- Location
- Castlevania
Damn, and that's not even 10% of the undead in Mousilion. There's got to be hundreds of thousands of themGather The Undead of Mousillon: While you have gathered thousands of undead there are still thousands more out there in the darkness of Mousillon, and as its ruler, it is only natural for they serve you in death while they could not in life. DC 30
- Roll: 1d100= 37 + 40 (Martial) = 77 success
You once more gather the undead of Mousillon, they come with greater quantity this time around.
Rewards: Gain 10,000 skeletons, 10,000 zombies. 8% of the undead now in control.
Nice.Gather The Dark Beasts of Mousillon: Mousillon not only holds undead, dark beasts such as direwolves, vargheists, ghouls, and many more inhabit the shadowlands of Mousillon. DC 35
- Roll: 1d100= 5 + 40 (Martial) = 45 success
While you did not see much success like laat year, only attracting direwolves and fellbats, it still is a large number of beasts.
Rewards: Gain 5,000 direwolves, 5,000 fellbats. 32% of the beasts of mousillon now under control.
Very nice.(Living) Barracks: If you want to turn your living forces into proper soldiers they will need a place to stay and training while not proper training fields it is a step towards that direction. DC 10
Cost: 100
- Roll: 173 (OOC: this is the combination of all the criticals you guys got)
The barracks for your, future, living soldiers were timely constructed ahead of schedule, and there are already young man and women (you and the rest of Mousillon do not have the stupid tradition that only men fight) already want to sign in for the future armies of their savior. There also has been a significant morale boost among living. As result of this you popularity among them is becoming more like a somewhat religious figure, butt there aren't any cults dedicated to you… you checked.
Rewards: Humans happy. DC for recruitment of living units in four turns is reduced. You now become a somewhat religious figure among the humans.
ExcellentStart a propaganda campaign: Start a propaganda campaign to favor of vampires and magicians in a better light. DC 25
Cost: 50
Time: Finishes this turn
- Roll: 1d100= 6 + 31 (Diplomacy) = 37 success
The propaganda campaign was a success the humans of Mousillon now see both magicians and vampires in a much better perspective. It said that the reason why vampires and magicians become what the common man sees then is because they are hunted and hated by everyone just because what they are.
Rewards: Humans now see both vampires and magicians in a much better perspective. Lowers DC of 'Show Your True Nature To Humans'.
Very niceDiplomatic Staff: Diplomatic Staff: A full-time diplomatic staff to help run diplomatic operations is a good idea. DC 15
Cost: 100
Time: 1 Turn
- Roll: 178
The diplomats staff you wanted to create, so they could help handle diplomatic actions went beyond your expectations, you can say with complete confidence that they can help handle diplomatic efforts.
Rewards: +10 bonus to diplomatic actions.
Roads: Rebuilding the roads would allow the better movement of both your civilians and military forces both living and undead. DC 20
Cost: 120
- Roll: 313
The roads were rebuilt after the map was drawn to see how they would look like, the distance between the villages was taken into account as well. After this it took only nine weeks to get everything done, the settlements are now connected. And the quality of them is quite impressive.
Rewards: Faster movement of both civilians and military forces. Settlements connected. Quality: average dwarf road.
Iron Mines: Constructing mines to extract the iron recently found, it would give you many new options to arm your military forces. DC 10
Cost: 1,000
- Roll: 397
The iron mines were up and running in a few weeks, and after the first days of mining the humans found something quite interesting, they found what appeared to be a cluster of eggs who shined in the darkness without any type of light.
These eggs, are dragon eggs.
Rewards: +150 Income. New Options. Gained 10 dragon eggs, you do not know the species.
Steal Technology (Brettonia): Your, future, enemies have a clear technological edge against you while you have magic, this cannot guarantee certain victory stealing the technology of the Brettonians may put you on equal grounds in terms of technology. DC 35
- Roll: 283
Your spies did an excellent job, in fact they did so well that not only stole various schematics for the technologies (both military and civil) but the recipes for how to build them as well.
Rewards: Gain the following military technologies: Steel, hardened leather armor, chain mail, plate and half-plate armor, scale armor, advanced sadles, advanced shields, polearm, spear, trebuchet, catapults, bows, longbows, horseshoes, plough and heavy plough, crop rotation, wine press, horse collar.
And more great stuff! Now we have crossbows in addition to normal bows and longbows, halberds in addition to spears and polearms, and most importantly knowledge of gunpowder!Steal Technology (Empires of Man): The empires possess are one of the more technological advances only behind the dwarves for how good they are in terms of technology. DC 49
- Roll: 186
While the results were not as impressive as the ones in Brettonia, your spies still got the wonderful weapon known as black powder.
Rewards: Gain the following technologies: Gunpowder, crossbows, greatsword, hallberds, handgun, pistol.
