Figured since I posted this on SB, I should post in here as well, so I thought I would post my own 2 cents as to why I think Gadgeteer is better.
First off, were not locked off the Knight path. We can cross-train into it later.
Silently Watches said this earlier:
I'm going to assume you're talking about the cross-training option? Power armor and prosthetics, mana batteries, laser or hardlight weapons, field-repairing Tinkertech.
Cross-trained Enhancement is strength/defense-up, healing, and what is essentially FF Blind status.
Cross-trained Knight is blade, cartridges, and tougher armor. A good comparison would be a more armored A's/StrikerS Fate.
Second, as the gadgeteer we can build things that have extreme utility and allow us to repair the broken ship/communicator (allowing the TSAB to get here sooner with an ACTUAL idea of WTH is going on)
We also get to build the cool stuff that will make us far far more dangerous then any of the other options combined. How would you like to see Taylor in magi-tech power armor, with regenerative nannites, and implanted AI assisted cybernetics? How about drone assisted hard light weaponry? how about the fact that we can make mana batteries and make it so that they don't use our current mana supply. Hell, we could probably make drones that can fire off Solar Wrath.
With mana batteries we can actually equip the privateers/protectorate with power armor and hard light weapons as well.
Is it a timesink? almost certainly. Are the results worth it? Oh fuck the hell yes.
Taking Extinction Knight isn't worth it. Its a straight-foward power upgrade when were already more powerful then pretty much everyone (the only ones we have to fear are those with conceptual attacks, and guess what, Knight doesn't change that). Its meh, we dont need it and it STILL wont help us fight/survive Scion/Endbringers. Gadgeteer might.