Quick question does anyone know anything about megafauna in space in warhammer? I remember mentions of whales and krakens. Though I am not sure if that's just me.
The Undead Navy 5
Omake: The Undead Navy 5

Time: 4:19 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Ghost ships: Many are those unfortunate vessels lost in the void for one reason or another. Doomed to drift between the light of foreign stars. What happened to their crew can only be guessed at. Perhaps it was an outbreak of plague that spread and killed everyone on board. Maybe food supplies ran out and those starving remnants turned on each other. Maybe life support systems failed and quietly killed off everyone. Maybe even a swift attack that killed the crew, but left the ship itself intact. Regardless the result remains the same. An empty hull floating in the void. A silently drifting tomb in the darkness.

Just like any other tomb the Dragon is quick to violate these. No respect being given to the fallen. Just the desire to remake and reuse for its own dark plans. Yet another example of the monstrous gods evil nature. As if we needed a reminder of it. Still this does not quite describe the nightmare this is to deal with.

In all honesty I am not completely certain that some of these are even intentionally created. Rather they are victims of mere circumstance. As absurd as that might sound. Yet I have seen evidence of this time and again. The complete lack of any form of hextech in their construction. The nonexistent presence of any of the corporeal undead. Not so much as one of their more corporeal wraiths in sight. Not even a single necromancer is present onboard. Even floating light years away from any Undead fleet.

I believe I have the answer though. The Dark Dragon and it's realm has grown explosively over the centuries since it first appeared. Only two hundred and fifty years ago it was first brought to our attention. Now it covers a sizable portion of the Ultima Segmentum. It's power to put it simply has massively expanded across the board. I think perhaps this is a side effect of that. I have heard stories of undead rising on worlds far from the front lines. This was not due to any cult though.

I believe that the very concept of undeath has begun to dig deep into the Warp. Enforced by the massive number here in the Materium and the power of the Dragon. Now it is spilling over where the veil is thin. Like water from a cup creating rogue undead and other monsters. These can still be bound to the Dragon's service though.

I think that is happening here. The winds of death reaching the vessels and corrupting them. Stealing the souls of the dead and causing them to linger. Fillling them with malice towards the living. Infused with necrotic energy to make them function. Or twisting them into a confused screaming mess. I do not know which is worse.

I can only pray for their souls.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Undead Navy 6
Omake: The Undead Navy 6

Time: 4:26 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

All ghost ships of the Undead are hostile to the living. Even if they themselves in their madness do not understand it. Endlessly seeking out the warmth of the living. Craving to add them to their damned choir for all eternity. With every death, every soul caught and absorbed ghost ships of all types grow more dangerous. Becoming that much more warped in one way or another. Becoming more infested with necrotic energy and insane. Becoming that much harder to actually destroy.

The methods they use to achieve this are several fold. Some simply drift through the void letting the living find them. Remaining either silent and playing dead or looping broadcasts as a lure. Not caring who came so long as they did. Others are more agressive becoming silent predators in the blackness. Attacking without warning to harvest more souls from isolated vessels. With enough necrotic energy even creating new ghost shops as they go.

The Soultrap: This type of ghost ship is of the former category. Luring in the living to kill them by acting as salvage to be gathered. Often with broadcasts sent out advertising valuable cargo that needed to reach a specific place. An unfortunately effective lure that works far too often. Pirates, patrols, and rogue traders alike falling for it. Then the real nightmare begins.

Within their hulls the victims venture completely unaware of the danger they put themselves in. Psykers if they have them being unaware. Afterall they are trained to sense the ruinous powers and this is much more subtle. The spirits woven deep into the machinery of their vessel. Like they served in life, but with certain changes.

There were no physical forms for them. All the machinery continued to operate smoothly without need for maintenance. Weapons were loaded by new mechanisms. The metal was always cold to the touch. The halls silent and empty of a single soul or sound beyond the dull sounds of the machinery. Off putting, but rarely enough so for treasure hunters.

Within they all meet their end more often then not. Pipes suddenly stabbing forth to impale bodies. Wires lashing out to electrocute the unfortunate. Still air suddenly being vacuumed away from the sections they walk in. Heat discharge being redirected to cook men alive. All while slowly separating and dividing the boarders. Eventually all of them perish. Their souls absorbed into the ship and empowering it. It eventually moves somewhere else ghostly engines propelling it forward. To set a new trap for the living.

These ships are rarely under the control of the Undead proper. Still it does not stop them from using them. A sufficiently powerful witch can bind these vessels to their will. Through them the Dragon will own them as well. Eventually having them join with the fleets as an uncaring attacker. Eager to capture more souls and grow further.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Midnight Factions
Omake: Midnight Factions

Time: 4:36 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The forces of the Undead are manifold in their horror. Ranging from the dark temptation and mockery of the vampires to the ghostly nightmares of the specters. The forces of evil come in many shapes. Especially those who delight in twisting and altering all they can. All driven by the relentless will of a dark god. A seemingly unending relentless horde united in all ways and dedicated to destruction of all things good. An endless ocean of puppets driven forward by cruel masters.

