Magical Girl Escalation Taylor (Worm/Nanoha)

That leaves us with 1 slot left, not enough to make a device for Laura. She hasnt made her decision yet so we have no need to make her a device right now. Unlike Kay and Missy who have thrown their lot in with us and are ready and excited right now, Laura is going to think some more. Maybe watching the others with their new toys will help her decide
@ChaoticSky These quotes are really important in regards to Laura.

Oh—Laura got all the information, but didn't actually say if she was going to go with it? I assume that it'll be a 'yes' if we do give her a Device, an 'I'm still thinking about it' if we don't, and a 'no' if we outright refuse.
Considering the way our decisions have influenced character choices in the past.
Correct. I have an interlude planned for whenever you decide to give her a Device. Obviously for that same reason if you give her a Device this vote, it'll be the last one built though that really doesn't mean anything.

Laura won't make a decision until we do. She is in the position to ditch Winter Hill and join us, so long as we actually want her to.
Eh, preferably Kayleigh will stay well away from the targets and snipe. Her being in melee range means something has gone really wrong.
Melee range is bad. Mid-range, where pistols are best, actually really good for her.
I'd switch Revamping Missy's arms and her Device. It's better for her to figure out where her new Baseline is gonna be first and then pick her device based around that.
Or hold off on Missy getting a Device this week and instead have Laura make her decision this week?
The order of the slots isn't necessarily the order in which Tim will build things.
Actually, thats a thought.

@Silently Watches Question! Can we put missy's Device in her arm? IIRC Boost Devices are usually gloves, so could we clamp it onto the back of missy's robohand?
No. Because that's dumb. The benefit of Devices having storage forms is that you can carry them everywhere and always be ready for combat. Having it built into a combat arm means she WON'T have it if shit hits the fan when she's unprepared, negating the point entirely.

You can certainly store her arm in her Device so she activates her Device and then swaps her civilian arm for her combat arm while still being protected by her Barrier Jacket, but doing it the other way around is just nonsense.
No. Because that's dumb. The benefit of Devices having storage forms is that you can carry them everywhere and always be ready for combat. Having it built into a combat arm means she WON'T have it if shit hits the fan when she's unprepared, negating the point entirely.

You can certainly store her arm in her Device so she activates her Device and then swaps her civilian arm for her combat arm while still being protected by her Barrier Jacket, but doing it the other way around is just nonsense.
Did that question get asked in the last Tim build vote? Because I swear, I've seen this response before.
Hey @Silently Watches, do you have a build made for Kayleigh already? Cause I was wondering if we could use the the one I made before:

  • Elemental Gunsmith (0/6) - Build special ammo with mana-elemental effects to them. Can store up to 6 ammo between all elements.
  • Fire Bullets. Rounds that possesses fire-mana capabilities. Requires 1/6 Gunsmith mastery.
  • Entropy Bullets. Rounds that possesses ice-mana capabilities. Requires 2/6 Gunsmith mastery.
  • Lightning Bullets. Rounds that possesses lightning-mana capabilities. Requires 4/6 Gunsmith mastery.
  • Gravity Bullets. Rounds with gravity-altering effects. Has massive armor penetration capabilities. Requires full Gunsmith and System Shift mastery.
  • Wide Area Search (1/2 Master) – Send out non-damaging homing 'bullets' that map out the surroundings or search for a specified target. Can search within an 8 block radius in 20 seconds.
    • Eagle's Eye (0/4) - Advanced Wide Area Search. Allows one to monitor the battlefield from further away, even outside one's own surroundings. Requires continuous effort and to remain stationary to cast. (Acquired when WAS is fully mastered)
  • Flash Step (0/3) - Basic version of Blitz Action. Move near-instantaneously across very short distances. Requires much less mana to use.
  • System Shift (1/6) - Switch the Device through range, rate of fire and power output modes mid battle.
    • Dual Revolvers - Twin 6-bullet long barrel revolvers. Basic Device form.
    • Semi-Automatic Rifle. Unlocked at Lvl. 2 mastery. Cannot use Elemental Cartridges, but has the highest rate of fire.
    • Riot Shotgun. Unlocked at Lvl. 4 mastery. Exchanges range for knockback power.
    • Long-Range Sniper Rifle. Unlocks only when System Shift is fully mastered. Allows to fire from extremely long distances.
  • Telekinesis (2/2 Master) – Move things with your mind. The maximum amount of force is enough to levitate objects with twice your own mass, living or nonliving.
  • SUPERHOR (0/4) - Speed up your mental processes, dilating your perception of time.
As to names, maybe something that references Galea? Like, New Galea, or Galean Knights. I dunno.
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Hey @Silently Watches, do you have a build made for Kayleigh already? Cause I was wondering if we could use the the one I made before:
Well, number 1 I'm not using a mastery system. It's going to be XP driven. Which actually works out better for you guys because then a lot of options are available all at once rather than trying to build them one at a time.

