Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

I'm just saying we should stick to the TV series/DVD episodes, and not use the Movies as solid facts, because the Movies are deliberately played up, StrikerS era, "Rah rah, Go TSAB!" creations.

>.> I need to get my Externals rewired so I can watch those again...
Okay, that concern I can see. I guess I just have a bit more faith in the questers that when actually presented with a scenario in which we have the choice between lethal SW to accomplish something or nonlethal workaround, they won't just make Taylor a killer willy nilly.
Well, you have a much higher opinion of the Worm fandom than I do, and I have to respect that kind of optimism.
[X] Recursion Field.

Solar Wrath comes after. This is mainly a safety on my own desires to go full killy-killy because some idiot tripped one of my triggers/hotbuttons.

See? Self-awareness is a good thing.
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We'd need to train up Solar Wrath before we used it either way and Recursion Field doesn't have a level to train up. An idea would be to buy SW to have on hand just in case (because if we're at the level we're willing to kill with that, then collateral is likely out the window as well) an buy Recursion next time so we have SW trained up to be usable for when we get RF.
We'd need to train up Solar Wrath before we used it either way and Recursion Field doesn't have a level to train up. An idea would be to buy SW to have on hand just in case (because if we're at the level we're willing to kill with that, then collateral is likely out the window as well) an buy Recursion next time so we have SW trained up to be usable for when we get RF.
Counter points:
Recursion field limits collateral from both sides. In a hypothetical scenario of Bakuda ambushing us in a mall, we can prevent her grenades esoteric effects from hitting other people. We could also throw around Flare and Rust Shooter like a Touhou character without worry for collateral.
We also have to seriously consider just how likely are we to be thrown into a situation where we need to make craters, do some actual risk assessment. Because the Privateers are leaving the Bay, they packed up. Danny'll probably go with them, and so will we. We don't know until we get to where ever we move to if there are any Kaiser/Lung level combatants. Same goes for traveling, we've got no solid idea of how likely it is we get jumped, or by who. We've got no evidence for such assessments, so picking SW under the criteria of 'just in case' is more a case of paranoia. 'A thief might break into my home and they might have an assault rifle. I better buy an assault rifle of my own, to be prepared.'

(because if we're at the level we're willing to kill with that, then collateral is likely out the window as well)
Not necessarily. There's a world of mental difference between 'I want to kill this person' and 'I want to kill this person and I don't care if people die as a result.' Taylor is not at the latter level, and right now to her it would probably sound like compromising principles and acting un-heroic.
Recursion field limits collateral from both sides. In a hypothetical scenario of Bakuda ambushing us in a mall, we can prevent her grenades esoteric effects from hitting other people. We could also throw around Flare and Rust Shooter like a Touhou character without worry for collateral.
While I somewhat agree with you (and I still at least want to be able to have this as a last resort up our sleeve that we'll hopefully never have to use), the scenario of limiting collateral is definitely good, but I have to nope you on using Bakuda. Tinkers are not affected by Recursion Field.
Quoted from SB:
Affected: Breakers, Strikers, Blasters, Shakers, Changers, Trumps, some Masters, some Strangers, regenerators, teleporters, pre-cogs.

Unaffected: Tinkers, some Masters, some Strangers, super-strong or -hard Brutes, "present" Thinkers, fliers, speedsters.

I think last time I said all Strangers were ignored, but it really depends on how their specific power works.