This is only somewhat true however. It is true that most of what I said is spot on. There is more to it though. When we think of the Undead we think of the vast hordes that mindlessly and relentlessly attack. The cold and indifferent malice of the dead against the living. The corruption of the Dark Dragon upon the galaxy. Again there is more to it. The Undead are not a single unified whole.

Among the upper echelons of the Undead are many internal factions. Varying due to details such as power and prestige. Type of Undead state, accomplishments, and ideology. Goals and desires are another division. Indeed there are many factions within the Undead ranks. Each of which holds many sub factions of their own.

All of them jockeying for power and recognition from their master. Unfortunately this is not something we can really exploit. Unlike the forces of Chaos they can not be easily turned on each other or be counted on to self destruct. Their vile master makes it clear infighting will not be tolerated. So the disputes are relegated to politics, games of influence, and displays of power and prestige. Often at the expense of the Imperium.

Midnight Aristocracy: One of the overarching factions of the Undead. Made up almost exclusively of the vampiric menace. With the odd Lich here and there. Often used as an overarching term for Vampires as well even if not completely accurate. Still odds are good that the vampire is at least an associate.

Stylizing themselves as nobility and monarchs these monsters hold to their label. Their previous status being considered irrelevant. Presenting themselves in romanticized lights and going on with all the trappings of nobility. Living in great black palaces and holding court from their strongholds. Ruling over many Undead worlds and engaging in all manner of schemes both personal and political. All of them arrogant to the bone.

Attitudes among them vary greatly. Some show utter contempt for the living. Others seem to act as if they were still alive. By and large they hold mortals to be little better than foolish cattle to be herded. A few outliers holding some twisted version of love for their subjects. Though it is more like that for a prized possession rather than good rulership.

There is no known leader among their number. More of a group consensus based off the opinions of the elder more powerful members. Beyond that it is largely like a noble court that could be found throughout the Imperium.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ebony Steel Legions 7
Omake: The Ebony Steel Legions 7

Time: 4:45 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Deathripper: The Undead have created many monstrosities in the centuries since they have emerged. Some of the biological form and others of the mechanical variety. Each a terror in their own way. So it is no surprise that they have managed to produce yet another nightmare. From the forges of fallen priests comes the new weapon called the Deathripper.

The Deathripper is a terrifying weapon of surprising speed and bestial ferocity that charges forward to tear apart its enemies while serving as a magical conduit for the horrifying spells of its master. Standing at the size of a small tank they are far faster than their form suggests. Racing about upon their raptor shaped legs.

These machines skitter across the battlefield pouring forth poisonous smoke and steam from wickedly efficient, hextech engines. The high-pitched keen of the Deathripper venting steam has been written about for decades in fevered war journals. It is a sound rarely forgotten. I suspect that there is a sorcerous component to it.

The Deathripper is built of blackened metal fused with the skulls and fangs of fearsome, blighted beasts. These biological components either coming from beasts of death worlds or fallen enemies. Shaped to fit their desired purpose in the device. It's form is bipedal and hunched over. Resembling more of a beast than a machine proper. Glowing green markings indicating it's power source within. Three smokestacks stick up from its back with several metal spikes before them on the head. A raised panel before them as armor. There are no discernible optics on the machine.

The machines purpose is several fold in battle. The first being to hunt down armored units in the field. Their high speed and tearing jaws ideal with ripping into tanks and other such vehicles. Their size aiding to bog down and restrain their prey. Making it that much harder to shake them off when they get a grip. Secondly they act as area of denial assets. Their black gases pouring out to hurt and kill the foe. Poisoning anyone who breathes it in. Keeping away any infantry without the right gear. Finally they act as agents to the enemy psykers. Either as their guardians in the field or using their unique properties to amplify the dark power of their spell craft.

The chassis is lined with a number of runes. One effect is to negate it's weight and increase it's speed. A second is to increase durability on all fronts. A third to manage temperature and ensure there is no heat build up. Finally a sequence to prevent the environment from interfering with it. Such as high wind and moisture.

This machine is not something to underestimate. I have seen one tear apart a Leman Russ tank with ease when it got close. Do not underestimate them.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ebony Steel Legions 8
Omake: The Ebony Steel Legions 8

Time: 4:52 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Ripjaw: The Undead have created many monstrosities in the centuries since they have emerged. Some of the biological form and others of the mechanical variety. Each a terror in their own way. So it is no surprise that they have managed to produce yet another nightmare. From the forges of fallen priests comes the new weapon called the Ripjaw.

The Ripjaw is a terrifying weapon of surprising speed and bestial ferocity that charges forward to tear apart its enemies while serving as a magical conduit for the horrifying spells of its master. Standing at the size of a small tank they are far faster than their form suggests. Racing about upon their raptor shaped legs. It bears a significant resemblance to the Deathripper. In fact it is likely just a variant of the original.

