Nice to see another update. Hope to see us eventually get rid of that Daemon prince, but a win's a win in Kislev.
Nice to see another update. Hope to see us eventually get rid of that Daemon prince, but a win's a win in Kislev.

probably be seeing that bastard when the real invasion hits...we really need to up our armies abilities, and i wonder what choices we will have next? And also where our Daemon prince got up too besides fucking up some assholes, did it return to the warp after the hunt was done and such?
Greater Daemons of Dracul 16
Omake: Greater Daemons of Dracul 16

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 7:25 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Vulcan the Burning One: The Dark Dragon is many things. An abomination against all that is good. An unholy affront against the Emperor himself. A dark creature that seduces many to its side one way or another. This is usually done through some form of corruption or manipulation. A slow and insidious method that almost always seizes the unwary. This is the dark gods preferred method of doing things so as to make the most use of them. However the monster also understands the necessity for blunt force at times. As such it created a new monster to fill that role.

A new greater daemon of Dracul had been sighted. The following is the information I have been able to gather on it. Once again there is no guarantee this information is the full extent of it or even fully accurate.

Vulcan is simplistic yet terrible at the same time. A small seemingly harmless form that rapidly grows monstrous. It appears as a ball of lava that flows out of itself infinitely, melting nearby material and using it as a body. Generally trends towards a humanoid torso and flexible liquid lower body to connect to the ground and keep its balance. Forming a massive upright form with gaping holes in it. Great black spikes of hardened material covering its back. Arms ending in gaping holes to spray forth more of the lava. The central hole shows the core yet serves as the primary channel for the lava pouring down and outward. I believe this beast to be an apex form of the dark magic known as Aqysh. That heretical discipline is in line with flame after all.

Vulcan melts nearly any kind of solid matter and absorbs it into its body. Quickly growing into a massive monster upon being summoned. Its body is extremely hot, such that even removed from its core, stone can be melted with little issue. Its only vulnerability is it core, which is seemingly invulnerable to physical attacks of any kind and may, at most, be moved around through powerful impacts.

It can also 'spit' forth large balls of lava. Using its excretions as a ranged attack in a great hose of destruction.To make matters worse the longer it is on the field the rate of assimilation is increased such that its entire body can take in more material to grow with. Unless stopped, it can consume entire hives at a time.

I have seen this daemon at work and it terrifies me. Nothing short of orbital bombardment seems to even phase it really. Barring that the likes of an Astartes champion if they can protect themselves or a blessed Saint is required to stop it. Thankfully it is only summoned to deal with very tough nuts or the enemy does not care about loss of potential resources.

Our enemy truly grows worse with every passing year.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Greater Daemons of Dracul 17
Omake: Greater Daemons of Dracul 17

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 7:37 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Alera the Queen of Thorns: I have said it before a thousand times and I shall say it again. Evil is not always an obvious thing. You can not always tell a monster by its twisted form. Using masks of fine features to lure in those who have not armored themselves in suspicion. Such as the servants of the Dark Prince. Beautiful beyond words on the surface yet reeking of malice and evil on the inside. The Dragon once again has opted to make use of such an ideology.

A new greater daemon of Dracul had been sighted. The following is the information I have been able to gather on it. Once again there is no guarantee this information is the full extent of it or even fully accurate.

Alera is a tall woman standing at ten feet in height. I assure you what she lacks in size she makes up for elsewhere. She is the embodiment of the rose beautiful yet holds deadly thorns. Her skin is fair like snow and her hair matches it finely falling down to her back tucked behind pointed ears. A wrapping of black embroidered with gold wraps around her hourglass figure. A high collar fanning out behind her head. Falling down into finely crafted boots under a long dress that sweeps to the sides. Emerald shines against pitch black in her eyes. A cupid bow mouth and finely shaped nose completes her features. A pair of black gloves reach up to her forearms. Upon her head a crown of wicked briars sits. All of her attire decorated with sharp spikes.

