Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

Show this Taylor what became of her canon counterpart by the end, and she'd likely be all the more grateful.

Anyway, good to see we made progress (if even a little) towards bringing Dragon over to believing us. As for
Just for the sake of discussion, what are some alternative options for patrol partners?

The interior of an MRI isn't that spacious you know. And just randomly firing off spells inside a hospital doesn't sound like a good idea anyway.

is not so hard.

Edit: or relevant any more
[X] Wear the EEG – Dragon still has her doubts, but they're crumbling while you watch. Go on patrol so they don't have even a single leg to stand on.
-[X] Vista and Miss Militia - Continue the adventures of Vista and Miss Militia trying to adjust to their new home with special guest Calamity Witch.

Just to bring in some variety to the vote, plus it has the advantages of patrolling with Vista and patroling with MM at the same time!
[X] Wear the EEG – Dragon still has herdoubts, but they're crumbling while you watch. Go on patrol so they don't have even a single leg to stand on.
-[X] Vista and Miss Militia - Continue the adventures of Vista and Miss Militia trying to adjust to their new home withspecial guest Calamity Witch.
[X] Wear the EEG – Dragon still has her doubts, but they're crumbling while you watch. Go on patrol so they don't have even a single leg to stand on.
-[X] Vista and Miss Militia - Continue the adventures of Vista and Miss Militia trying to adjust to their new home with special guest Calamity Witch.
I'm gonna cross-post my comment from the Spacebattles Version, to let my reasoning be known here. (Pretty sure that's ok... right?)

I agree, there is no reason they couldn't get the reading there. We do have Non-damage oriented Spells, like the Wide Area Search, and... actually, is our barrier stuff passive? if so, there's something that should have tripped it, and I'm pretty sure you could use it in the machine without... yah know, blowing it up.

Anyways, I just got to the end here, and I have to say that you are doing a good job! Little Disappointing we didn't get Brian and Purity as Allies, Brian just because him smoking the area while being connected to Danny's power is just... OP. He can see through his own smoke, and since he's sharing senses with the group, so can they. Purity because we don't get to be the flying Artillery sisters. Also, our Cape count is... a little worryingly low. Would actually prefer to get at least one more rather than a new skill at the moment. Anyways, unless the vote options change, I'll go with:

[X] Wear the EEG – Dragon still has her doubts, but they're crumbling while you watch. Go on patrol so they don't have even a single leg to stand on.
-[X] Do you want to bring someone with you?
--[X] Yes. Let's see if we can hang out with Vista again.

Vista is a likely candidate for a new Cape Teammate, (Then again, MM is too, just less likely.) and getting closer to her makes it more likely she'll join us outright.
Is it that time again already? Man, where have the days gone?

[X] Wear the EEG – Dragon still has her doubts, but they're crumbling while you watch. Go on patrol so they don't have even a single leg to stand on.
No. of Votes: 53
No. of Votes: 45
--[X] Miss Militia.
No. of Votes: 6
-[X] Samantha.
No. of Votes: 1
--[x] Cherry Bomb and Flambe
No. of Votes: 1

[x] Pull the plug – You gave Dragon the information she wanted. One more study won't tell her anything different if she's going to be stubborn about it.
No. of Votes: 5

Total No. of Voters: 58

I don't even have to do the calculations for this one. Patrol with Vista only it is.
Emigration 4.11
[ ] Wear the EEG
-[ ] Vista

Emigration 4.11

The ground slips beneath you as you skim the rooftops of the city. Not too fast, not as fast as you can go, but you are definitely covering a lot of ground. A flicker of green skirt catches your eye, and you glance over to see Vista appear out of thin air and vanish just as quickly.

"Hurry up, slowpoke!" she taunts with a laugh from five buildings ahead of you.

Oh she wants to play it like that, does she?

You blaze past her and blow a raspberry, and she responds to that with all the righteous indignation she can muster. The pair of you race each other for a few dozen blocks until she warps in front of you and bodychecks you towards a wall. At that point, the strangest game of tag anyone has ever seen commences.

Several minutes later, Vista sits on the edge of a building and glares at you because unlike her, you aren't huffing and puffing like a train. "Flight is bullshit."

"You know that isn't a word little girls should say," you reply with a syrupy smile. "And I don't think someone with space-warping powers gets to say anything about anyone else's mode of transportation."

She blows that off with a wave of her hand. "I meant to ask before, but where's Samantha? She's the big reason I hang out with you, you know."

Sticking your tongue out earns you a giggle. "She's at home. She said she wanted to give 'us girls' a chance to have fun without her hanging around, but I know that isn't the whole reason. It also gives her a chance to be alone with my dad."