The Ripjaw is built of blackened metal fused with the skulls and fangs of fearsome, blighted beasts. These biological components either coming from beasts of death worlds or fallen enemies. Shaped to fit their desired purpose in the device. The difference here is they unfold to reveal a razor sharp chain blade within. The blade itself crackling with unnatural energy. It's form is bipedal and hunched over. Resembling more of a beast than a machine proper. Glowing green markings indicating it's power source within. Three electric pylons stick up from its back with several metal spikes before them on the head. A raised panel before them as armor. There are no discernible optics on the machine.

The machines purpose is two fold in battle. Firstly they act as agents to the enemy psykers. Either as their guardians in the field or using their unique properties to amplify the dark power of their spell craft. Their ultimate purpose is far worse really. Getting in close to the valiant titans of the Imperium. More specifically the knights piloted in battle. Drawing in to use their blades to tear into the metal and workings of the great machines. Rending the legs apart to bring them down. After they collapse tearing into the center of the machine while it struggles on the ground. Tearing it apart to present the pieces to their master. When not going after titans they rip through anything on the field trampling and shredding their foes. To accomplish this they hunt in packs to hound their prey.

The chassis is lined with a number of runes. One effect is to negate it's weight and increase it's speed. A second is to increase durability on all fronts. A third to manage temperature and ensure there is no heat build up. Finally a sequence to prevent the environment from interfering with it. Such as high wind and moisture.

This machine is not something to underestimate. Be very careful with your titans if they are spotted. Lest they be lost forever.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Midnight Factions 2
Omake: Midnight Factions 2

Time: 4:59 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Necrotects: Every soul has the capacity for heresy to some degree. Everyone has some dark corner of their mind. Every man has something that they desire. This is a universal truth for all mankind. No where is this more clear than the heresy of the Dark Dragon. The lure of immortality and power appeals to all men to some degree.

The priests of Mars are no exception to this rule. They claim that they are immune to the fallacies of emotion. That they are beyond temptation of any kind. That they are beyond the touch of madness in all it's forms. That they operate purely on a sense of logic. They like to believe that by implanting metal into themselves that they are better than human. And as such possess none of the flaws of being human.

This is of course far from the truth.

The Necrotects are the embodiment of this fault. The overarching faction of the fallen tech priests and more. Their ranks are filled with mad engineers, scholars, biologists, and artisans. Not just those of the fallen Mechanicus members, but of any who have a fixation on knowledge and technology. Ranging from the clockmakers of primitive worlds to the builders of great space stations. This dark bastion of forbidden knowledge is a terrible force in its own regard. Rivaling the Dark Mechanicus in the danger they pose to the good people of the Imperium.

Their forms come in a wide variety. Barring a few members who are vampires and such most are humans who transformed somehow. Typically at their own hands or the touch of their dark master as a reward. Many take on purely mechanical shells, housing their souls in powerful metallic bodies. Others choose to remain biological and modify the human form in all manner of ways. More still choose to find a middle ground becoming monstrous hybrids of metal and flesh.

Their faction is dominated by the desire to experiment, to build, and remake in their own image. Like the other factions they have their own internal groups. Each with its own idea of perfection and grandeur. They are the source of much of the Ascendancy's technological advancement. Their fevered and twisted minds working constantly to produce a seemingly never ending stream of ideas. Freed of the limits imposed by life they dedicate themselves entirely to their craft. Eager to please their master in what ways they can.

They have little in terms of political goals save for the collection of things that intrigue them. Either being exotic materials or technologies of some form. Oftentimes the corpses of other creatures for study. Yet more fodder for their malicious craft. They largely dominate the midnight forges and do not often stray from their labs and fortresses. The more militant and fanatical of their members however are not afraid to go abroad. Leading their own forces in expeditions to gather what they desire or to claim yet more worlds for the Dragon.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Midnight Factions 3
Omake: Midnight Factions 3

Time: 5:04 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Ghost Courts: The Spectral variety of the Undead. Nowhere is it more obvious of the vast depths of their madness. The sheer monstrosities they are willing to commit. And the sheer danger that their dark magics pose to the Imperium. The violation of the soul itself. Proof that their malice and power reaches far beyond the physical.

The Spectral come in many varieties. Wielding a wide variety of abilities. Some merely resemble their forms when they were alive. Others have lost any coherence of form. Becoming a shifting monstrosity of twisting energy. Others were never alive to begin with. Merely being gatherings of dark magics. Or were crafted from mere shards of lost souls.

This is perhaps the most nebulous of the factions. It presides over the gatherings of the ethereal Undead. The sentient, the sapient, and the puppets alike. They are strange and alien in a distinct way. Their court membership and positions in seemingly constant flux. Only a few of the Dark Dragon's most favored remaining secure in their positions at the top.