Alera is not a direct threat in her own right. She boasts no great claws of fangs to tear through armor. She does not rise up to smash apart titans with her body. Her power comes from manipulating the environment. Where she goes great vines covered in jagged blades rise up and destroy all around her. Smashing tanks and mutilating regiments as they go. Fortifications are uprooted and torn open for the enemy. Expanding in number and size as they feed on the blood spilled. Worse is the fate of those caught in them. Their life force is drained so as to make them living batteries. A wall of screaming souls too weak to escape and even if they did it would likely kill them from the smaller thorns digging in. Great thorn bushes filled with skeletons are not uncommon in her wake.

Alera devastates everything in her path on both hive and feudal worlds. The former due to the blood and life force available to her. The latter from the clean natural environment she can build off of. She creates many varieties of her work. Great fruits that explode with deadly acid, fanged jaws opening wide, and roots tearing into support structures.

Alera is truly a monstrous force on the field. I have seen her topple hives at a time.

@Alucard Vampiry
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@Alucard Vampiry
I was rereading the story and going through the different tabs on turn 3-4 results there were 1-3 mistakes mostly repeating words in the same sentence right after the first time you wrote it. Example is like this " and more and more" I only found 2 of these. The heraldry and sword pic I cannot see any more, is it just me or are they down?
On turn 10 I think turn 10 results there were spelling mistakes to but I forgot where, I'll try to refund them.
So tried to quote but can't do it on a edit so I'm going to copy past. I found 1 so far one on turn 4 results stewardship towns part is this "not only this but to pay you are paying back everything you promised" it does not flow properly.
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Miscellaneous Technologies 9
Omake: Miscellaneous Technologies 9

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 7:45 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Mobile Factories: One of the biggest issues of waging war on a large scale in the modern era is the sheer length that your supply chains often end up being, and all the problems that come with that. This is often reduced by a mix of massive stores and naval production, but both solutions have their problems. This is especially true when forces are far from any available planet with the necessary production power. Another reason that the forge worlds of the Mechanicus are so important to the Imperium.

Unfortunately the Undead are keenly aware of this problem as well. They feel it even more keenly than we do in some ways. Their armies due to their nature frequently advance faster than their living counterparts. Being both tireless and needless as they are either dead or mechanical driven forward by sorcery as much as physics. The same however can not be said for their weapons and other such tools. Even the restorative powers of necromancy has its limits. Especially as they move farther from their established territory and infrastructure. Forcing them to rely more on individual sources. Their expansion being too time consuming to truly keep pace. So they developed a work around for it.

Mobile factories that can easily be set up close to the front line, and picked up and moved when the front gets closer. This allows for a steady supply of munitions to reach the front, without overly exposing industrial production to damage. These facilities also function as recycling centers to make the most use of available material. They are also supported by designed attendants to keep them constantly supplied. There are two varieties those being terrestrial and void based.

The former operates as massive moving facilities. Crawling along on vast treads across planets. Their numbers and attendant craft being more like a small city on wheels. Producing everything from guns to armor for infantry to tanks as needed by their forces. They also aid in setting up barebones infrastructure for the Undead to make use of before they move on. These facilities appear to be largely constructed on site from modular parts as a basis. Otherwise being transported by larger Undead ships as needed.

Void variants are much the same except on a larger scale. Being somewhere between mobile space stations and Mechanicus arks. They produce smaller star ships along with other things. Primarily being Undead fighter craft and parts for the existing vessels. They also function as mobile repair yards being able to attend to multiple smaller vessels at a time. Their attendants are large scale and almost entirely automated mining vessels designed to crack apart asteroids and planetoids as needed. Given time they can strip mine entire moons to fuel their masters. Thankfully these are fewer in number due to cost.

Given time one of these could make another of itself thankfully that is rare in active engagement areas.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Miscellaneous Technologies 10
Omake: Miscellaneous Technologies 10

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 7:56 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Autonomous Automated Escorts: This is one of the most significant technologies of the Undead in regards to their navy. Though it is largely confined to their more purpose built vessels. Those being the ones they crafted from scratch in their shipyards. It is the culmination of the Undead's various technologies involving autonomous technology. Only instead of in a factory overseeing production this one is dedicated to warfare.

Dubbed as golem craft by the Undead these are to put it simply exactly as their name implies. Advances in their heretical automation and control have allowed for the creation of fully automated frigates. With no crew to protect or lose, these vessels are extremely deadly. Additionally, this extends to all forms of fighter, bomber, and drone craft. These vessels are completely without any form of crew on board. How they function is largely a mystery, but they are very effective.

