
There's probably no harm in asking regardless. Especially since the other option is going out with laser guns.
Laser guns are expensive as shit and Danny only bought one. On the other hand, the guy from New York mentioned machine guns.

Now imagine some dude covering behind the wall.

As for the laser rifle lethality...
"One of Pyrotechnical's simpler designs. A single laser with multiple intensity settings. Light-weight, robust…." Jamming the butt into his shoulder, Coil points it at a stack of concrete blocks a moderate distance away. A bright purple beam lances out and shatters the topmost block, glowing fragments spraying out and falling to the ground ten feet away.
Superheated debris, so it's unusable near humans you don't want scorched.
"Easy to use. If you have ever wielded an assault rifle, you will have no difficulties with it. Or if not, it should not take long to become familiar."
And it shouldn't take long to learn.

Pros and cons, I suppose. Then again, this is the weaponry for the really dangerous capes. I doubt civilians or mooks will be in a ten feet radius of someone like Lung.
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So, I just got here, but is there any reason we can't start training up Ragnarök? Also, do we have a cartridge system?
Well, you don't know it, for one, and it isn't trainable, for two. No, this template does not have the cartridge system.
Laser guns are expensive as shit and Danny only bought one. On the other hand, the guy from New York mentioned machine guns.
Danny and Taylor are saying "machine guns", but they don't know much about weapons. What his contact is actually talking about is AK-47s.
Superheated debris, so it's unusable near humans you don't want scorched.
Coil fired it on one of its higher settings. A lower setting wouldn't have done any visible damage to the block.
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[X] Big Game Hunting – Now that you have a Guardian Beast, it's time to take her for a spin. Go out on patrol and let her show off!
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
Danny and Taylor are saying "machine guns", but they don't know much about weapons. What his contact is actually talking about is AK-47s.
That's... they're really inept, aren't they?

Still, even an AK-47 has a good chance of hitting something, if only because of ricocheting. In a city of 350 000 people, literally hundreds of bullets flying is... ill advised. Hopefully, not too many people will use them at once and in the general direction of the sea while near it.
[X] Big Game Hunting – Now that you have a Guardian Beast, it's time to take her for a spin. Go out on patrol and let her show off!
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
That's... they're really inept, aren't they?

Still, even an AK-47 has a good chance of hitting something, if only because of ricocheting. In a city of 350 000 people, literally hundreds of bullets flying is... ill advised. Hopefully, not too many people will use them at once and in the general direction of the sea while near it.

In USA one does not even need illegally procure weapons. Any adult can legally get very nice semi-auto rifles.
And if someone can not be effective with a decent semi-auto rifle, he is better off sticking to baseball bats.
Auto weapons in the hand of amateurs are liability in urban environment, if you care about civilian lives.
And if someone can not be effective with a decent semi-auto rifle, he is better off sticking to baseball bats.
My worry stems in them being effective; too effective because the bullets could go through walls or windows or doors or a hundred other things. I mean, up to 30 guys, each of which can go a hundred bullets per minute. The chance of hitting someone goes up drastically that way.

I hope their standards in architecture are high when it comes to materials.
Danny and Taylor are saying "machine guns", but they don't know much about weapons. What his contact is actually talking about is AK-47s.
Allow me to echo Bludflag:
That's... they're really inept, aren't they?
I am extremely disappointed in Daniel Hebert. No, I don't care I probably know more about firearms than him and the Privateers put together, I have my standards damn it!:V
My worry stems in them being effective; too effective because the bullets could go through walls or windows or doors or a hundred other things.
Who knows, maybe frangible ammunition is more of a thing now? PRT does use standard mil-spec weapons when authorized...
That's... they're really inept, aren't they?

Still, even an AK-47 has a good chance of hitting something, if only because of ricocheting. In a city of 350 000 people, literally hundreds of bullets flying is... ill advised. Hopefully, not too many people will use them at once and in the general direction of the sea while near it.
Uh...the AK-47 is a pretty decent gun for accuracy, and more importantly, retaining said accuracy even after rough handling and general abuse.

Wall penetration and fire discipline are a much bigger problem yes. The kinds of bullets you use on brutes are the kind that'd cheese through at least one cheap wall
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Uh...the AK-47 is a pretty decent gun for accuracy, and more importantly, retaining said accuracy even after rough handling and general abuse.
It also rests on how good Danny is with it and them not hitting vital spots.

