Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Tsab and the Privateers should be our primary concern, I don't like letting the gangs off the hook, but unless butcher dragon pops up again they're mostly small fry.

I think we need to give Lacey the healer/buffer package. That way she can start leveling that and maybe come up with a way to fix Danny.

Maybe invite Epoch to watch and explain how we got access to magic?
  • Close Encounters of the Third Kind – The Enforcers captured you then let you go with an apology, but you have to wonder just what in the world was really going on. Call up your friend the Admiral and grill him for a little more detail.
  • Long Live the King – Without Danny in charge, the working relationship among the Privateers is becoming strained, and already some people are jockeying for the title. Talk to a few people and figure out if you can smooth things over.
These two seem like the most important thigns to get done. And I'm kinda torn between doing Dragon's thing and the Adept's stuff really, but it's probably best to get Dragon's stuff done ASAP so we can start to get her to full working order.

...I really want those two social slots. They would help so much.

Priorities, then.

First and foremost, do we want the Privateers to remain? Or rather, do we want them to stay as they are now? Really, how much good have they done in the large scope of things? I'm not dismissing the things they've done, but you need to remember that they were the ones that started that clusterfuck last arc. Really, how much of a difference are they doing out in the city?

Second, the TSAB. This is surprisingly not as urgent: unless they just back stab us out of nowhere, the two things that Taylor needs to worry about with them is her status as a wielder of a Lost Logia and, more importantly, asking for aid with the Endbringers and the occasional S-Class threat like Butcher!Lung. All in all I think we got a bit of leeway on this time-wise.

Third, the gangs. This, this is one that could go bad really quickly. Letting them set in on Philly would only spell more trouble down the line, specially if the Elite are coming to town. Though, there's something to be said about letting Winter Hill being the only ones running around...

The one thing that needs to be done, no questions about it, is using the social slot with Perfect Storm: I can't really imagine the identity crisis he must be going through after those news, and it's high time she got a talk about all those memories and a certain chained girl.
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Maybe we could try and tempt the Adepts into the city, increase the cape population and reduce commute time for training them up.

Or maybe get them in touch with the TSAB, because I don't think we've done much anythibg teachibg wise for magic. We just slapped a template on Tim and then.... not much else...

Not that we should try, or even allow them to take over the Adepts training. But maybe getting some advice on traditional training might be a nice/good thing.
Yeah, I just don't see a point to trying to hold the Privateers together at this point. They have done very little long-term good here, and holding them together seems like it will take a lot of focus for not really much gain. Because honestly, how does keeping them together help us or others at this point?

And that's assuming we actually can do it. As it is, it seems like a coin flip as to whether the others appreciate our help or are more upset by the fact that we're supposed to be a teammate and instead we've been fucking around on our own and ignoring them up till now. If we had been more involved early on, I could see them rallying around us, if we had gotten more involved after moving to Philly, I could see them liking and respecting us enough to keep working together, if we had stepped in after Danny was injured, we might even have been able to hold on, but coming in now? It seems just as likely to splinter the group further as to actually help, and for - again - not too much obvious gain. I'm just not seen a reason.

The only reason to get into it is that most of the other options aren't particularly urgent while that one might be, but frankly, I don't think it's a great idea to poke our heads into that drama and get sucked in. I think our time would be better spent getting ahead of some less urgent things while we have the chance.

Also, while I recognize that using the social slot on the Adepts is probably the smart choice, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be going with hanging out with Cailleach/Laura because I am a sucker for even the slightest hint of sapphic fluff. Then again, it might be a good idea to let that wait for a chapter anyway...
The privateers could go either way, I think this is one of the last situations to keep them going. If Tim can come up with some product that would keep the group viable it becomes a much easier sell. A union without a labor hub is pretty toothless. Taylor isn't going to last long alone once Danny's situation be comes more widely known. A Blaster + Master combo is pretty daunting but the Blaster on her own can be overcome.
Just as a reminder for folks:
That being said, you don't have to do anything with him. You don't have to tell the TSAB about the Adepts, you don't have to teach them, you don't even have to give him a call to tell him no if you don't want to. Just know that if you ignore him for too long, that plot thread is going to take a different turn than it would have otherwise, and that new direction will suck you in for at least a chapter or two regardless of whether you want to be involved or not.
We're kinda stuck sticking Epoc into that social slot.
Just as a reminder for folks:

We're kinda stuck sticking Epoc into that social slot.
We also need to spend time with Vista soon.

Social priorities:
  • Epoch and the Adepts. I don't agree with the decision that was made to agree to help him, but that was before my time here. Now we're stuck with that decision we need to actively resolve it.
  • Vista. I recall the Vista subplot being put on the same time limit as the Adepts one, so this is also a priority if we want to avoid negative consequences.
  • Dragon and Tim dealing with the Dragonslayer's hideout. I don't know why we haven't at least told Dragon about its location so she can secure the location, we don't want that stuff falling into the wrong hands. I don't think this actually needs to be handled directly by us though. Why not just tell Dragon and Tim about it and let them handle it? Considering we could just email them the info if nothing else means we could probably do it without costing us an action. Delegation!