Powerful wraiths and other high ranking specters hold court in vast halls. Some of them crafted that way, others rising through one method or another. Surrounding them follow retinues of lesser spirits who serve them hand and foot. From them issue countless commands to the vast legions of ghosts that bow to them.

The desires of the courts wax and wane with time. One agenda coming and going quickly to them. It all depends on who has gathered the most influence at the time and their obsessions. Followed by one of their rivals taking over after them. Though they bear no true uniting leader. Some obsess with the trappings of nobility. Others bear a fixation for the fine arts. More still are focused purely on the making of war.

These courts exist only on worlds where the power of the Warp holds strong. Alternatively the shrine or daemon worlds the Dragon reigns over. Their forms ill suited for places without a presence of necromantic power. Though some are capable of sustaining themselves without outside aid. Or simply where the veil between the Materium and the Warp is thin and enough dark power has gathered.

Beyond that they reside in the Warp along with the daemons of their master. Working alongside them to collect more souls for his dark throne. Here their greatest strongholds can be found. Vast palaces and fortresses reach impossibly high into an imaginary sky. All of it transparent like foggy glass to the eye. Appearing draped in fine webs of silk like shrouds. All of them faintly glowing and ethereal. Yet these citadels are all too real and from their icy halls pour forth great waves of spirits. Seemingly solid to the touch yet no mundane weapon can reliably harm them. Most weapon fire phasing through the walls without leaving a single mark. All the while their weapons tear apart anything they can target. Creating more ghosts as their necromantic power increases.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Holy bleep I'm just looking at this and wow the von carstiens make almost all other vampires lifestyles look austere especially the strigoi and nechrarchs! Wait we turned into a god?! Oh boy this sounds like it will really be quite a ride.

Nonetheless, it also looks like there is enough to be done to last a player for years.

And this looks like it's also a quest with a multi-country spread organization, that's very cool.
...but how did we come to have thousands of dragons serving us?
@Alucard Vampiry If I catch up on all the Infoposts will I know most of what is needed to catch up on this quest?
Midnight Factions 4
Omake: Midnight Factions 4

Time: 5:09 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"You Imperials are so very tiresome to deal with. You rely on those who use the Warp so much. The Navigators, the Astropaths, and those who tend the Astronomicon. Yet you persecute and alienate them so much. With all that hatred and prejudice is it any wonder that so many go bad and choose Chaos. How could they not though? When they feel more kinship with the daemons than they do their fellow man?"

The Arcana: Also referred to as the Colleges of Magic, the Grand Circles, and the Workers of Miracles. The latest of the Undead factions I have come across in my investigations of this menace. Essentially the fruit of the Undead's particular way of utilizing sorcery. Namely their more stable methods and encouraging the practice where they can. Resulting in enough of the witches gathering to form one of the largest factions on their ranks.

Arguably the most widespread of the factions in terms of coverage. Every Midnight world has at least a few witches upon their surfaces. The presence of their Geomantic web requiring practitioners to manage it. That and the other methods that require sorcerous power to drive their war machine. The witch is a common fixture in any sizable Undead gathering.

Their goals typically follow certain trends. Namely further securing their presence among the Undead ranks. Ensuring that there is no chance of their fellows turning on them, however unlikely that may be. Beyond that doing much the same as their Necrotect counterparts. Experimenting with their sorceries in all manner of ways. Trying to find something useful they can exploit and expand to the rest of the ascendency. Ranging from modifications to runecraft to finding new ways to manipulate the planets they reside on to devising new weapons. All for the purpose of rising in the ranks. The offer of immortality being a potent prize to motivate them.

Beyond that their interests divide between multiple approaches. Some choose to dedicate themselves to their dread master in the Warp. Drawing in souls to his black throne or summoning forth his daemons. Others aiding in the creation of cults and spreading corruption on planets. More still act in a more militant manner. Acting as living disasters on the battlefield. Wreaking havoc on enemy forces in person. Beyond that overseeing the battle field from afar while applying magic to various tactical ideas. Typically the raising of the newly dead to add to their numbers.

There is no known leader among their number. More of a group consensus based off the opinions of the elder more powerful members. Beyond that it is largely like a gathering of academics that could be found throughout the Imperium.

They appear to have a rather heated hatred for the forces of Chaos. Especially for those in service to the Changer. Not surprising considering what usually happens with witches.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Necromancers 1
Omake: Necromancers

Time: 5:09 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"You are truly a fool Imperial. Do you not understand the situation you are in? I am a master of death itself. The fallen rise up to my service. Through me the dark winds of necromancy reach across this world. With every moment your forces dwindle further with each clash. All the while my own troops grow in number with recruits gained and the fallen restored once again. To face me is to face legions that will never stop until you have fallen. Then you will rise again as a new loyal soldier. Such is the Will of Dracul."

Necromancers are amongst the most cursed of all those who practice the sorcerous arts, for they have damned their souls and exchanged their humanity for the ability to raise the dead and command them to wage war upon the living as the Undead. The most widespread and essential members of the cursed witches of the Ascendancy. The source of much of their evil. That they walk the world at all is an affront to the Emperor himself.

