Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I think it kinda sucks that you got pressured to change how the story plays out, but I also don't see any way we could've gotten out of that other than run, and even then. I mean, I was also part of the confusion, but I still don't like that we basically screamed at you until you changed it. I don't know, our strategy probably sucked, or maybe that scene ended one way. The former would be OUR fault, and shouldn't be edited out. The latter sucks, but could still be a result of one of our choices, which would suck less.

So, in conclusion, if you feel we made a shitty choice and we should die for it, fucking kill us and explain what we did wrong in the meantime of Taylor getting rebuilt.
I think it kinda sucks that you got pressured to change how the story plays out, but I also don't see any way we could've gotten out of that other than run, and even then. I mean, I was also part of the confusion, but I still don't like that we basically screamed at you until you changed it. I don't know, our strategy probably sucked, or maybe that scene ended one way. The former would be OUR fault, and shouldn't be edited out. The latter sucks, but could still be a result of one of our choices, which would suck less.

So, in conclusion, if you feel we made a shitty choice and we should die for it, fucking kill us and explain what we did wrong in the meantime of Taylor getting rebuilt.
I think the issue was that the only way for that to have ended differently relied on us voters behaving in a manner we had never behaved before.
I think the issue was that the only way for that to have ended differently relied on us voters behaving in a manner we had never behaved before.
Without any information or clues to give us an idea that we had to do something else... Mostly we thought we were fighting parahumans that good hurt/kill us if we did not take this fight seriously, but was actually a the first contact squad and they were not exactly happy about our wardrobe or that were fighting them with basically everything that we had...
semi-philosophical ramblings
I'm going to say one thing on this, then I'll butt out. I've always found it interesting* when consumers of content, be they readers or players, make not only judgements but judgements of value on mechanics or ideas that they have never seen and know precisely zero details about. I've also found it interesting* on the occasions when the creator of said content spins things around and fucks over the consumer because that blind judgement of value, which is almost always a negative opinion, pisses him or her off.

*Insert whatever definition(s) of "interesting" you prefer.

I also find it interesting that you would deride a hypothetical character as nothing more than an automaton acting based off another agent's decisions when that is what every single quest protagonist ever is at their most basic level.
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When you chose to help out Cailleach, it kept you from spending time with Miss Militia, Gush, or Shard. Gush and Shard in particular have interesting histories that should come out in the near future. Had you sided with Miss Militia, she would have explained the reasoning behind the politicking of this alliance, which you guys now know but Taylor does not and therefore cannot consider when making decisions (hint, hint). But Cailleach and Circus were a ton of fun to write, so I consider it a win. :)
Gush and Shard aside (can't remember their powers off the top of my head, let alone anything else)...

Objectively speaking, "Miss Militia, you got some 'splainin' to do" is entirely a possibility in one or more of the social options we may pick up in this quest.
In other words, if we double down on the social (or even triple down, what with MM, Vista, Adepts AND Privateers needing our input next arc, and that's without our quest for Ice Princess), we might give Taylor the necessary information.

It might also be ammunition for dealing with Privateers later on.
Actually, I would probably coach it as "Visit the Protectorate and pester Miss Militia for an after-action report and state of the city".
If the Protectorate succeeds at recruiting Danny then they'll find out about Taylor when they start asking or looking for her so that'll be an Intriguing interaction and possible attempt to try and convince her to join...
Er, what? Danny doesn't remember anything about Taylor. As far as he knows, he doesn't have a daughter. And everyone in the Protectorate kinda already knows about Calamity Witch. So what are you on about with this?
Er, what? Danny doesn't remember anything about Taylor. As far as he knows, he doesn't have a daughter. And everyone in the Protectorate kinda already knows about Calamity Witch. So what are you on about with this?
He knows he has a daughter. It's just that he's lost the last six years, so he doesn't recognise her.
"Whatever that cape did almost worked. Danny's awake, and he understands what's going on, but…"


"He swears up and down that the last date he remembers is June first," she whispers. "June of 2005."

2005. Six years ago. You were getting close to your tenth birthday. You and Emma were inseparable just as Zoe and your mom had been at that age. Your mom had still been alive, even. Is that why he doesn't recognize you, because he saw you weren't old enough to be his wife but too old to be your nine-year-old self? "Has anyone told him?"
Er, what? Danny doesn't remember anything about Taylor. As far as he knows, he doesn't have a daughter. And everyone in the Protectorate kinda already knows about Calamity Witch. So what are you on about with this?
Correction: he thinks that Taylor's 10 and that Annette's still alive.

