We are Cauldron 2.0, clearly.
Also, votewise, i suggest as such:
- Pop Grey Boy's bubbles (max 4 slots, 3 bubbles per slot, 0 tech points) =1 slot
- Build advanced Device for Missy (2 slots, 1 tech point)
- Build elemental bullet press and guns for Kayleigh (1 slot, 1 tech point OR 0.5 slot, 0 tech points)
- Resurgerize Missy and adapt her old arms (2 slots, 0 tech points)
We have 6 slots.
2 to make Missy device, must be done since we promised and we already nicked her off the PRT so now is not a good time to prove untrustworthy
1 to make the bullet press for Kay so she can get her stuff on the go since she already made her decision.
2 for fixing up Missy's arms, again this isnt a good time to start pushing missy's needs to the side.
That leaves us with 1 slot left, not enough to make a device for Laura. She hasnt made her decision yet so we have no need to make her a device
right now. Unlike Kay and Missy who have thrown their lot in with us and are ready and excited
right now, Laura is going to think some more. Maybe watching the others with their new toys will help her decide
So use the last slot for some good will popping.
Also is it bad that i want Missy's new colour to be red like her hair's base colour? Red > Green