Such willingness to damn one's soul is often a sign of desperation. Typically for one of three things. The first being a veritable rite of passage for their vile ilk. The wicked path to escaping the grasp of mortality itself. Driven forth by the fear of death and the unknown. Unsurprising given it is one of the most widespread fears of all men. Most likely being consumed by the predations of Chaos after rejecting the light of the Emperor. A fitting end for such heretics, unfortunately it is an art they slowly spread and further master.

The second is the craving for control upon the world. The power to truly dominate the situation they are in and become unassailable. An understandable sentiment as who does not wish to control their fate? In their minds what better way to do so than mastery over death itself? To bring other beings in this twisted way under their control. Often those who had crossed them in life as well. An unliving army totally obedient to one's wishes. You can see why it gives the illusion of control and power. Power has long been a potent motivator in the hearts of men.

The third and final reason is that of twisted curiosity. A vile fascination with life and death. The kind of mindset that led to the end of the Dark Age of Technology. The pursuit of forbidden knowledge for the sake of knowledge. The power that comes with it often being considered merely a side benefit of doing it. It is the embodiment of the twisted desire to learn and understand those most eldritch and vast of topics.

This stage is unfortunately the first step for them. The beginning of a legacy of the stuff of nightmares for good men. From here it only gets worse.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Necromancers 2
Omake: Necromancers 2

Time: 5:16 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"You are truly a fool Imperial. Do you not understand the situation you are in? I am a master of death itself. The fallen rise up to my service. Through me the dark winds of necromancy reach across this world. With every moment your forces dwindle further with each clash. All the while my own troops grow in number with recruits gained and the fallen restored once again. To face me is to face legions that will never stop until you have fallen. Then you will rise again as a new loyal soldier. Such is the Will of Dracul."

"Ah we meet once again Imperial. I see that you have changed since we last met. You have grown tired and weary with the toils of life. I have changed as well. My studies have progressed splendidly since we last spoke. New avenues of research have opened to me since then. Your old allies helped me do it in their own way. Such a helpful lot the dead are when you know the right things. Now how about you come and join us. To clarify I am not asking you."

Corruption is a near universal factor among those who wield the power of the Warp. Whether changes from coloration to growing extra limbs it happens far and wide. Only those sheltered by the Emperor receiving any true protection from this vile phenomenon. Even then overuse of their power can lead to changes wrought upon them.

Master Necromancers are those few individuals whom have dedicated their entire existence to the learning and practicing of Necromancy. Extending their lifespan beyond their mortal limits, these evil mages are truly powerful sorcerers that have the ability to conjure up an entire army of Undead all by themselves. The culmination of decades if not longer of studies of forbidden arts.

They are walking beacons of dark magic upon the Materium. Their power radiates out from them and twists the world as they go. The sky darkens and churns with their passing. The dead stir in their graves and rise closer to the surface. While dark places where wicked deeds were committed become hazardous and eerie. Wild life becomes aggressive like never before and plants wither or become twisted.

They are vile focuses for wicked magic in their armies. The Undead around them being empowered to greater heights. Rising again faster when called to fight once more. Spirits manifesting faster than before. They are the source of much of the Undead's corruption. They are never alone either. Undead of advanced make following obediently after them as retinues. A sign of a coming attack.

This is the second stage on the vile ladder. The one where the bindings of humanity start to break down. Where they make the transition to becoming something truly else something utterly wrong. It only gets worse from here.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Necromancers 3
Omake: Necromancers 3

Time: 5:21 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"You are truly a fool Imperial. Do you not understand the situation you are in? I am a master of death itself. The fallen rise up to my service. Through me the dark winds of necromancy reach across this world. With every moment your forces dwindle further with each clash. All the while my own troops grow in number with recruits gained and the fallen restored once again. To face me is to face legions that will never stop until you have fallen. Then you will rise again as a new loyal soldier. Such is the Will of Dracul."

"Ah we meet once again Imperial. I see that you have changed since we last met. You have grown tired and weary with the toils of life. I have changed as well. My studies have progressed splendidly since we last spoke. New avenues of research have opened to me since then. Your old allies helped me do it in their own way. Such a helpful lot the dead are when you know the right things. Now how about you come and join us. To clarify I am not asking you."

"Hello again Imperial. I do believe that this is the third time we have fought like this. How many years have we been at this? One does lose track of time when it is no longer a concern of theirs. As you can see my own ascension to the next level has gone quite well. There are still some kinks to work out, but all in time. You meanwhile have grown old and frail. Can you feel the looming weight of mortality on your shoulders? Let me relieve your burden for you."

Lich: The vile third stage of the party of Necromancy. All too often the culmination of decades if not centuries of work. When you know that they have well and truly damned themselves.

A Lich is a necromancer who had succeeded in their vile quest. Namely that of breaking the chain of mortality. Albeit in a different form than those of daemon princes. They are still very much material beings. An immortal evil that walks to destroy all that is good and holy.

