Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Here are this arc's available plotlines. Pick two for this week.
  • Tickets to Gangland – If Cailleach is right, not only do you have to worry about local villains trying to fill MS-13's shoes, but out-of-towners too. Keep an eye and ear out for any invading capes and confront them if they start causing trouble.
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – The Enforcers captured you then let you go with an apology, but you have to wonder just what in the world was really going on. Call up your friend the Admiral and grill him for a little more detail.
  • Long Live the King – Without Danny in charge, the working relationship among the Privateers is becoming strained, and already some people are jockeying for the title. Talk to a few people and figure out if you can smooth things over.
  • Looking for Trouble – Go on patrol and maybe befriend someone. Or Befriend someone. Same thing, right?
arent we supposed to be recruiting/hating on the adepts this arc? wheres that option? "Call in the recruits" or something? "Parallel escalation" perhaps?
I've said multiple times already that the Adepts would be a social action.
Ah, nvm. I know my social vote now.
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I'm more thinking along the lines of it is incomplete not 'broken'. That's all speculation and derail though. The point is we haven't investigated the situation so there are plenty of ??? floating around. It fell out of a trans-dimensional warship known to be moving S-class hazards and a fully armed group of enforcers. Another device, even a damaged one showing up is a high probability.
But a regular device (or even a Unison Device), is virtually useless unless linked with a mage. IAE is unique in that sense in that it was designed as a mass conversion system. A regular device, damaged or not would only cause issues for a single person (if that).
[]Tickets to Gangland – If Cailleach is right, not only do you have to worry about local villains trying to fill MS-13's shoes, but out-of-towners too. Keep an eye and ear out for any invading capes and confront them if they start causing trouble.
The whole mess with the Maras got so out of hand, that nipping any new gangs in the bud is very appealing to me.

[]Close Encounters of the Third Kind – The Enforcers captured you then let you go with an apology, but you have to wonder just what in the world was really going on. Call up your friend the Admiral and grill him for a little more detail.
It might just be me still being a tad salty about the First Contact Incident, but I don't feel too bad about giving them the cold shoulder for bit longer.

[]Long Live the King – Without Danny in charge, the working relationship among the Privateers is becoming strained, and already some people are jockeying for the title. Talk to a few people and figure out if you can smooth things over.
Honestly I don't really care for the Privateers. If we really want a decent team to lead we could just convert the Adepts to Her Madam Dread Queen the Calamity Witch's Court. We know they have Linker Cores, so why try to keep a group that doesn't have that value.

[]Looking for Trouble – Go on patrol and maybe befriend someone. Or Befriend someone. Same thing, right?
I want this just to see who we meet.

Social option wise. I'm thinking first week meet with the Adepts. Apologize for taking so long to get back to them. Teach them about Linker Cores, how they interact with Parahuman powers, and explain that we are hesitate to teach magic when it's just going to be used for crime.

Week 2: Either Perfect Storm or Vista.
Tsab and the Privateers should be our primary concern, I don't like letting the gangs off the hook, but unless butcher dragon pops up again they're mostly small fry.

I think we need to give Lacey the healer/buffer package. That way she can start leveling that and maybe come up with a way to fix Danny.

Maybe invite Epoch to watch and explain how we got access to magic?
I like this idea.
Of course, if we did that, we'd have to commission some devices from Tim.
BTW, what is up with that? I haven't seen a build vote in quite a while. Did I miss something?
Know its been a while since that specific interlude, but I suppose that the PRT/Protectorate found nothing wrong with the cybernetic implants that Vista has for the attachment of the arm.

I know magitech works different, but I wonder if any of them noticed how Shipwright likely never talked about routine maintenance.
That awkward moment when you received additional time slot and you're happy, but then you understand you need much more... :):confused::(:V

[] Tickets to Gangland
[] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
[] Long Live the King
All three is fine for me, and Close Encounters is the only plotline that absolutely must be finished.

Now, about social actions:
[] Vista - unwind after the war, maybe ask dating advice on Cailleach's situation.
[] IAE - to hear Galean side of Galean-Belkan war.
[] Epoch - to deal with Adepts.

@Silently Watches
Is this write-in acceptable:
[] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
-[] But firstly contact Alexandria, she (or Legend, or Costa-Brown) wanted to talk with TSAB too.
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@Silently Watches
Is this write-in acceptable:
[] Close Encounters of the Third Kind
-[] But firstly contact Alexandria, she (or Legend, or Costa-Brown) wanted to talk with TSAB too.
Lemme put it this way: that's a quick way to sink what I have planned for that conversation AND push the TSAB immediately into the "let's get off this planet and leave them all to their own devices" mindset.