Which is kind of worse for Taylor, come to think about it.
Er, what? Danny doesn't remember anything about Taylor. As far as he knows, he doesn't have a daughter. And everyone in the Protectorate kinda already knows about Calamity Witch. So what are you on about with this?

I think he recalls having a daughter but for him is daughter is still a young girl. Thats why he got so upset when Taylor visited him because he wanted his child not some teenager claiming to be her.

Correction: he thinks that Taylor's 10 and that Annette's still alive.

Which is kind of worse for Taylor, come to think about it.

I wonder what Kurt and Lacy have told Danny about Taylor and Annette? What is their explanation on why he is on an entirely different city and why neither of them have come to visit him?
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They said that when told otherwise, he didn't believe them and think they are playing some sort of joke on him. How long that delusion lasts is another question entirely in my mind.
They said that when told otherwise, he didn't believe them and think they are playing some sort of joke on him. How long that delusion lasts is another question entirely in my mind.
That he just so happens to remember the precise point before Annette died and his life went to hell and back is so much QA meddling with his regeneration to induce the biggest conflict and trauma possible.

Fucking Shards, men.
  • You chose to tell Alexandria everything. That… may not have gone so well? Or maybe it did? Eh. If you haven't realized, any interlude that doesn't end in ".x" is unplanned and inspired by your decisions. Now you just have to deal with the Triumvirate trying to hunt down the TSAB's "superweapon" McGuffin… that you're carrying around your neck.
That's why I think the first thing we should do in new Arc is go to her and tell her everything.
After that I expect her to be somewhat dissappointed, but mostly relieved.
On the one hand, there is no need to race against aliens, to seek something you have no idea what, while her opponents know it.
On the other hand, the weapon cannot be immediately used to kill Endbringers and it will be difficult to sell it to TSAB (it linked with Taylor and they don't want to let TSAB recruit her).
On the third hand, Taylor is friendly with the Triumvirate and not so friendly with TSAB, so it will be difficult for TSAB to recruit her, and in the long run weapon's power will let to both kill Endbringers and solve societal problems. Additionally, TSAB faux-pas can be used against them in negotiations.

The more I think about it, the more similarities I see between the Protectorate and the TSAB.
Both are maintain order at their territories and let others be (which usually means to be in state of warlordism and constant civil war, but, well, one can't save everyone).
Both are always in the forefront when it comes to global threats (Endbringers/Lost Logias).
Both were founded by quite shady people, doing quite shady stuff, for the Greater Good of course (the Triumvirate/the High Council).
The only difference is that TSAB had much more resources and time to sort its problems out, while the Protectorate is still in its 'everything on fire' stage.

but not the original in any way beyond appearences and memories
If Taylor II looks exacly like Taylor I (which includes brain structure) and has exactly the same memories, can you really say that Taylor II is not really Taylor?
Both Nanoha and Worm lack evidences of soul existence, so what else you need except copy of body and mind to resurrect the dead?
If Taylor II looks exacly like Taylor I (which includes brain structure) and has exactly the same memories, can you really say that Taylor II is not really Taylor?
Both Nanoha and Worm lack evidences of soul existence, so what else you need except copy of body and mind to resurrect the dead?
I don't believe in souls, I believe in the Continuation of Existence. This is Perfect Storm just making copies of a now dead Taylor. If Taylor's consciousness imprint somehow overwrote Perfect Storm's personality then I would be more accepting to a copy being the original through Bodysurfing in the same way Dr Bright does with SCP-963. It's why I specified using the Ship of Theseus given that a copy of the ship, when the original ship is still there, even when destroyed, is still a copy of the ship not the original, but a ship with every part replaced is still the original ship solely due to it's existence. In this case Perfect Storm would be taking the name plaque (Calamity Witch/Taylor Template) from the now destroyed original ship (original Taylor) and remodel (Bonesaw level Body Horror) another preexisting ship (Random Nobody) to look like the original ship and glue the name plaque on the copy ship (copy Taylor that's actually the Random Nobody), the copy ship is still the second ship but now looks like the original and is named the original but in the end it's not the original (well, unless Taylor subscribes to cannibalism, gains her body, and eats her own brain to gain her original strength/consciousness/existence! ( :rofl::lol:D I Joke! I'll only think of her being 50% of the original.))