The difference between them and a necromancer is clear. The latter still holds life in them. The former though has become an Undead themselves. Allowing their dark power to sky rocket to new heights. They are walking wellsprings of black magic upon the Materium. Their power radiating out from them and twists the world as they go. The sky darkens and churns with their passing. The dead stir in their graves and those freshly fallen jerk back to life. While dark places where wicked deeds were committed become host to specters. Wild life becomes aggressive like never before and plants wither or become twisted mirrors of themselves.

This transformation is not perfect though. Their soul may be immortal now, but they are not forever young. That part requires greater work that is unfortunately increasingly common among them. Until that point their flesh decays. Making them into nightmarish ghouls in form and spirit. Still that issue never seems to last long.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Necromancers 4
Omake: Necromancers 4

Time: 5:28 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"You are truly a fool Imperial. Do you not understand the situation you are in? I am a master of death itself. The fallen rise up to my service. Through me the dark winds of necromancy reach across this world. With every moment your forces dwindle further with each clash. All the while my own troops grow in number with recruits gained and the fallen restored once again. To face me is to face legions that will never stop until you have fallen. Then you will rise again as a new loyal soldier. Such is the Will of Dracul."

"Ah we meet once again Imperial. I see that you have changed since we last met. You have grown tired and weary with the toils of life. I have changed as well. My studies have progressed splendidly since we last spoke. New avenues of research have opened to me since then. Your old allies helped me do it in their own way. Such a helpful lot the dead are when you know the right things. Now how about you come and join us. To clarify I am not asking you."

"Hello again Imperial. I do believe that this is the third time we have fought like this. How many years have we been at this? One does lose track of time when it is no longer a concern of theirs. As you can see my own ascension to the next level has gone quite well. There are still some kinks to work out, but all in time. You meanwhile have grown old and frail. Can you feel the looming weight of mortality on your shoulders? Let me relieve your burden for you."

"So good to have you join us old friend."

Arch Lich: The most vile and powerful of the users of Necromancy. Rivaled only by elder vampires in power. The apex of the dark path these witches walk. They have truly managed to crack the secret to creating a twisted immortality. Tethered to the world unless something very specific is done.

An Arch Lich thrums with dark power. The dead old and new tear themselves from the ground at their mere presence upon a world. Vile specters of the restless rise in great numbers. The world itself turns on his foes. The greatest of generals of the Unliving legions. With but a gesture millions of Undead rise up to serve them.

They will often have an anchor to stabilize themselves. Something referred to as a phylactery. Even if their bodies are destroyed their spirits will linger on. Worse the body of an Arch Lich is not necessarily human or truly necessary. They can willingly transfer between ones they have found or crafted personally. Generally preferring to use the latter. Giving themselves powerful forms to match their magic. Some do not even need a body to interact with the world.

If you wish to destroy one of them you must first destroy their anchor. Or else they will simply return later for revenge. Only truly holy weapons can disrupt this enough to truly slay them. The problem is actually finding and getting to the blasted thing.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Midnight Champions 11
Midnight Champions 11

Time: 5:36 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Ten different operatives died to bring me this information.

Name: Revera Nightshade. The Wicked Queen. The Black Sorceress.

Type: Vampire. Lahmian.

Location: Midnight Civilized World Snow.

Physical description: Revera is depicted as being an extremely beautiful woman, with long, wavy, pale gold hair, fair skin and pale blue-grey eyes. She often appears to be in her early 30's, but is actually far older than that due to her vampiric nature. Under her eyes she holds decorative flakes of radiant gold to accent them.

Revera often wears elaborate, dark-coloured gowns and a lot of jewelry, appearing to favour a black and silver colour scheme. Her clothes often have a metallic-like appearance, make her appear taller and more intimidating and finely detailed with a great deal of ornamentation. She also wears a cloak with black feathers and a collar resembling a bird's wings. Revera is rarely seen without her crown, which resembles spikes and is black gold in colour, inlaid with purple gemstones. She often wears dark eyeliner and also frequently wears a ring resembling a claw on the middle finger of both hands.

Personality: Revera is vain to the extreme. Priding herself on her beauty above all else and will not tolerate any argument to the contrary. She is also a perfectionist and demands the best of everything. Those who serve her are expected to obey the best they can and no less. Even minor mistakes leading to serious punishment. She will always notice due to her sharp senses and attention to detail. It is believed that she became a vampire to be forever young and beautiful.

Do not underestimate her though. Underneath her petty exterior lies extreme danger. She is ruthless and cunning to the extreme. Having managed to become queen well before she fell to darkness. Using her beauty and cunning to entrap the king of Snow then killed him to secure the throne for herself. Ruthlessly and meticulously snuffing out all opposition to her reign.

History: It is now known that Revera was a psyker before she fell. She used her powers to gain the upper hand in life. Clawing her way to the top and killing anyone who sought to oppose her. Eventually sitting atop her home world as its ruler. She used biomancy and juvenat treatments to keep herself young for centuries before falling. The previous methods having started to fail her.

