Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.

[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha.
[x] Light in the Darkness – Purity is one of the strongest Blasters in the country, and more than once you've heard her be referred to as "evil Legend". This is not someone you can afford to let go unchallenged, even if she hasn't been seen in Nazi company for a while.
[x] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
If the Privateers start killing the other gangs and villains even once we need to get out immediately.

There is a good chance of them continuing to escalate because Danny was willing to break the Endbringer truce in a path we didn't take and that would have lead to Taylor killing him.

So... yeah. Joining the Privateers isn't working out to well for us right now. Good thing once they go to far we could capture them all and turn them and us into the PRT and give them our side of the story. The story of a daughter joining a gang to try and prevent her father from going too deep down the rabbit hole, but sadly failed as he continued going on, ignoring our pleas for him to stop.

Always have a back up plan. Even though it would make Taylor sad, we can always replace Danny with a cat or a dog because of Storm's halping.

... Sorry, I'm just sad that Taylor's dad is making a villainous gang of violent vigilantes and the fact it is going to drag us down with him when our goal is the explicit elimination of all gangs in Brockton Bay.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.

[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha
[x] Light in the Darkness – Purity is one of the strongest Blasters in the country, and more than once you've heard her be referred to as "evil Legend". This is not someone you can afford to let go unchallenged, even if she hasn't been seen in Nazi company for a while.
[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha
"You'd make me walk there?"
"What is the alternative? Keep from making too many waves, don't push them too hard, let them get away?" He scoffs. "Since you seem to have everything figured out, tell me. How well did giving the Empire and the Merchants the freedom to rove around protect us? Did it stop them tearing down the old office? Did it keep people from being buried alive in there? Did it?!"

"And what happens when a gang war breaks out?"
When Hookwolf decides he wants a Herbert slurpee, or the Rage Dragon decides you've insulted him?
Do you think Skidmark is going to wake up one day and decide that everything he's done is wrong? Do you think Kaiser will turn the Empire into a soup kitchen? Do you think Lung will consider turning his life around and helping people for a change?
You're the one with Khepri powers, Danny boy.
If they were going to do that, they would have already! They can't be bargained with. They can't be reasoned with. They don't feel any remorse for the things they've done or the people they've hurt. And they won't stop until somebody puts them down permanently."
Heh. It's not just lage-game Worm's powerset Danny's got, he's got the mentality too.
"What was that phone call about?" you ask, desperate to change the subject to anything else.

"A potential seller." Well, there goes the hope about changing subjects. "He's offering a lot, actually. Laser rifles, financial support, information. He wants to meet tonight to see if we can make a deal." Looking up and meeting your eye, he adds, "I want you there with me tonight. He didn't sound like he was setting us up, but I'd rather not get there and be surprised."
What your newly improved sight shows you is a line of men in black clothing and balaclava standing against the wall; each one of them is carrying a silvery, futuristic rifle, and from the bulkiness of their shirts, you would put money on them wearing body armor of some kind.

The man waiting for you in the middle of the space could not be more different. He is skeletally thin, the black body stocking clinging to his skin and putting every rib on display. You are just thankful that he has chosen to wear a cup. The only bit of color on him comes from the white snake that winds its way up from his left ankle and around his body several times before perching on his forehead.
One of the men at the back walks up at a snap of Coil's fingers and gives the rifle to his boss. "One of Pyrotechnical's simpler designs.
And we have a name for the Tinker locked in his basement supplying Coil's men. Wonder if it's fake or legit.
You blink in surprise at how apathetically that number was recited. The group raided some Merchant drug dens and what looked like it might have been a distribution station just last night, so you know the Privateers have cash, but what Coil is asking for is still a lot of money. "Why?"

Coil turns to regard you at your slip. "Why what?"

After a moment's panic, you shrug. In for a penny, in for a pound, and Samantha can guard your dad if this all goes south. He's the only one of you three who doesn't have some kind of defensive forcefield. "Why are you selling us these rifles at all? I wouldn't think a villain would be willing to cooperate with a hero team."
Here we go...
"All too often, 'villain' is used to refer to methods as well as motivations. Cause a scene, don't fit in, stop playing by their rules, and they consider you a villain. It doesn't matter that you want to see the true villains forced out of the city as much as they do. Why am I willing to help you?" He splays out the fingers of one hand over his chest. "Because we are the same: heroes who want to do good, not just look good in front a camera. I refused to knuckle under to their demands, and so they smear my name in the public arena and make false allegations to defend their… let us call it their bullying, for lack of a better word."

His diatribe strikes a chord with you. Miss Militia did not seem like she was the kind of person who would condone slander like that, but then again, neither was Mrs. Knott a representative example of Winslow's faculty. And just like the Trio isolated you, it is entirely possible that corruption in the upper levels of the PRT could cast a hero, or at most an antihero, as a villain. PHO did not have much about Coil's crimes; could it really be that what was there was just a lie repeated over and over again until everyone believed it?
Coil did his research, if what he said got to Taylor, Danny almost certainly bought it hook, line, and sinker.
"You're a deliberate man, aren't you, Captain? I admire that." A nod sends the man on the far end of the line moving over to a stack of crates. While he comes back with one, Coil continues, "Even should you decide that these are not for you, I would like to discuss a potential partnership between your group and my own. I do believe we could go far together."

"I know some things you want to hear before you hop into bed with Coil. He's not who you think he is. If you want to know the truth about him, we'll meet up and chat."