What I do know is that they are effectively slabs of technology of all kinds. They are essentially just one giant machine. Their lack of crew having made such entirely possible. All of those pieces normally required have no place on such a vessel. There are no corridors or staircases. No barracks or resting facilities. Of course no life support systems of any kind. All of that space is instead turned over to other things.

Additional systems are embedded into the frame instead. Or rather existing ones are expanded to make use of it. Reactors are expanded upon or have whole new smaller ones added in. Shields are expanded upon and assigned more power. Weapons are directly connected to ammunition storage as needed. Cogitators are expanded to be the size of tanks to help manage it all. Scanners constantly working to study the space around them. Sorcerous systems are embedded throughout the hull. Runework and sorcerous crystals being a good portion of this. The only thing organic on board is shaped biomass here and there to help control the vessel.

These vessels are controlled in much the same way as the Ebony Steel Legions. Networks of sorcery and data intertwined with other systems to help manage them. The vessels being driven forward by the will of the commanding officer. Otherwise falling back on embedded programming to make any decisions. If left alone they will simply go looking for the nearest Undead stronghold to rejoin a fleet. Alternatively it will hurl itself at the nearest enemy stronghold to cause as much damage as possible before being destroyed.

Thankfully the space faring vessels have one major flaw. They are incapable of independent Warp travel. For that they must rely on their superiors to do. Following them closely like scavengers following close to a predator for meaningful travel.

These vessels are extremely dangerous do not underestimate them.

@Alucard Vampiry
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these two things will make our lives in 30k or 40k or inbetween much easier, thanks Ancient for that!

also the omake king for this is at it again!
I am deeply impressed by the quality of the 30k omakes. they're so detailed and meticulous there was just one thing I wish I could see. I want to see space marine chapters that serve Dracul. I think that would be a very good topic to have a side story about because it be very interesting.
I am deeply impressed by the quality of the 30k omakes. they're so detailed and meticulous there was just one thing I wish I could see. I want to see space marine chapters that serve Dracul. I think that would be a very good topic to have a side story about because it be very interesting.

i think theres a few renegades that would join dracul after seeing what the imperium has become, the soul eaters being a chapter that lives in a space hulk and is led by a mutant space marine due to tzeenchian shenanigans being one of them (they rejected chaos at the very last fucking moment and decided to specifically fuck up that lord of changes day with a very nasty anti-daemon weapon.)

Edited: said mutant chapter master went on to fuck up a alpha plus level chaos psyker's day when it was too busy being an arrogant little shit rather then killing him with said spear also...which also by happen-stance allowed the marines to get the cure to their geneseed being tainted by chaos to allow more marines to be formed from the renegade chapter...which also means the chapter is not following the codex astartes anymore due to their betrayal by the imperium and the mechanicus.
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The Blood Tide - Aftermath
Dracul watched as the onslaught of Daemons that attacked his realm stopped, as the legions of Tzeentch were called back by their master back to their own realm in the Realm of Souls. He did not give out any sigh of relief, not yet. He knew that every time the Changer gave up; it was actually a cover to hide its true intentions.

He was proven right when instead of the Lies and Change; it was Blood and War that attacked him. It seemed like the Blood God did not like the fact that one of his Exalted had been killed in both body and spirit, or Khorne and his legions thought he was a worthy opponent and decided to fight him in mass because of it. For all he knew, it could even be a combination of both.

But it didn't matter the defenses of his realm would hold them back, and since they were only focused on the Realm of Souls, he carefully withdrew the might that he put in strengthening the barrier that separated Wallachia from the Warp allowing his gaze into other more important things.

Such as the fact that Sigmar now has his own Divine Champion.

He scoffed as he looked at the Golden Light that shone so brightly even he could see from his realm of shadow. It was nothing compared to his own light, but it was still irritating to look at, as the part of him that was a creature of the night hated the light. But it was necessary, as he needed to look at Kislev to assess the situation. And considering how he could feel that he was not the only one, it was more than necessary.

The forces that he sent towards Kislev were bloodied but not broken, even if they faced enormous casualties, and even then, it did not affect his legions that much. They still number in their hundreds of millions a force that could easily fight and conquer the entire world, not that he would do that even if he considered it.