After becoming a vampire Revera subtly eliminated loyalty to the Imperium. Laying down the foundation for the Undead forces to come. Eventually culminating in a great slaughter to feed the corruption of the planet. By the time Imperial forces became aware the planet was already well underway to being fully converted. Vast monuments to the Dark Dragon rising and the unliving legions marching across its surface.

Now Revera rules her world with an iron fist. Emerging only to strike at her foes.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Midnight Factions 5
Omake: Midnight Factions 5

Time: 5:44 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"Hello again mortal. How surprising to see you once more. I had thought that you would have learned by now to stay out of our way. Or that you lay dead in a ditch somewhere. I don't bother looking for specific faces among the crowds of recruits. This makes what? The twelfth time that you have faced us. All of those before having ended in crushing defeat for you. Rather brave of you to keep fighting I suppose. Brave, but not particularly smart on your part."

The Blood Seekers: All forms of culture have more martial aspects to them. The orks are dominated by the need for violence. The Necrons have their strange codes of conduct and disciplined legions. The Eldar utilize their strange paths to filter their warriors from the rest. Even the Tau for all their foolish optimism understand the need for violence in this galaxy. The Undead too boast of such factions within their ranks.

The most martial and radical of the Undead factions. They are the war hawks and the glory seekers. Those who are always eager to fight. No matter who or where it is. Always eager to feed on the blood of their foes. Always looking to expand the armies of the dead with new recruits. Those recruits being their newest victims. Composed primarily of ancient Wights, Vampires of most stripes, and mortal fanatics. They seek to do battle against all manner of foes. A goal that they are rather successful at doing so.

This faction is highly expansionist in nature. Constantly launching forth from their worlds to do battle. Vast fleets and armies marching forth from great fortresses to lay siege to other worlds. Always looking for a new foe to face. Or to get revenge for a past defeat. They have no true aspirations of conquests per say. Preferring to simply harvest what they can from broken worlds. Ranging from war machines to of course corpses to expand their forces. Afterward simply moving on to the next planet to attack. Letting their peers catch up to supervise the conversion of the planet.

They often operate in large groups under the leadership of the most powerful. Striking in groups at vulnerable vessels and worlds. Wiping out convoys and patrols before striking at their true targets. A devastating strategy their dark technology helps them to accomplish.

Unlike most of their kind Blood Seekers rarely seem to truly settle down. Those few that do touch down on planets do so on fortress worlds. Otherwise on worlds that are likely to be attacked or have great conflict in their history. Beyond that their courts are largely nomadic. Settled upon the greater Undead ships in their fleets. Or aboard mobile space stations dragged along with them. Moving from one campaign against other powers to another. Always eager for the next battle to fight.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Midnight Factions 6
Omake: Midnight Factions 6

Time: 5:49 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"I lay down to rise no more, content that my people would be well without me, yet I told them with my dying words that if they or our lands had need of me I would return. My people are gone now. Now all I have is revenge and anger. The scale does not matter to me. War changes little regardless of era or technology. Whether in the void between stars or the depths of planets it matters not. I seek my revenge upon this cruel galaxy that has taken everything I worked for. The Dragon whispers to me. Offering all that I need and more in exchange for loyal service. I judge it an acceptable deal."

The Ossiarch Alliance: Many are the worlds that mankind treads upon. The great scattering and isolation of the Age of Strife having broken ties and degraded civilization. Even now this issue persists on many worlds even in the Imperium. Feral worlds where tribes and primitive kingdoms reign. Some only barely working with steel let alone the advances of other worlds. More existing even beyond our own realm. Of course they are not beneath the notice of dark powers.

One of the existing factions that makes up the Undead menace. This one is a bit of an anomaly. The higher ranks of the Undead are largely made up of those who sought immortality. Those who were seduced by the powers of darkness. Or simply drawn in due to being weak of character. This is not the case here.

The Alliance is made up of those who are long dead. Ancient monarchs of primitive worlds from across the galaxy. Dead heroes who no longer recognize the world around them. Those who died many years ago at minimum. Their flesh having long rotted away. Leaving only their bones bedecked in funeral attire befitting their culture. Silently resting in their tombs until darkness came to call.

These Undead are fixated on two things largely. The reclaiming of what they consider theirs first and foremost. Wights are fixated on the past. Even if they do not discard the dark powers the Dragons forces provide. They seek to rebuild the kingdoms they once ruled. To bring back the days of their glory. Something the Dragon is happy to provide.

The second being that of vengeance. It does not matter who it is against. They desire the end of those who ruined the world as they knew it. Ranging from orks who infested their world to Imperial forces that had destroyed them for heresy or simply converted the planet. They rise up as beacons of dark hate and power to fight. To avenge those who had served under them before.