"Your partner… has a thing for your dad?"

"Yeeeeeaaah, you could say that. She hasn't been shy about what she wants at all. And I don't think it'd stop at dating or sex." You shudder slightly. Maybe it's because you don't want to give up your mom's place in your heart, or maybe it's because Samantha is someone you created, but her obvious desire for your dad is extremely off-putting sometimes.

Vista seems to get it, and her eyes widen. "Your partner… wants to become your stepmom? That's just a little awkward."

"Yes, I know."

"And it doesn't help that she's a raccoon. I mean, I know she's really a person," she adds hastily, "but she's a raccoon."

"Yes, I know."

A gleam enters the girl's eyes, one you don't like at all. Nor the smile she soon sports. "Good on your dad if he can see past that, though. Seriously, kudos to him. But still, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the sweet, gentle love between a man and a raccoon is illegal in most states."

"What the fuck?!"

Vista falls over from laughing even as you glare at her in shock and disgust. No. Just no. She looks at you and laughs even harder. "Keep it up," you bite out. "I'm fully prepared to tell Miss Militia what kind of messed up stuff you're looking at online. Don't think I won't. That's just gross."

It takes the younger heroine a minute to regain her breath. "She won't believe you. The Protectorate wifi blocks porn sites."

You eye her warily. "…I don't even want to know why you know that. You're freaking twelve."

"I'm thirteen!" she retorts, less amused now that she's the one in the hot seat. "And I didn't go looking for it! Clockblocker asked Kid Win once if he could Tinker up something to get around the filter."

Her expression fades slightly at the memories she unintentionally dug up. You aren't really sure what you're supposed to say to her, though. The last time she brought something like this up, she was quite clear that she didn't want to talk about it. She probably won't appreciate you digging into it. On the other hand, she did bring it up, and you remember how uncomfortable it got right after your mom died and everyone hastily changed the subject the instant she was brought up. "Could he?" you finally ask in a tentative voice.

"I don't know. I was already halfway across the base to bug Armsmaster about inventing brain bleach."

"After what you just said, I'm not sympathetic for younger-you in the slightest."

Vista smiles weakly and lets her legs swing back and forth over the ledge. "I miss them. My parents, too, but not as much as I miss my team. Does that make me a bad person?"

And now things are even more awkward than they were.

She doesn't wait for your answer. "It's not like my parents were bad people," she says, "not even bad parents. Not really. They were high school sweethearts who eventually fell out of love. They got divorced when I was ten. It could have been a lot worse. They didn't try to poison me against the other. They didn't use me as a weapon in divorce court. They didn't ignore me or forget about me or anything like that. They just…. They spent so much time and energy fighting each other about the pettiest shit that happened while they were married that when they walked away at the end of each day, they just couldn't put in the effort to care about me or anything and instead just went through the motions. It was like when they divorced, I was left with two babysitters who just looked like my parents. I got more love from the old couple who lived next door to us than I did from them. That's when I Triggered, but I couldn't bridge the distance between me and them no matter how hard I tried.

"They got better eventually, but that brought its own problems." The girl sighs. "They didn't want to be together again, but they still wanted to be my parents. By then, I had been Vista for over a year, and that was the life I was focused on. But my parents didn't want Vista. No, they just wanted little Missy, and they refused to accept that I had already outgrown her and they missed out on it."

After a moment, Vista's words catch up to her, and she looks nervously at you from the corner of her eye. You feel a little hurt that she apparently thinks revealing her name to you will come back to bite her, but you suppose the two of you don't know each other that well. That and the fact your magic does a whole lot more to defend you than the little mask you wear. Still, there's an easy way to reassure her. "Taylor," you offer, giving her a half-smile.

"Let's go just… do something," decides Vista as she stands up. "Something not here. Something not talking about…. Yeah. Where are all the villains? That's why you wanted to patrol together, right? Right."

Well, no, you wanted to patrol to give Dragon that EEG data without which she won't accept the idea of magic, but sure, fighting criminals is why you decided to invite Vista along. You just didn't invite her because you had already planned to turn it into a percussive therapy day. Not that it's a bad idea; Vista sounds like she could use a bit of venting right now. "Sure, why not. Let's find someone to punch in the face until they stop moving."

Vista stares at you for a moment. "I never realized just how well you and Shadow Stalker would have gotten along before now." Shrugging that away, she leads you deeper into the city.

Voices that are doing nothing to keep quiet, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, eventually grab your attention. The two of you follow the noise to a group of Hispanic men who have broken into a pawn shop and are carrying out their ill-gotten goods. Wait. No, never mind; it just looked like a pawn shop. You're pretty sure pawn shops don't carry big white blocks of cocaine or meth or whatever that stuff is.

