Midnight Champions 11
Time: 5:36 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus
Begin Transmission
Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.
Ten different operatives died to bring me this information.
Name: Revera Nightshade. The Wicked Queen. The Black Sorceress.
Type: Vampire. Lahmian.
Location: Midnight Civilized World Snow.
Physical description: Revera is depicted as being an extremely beautiful woman, with long, wavy, pale gold hair, fair skin and pale blue-grey eyes. She often appears to be in her early 30's, but is actually far older than that due to her vampiric nature. Under her eyes she holds decorative flakes of radiant gold to accent them.
Revera often wears elaborate, dark-coloured gowns and a lot of jewelry, appearing to favour a black and silver colour scheme. Her clothes often have a metallic-like appearance, make her appear taller and more intimidating and finely detailed with a great deal of ornamentation. She also wears a cloak with black feathers and a collar resembling a bird's wings. Revera is rarely seen without her crown, which resembles spikes and is black gold in colour, inlaid with purple gemstones. She often wears dark eyeliner and also frequently wears a ring resembling a claw on the middle finger of both hands.
Personality: Revera is vain to the extreme. Priding herself on her beauty above all else and will not tolerate any argument to the contrary. She is also a perfectionist and demands the best of everything. Those who serve her are expected to obey the best they can and no less. Even minor mistakes leading to serious punishment. She will always notice due to her sharp senses and attention to detail. It is believed that she became a vampire to be forever young and beautiful.
Do not underestimate her though. Underneath her petty exterior lies extreme danger. She is ruthless and cunning to the extreme. Having managed to become queen well before she fell to darkness. Using her beauty and cunning to entrap the king of Snow then killed him to secure the throne for herself. Ruthlessly and meticulously snuffing out all opposition to her reign.
History: It is now known that Revera was a psyker before she fell. She used her powers to gain the upper hand in life. Clawing her way to the top and killing anyone who sought to oppose her. Eventually sitting atop her home world as its ruler. She used biomancy and juvenat treatments to keep herself young for centuries before falling. The previous methods having started to fail her.
After becoming a vampire Revera subtly eliminated loyalty to the Imperium. Laying down the foundation for the Undead forces to come. Eventually culminating in a great slaughter to feed the corruption of the planet. By the time Imperial forces became aware the planet was already well underway to being fully converted. Vast monuments to the Dark Dragon rising and the unliving legions marching across its surface.
Now Revera rules her world with an iron fist. Emerging only to strike at her foes.
@Alucard Vampiry