Oh thank Scion, Lisa to the rescue!
[X] Light in the Darkness
[X] Strange Bedfellows II
If we're going after Coil, and we will be in short order, having Rule 63!Legend will be of immense help.
[X] Big Game Hunting – Now that you have a Guardian Beast, it's time to take her for a spin. Go out on patrol and let her show off!
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.
If we plan to blast Coil it would be best for us to wait until he does his coin flip trick, specifically we should have Perfect Storm check to see if it's a body double with an ear piece first. Then at a predetermined time we blast him without warning.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.

[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.

[X] Eye of the Tiger – Spend your free time in the training simulator. Can be chosen twice.
-[X] Practice Cooperation and Tactics with Samantha.
[X] Strange Bedfellows, Part 2 – You have no idea what Tattletale means by 'the truth about Coil', but now you're curious. Send her a reply and arrange a meeting.

Still not sure which of the others I should go for.
Considering Purity, as it might allow us to find out she's left the E88, and befriend her.
Someone want to explain this concept of somebody being a mages Fate?

Hope to ally with the Undersiders tbh, but allying with Coil is not a good thing. Also, we should see if those laser rifles have a stun setting, would help with the whole killing issue.

After a long, long, long discussion/argument over on SB, I have rewritten the talk between Taylor and Danny to better reflect to actually say what I had in mind, and maybe to have a little bit of fun at my own expense. Hopefully this should soothe any concerns that Danny is turning into a homicidal maniac.

After a long, long, long discussion/argument over on SB, I have rewritten the talk between Taylor and Danny to better reflect to actually say what I had in mind, and maybe to have a little bit of fun at my own expense. Hopefully this should soothe any concerns that Danny is turning into a homicidal maniac.

Having reread it, I have to agree that yeah, this fits better. Now it seems more like Danny wants the rank and file of the Privateers to be able to not die horribly when the gangs inevitably escalate.
"So that's it?" you demand. "Just murder them all, collateral damage be damned?"

He blinks at you in apparent confusion. "Murder them all? You think that's what I'm talking about?"

"What am I supposed to think when you're going on about 'they won't stop until somebody puts them down permanently' and 'half-measures haven't worked'?!"

"I'm talking about what we're going to do about Hookwolf and Oni Lee and Kaiser. Purity, too, if she leaves the independent life and runs back to the Empire to help once we focus on them. The kind of villains who can't be taken down with anything less than lethal force." He shakes his head. "The dealers and the low-level thugs? We can handle them with baseball bats like we've been doing. We didn't kill anybody on Monday or yesterday, and if we can avoid that for as long as possible, I'm perfectly happy with zip-tying them and leaving them for the cops. I just know that sooner or later, the gangs will step up their game, and we have to be ready to keep pace with them; if we don't, we'll be the ones getting killed. They pull out shotguns? We have some, too. The Empire throws in murderers and monsters? We'll respond with assault rifles. Whenever they escalate, we'll be right there with them, because pulling back and letting them go like the heroes have for the last ten years has done nothing but see more innocent people be beaten and murdered who should have been safe."

"And you expect to run into Hookwolf or Oni Lee anytime soon?" you press.

"Well, no. Right now, we're focusing on the Merchants. They're the lowest of the low, and also the safest to put down. Honestly, we don't need any big weapons at the moment," he admits, "but we intend to move against the Empire eventually, and I'd rather have two or three rifles and never fire them than see Hookwolf show up when all the guys have is a bunch of crowbars. If nothing else, there's always the chance that just seeing the guns will be enough incentive on its own for them to sit quietly and not fight back."

Okay, that's not as bad as you first thought. You were starting to worry that he had lost his mind. "Do you even know how to shoot a gun like that?"

"Carl was in the National Guard, and he said he'd be willing to teach a few guys how to fire them safely. I have given this some thought," he adds in a mutter.

"Maybe you should have saved some of that thinking for how you were going to explain it," is your dry response. "You remember how you said you wanted Alexander and Kurt and Tim and Margaret not to be under your influence so they could tell you if they thought what you were planning was stupid? This is me doing that same job."

"Just keep me in the loop, okay? I feel like I just got my dad back, and I don't want to lose you because you ran headlong into a crusade and got yourself killed."

He grimaces at that last jab. You don't want to hurt him by poking at that wound, but if the alternative is hearing about his death, a little pain now is worth it to get your point across.
Meeting force with force, rather than jumping straight to total war. Still, if Wildbow's WOG on firearms in Worm is anything to go by, people won't be holding back once the military firearms/tinkertech starts going off. We might want to invest in some home protection for Danny and the other members, they'll quickly become targets. And as for the 'training', that'll take a variable amount of time, depending on the weapon being used. If it's from the AK family, you can have a rifleman/woman in a week. M16/AR-15 family, try a month. And to possibly bring in a Real-World issue, there's alway the possibility of Danny's private militia getting their hands on military heavy weapons or even PRT gear. Everyone knows that foam sprayer's just plain better than any gun you can bring to a fight, and is non-lethal.

After a long, long, long discussion/argument over on SB, I have rewritten the talk between Taylor and Danny to better reflect to actually say what I had in mind, and maybe to have a little bit of fun at my own expense. Hopefully this should soothe any concerns that Danny is turning into a homicidal maniac.
Hm. This is indeed better, if missing that one quotation mark.
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