Number 2, Kayleigh will only start with 1 spell since she's a D-rank, and we'll add more on as she earns XP, so no need to have a full build set in stone from the start. I do have her first skill and initial bullets planned out though.
First, just to clarify my understanding of things, for Missy to use the Breaker tier Summon, she would need to have a Boost device. Is that correct? She's AA rank, so whichever Device she gets should have a Breaker. It's how the various types interact with her Rare Skill that matters here.

"Crossmatching with known Rare Skill mana structures… Two similar Rare Skills found. 81% match to Summoner Rare Skill belonging to Infinite Enhancement template. 57% match to Toad Summoner Rare Skill. All other Rare Skills less than 30% match. Deduction: Missy descendent of summoner line unknown to Galean Empire."

If she gets to summon cats, I suddenly have a greatly increased desire to see her with a couple of cat features.

Something to consider for Laura's Device, when we vote on what type it is, is that an Armed Device would let her beat up her father and prove him wrong about how weak she is. Even if she gets an ID, she'll still get a brute rating, but being able to throw her new strength in his face is something I think the character would enjoy.

I agree that we should go with Advanced Devices for Missy and Laura right now, with the only thing that makes me hesitate is that I'd really like Laura to talk to Mac and Sarah about their thoughts on giving up their parahuman powers for magic.

Since the bullet press is a gear slot and we can have one more gear slot to balance out what they're contributing, I think we should do the gun press AND a gun. We could use all four slots the GBs get to make her three guns and a gun press for different situations. @Silently Watches Would she need a separate press and need to make separate bullets if she had a pistol, sniper rifle, and shotgun(or some other configuration)?

We should also make all of her weapons mechashift with either multiple weapon modes (sniper rifle and warhammer) or modes that are less obviously weapons if she needs to have them out without attracting attention the way that unsealing them from her device might draw. I don't know, my mind's fizzling a bit. I didn't want to leave this overnight to bring up.

Then next week, we start making Devices to make Sarah's Template, with up to two build slots spent giving Kayleigh a flight harness and/or other gear. I like the idea of finally building some of those rechargeable grenades for her to use.

Missy's said she doesn't want Blaster, Boost is associated with summoning... but that'd be the same issue, or at least I see it as such. She's going to want an Armed Device. Something suitable for a hit-and-run style, since that's what she already knows—albeit heavily based on her space warping.

The best teleportation magic requires a Boost Device. If nothing else, Force Teleport, which lets you teleport something to a point without accompanying it, has been explicitly marked as Boost Device only.

As for our fiends? Definitely build advanced devices for our new recruits, and a gun press for Kayliegh.

That IS one option for Missy's summons.... (I just found the typo amusing or I wouldn't have mentioned it).
First, just to clarify my understanding of things, for Missy to use the Breaker tier Summon, she would need to have a Boost device. Is that correct? She's AA rank, so whichever Device she gets should have a Breaker. It's how the various types interact with her Rare Skill that matters here.
She needs a Boost Device for both the Champion (Buster-tier) and Giant (Breaker-tier) summons. Otherwise she's stuck with the swarm summon, which is great for scouting and not so hot for combat.
If she gets to summon cats, I suddenly have a greatly increased desire to see her with a couple of cat features.
:evil: :lol:
Since the bullet press is a gear slot and we can have one more gear slot to balance out what they're contributing, I think we should do the gun press AND a gun.
The vote option for the bullet press explicitly says "and guns". Kayleigh will get two custom pistols out of the deal. This isn't eligible to be matched with another Gear build because I need the wiggle room for something else later on.
@Silently Watches Would she need a separate press and need to make separate bullets if she had a pistol, sniper rifle, and shotgun(or some other configuration)?
She would not need a separate press. Whether she would need separate bullets depends on how you want to play it. I know I mentioned letting her build gadgets that she could fit onto her guns so they would function like other gun types, which would use the same bullets as her pistols but maybe not at a 1:1 rate. (E.g., the shotgun add-on might use up two bullets per shot, the sniper rifle three or four, something like that. I haven't completely decided.)