Swallowing loudly, Vista's eyes never leave the assault rifles each guy carries. "When I said let's do something, I didn't mean let's pick a fight with the Maras. This might be a little more than we can handle by ourselves."

"Maybe," you allow, "but we can probably take them if we're smart about it. Squealer shot me once with guns a lot bigger than those, and I was fine. I hit them from the front and get their attention, and you go behind and…. Well, shit."

Another man jumps out the broken window, shouting things in Spanish and his underlings hurrying to carry out his orders. Not that you blame them. There's a reason even the PRT is hesitant to cross the Mara Salvatrucha, and it's this cape. If the tattoos that almost completely cover his face weren't recognizable enough, the tactical vest – left open to display more tattoos on his chest and abdomen – with the white outline of a dog on the back would guarantee that absolutely anybody who ran into this cape knew they were in trouble.

Brockton Bay had Lung. Philadelphia has Cadejo.

"We need to go. Now." You look down at Vista, who looks back at you with naked terror painting her face. "Cadejo's killed two Protectorate heroes and a Ward since he came here. He doesn't care about killing capes or cops or anyone. People have talked about sending him straight to the Birdcage, but they can't because nobody's ever managed to arrest him. Everyone who's tried is dead. We need to leave before—"


"…they see us."

You look down to find one of the gangsters pointing up at you. A few feet behind him, Cadejo follows his arm and meets your eyes.

Well, shit.

Ah, ha, ha…? This doesn't look good. What to do, what to do?
[ ] Full frontal assault – Maybe if you and Vista hit him with all your might from the word 'go', Cadejo will decide fighting you is more trouble than it's worth.
[ ] Be the bait – Attack Cadejo to get his attention and let Vista get away. It worked with Monster Mom in Brockton Bay, right?
[ ] Throw the bait – Thanks to her powers, Vista can hold Cadejo off. Meanwhile, you'll just be way over there….
[ ] Run the hell away – Run the hell away.

And because it wouldn't be fair to force you to make this decision without any information at all…
The infamous and much-feared leader of the Philadelphia branch of the MS-13. The PRT classifies him as a Changer/Breaker for his ability to transform himself into a pack of wild dogs. This alternate form is intangible except for its teeth and claws, which are sharper than natural. He can also see and hear from their eyes and ears, but his senses are unchanged from what they were as a human, so no tracking anybody by scent.
Now would be a good time for stunts. Just saying. Oh, and you don't get new spells just by finding fights; you actually have to take part in them.
This sounds like someone worth running away from. Then again, spells.

...can we just stand in the air and bombard him from orbit? :V
And because it wouldn't be fair to force you to make this decision without any information at all…
The infamous and much-feared leader of the Philadelphia branch of the MS-13. The PRT classifies him as a Changer/Breaker for his ability to transform himself into a pack of wild dogs. This alternate form is intangible except for its teeth and claws, which are sharper than natural. He can also see and hear from their eyes and ears, but his senses are unchanged from what they were as a human, so no tracking anybody by scent.
Now would be a good time for stunts. Just saying. Oh, and you don't get new spells just by finding fights; you actually have to take part in them.
I feel like the threat this guy apparently poses isn't properly conveyed from his power description, at all. We're on the roof, he's on the ground. Vista and Taylor are both very high mobility Capes. What exactly makes just running away so hard when we can fly/space-warp?
Are we still having the concession or whatever that period of debate before a vote is started?

Either way, obvious bad path is obvious and throwing Vista literally to the wolves is the worst thing we can do.
Vista seems to get it, and her eyes widen. "Your partner… wants to become your stepmom? That's just a little awkward."

"Yes, I know."
Wut. There are lines you do not cross, Samantha.

Brockton Bay had Lung. Philadelphia has Cadejo.
Well, shit. That means quite a bit

"Cadejo's killed two Protectorate heroes and a Ward since he came here.
He's killed a Ward and the Protectorate didn't drop on him like the fist of an angry god? That was a mistake on their parts.

The infamous and much-feared leader of the Philadelphia branch of the MS-13
MS-13. Great.