#1, Alexandria/Costa-Brown is not the best person for a friendly first contact situation, and #2, you're forcing the TSAB into interference with the natural development of the local culture, which they will not abide.

I know you have an (IMHO unfounded and irrational) hate-on for the TSAB, but I doubt you're going to be able to convince the rest of the playerbase to torpedo this conversation from the get-go.
So, new person here, will try everything to make Escalation take over the world, but I wanted to say something: the TSAB may be able to heal Danny (didn't they say so themselves?), so if we focus on that quest we may eventually solve the Privateers' problem. If they don't last until then... Then I don't think they would want the problem to be fixed. Walking in may just make things worse... But I think we should at least keep an eye on them. I don't want a repeat of what some of them pulled last time...

After we manage to train the Adepts to an high enough point we'll have reputation: training other humans to do the ridiculousness that is what we do and converting villain mercenaries into an independent hero group. We'd be able to do what they were doing (finding people with magic potential) on a bigger scale and without being accused of kidnapping people. Army of mages? Army of mages.
Lemme put it this way: that's a quick way to sink what I have planned for that conversation AND push the TSAB immediately into the "let's get off this planet and leave them all to their own devices" mindset.

#1, Alexandria/Costa-Brown is not the best person for a friendly first contact situation, and #2, you're forcing the TSAB into interference with the natural development of the local culture, which they will not abide.

I know you have an (IMHO unfounded and irrational) hate-on for the TSAB, but I doubt you're going to be able to convince the rest of the playerbase to torpedo this conversation from the get-go.
I don't understand what are you talking about here, but okay?

And it's not hate-on for the TSAB, it's just (un-)reasonable paranoia of the more primitive society, that suddenly met much stronger neighbor.
If it was Enforcer Quest, I would have exact opposite reaction on the most of things.
Endbringers? Let's be real, people, they're active for two dozens of years already and still didn't depopulate the planet. They are too insignificant problem for our intervention. Let's just arrest this obviously brainwashed girl and leave.
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I don't understand what are you talking about here, but okay?
Alex would push for the TSAB to work under the Protectorate if they want to help at all, Tucson would refuse to put the Enforcers in a position where they could be pressured to act beyond the limits of TSAB-permitted humanitarian aid, Alex would escalate because that's what she does, Tucson would push back harder, and it would end with Tucson in the position of either he gives one agent of a fractured society an unparalleled advantage from which to change the natural destiny of the planet or hanging up and telling his Enforcers to focus solely on getting home as soon as possible and staying out of Earth Bet affairs entirely.

Now, a conversation between the two parties CAN happen without all the feces hitting the rotary device, but it requires a moderator who has influence with both and understanding of their respective positions, at least in the first meeting or three. Thanks to the attitude of the players in-thread, Taylor has not decided on her final opinion of the TSAB and does not understand their position, so she cannot yet serve as an effective moderator.
FTFY. That line of reasoning's been tried before. It did not fly, to say the least.

Part of that issue is that we have been doing things more or less one after another recently. We simply had no time.
The other part is that this quest is specifically partly about time management and choosing various options out of/over others.

Edit: Stranger'd. Its not the first time someone asked about delegation like that. Or more actions. Been shot down each time.

Then, quite frankly, what the hell is the point of gaining allies and subordinates if they don't actually help us solve our problems? Why bother when we have to hold their hands through everything, costing us actions to gain and manage them. Sure, they help us fight from time to time, but winning fights isn't our big problem. Unless we're complete idiots and actively alienate people, we'll always have some people on our side in the big fights. Even then, losing a fight isn't the end, even if we die.

From a mechanics perspective, if this is ultimately a time management game, the way the difficulty increases over the course of the game is by giving the players more and more things to do in the same amount of time. The way this is kept from being an impossible task is by giving the players ways to do more things in a given amount of time. Much like in a strategy game where the player has to balance economic and military spending, the players have to set aside resources that could be used to solve current problems to gain the resources needed to solve future problems.
Then, quite frankly, what the hell is the point of gaining allies and subordinates if they don't actually help us solve our problems? Why bother when we have to hold their hands through everything, costing us actions to gain and manage them. Sure, they help us fight from time to time, but winning fights isn't our big problem. Unless we're complete idiots and actively alienate people, we'll always have some people on our side in the big fights. Even then, losing a fight isn't the end, even if we die.

From a mechanics perspective, if this is ultimately a time management game, the way the difficulty increases over the course of the game is by giving the players more and more things to do in the same amount of time. The way this is kept from being an impossible task is by giving the players ways to do more things in a given amount of time. Much like in a strategy game where the player has to balance economic and military spending, the players have to set aside resources that could be used to solve current problems to gain the resources needed to solve future problems.
You have greatly, in fact I'd go so far as to say fundamentally, missed the point. I didn't say you couldn't delegate this to Tim and let him and Dragon deal with it all because your "subordinates" (actually allies) need their hands held.