Nice. No idea what to make the banner though.Risen Standard Bearers: These banners were enchanted to provide boosts of morale to the living troops of the masters of the undead.
While the enchantments were being woven, it was asked how the banner would look like.
You decide that it would look like.
[] Write-in description or image of your faction banner (OOC: This will be the official banner of your faction bytaway)
Rewards: +10 bonus to morale rolls of living troops
Also nice.Master of The Putrid Horde: While not the best vessels for war, Zombies are a ready and easily accessible source for any budding Necromancer, especially during battle - as fresh corpses are constantly being 'created'. DC 30
- Roll: 1d100= 23 + 26 (Learning) = 49 success
Ideally speaking zombies are not the best vessels of war, but they are the most accessible as during battles new corpses are constantly being created, and with this new spell can quickly rise as undead along with a few enchantments.
Rewards: +5 bonus to zombies. -25% of the recruitment cost.
Unearth Cursed Wightblades: A small cantrip can locate ancient blades upon an ancient battlefield long thought lost to time, and they are very easy to find. DC 20
- Roll: 400
Ancient battlefields were uncovered by your forces, in one of them they found something quite peculiar, a broken runeblade. The runes are still there and if you study it correctly you will have the ability to forge runeblades as well.
Rewards: +10 bonus to grave guards and black knights. Broken runeblade.
Hahahaha, I was hoping we'd roll crazy good on this, and we did!Learn Subterfuge: Being more cunning and cautious is never a detriment in your mind. DC 30
- Roll: 376
You officially self taught yourself everything you could now everything will come as field experience.
Rewards: Gain Trait: Elusive Shadow: You are elusive as a shadow to both foe and ally alike +9 Intrigue, +2 diplomacy, +2 martial, +16 personal combat skill. All Requirements Meted Gain Trait: Genius: You are amongst the various geniuses of the world, having learned incredible things without any type of outside help +5 to all attributes, +10 personal combat skill.
Very nice!Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 30
- Roll: 428
You discover new spells after your practice with the lore of light.
Rewards: Gain New Light Spells: Abulla's Snare, Assault Stone
DittoPractice your vampire magic: Vampires have their own type of magic, it is similar to common necromancy but it is more strong whether because of the nature of vampires as undead or something else no one knows. DC 20
- Roll: 165
Your knowledge about the art of necromancy continues to rise.
Rewards: Gain New Vampire Spells: Banish Undead, Blight.
I'm even more excited to see the look on some Grail Knight's face when they pick a fight with us, thinking we're some weak newbie vamp, and run into our ONE HUNDRED AND SIX Personal CombatI'm just imagining the look on the bretonnians face when they finally realize "Hey, Vampire's in Mousillon lets get em." and they run face first into a cannon/gun line.
i think the birds should stay
Hmm, pretty good. Maybe put something like a heart in the shield part?Risen Standard Bearers: These banners were enchanted to provide boosts of morale to the living troops of the masters of the undead.
While the enchantments were being woven, it was asked how the banner would look like.
You decide that it would look like.
[X] Write-in description or image of your faction banner:-
Look. We do not fulfill any of the requirements for Bretonnian Heraldry for Blazons & Marks of Excellence.
So lets just have a Black emblem (charge) of Mousillon on a Black background (field). Go with style! We are a vampire after all.
On second thought... yeah it gives style so with the birds.
Ooh, very cool!Also if any of you are wondering how aleksander looks like he basically looks like this:
With birds.
So lets just have a Black emblem (charge) of Mousillon on a Black background (field). Go with style! We are a vampire after all.
Add a white or red raven symbol to the banner to fit with the PC's image and we're set.
I don't think that would pretty hard now that... you know norscans are ravaging the coast, it just a matter of time before some hot blooded norscan decides that he will conquer Mousillon.We can only add that after we actually defeat Norscan raiders.
What about a crow or bat instead?We can only add that after we actually defeat Norscan raiders.
Well, Merovech has done it before:-
Practice Your Light Magic: Hysh the lore of light it is the first lore of magic you have, you never had time to properly train it as had more pressing matters at the moment. DC 30
- Roll: 428
You discover new spells after your practice with the lore of light.
Rewards: Gain New Light Spells: Abulla's Snare, Assault Stone
Shard dragons aren't actually dragons so unless they were mis-identified it won't be that...
Or we use them as bait? Or can we use Dragon Ogres for our Ascention?Shame is we're not likely to murder them since they are people and we're probably going to raise them...(also it'd take a few centuries or so for them to even start to come close to becoming a high dragon so it wouldn't be that efficient either)
So it'll be finding a random high dragon to kill for our ascention, i kind of doubt that the parent dragon is still alive since we got them without a problem...
I'm pretty sure that Dragon Ogres are far too steeped in Chaos for us to be able to do what Abhorash did with one.Or we use them as bait? Or can we use Dragon Ogres for our Ascention?