Kislev itself would take centuries before they could say that they had recovered. The sheer loss of life had attorned to that, entire landscapes are now completely barren of all human life that does not adhere to Chaos, and many cities that gave many goods to the Kislevite economy would need to be destroyed thanks to the corruptive touch of chaos. Not even telling of the few handouts of the Chaos Host that would plague them for decades at the very least.

But even that pales to the fact that the Tzar died. His heir is hard and unyielding, but some of his ideas clash with some of the noble's own ideas, and so unrest will come. And he has a younger brother who is friends with those same nobles. Dracul wants to say that they will not be dumb enough to cause a civil war just after they faced such odds, but he long since gave up on that.

The smell of charred flesh fills him with horror as he watched his wife and parents burn in front of him. The horror gave way to sorrow so deep that the whispers that plagued him recently almost succeed in making him break. Before he noticed how the screams had gone silent, his sorrow and despair were forgotten and substituted by hatred, his sight was filled with gold and then─

Humanity was an ugly thing like that.

Dracul was about to make his move when he felt the Warp shift once again. It was not the feeling that the Four gave off. For one, it was much weaker, and did not give the feeling of danger. Even then, he grew ready for an attack.

Three Gods appeared before him. The first and their apparent leader was a great bear. His fur was white and his eyes shone a fierce but empathetic light reminiscent of a caring but hard parental figure. The second is a muscled, square-jawed warrior with a massive axe on his hands that crackled with electricity. The third one is a handsome youth with long flowing hair and wreathed in fire that seemed to shine like the sun itself.

Dracul who they were, the three great gods of Kislev: Ursun, Tor, and Dazh.

"What do you want, Gods of Kislev?" He asked them.

"We want to make a deal with you," Ursun said.

"Kislev has grown weak thanks to the attacks of the servants of the Hound and it will only grow worse from here on," Tor spoke next, citing the same issues that Dracul saw.

"Change is coming, good and bad, and our own influence only goes so far." Dazh spoke, the light around him growing dimmer.

Their assessments confused Dracul, especially by the one made by the God of The Sun, before he remembered another highly important God of Kislev. Not all agreed with their decision to come meet with him. And the new Tzar seemed to make quite the ruckus himself. But that was beside the point.

"What manner of deal do you three want with me?" Dracul questioned, making the three gods spoke.

They wanted for the forces of Wallachia already there to stay for a little while longer to cleanse some of the more fierce holdouts of the Chaos Host before they returned and they also asked for some economical or humanitarian aid to Kislev such as providing food or other amount of resources.

In the end, Dracul thought of all the possibilities before he spoke that he would...

[] Provide Help ─ The part of his army that is in Kislev will destroy the greatest Holdouts of forces of chaos and he will provide economical and humanitarian aid to Kislev with Dracul having all the power on the amount sent towards Kislev.

[] Don't Provide Help ─ The part of his army shall be taken out of Kislev and he shall not order for any help to be sent to the northern kingdom.
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[X] Provide Help ─ The part of his army that is in Kislev will destroy the greatest Holdouts of forces of chaos and he will provide economical and humanitarian aid to Kislev with Dracul having all the power on the amount sent towards Kislev.
[X] Provide Help ─ The part of his army that is in Kislev will destroy the greatest Holdouts of forces of chaos and he will provide economical and humanitarian aid to Kislev with Dracul having all the power on the amount sent towards Kislev.
[X] Provide Help

Don't see a reason not to? Not really costing us anything either.

Also QM, should second option not be "Don't Help" or "Don't provide help"? "Not Help" sounds kinda weird.
[X] Provide Help ─ The part of his army that is in Kislev will destroy the greatest Holdouts of forces of chaos and he will provide economical and humanitarian aid to Kislev with Dracul having all the power on the amount sent towards Kislev.
-[X] With the added bonus of becoming one of kislev Gods

Since kislev is in a bad state we can use this to spread our influence and knowledge to them so they can fix themselves
[X] Provide Help ─ The part of his army that is in Kislev will destroy the greatest Holdouts of forces of chaos and he will provide economical and humanitarian aid to Kislev with Dracul having all the power on the amount sent towards Kislev.