Think Causality using the Concept of Consciousness (not the Consciousness itself): Continuation of Existence.

From brain to chip to new mechanical/digital body and vice versa, even multiple copies. But PS only has what it thinks is Taylor, just as it had what it thought was Calamity Witch. It isn't Taylor making the decision to live.Your brain is You, your existence is who You were, copying yourself into a new body makes both you because you did that but the first the Original and the second is the new Original but will never be the original Original unless it was a perfect transference right down to the atoms. It's why I prefer either brain-in-jar or nanites body-to-metal conversions for Transhumanism.

But in the end all this is mute because one reason:
Philosophy, the Science of Opinions. How individuals view the world in their own way, politics and theology are covered under it as examples of such. Sometimes stuff in philosophy migrates to the hard sciences such as Atoms.
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Having just binged through this quest and I quite enjoyed it. I skipped over most of the non-story posts, but I did catch some of the drama related to the TSAB fight. I can understand why people got upset (killing the protagonist seemingly out of the blue can do that), but I think the situation that resulted would have been delightfully interesting. The TSAB people getting in some really deep shit once they realize that they legit killed their local contact in an unprovoked attack, possibly setting off the very thing they were trying to contain. I'm also curious about the exact mechanics of the revival system. Does IAE overwrite some poor schlub with her? Does it fix and revive her body? Does it turn her into a magical construct (or make one patterned off of her)? Will we never know because we keep managing to avoid her getting killed off?

I normally can't stand the more grimdark side of Worm, but that situation didn't necessarily have to be grimdark.

On the "is Taylor Taylor" thing, I'll repost something I posted in ensou's Arpeggio of Blue Steel crossover:
Without getting into metaphysical stuff like souls, the answers for how long "you" exist and what ends "you" can get pretty short depending on what you consider enough of a break. It should be noted that canon Worm is on the side of "there is no such thing as a 'soul.'" I don't know where Arpeggio of Blue Steel stands on the issue.

The old "Star Trek teleporters kill you and make an identical copy" is one, abrupt destruction of the brain = person ends. This is actually where the Ship of Theseus applies (and it doesn't apply to Taylor since she got upgraded all at once), with a gradual replacement of the brain with either new brain matter or a computer.

Other positions are that a loss of consciousness is enough to end a personhood. This can be due to a disruption of the brain's operations, like from sedation, but some consider even sleep to be sufficient. "You" are the consciousness, and a loss of consciousness is a loss of the "you." Even if you wake up, that is merely a new person with your memories and usually personality.

Another position is that "you" only exist for an instant in the present. "You" are but a specific state of the brain, and the brain doesn't maintain a single state for any meaningful amount of time (and never returns to that state).

There is also the position that "you" don't exist at all and consciousness is an illusion.
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If the Protectorate succeeds at recruiting Danny then they'll find out about Taylor when they start asking or looking for her so that'll be an Intriguing interaction and possible attempt to try and convince her to join...
Worth noting that using someone's amnesia to recruit them out of their current group is skeevy as fuck... and if they tried that the Privateers, to say nothing of Taylor would likely take it badly. Trying to then use her father(who denies her existence) to recruit her would probably accomplish nothing other than tanking Taylor's goodwill towards the protectorate so hard that it collapses in on its self and becomes a blackhole of barely contained fury and resentment.

With a off chance she decides to slagremodel their HQ and rescue her father.
So now you know what I decided to do with Danny's two 'post-Endbringer' rolls. He might return, but when and how I haven't decided yet.
The next time Taylor interacts with the TSAB team, this should be brought up. Clarktech Magic healing plus magic mind powers. Fair chance they'll be able to help.

You chose to tell Alexandria everything. That… may not have gone so well? Or maybe it did? Eh. If you haven't realized, any interlude that doesn't end in ".x" is unplanned and inspired by your decisions. Now you just have to deal with the Triumvirate trying to hunt down the TSAB's "superweapon" McGuffin… that you're carrying around your neck.
... not a lot of viable options really. Taylor really couldn't have crafted a good enough lie on the spot. Just telling Alexandria 'no, I'm not telling you' probably wouldn't have worked well. Not sure what the consequences of that would have been, but they probably would have been worse then the current situation.

