Alright so I got this
[X] Plan: Death to Chaos, Time to steal some toys from an Elven Goddess
- Have our Dragons do a fly by of Nurglite forces
- For each Nurglite wizard 5 of our Necromancers run interference while Nidhogg, Dragoth, Drakon, Galkrond and Fafnir deal with a wizard each
- Druk goes to the Duke with an honor guard of 2 Storm Dragons riding on his own Emperor Storm Dragon, to convince him to not attack us and if he succeeds to try to get him more willing to listen to us after the battle and more receptive to our words
- We go to deal with the Chaos Lord after casting bewilder on the entire Nurglite host
- The Necromancers not interfering with the Chaos Wizards spread out among our undead and lead them to relieve the Brettonians while maintaining a formation so that it's clear they can go after the Dukes forces if he attacks but not interested in doing so if left alone
- Our Wizards are to provide magical support to the Brettonians, be it casting buffs on their peasants (I doubt the knights would appreciate it), healing spells, curses on the Nurglites or general offensive spells, but position themselves so that their are appearing ready to switch targets if provoked but not threatening

@Alucard Vampiry Would the curse of ages even work on Nurglites? Seeing as they are rotting and generally not supposed to live already.
I think you're forgetting one of the great strengths of the Vampires, which is that we can drown our opponents in waves of chod to soak up ammunition and tie down their forces. What about the rest of our army? Are they just going to stand around and do nothing?

While a surgical strike to decapitate their army is a good idea, we also need to be wary of leaving our strike force undefended. Dragons are big targets that are vulnerable to concentrated missile fire, after all.

I would suggest that we support them with flying units, and that we deploy our cavalry forces to flank the Nurglite army, while using our skeletons and zombies to engage them on as wide a front as possible, so that we can overstretch their lines, tie down more of their men, and make it easier for our elites to punch through.
[X] Plan: Undead March
- The Necromancers not interfering with the Chaos Wizards spread out among our undead and lead them to relieve the Brettonians while maintaining a formation so that it's clear they can go after the Dukes forces if he attacks but not interested in doing so if left alone
- Our Wizards are to provide magical support to the Brettonians, be it casting buffs on their peasants (I doubt the knights would appreciate it), healing spells, curses on the Nurglites or general offensive spells, but position themselves so that their are appearing ready to switch targets if provoked but not threatening
Not a fan of helping people that will attack us if diplomacy fails. Also some will probably attack us anyway since even if diplomacy succeeds since it won't automatically be known throughout the army that they shouldn't attack.
Not a fan of helping people that will attack us if diplomacy fails. Also some will probably attack us anyway since even if diplomacy succeeds since it won't automatically be known throughout the army that they shouldn't attack.
Note that they are positioned so that they can swiftly change targets as well as show the Duke we are ready to fight to help in convincing him. It will also help turn the peasants to our side as i doubt they are suicidal enough to charge literal millions of undead and don't have the zealotry toward Lileath that the nobles poses to convince themselves otherwise, plus the paesant form like 7/8ths of their army
I think you're forgetting one of the great strengths of the Vampires, which is that we can drown our opponents in waves of chod to soak up ammunition and tie down their forces. What about the rest of our army? Are they just going to stand around and do nothing?
I specified that our free necromancers lead our army to attack the Nurglites and since I didn't leave any Hero unit's unassigned that should mean the rest of our army, and considering it is necromancers leading literal millions of undead, drowning our enemies in a mass of bodies is exactly what they would probably be doing. Also you reminded me of the dragons so thanks for that!
Note that they are positioned so that they can swiftly change targets as well as show the Duke we are ready to fight to help in convincing him. It will also help turn the peasants to our side as i doubt they are suicidal enough to charge literal millions of undead and don't have the zealotry toward Lileath that the nobles poses to convince themselves otherwise, plus the paesant form like 7/8ths of their army
Note that it is worded in a way that says we will be providing buffs and healing upon seeing them. This does not stop them from attacking us after they are no longer preoccupied with their current fight. I'd rather they not be healed or buffed for that part. They are also peasants so if magic is cast on them they will likely attack regardless of what the spell does.
[X] Plan: Death to Chaos, Time to steal some toys from an Elven Goddess MK.2
- Have our Dragons do a fly by of Nurglite forces and assist in a way that does as little friendly fire as possible
- For each Nurglite wizard 5 of our Necromancers run interference while Nidhogg, Dragoth, Drakon, Galkrond and Fafnir deal with a wizard each after being buffed with Bironas time Warp
- Druk goes to the Duke with an honor guard of 2 Storm Dragons riding on his own Emperor Storm Dragon, to convince him to not attack us and if he succeeds to try to get him more willing to listen to us after the battle and more receptive to our words
- We go to deal with the Chaos Lord after casting bewilder on him and curse of ages on the entire Nurglite host as well as buffing our undead with Call of Vanhelm, we approach the Chaos Lord in our Dragon Form but kill him in Armored Form after casting Abullas Snare on him
- The Necromancers not interfering with the Chaos Wizards spread out among our undead and lead them to relieve the Brettonians while maintaining a formation so that it's clear they can go after the Dukes forces if he attacks but not interested in doing so if left alone
- Our Wizards are to provide magical support to the Brettonians, be it casting buffs on their peasants (I doubt the knights would appreciate it), healing spells, curses on the Nurglites or general offensive spells, but position themselves so that their are appearing ready to switch targets if provoked but not threatening
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[X] Plan: Death to Chaos, Time to steal some toys from an Elven Goddess MK.2

this works better, the duke must be damn desperate for relief at this point.

edited: we should also use Hysh afterwards to clean the land AND give healing to the peasants.
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[X] Plan: Undead March

I don't want to provide relief until we have confirmed they won't attack us.
[X] Plan: Undead March
-[x] Cast Call of Vanhel on our undead forces before the attack and then open up with Shem's burning gaze through their forces.
-[x]Have our Dragons do a fly by of Nurglite forces and continue to provide air support after.
-[x]For each Nurglite wizard 5 of our Necromancers run interference while Nidhogg, Dragoth, Drakon, Galkrond and Fafnir deal with a wizard each.
-[x] Druk goes to the Duke with an honor guard of 2 Storm Dragons riding on his own Emperor Storm Dragon, to convince him to not attack us and if he succeeds to try to get him more willing to listen to us after the battle and more receptive to our words
-[x]We go to deal with the Chaos Lord after casting bewilder on the entire Nurglite host, we get to him by riding a doom fire dragon. While riding the dragon to him cast winds of death on the opposing army if there is enough time.
-[x]The Necromancers and wizards not interfering with the Chaos Wizards support our undead
Might want to add using curse of ages. It isn't really needed but it would probably help.
- Our Wizards are to provide magical support to the Brettonians, be it casting buffs on their peasants (I doubt the knights would appreciate it), healing spells, curses on the Nurglites or general offensive spells, but position themselves so that their are appearing ready to switch targets if provoked but not threatening
Worried that they will attack us the moment we cast due the bias against magic, if we want to heal or provide relief I think we should wait til after the battle.
Might want to add using curse of ages. It isn't really needed but it would probably help.