If she escapes, she pretty much ENSURED her own bad ending.Which also comes from the fact the PRT, who were already disinclined to treat people fairly or nicely, will keep hunting her down for escaping from the Containment Zone. That's not unreasonable, that's rather justified.
If she had waited to see whether the PRT can be trusted to do the right thing? She'd have lost nothing, gained 3 months of steady food and subsistence.
If she thought being treated as a pariah was bad, being treated as a fugitive lunatic is only going to make it worse.
Helping her escape isn't really helping her, unless you follow it up...which means you burn your own bridges once it's noticed.
In short, escaping this soon has made her problems significantly worse, and more likely to go insane(thus Simurgh Bomb) from stress or loss, than if she had at least given a few months to see if she can pass the process.
Her best bet is to get put back in(by force or diplomacy), THEN we do our best effort to see that she gets out the correct way, and at least has the welfare and safety from pursuit after, regardless of how she takes it.
I mean, what are the odds of her making a legal living if we dumped a single mother with an infant and no identity on another world? Odds are GREAT that the baby will die within 2-6 months from neglect if nothing else.
Letting her go is not too different from those guys who freed a penguin from Seaworld to have it starve to death in the wild really.
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