When Kayleigh confronted you, you told her the truth about your identity, and you got a bonus interlude out of it! Had you lied and claimed to be Circus, you would have found out about a different connection she has to Winter Hill. Denying your cape status would have gotten you nothing.
You voted to show Wide Area Search to Jotunn, the head of Winter Hill, and even have Samantha explain how it works?! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Cailleach must be stressing out about that. She saw Taylor in action - while restricting herself to non-lethal - during the Fire and Ice and Those Who Hunt Monsters incidents. She must have heard about the slaughter of the E88 remnants.

"Dammit Kayleigh, why did you tell me that?! Criminals wear masks because we don't want to get arrested. The heroes wear masks because of horror stories about villains visiting their homes while they're out. That shit has happened! She's from Brockton Bay. They had fucking Lung. Can you imagine getting home one day and finding out Lung stopped in to visit your family?! She grew up with him and those Nazi fucks.

That's, like, 90% of the Unwritten Rules. The Heroes play nice. If they win they just arrest us. They don't kill or maim. While the Villains do not cross that line. We respect the mask and don't go after heroes in their homes.

If she finds out you told a villain her identity. If she knows Winter Hill has her name, address, know who her family are ... what the hell is she going to think!? She'll be terrified of Jotunn knocking on her door and murdering her family while she's out.

... if she panics and decides to launch a preemptive strike ... she could slaughter us all. And the Protectorate will probably help, because they don't want a villain visiting their family home either.

... goddammit Kayleigh."
The next time Taylor interacts with the TSAB team, this should be brought up. Clarktech Magic healing plus magic mind powers. Fair chance they'll be able to help.

... not a lot of viable options really. Taylor really couldn't have crafted a good enough lie on the spot. Just telling Alexandria 'no, I'm not telling you' probably wouldn't have worked well. Not sure what the consequences of that would have been, but they probably would have been worse then the current situation.

Cailleach must be stressing out about that. She saw Taylor in action - while restricting herself to non-lethal - during the Fire and Ice and Those Who Hunt Monsters incidents. She must have heard about the slaughter of the E88 remnants.

"Dammit Kayleigh, why did you tell me that?! Criminals wear masks because we don't want to get arrested. The heroes wear masks because of horror stories about villains visiting their homes while they're out. That shit has happened! She's from Brockton Bay. They had fucking Lung. Can you imagine getting home one day and finding out Lung stopped in to visit your family?! She grew up with him and those Nazi fucks.

That's, like, 90% of the Unwritten Rules. The Heroes play nice. If they win they just arrest us. They don't kill or maim. While the Villains do not cross that line. We respect the mask and don't go after heroes in their homes.

If she finds out you told a villain her identity. If she knows Winter Hill has her name, address, know who her family are ... what the hell is she going to think!? She'll be terrified of Jotunn knocking on her door and murdering her family while she's out.

... if she panics and decides to launch a preemptive strike ... she could slaughter us all. And the Protectorate will probably help, because they don't want a villain visiting their family home either.

... goddammit Kayleigh."
And she doesn't even know about Ragnarok! That would be a fun reaction if she ever sees that spell in action.

Though really us being able to drop a Solar Wrath at 5km range(I think that was the range Silently settled on when we ambushed Saint) when just about all capes are mk.1 eyeball sight range only...
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And she doesn't even know about Ragnarok! That would be a fun reaction if she ever sees that spell in action.

Though really us being able to drop a Solar Wrath at 5km range(I think that was the range SIlently settled on when we ambushed Saint) when just about all capes are mk.1 eyeball sight range only...
Eyeball for flight is assumed to be decently over 7km, to horizon.
Actually, long ranged bombardment spells come with a built in scope! You can see it when Nanoha snipes Vita on the alt-earth in As.
Naw, not inherently. Hayate uses Long Arch or Reinforce for targeting for instance.

Nanoha uses a modified Wide Area Search to target her ultra long range shots.
...Hayate just ups the blast size. Can't miss if you take out their entire city.
Actually, long ranged bombardment spells come with a built in scope! You can see it when Nanoha snipes Vita on the alt-earth in As.
Well I was thinking about most parahumans that shoot stuff from their hands and can aim at most some 100 yards. If only because aiming with your palm is kinda hard.