Do not be mistaken these forces are highly dangerous. They are more than capable of using the advanced devices of the Undead. When they don't dark magic is what drives them to victory. Many worlds have been lost to these silent skeletal legions.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions

Time: 5:57 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

"However you look at it, the Skeleton is a perfect symbol of both Death and Undeath; that part which endures after the rotting of the body and the departure of the soul. Fitting then, that these are among our most unsettling and numerous soldiers. What Human can hope to resist Death? The answer to that being no one. Even the proud Emperor himself is, but a skeleton himself."

The Ossiarch Legions: The horror of the Undead comes in many forms. The heretical powers of the dragon worshippers are unfortunately far reaching. They do not simply make use of any near by corpse for their plans. They also make use of any existing graveyards and other resting places for their plans. Using their dark magics to call forth the long dead from their slumber to terrorize the living. A problem that is becoming more far reaching as the winds of death blow across the galaxy.

The Ossiarch are vast legions and hosts of Undead skeletal warriors who are the remnants of the times long past. Either being forgotten in the forests of feral worlds or buried in elaborate tombs. Some even found to emerge from the depths of the Underhives on younger worlds. Now risen by powerful necromancy and bound to the will of undead monarchs. Many of these disturbing legions are led by powerful, sapient skeletal monarchs known as Wight kings, or Queens. All of them all too often looking to reclaim what was theirs long ago.

Ossiarch armies are a sharp contrast to the ravening hordes of Undead often found on more primitive worlds. Those that the Dragons forces have not yet reached in full force. Being driven instead by cultists or rogue psykers that had visions of the dark god. Many forms marching and fighting in disciplined ranks of infantry with proud cavalry formations to supplement them. Ancient weapons and armor weathered by time yet still holding strong. All of it bolstered and driven forward by the implacable will of their masters. These monarchs have already conquered death. What challenge can mere mortals hope to pose in comparison?

The darkness of Undeath as previously mentioned continues to spread. Even where the Dragon has not reached it can be found. The dead in various forms rising from beyond to harass the living. Typically on worlds where the veil is thin. Alternatively where great slaughters or other events of death left an imprint of sorts. A great battle where many souls died. A vast tomb that houses ancient armies. An execution ground where many have met their end. Often these places are sites of rites of witchcraft born of primitive belief albeit not aligned with any dark power. The how does not matter so much as the result.

All too often primitive worlds find themselves over run. Legions of pale bone suddenly rising to conquer old territory and then some. Marching to a soundless drum beat. All too eager to expand their numbers with the old and the new.

@Alucard Vampiry
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The Ossiarch Legions 2
Omake: The Ossiarch Legions 2

Time: 6:07 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Ossiarch Skeleton: The most basic unit of the skeletal legions. Those that make up the common ranks of both soldier and worker for their masters. Those who swore their allegiance to their master to death and beyond. Where the dark powers of necromancy reach such oaths are enforced well. Now they rise again on many worlds at their masters command. Eager to aid in the reclamation of what was once theirs.

Largely mindless save for some imprints of memory. Training for battle or at least some impression created by dark magic for one. Others linger on subjects such as construction or crafting weapons. More still the locations of certain places assuming they still exist. This does not make them any less dangerous of course. They boast discipline that few forces can match. Fearlessly marching to complete their objectives. Even performing simple tactics such as flanking or ambush maneuvers on their own. As well as being far stronger than a being of pure bone should be.

During wartime the Skeletons form the core of most Ossiarch legions. Only certain specialized forces of the same having few of them. Armed with corroded weapons and faded banners, they advance in tireless lockstep with the sound of clattering bones. Even the sight of grinning skeletons is a weapon as the enemy morale falters as they realise their own mortality. Their old armor faded and clinging to their bones yet still strong.

This is not always the case of course. The leaders of the Legions might be mad by conventional standards, but they are not fools. Especially those who have borne witness to the full forces of the Dragon. They are quick to extract new weapons from their new allies upon joining the proper ranks. Skeletal minions quickly becoming wrapped in solid armor to better endure hits. While new hextech weapons clutched in bony hands spew death.

Those who fall to them often join their ranks. Flesh rotting away rapidly to expose pristine bone. Joining the dark forces until they themselves are truly destroyed for good. A fate far too many have experienced.

Across many worlds these monsters rise up against the living. Tendrils and winds of Undeath reaching through the Immaterium. Finding their ways to these ancient tombs and reaching those interred within. Now vast legions of these bone horrors rise to serve their old masters. All eventually coming into the service of the Dragon in turn.

This Undead unfortunately shares a seemingly universal trait with all its kind. Namely the seeming inability to be truly destroyed for the most part. Yes you heard that right. The blasted things are cursed with dark magics. If damaged too badly for necromancy to mend them they disappear. Fading back into existence in their old resting place. Remaining there for a short time then emerging whole once again. This effect seems to grow more pronounced with the right Undead facilities in place. Otherwise requiring strong witchcraft or the destruction of their resting place to halt.

@Alucard Vampiry
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