In general this should be noted, because people seem to be forgetting that not everyone will get caught in it/the high end brutes we might want SW against likely won't be caught either.
Of course, doesn't mean that it isn't still very useful.
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While I somewhat agree with you (and I still at least want to be able to have this as a last resort up our sleeve that we'll hopefully never have to use), the scenario of limiting collateral is definitely good, but I have to nope you on using Bakuda. Tinkers are not affected by Recursion Field.
Well, one can easily swap in other villains for the scenario. Lung, Kaiser, Crawler, Purity, Shatterbird, Hookwolf, Damsel of Distress, you get the idea.
In general this should be noted, because people seem to be forgetting that not everyone will get caught in it/the high end brutes we might want SW against likely won't be caught either.
Hatchet Face's power-nullification field doesn't stop powers activated outside it, the example I've always seen is Legend can't shoot within it, but can shoot his lasers from outside the field and there wouldn't be any interference, so I don't know if that means he'd get sucked in as a Trump or not.
Well, one can easily swap in other villains for the scenario. Lung, Kaiser, Crawler, Purity, Shatterbird, Hookwolf, Damsel of Distress, you get the idea.
Yeah, just had to correct that specific scenario. The general usefulness of Recursion Field should be obvious even when the number of targetable capes is reduced.
Hatchet Face's power-nullification field doesn't stop powers activated outside it, the example I've always seen is Legend can't shoot within it, but can shoot his lasers from outside the field and there wouldn't be any interference, so I don't know if that means he'd get sucked in as a Trump or not.
Well, if the S9 wasn't dead, I'd also be interested in finding out if having your powers shut off due to a Trump would mean you're currently not targetable by RF, even if you'd normally be.
I've watched those two episodes. After the fight with Nachtwal, the city immediately looks undamaged, and in the first season, there was no barrier in place when the shrubbery-thing attacked the vet clinic. Between that and the first movie where Starlight Breaker absolutely demolished the coastline and all the buildings on it, I'm going to say that either the entry about dimensional barriers was mistranslated or someone involved in the original dictionary pulled a Rowling and came up with something without thinking about what was already established in the show. We're going to go with what has previously been stated to be Recursion Field's main purpose of eliminating collateral damage.

tl;dr: Any destruction that happens inside Recursion Field is erased when the spell goes down.
You can back this up with the very first episode of As, Nanoha and Fate vs Vita and Signum.

In which Nanoha and Vita blew holes through occupied(this being Japan, of course some poor salaryman is always working overtime) buildings in the evening, without causing a terrorist alarm or something.
You can back this up with the very first episode of As, Nanoha and Fate vs Vita and Signum.

In which Nanoha and Vita blew holes through occupied(this being Japan, of course some poor salaryman is always working overtime) buildings in the evening, without causing a terrorist alarm or something.
There are fields that block the collateral from occurring, I'm remembering something about that one that they set up in the first A's episode being one of those.

I really wish I had more solid info, might be easier to just go bug green or Atreidestrooper over on SB about it. Green's hosting most of the info and Atrei's the one who translated all of it.
Hatchet Face's power-nullification field doesn't stop powers activated outside it, the example I've always seen is Legend can't shoot within it, but can shoot his lasers from outside the field and there wouldn't be any interference, so I don't know if that means he'd get sucked in as a Trump or not.
Well, if the S9 wasn't dead, I'd also be interested in finding out if having your powers shut off due to a Trump would mean you're currently not targetable by RF, even if you'd normally be.
Hatchet Face would be pulled into RF (well, if he were alive, that is). Capes who are being affected by power-nullifiers would still get pulled in or left out as normal.
Have to admit: Recursion Field would be great to isolate enemy parahumans from their reinforcements so we could lay the smackdown on them with huge blasts of energy and not having to worry about hurting or killing civilians, or having bystanders get in the way.

It's also probably pretty great for things like Endbringer battles. Leviathan and Behemoth would be a lot more limited (Leviathan especially) and we could hopefully stop the Simurgh from making more Ziz bombs from the civilian populace. It should hopefully at least negate the massive destruction done to cities by them, which is a great thing in and of itself.
Have to admit: Recursion Field would be great to isolate enemy parahumans from their reinforcements so we could lay the smackdown on them with huge blasts of energy and not having to worry about hurting or killing civilians, or having bystanders get in the way.

It's also probably pretty great for things like Endbringer battles. Leviathan and Behemoth would be a lot more limited (Leviathan especially) and we could hopefully stop the Simurgh from making more Ziz bombs from the civilian populace. It should hopefully at least negate the massive destruction done to cities by them, which is a great thing in and of itself.
Sorry to say, but nope, you've missed the limits.
Quoted from SB:
In a mixed group, the "magic" capes would get slurped up while the "non-magic" capes would be left behind. It would be very confusing for everybody the first time they experienced it.

Endbringers can be affected, but their mass is an issue. One mage, even one mage and her Guardian Beast, won't be enough to shift them.
Ehhh, shit I missed that part. Thanks for bringing that up.


Well, that's suddenly a lot less useful than I previously thought. Nevermind then.
Quick question. We know Alexandria's full name, and Eidolon's first name, but did we ever get Legend's or Hero's real names?