If you built her different guns, she would need to make different ammo to fit that particular weapon, and then it would be produced at a different rate than her pistol bullets.
We should also make all of her weapons mechashift with either multiple weapon modes (sniper rifle and warhammer) or modes that are less obviously weapons if she needs to have them out without attracting attention the way that unsealing them from her device might draw. I don't know, my mind's fizzling a bit. I didn't want to leave this overnight to bring up.
If you do this, that would be 1 slot (or 0.5 slots if Gear) per weapon, so no doing that for the pistols that come with the press. Also, if you're going to build a warhammer, the gun mode HAS to be a grenade launcher you heathen! :p Sniper rifle would be an axe or something.
Nice art, but I wanna say, doesn't she look curvier and older than that? Since the template made her sexier (than the canonical stretched-out frog with a potbelly) and older-looking.

Also, where's Perfect Storm? :p
If you do this, that would be 1 slot (or 0.5 slots if Gear) per weapon, so no doing that for the pistols that come with the press. Also, if you're going to build a warhammer, the gun mode HAS to be a grenade launcher you heathen! :p Sniper rifle would be an axe or something.

I missed that the press came with guns. I was thinking that a grenade launcher along with rechargeable grenades would be a good idea.

Nice art, but I wanna say, doesn't she look curvier and older than that? Since the template made her sexier (than the canonical stretched-out frog with a potbelly) and older-looking.

Also, where's Perfect Storm? :p

According to SW,, PS didn't really make her curvier/sexier. He just made her physically fit(getting rid of the pudge canon Taylor was bothered by), and helped her with her self image.
Nice art, but I wanna say, doesn't she look curvier and older than that? Since the template made her sexier (than the canonical stretched-out frog with a potbelly) and older-looking.
According to SW,, PS didn't really make her curvier/sexier. He just made her physically fit(getting rid of the pudge canon Taylor was bothered by), and helped her with her self image.
Yep. Taylor is tall and lean, and that's how she's pretty much always going to be. She will never be curvy, even if she has a couple of kids when she's older.
But of course. I'm going to make a RWBY reference for basically any mechashift weapon you people propose. Just accept it now.
Crescent Rose is better than May's rifle axe in that case. It's foldup shape could easily be a regular rifle or shotgun as it could the show-cannon sniper rifle.

Pluss scythes are both cool and in theme. Calamity having one and her team mate having one is team coordination! Glen would be pleased!
[X] Build advanced Device for Missy (2 slots, 1 tech point)
[X] Build advanced Device for Laura (2 slots, 1 tech point)
[X] Build elemental bullet press and guns for Kayleigh (1 slot, 1 tech point

i think that we should get these three as magical girls asap, who knows when disaster might strike and a having the proper tools and powers could keep them alive?
Just going to leave this here, because there's more (stable) shift than just from gun to melee. It's the gun-gun.
oh sorry, still getting used to the who 'vote on what happens next' thing. im used to reading on
No worries. The way I format things, when the options are in a bulleted list, it's discussion only. Generally this is going to be a build vote or an activity vote, something where there are several ways to fit the options together and that will have a big impact on what happens next. I like giving people time to talk things out ahead of time so a bandwagon doesn't form early that is based on bad assumptions that come back to bite you in the rear. That's happened more than once.

When the options have [ ] in front of them, it's open for voting.
Just going to leave this here, because there's more (stable) shift than just from gun to melee. It's the gun-gun.
I'd need to read the whole article, but from a quick glance this looks more like the alternate gun modes that crossed my mind for Kayleigh than normal mechashift does.