I have no real attachment to the Privateers. We haven't really done anything with them. They haven't really done anything for us. Even before Danny got injured they were starting to go off the reservation. The situation in Philly is different from the Bay, none of the remaining gangs being near as vile as the Brockton groups were. They were Danny's thing and aren't necessary here, and if Danny's going to keep insisting on being an ass about the amnesia, then the group can crumble for all I care. The biggest worry I have is that Tim could get caught up in it if it goes sour.
[]Tickets to Gangland – If Cailleach is right, not only do you have to worry about local villains trying to fill MS-13's shoes, but out-of-towners too. Keep an eye and ear out for any invading capes and confront them if they start causing trouble.

This is probably the kind of thing where the Slaughterhouse Nine or their ilk might show up on the worst case, and at the least gang wars...and not the 'nice' kind of domestic gang wars where everyone involved has a stake in local property and tries to reduce killing people they know if they can.

[]Close Encounters of the Third Kind – The Enforcers captured you then let you go with an apology, but you have to wonder just what in the world was really going on. Call up your friend the Admiral and grill him for a little more detail.

This probably CAN wait, the TSAB are not going to be any more or less invested in us. They're interested in Taylor for what's effectively post-game and in the meantime they're studying her activities to see if she's doing anything dangerously IAE-like(she's not).

[]Long Live the King – Without Danny in charge, the working relationship among the Privateers is becoming strained, and already some people are jockeying for the title. Talk to a few people and figure out if you can smooth things over.

Part of having a group is that it needs maintenance work. Whether we want to keep it or not we want to make sure it goes smoothly, because one alternative is that the Privateers break up and some of them become another dangerous group we need to manage.
They might not be the most useful, but they absolutely could be even worse.

[]Looking for Trouble – Go on patrol and maybe befriend someone. Or Befriend someone. Same thing, right?

We got plenty of trouble...

Social slot wise...we're already committed to taking the Adepts or taking Consequences. I'd really rather just take them and get it dealt with.
  • Dragon and Tim dealing with the Dragonslayer's hideout. I don't know why we haven't at least told Dragon about its location so she can secure the location, we don't want that stuff falling into the wrong hands. I don't think this actually needs to be handled directly by us though. Why not just tell Dragon and Tim about it and let them handle it? Considering we could just email them the info if nothing else means we could probably do it without costing us an action. Delegation!
Part of that issue is that we have been doing things more or less one after another recently. We simply had no time.
The other part is that this quest is specifically partly about time management and choosing various options out of/over others.

Edit: Stranger'd. Its not the first time someone asked about delegation like that. Or more actions. Been shot down each time.
Admittedly the main value of keeping the privateers together is sentimental. That said, with magi-tech and a healy-buffer, maybe that will change?
Admittedly the main value of keeping the privateers together is sentimental. That said, with magi-tech and a healy-buffer, maybe that will change?
The privateers are absolutely something we need to continually invest precious time and slots into earning their loyalty, instilling discipline, equipping, and training. But the payoff is Immortal Assimilation Engine's forte: An army we can throw at just about any problem.

Basically, the quest turns into Magical Army Management Taylor.
Part of the reason the Privateers have seemed ineffective to us is that we've been ignoring them.

We've been off doing our own thing instead of building a team.

So they've been acting without our input, and this has already cost us Danny.

It's very close to costing us Tim as well, and our primary source of potential mages.
It also draws the attention of the STAB rather quickly, since that's a very IAE thing to do.
Which we already did. We have the scar from where we got stabbed to prove it.

Also, if they don't want us to make an army, they can take its place. Which they won't. So they can fuck off.
It's very close to costing us Tim as well, and our primary source of potential mages.
TBF, we did scan them already. We got two: Tim and Lucy.
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That doesn't have a timer on it. The Adepts do.
Especially when the GM has repeatedly stated, deal with this or rocks might start falling. I mean for all we know they have the Evil Half of the Immortal Assimilation Engine. That would invalidate just about all the assumptions made so far.

Part of me wonders how making another sales pitch to Lacy would go. A lot has changed since the initial offer. That might be another social action to explore.
I mean for all we know they have the Evil Half of the Immortal Assimilation Engine. That would invalidate just about all the assumptions made so far.
Considering we know IAE's damaged, not broken... I think it's safe to rule that out.
Part of me wonders how making another sales pitch to Lacy would go. A lot has changed since the initial offer. That might be another social action to explore.
I think that would be best made after straightening out the privateers got started. As Lacy was a bit uncertain as to whether or not she wanted to get involved when we showed her the test results, her taking up a support mage role akin to Captain would help keep the group together... but if we started off with it, it would probably come across as 'capes leading'.
Considering we know IAE's damaged, not broken... I think it's safe to rule that out.
I'm more thinking along the lines of it is incomplete not 'broken'. That's all speculation and derail though. The point is we haven't investigated the situation so there are plenty of ??? floating around. It fell out of a trans-dimensional warship known to be moving S-class hazards and a fully armed group of enforcers. Another device, even a damaged one showing up is a high probability.