I said you couldn't do it because the exploration of the Dragonslayers' base, with the end goal apparently being to try to turn Dragon into a Unison Device, is a Big Fucking Deal plot-wise and there is absolutely zero goddamn chance I will ever let something like that be an off-screen event.
Then, quite frankly, what the hell is the point of gaining allies and subordinates if they don't actually help us solve our problems? Why bother when we have to hold their hands through everything, costing us actions to gain and manage them. Sure, they help us fight from time to time, but winning fights isn't our big problem. Unless we're complete idiots and actively alienate people, we'll always have some people on our side in the big fights. Even then, losing a fight isn't the end, even if we die.
Two part-answer. The answer to 'fighting isn't our problem' is the Endbringers. They are the big problem we can't handle alone.

The answer to why the allies seem so impotent that is something that ecs05norway said:
Part of the reason the Privateers have seemed ineffective to us is that we've been ignoring them.
To use the strategy game analogy you did, we've never teched up or diplomacy'd to the same level the rest of the AI factions have. Instead, we've been focusing on improving our 'starting army'. We never set aside Taylor's resources to deal with future problems, or considered the ultimate payoff to not be worth the time invested or immediate problems left to fester.

So, you want allies that'll help? Vote for actions that do that tomorrow, convince people to vote for those actions, and then rinse and repeat until they do pay off. Right now, that's the Adepts, TSAB, and Privateers. Don't bitch about past decisions you weren't there for. Do something about it.
You have greatly, in fact I'd go so far as to say fundamentally, missed the point. I didn't say you couldn't delegate this to Tim and let him and Dragon deal with it all because your "subordinates" (actually allies) need their hands held.

I said you couldn't do it because the exploration of the Dragonslayers' base, with the end goal apparently being to try to turn Dragon into a Unison Device, is a Big Fucking Deal plot-wise and there is absolutely zero goddamn chance I will ever let something like that be an off-screen event.
My desire to deal with the Dragonslayer's base has little to do with the MGLN side of things, I was more thinking about the Worm side. I want the base secured, even if we're not actually doing anything with it, because the longer the base is left sitting there empty the higher the chance that someone else will get there first and gain control of all of Dragon's back doors (double entendre not intended) and exploits. Someone, like say Alexandria, who could be perfectly willing to actively enslave Dragon rather than merely inhibit her. I'm not looking to have good things happen for free in this case, I'm trying to justify a way to prevent bad things from happening.

I'm fine with not having major plot points not happen off-screen, and this quest doesn't have the writing resources of others (like Panopticon, which has what seems like half of the best writers on SV writing it) that enable on-screen side stories.

Would it be possible to tell Dragon about the base so that she can secure it so that even if she can't make use of its contents immediately, others can't seize the base? Rather than advancing the Dragon sub-plot, simply moving it from the "possibly really time critical" category to the "can be taken slowly" category? Only having to worry about the sub-plot going away because of "AAAHHH! The world is on fire!" reasons (like what happened to Brockton Bay) would be nice.
I want the base secured, even if we're not actually doing anything with it, because the longer the base is left sitting there empty the higher the chance that someone else will get there first and gain control of all of Dragon's back doors (double entendre not intended) and exploits.
Would it be possible to tell Dragon about the base so that she can secure it so that even if she can't make use of its contents immediately, others can't seize the base?
For someone who didn't read the between-update text, you'v got an eerie knack for rehashing old topics almost identically.
Well, here's my tentative vote plan. Mind the semi-write-ins for the two weekly activities I've chosen.

[] Tickets to Gangland – If Cailleach is right, not only do you have to worry about local villains trying to fill MS-13's shoes, but out-of-towners too. Keep an eye and ear out for any invading capes and confront them if they start causing trouble.
-[] Call up Miss Militia. Ask for a debrief of the MS-13 debacle including the specifics why the plan on the last assault was as it was. Share the warning from Cailleach.
[] Long Live the King – Without Danny in charge, the working relationship among the Privateers is becoming strained, and already some people are jockeying for the title. Talk to a few people and figure out if you can smooth things over.
-[] Do this after calling up Miss Militia. We need better (or at least more) ammunition for when they try and discredit us.
[][Social] Call up Adepts. We really did promise to talk to them, and we're finally out of imminent crises to happen.
[][Social2] Call up Vista. We have a present for her! Also, unwind after the war, maybe ask dating advice on Cailleach's situation.