Ah, ha, ha…? This doesn't look good. What to do, what to do?
[ ] Full frontal assault – Maybe if you and Vista hit him with all your might from the word 'go', Cadejo will decide fighting you is more trouble than it's worth.
[ ] Be the bait – Attack Cadejo to get his attention and let Vista get away. It worked with Monster Mom in Brockton Bay, right?
[ ] Throw the bait – Thanks to her powers, Vista can hold Cadejo off. Meanwhile, you'll just be way over there….
[ ] Run the hell away – Run the hell away.
Well, option 3 is a no-go from the outset. Can our Barrier Jacket and/or Strong Shield spell defend against his teeth and claws? And given that he's mostly intangible, would any of our offensive spells be effective against him?
The ground slips beneath you as you skim the rooftops of the city. Not too fast, not as fast as you can go, but you are definitely covering a lot of ground. A flicker of green skirt catches your eye, and you glance over to see Vista appear out of thin air and vanish just as quickly.

"Hurry up, slowpoke!" she taunts with a laugh from five buildings ahead of you.

Oh she wants to play it like that, does she?

You blaze past her and blow a raspberry, and she responds to that with all the righteous indignation she can muster. The pair of you race each other for a few dozen blocks until she warps in front of you and bodychecks you towards a wall. At that point, the strangest game of tag anyone has ever seen commences.
Seeing the two act like kids is adorable. And good for their mental health.
I meant to ask before, but where's Samantha? She's the big reason I hang out with you, you know.
She's at home. She said she wanted to give 'us girls' a chance to have fun without her hanging around, but I know that isn't the whole reason. It also gives her a chance to be alone with my dad."

"Your partner… has a thing for your dad?"

"Yeeeeeaaah, you could say that. She hasn't been shy about what she wants at all. And I don't think it'd stop at dating or sex.
Well, she was programed to be your mother.
You shudder slightly. Maybe it's because you don't want to give up your mom's place in your heart, or maybe it's because Samantha is someone you created, but her obvious desire for your dad is extremely off-putting sometimes.
I'mma go with Door #1.
Vista seems to get it, and her eyes widen. "Your partner… wants to become your stepmom? That's just a little awkward."

"Yes, I know."
And I'll take my prize thank you very much.
In all seriousness, uncomfortable feelings about a stepparent this late in one's life is not unnatural, but can be overcome.
"And it doesn't help that she's a raccoon. I mean, I know she's really a person," she adds hastily, "but she's a raccoon."

"Yes, I know."

A gleam enters the girl's eyes, one you don't like at all. Nor the smile she soon sports. "Good on your dad if he can see past that, though. Seriously, kudos to him. But still, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the sweet, gentle love between a man and a raccoon is illegal in most states."

"What the fuck?!"
AHAHAHAHA! Missy is Best Girl. Sorry Taylor, you walked right into that one.
Vista falls over from laughing even as you glare at her in shock and disgust. No. Just no. She looks at you and laughs even harder. "Keep it up," you bite out. "I'm fully prepared to tell Miss Militia what kind of messed up stuff you're looking at online. Don't think I won't. That's just gross."

It takes the younger heroine a minute to regain her breath. "She won't believe you. The Protectorate wifi blocks porn sites."
You eye her warily. "…I don't even want to know why you know that. You're freaking twelve."

"I'm thirteen!" she retorts, less amused now that she's the one in the hot seat. "And I didn't go looking for it! Clockblocker asked Kid Win once if he could Tinker up something to get around the filter."
And Assault's probably tried once or twice on principle.
Her expression fades slightly at the memories she unintentionally dug up. You aren't really sure what you're supposed to say to her, though. The last time she brought something like this up, she was quite clear that she didn't want to talk about it. She probably won't appreciate you digging into it. On the other hand, she did bring it up, and you remember how uncomfortable it got right after your mom died and everyone hastily changed the subject the instant she was brought up. "Could he?" you finally ask in a tentative voice.

"I don't know. I was already halfway across the base to bug Armsmaster about inventing brain bleach."

"After what you just said, I'm not sympathetic for younger-you in the slightest."
1. Good on you Taylor.
2. Nice one Missy.
3. Oh grow some skin Tay.
Vista smiles weakly and lets her legs swing back and forth over the ledge. "I miss them. My parents, too, but not as much as I miss my team. Does that make me a bad person?"