Might just be paranoia, because they were rather synchronized while fighting the Merchants.
That's... they're really inept, aren't they?
I am extremely disappointed in Daniel Hebert. No, I don't care I probably know more about firearms than him and the Privateers put together, I have my standards damn it!:V
I've heard many people use the term "machine gun" to refer to any firearm with an automatic setting. Again, Danny doesn't know guns. Thank goodness he has someone on the team who does and can train them not to be a danger to themselves and everybody else around them.
I've heard many people use the term "machine gun" to refer to any firearm with an automatic setting.
They are also idiots who don't know their military equipment. Danny shouldn't buy from that person, their stock is probably shoddy as heck. And it's probably american shoddy to boot...
Thank goodness he has someone on the team who does and can train them not to be a danger to themselves and everybody else around them.
And hopefully tell the poor father what the warning signs are he's getting bad goods.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting
[X] Endangered Species – You asked for powers with which to eliminate the gangs. You even received the powers of someone who apparently had made it her life's work to do the same. It's long past time you got started on fulfilling that promise. Find a gang and wipe it off the map.
-[X]Merchants. With Squealer already taken care of, they're already weakened. Strike now to finish them off. Attempt to take down Mush from ambush if at all possible, so that he does not have time to assemble his trash armor.
--[X]Make sure to take Sam with you.
They are also idiots who don't know their military equipment. Danny shouldn't buy from that person, their stock is probably shoddy as heck. And it's probably american shoddy to boot...
Danny and Taylor are the ones saying "machine gun", not his contact.
"But you didn't call to chat! I don't know what you're planning on hunting up there, and I don't want to know. But if your little slice of Hell is about to lose some of its skinheads, I can talk to a few guys, see who's got some heavy lead for purchase. Might even be some of the rougher crowd who'd be willing to help out if it nets them a trophy or two, if you know what I mean. Just gotta know that the stuff you're talking about isn't cheap, and it's gonna be cash or nothing. I'll call in a few days if I find something."
Danny and Taylor are saying "machine guns", but they don't know much about weapons. What his contact is actually talking about is AK-47s.
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Do the people that we defeat actually get befriended or is that just a reference joke?
Activity has tapered off, so I'm calling the vote now.

[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
No. of Votes: 83 [X] Big Game Hunting – Now that you have a Guardian Beast, it's time to take her for a spin. Go out on patrol and let her show off!
No. of Votes: 37 [X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha
No. of Votes: 20 [X] Light in the Darkness – Purity is one of the strongest Blasters in the country, and more than once you've heard her be referred to as "evil Legend". This is not someone you can afford to let go unchallenged, even if she hasn't been seen in Nazi company for a while.
-[X] Do your research first. Maybe there's a reason she hasn't been running with them.
No. of Votes: 18 [X] Endangered Species – You asked for powers with which to eliminate the gangs. You even received the powers of someone who apparently had made it her life's work to do the same. It's long past time you got started on fulfilling that promise. Find a gang and wipe it off the map.
-[X] Target the ABB, specifically focusing on taking down Oni Lee first, then go after their operations in a series of hit and run strikes. Do not specifically seek out Lung, but if he shows up...well, you'd give it a shot.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Endangered Species – You asked for powers with which to eliminate the gangs. You even received the powers of someone who apparently had made it her life's work to do the same. It's long past time you got started on fulfilling that promise. Find a gang and wipe it off the map.
-[X] Merchants
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Strong Shield
No. of Votes: 2
LC Poketoon

[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Rust Shooter
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Endangered Species – You asked for powers with which to eliminate the gangs. You even received the powers of someone who apparently had made it her life's work to do the same. It's long past time you got started on fulfilling that promise. Find a gang and wipe it off the map.
-[X] Uber and Leet. They might be small time, but you need to start somewhere, and they still harm people. Plus, Leet is a tinker, and so could provide you and privateers with at least some cash.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 86

So we're continuing the Coil quest. All right, here we go!
Can someone give a description of Samantha's War Form? Right now I am imagining a 200 pound raccoon, and that just makes me giggle.