And now things are even more awkward than they were.
No. Not at all.
She doesn't wait for your answer. "It's not like my parents were bad people," she says, "not even bad parents. Not really. They were high school sweethearts who eventually fell out of love. They got divorced when I was ten. It could have been a lot worse.
Well, that is a fair decri-
It could have been a lot worse. They didn't try to poison me against the other. They didn't use me as a weapon in divorce court. They didn't ignore me or forget about me or anything like that. They just…. They spent so much time and energy fighting each other about the pettiest shit that happened while they were married that when they walked away at the end of each day, they just couldn't put in the effort to care about me or anything and instead just went through the motions. It was like when they divorced, I was left with two babysitters who just looked like my parents. I got more love from the old couple who lived next door to us than I did from them. That's when I Triggered, but I couldn't bridge the distance between me and them no matter how hard I tried.
Ah. Neglect. No, you are not a bad person Vista. Not if it was bad enough for you to trigger.
"They got better eventually, but that brought its own problems." The girl sighs. "They didn't want to be together again, but they still wanted to be my parents. By then, I had been Vista for over a year, and that was the life I was focused on. But my parents didn't want Vista. No, they just wanted little Missy, and they refused to accept that I had already outgrown her and they missed out on it."
And especially if they didn't try to understand you.
After a moment, Vista's words catch up to her, and she looks nervously at you from the corner of her eye. You feel a little hurt that she apparently thinks revealing her name to you will come back to bite her, but you suppose the two of you don't know each other that well. That and the fact your magic does a whole lot more to defend you than the little mask you wear. Still, there's an easy way to reassure her. "Taylor," you offer, giving her a half-smile.
"Let's go just… do something," decides Vista as she stands up. "Something not here. Something not talking about…. Yeah. Where are all the villains? That's why you wanted to patrol together, right? Right."

Well, no, you wanted to patrol to give Dragon that EEG data without which she won't accept the idea of magic, but sure, fighting criminals is why you decided to invite Vista along. You just didn't invite her because you had already planned to turn it into a percussive therapy day. Not that it's a bad idea; Vista sounds like she could use a bit of venting right now. "Sure, why not. Let's find someone to punch in the face until they stop moving."
Because that works out so well for dealign with mental problems/sarcasm.
Vista stares at you for a moment. "I never realized just how well you and Shadow Stalker would have gotten along before now." Shrugging that away, she leads you deeper into the city.
Voices that are doing nothing to keep quiet, accompanied by the sound of glass shattering, eventually grab your attention. The two of you follow the noise to a group of Hispanic men who have broken into a pawn shop and are carrying out their ill-gotten goods. Wait. No, never mind; it just looked like a pawn shop. You're pretty sure pawn shops don't carry big white blocks of cocaine or meth or whatever that stuff is.

Swallowing loudly, Vista's eyes never leave the assault rifles each guy carries. "When I said let's do something, I didn't mean let's pick a fight with the Maras. This might be a little more than we can handle by ourselves."
Nah, we can ta- I ruined everything.
Another man jumps out the broken window, shouting things in Spanish and his underlings hurrying to carry out his orders. Not that you blame them. There's a reason even the PRT is hesitant to cross the Mara Salvatrucha, and it's this cape. If the tattoos that almost completely cover his face weren't recognizable enough, the tactical vest – left open to display more tattoos on his chest and abdomen – with the white outline of a dog on the back would guarantee that absolutely anybody who ran into this cape knew they were in trouble.

Brockton Bay had Lung. Philadelphia has Cadejo.
Exposed chest and back, tattoos? Yeah. I see the resemblance.
"We need to go. Now." You look down at Vista, who looks back at you with naked terror painting her face. "Cadejo's killed two Protectorate heroes and a Ward since he came here. He doesn't care about killing capes or cops or anyone. People have talked about sending him straight to the Birdcage, but they can't because nobody's ever managed to arrest him. Everyone who's tried is dead. We need to leave before—"


"…they see us."
... shit.
The infamous and much-feared leader of the Philadelphia branch of the MS-13. The PRT classifies him as a Changer/Breaker for his ability to transform himself into a pack of wild dogs.
Ok, that's not so ba-
This alternate form is intangible except for its teeth and claws, which are sharper than natural. He can also see and hear from their eyes and ears, but his senses are unchanged from what they were as a human, so no tracking anybody by scent.
Well fuck. No wonder this guy's got a body count. I don't want to try and put squishy Missy in front of those. Maybe our shields can take it...
How large is that pack anyway?
This sounds like someone worth running away from. Then again, spells.

...can we just stand in the air and bombard him from orbit? :V
That does sound like a plan.
Are we still having the concession or whatever that period of debate before a vote is started?
Moratorium, and probably not. This is a combat situation, we've got a limited window to vote IIRC.

[X] Full frontal assault – Maybe if you and Vista hit him with all your might from the word 'go', Cadejo will decide fighting you is more trouble than it's worth.
-[X]"Hang on!" "Wha-" Missy's squawking is the only thing she gets out before you grab her by the waist and launch into the sky to cast Recursion Field. You don't want anyone but Cadejo to get hit by the wrath of a sun...

Get into the air, he can't reach us. Cast Recursion field, which should work on him, Dog-boy's got a two-on-one fight against flying enemies.

Shouldn't this guy have a kill order?
Not every cape who kills people, even heroes, gets a kill order.