Omake: The Spectral Undead 5
Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.
Time: 10:36 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus
Begin Transmission
Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.
The Chilled: These entities are by nature similar to the Tormented. Almost pitiable in their nature, but at the same time highly dangerous. These gaseous and misty apparitions fly through the air chilling things as they go. They function in much the same way as the aforementioned ghosts. Acting as a way to terrorize good Emperor worshipping people and creating havoc. Reaping the lives of the good people and sabotaging anything it can get its hands on. Difficult to deal with on the battlefield and in the right environment near unstoppable. They are something to be very wary of.
They take the form of those they were in life. Their forms are gaseous like. A mixture of dark blue, white, and silver in color. Pale and translucent in form. You can see the distorted background through them like a foggy mirror. Their form proper is almost always surrounded by a cloud of thick water vapor or fog. Draped in ice fragments and frost they drift across the land. Thick trails of ice and frost covering the ground as they go for dozens of feet around. Icicles from nostrils and particles from hair. Chapped bloodless lips open echoing wails. Icy claw like hands reaching out desperately for the nearest source of warmth.
These monsters are created from those who died to intense cold. Either from the intense cold of ice worlds or other natural environments. Others born from intentional death through fiendish technology and sorcery. Heretics imprisoning those they capture in specialized containers. Modified cryo devices or made from purely sorcerous means. These chambers slowly kill those they encase. Chilling them to their bones over the course of hours. Stripping away all sense of feeling or warmth. Until the victim thinks of nothing else, but cold and a desperate craving for warmth.
Upon death dark rites are enacted. The spirit drawn forth and entrapped in that same cold. Made even worse by their magics. Driving them in to a desperate frenzy for any kind of warmth. Then corralling that craving to serve their cause. Sending them out to terrorize the living.
Flying through walls and the air to reach their victims. At times going completely unnoticed save for their special abilities. These monsters boast the same arsenal of the other spectral undead. The usual package of flight, intangibility, and invisibility. It is however their most dangerous powers that make them such a terror. Abilities born through the dark magics that they endured in life and death along with circumstances of their death.
These creatures possess extensive power over the cold. Freezing the ground and anything else they catch in their area of effect. Temperatures dropping in the air and materials. Making metal so cold it burns to touch even with gloves and destroying fragile components. Cybernetics in particular suffer from this. Inducing frost bite upon the flesh of their victims. The worst part is the ability to drain life from those they touch. Stealing away the warmth of life to try and soothe their own suffering.
The more powerful of these specimens can destroy entire regiments single-handedly. Single-handedly creating violent arctic level weather. Storms of sharp ice shards and fist sized hail. Freezing metals so cold it shatters like glass. Inducing frost bite in hundreds in moments. Freezing the very blood in your veins. On naturally cold worlds their effects are even worse.
These creatures have reduced weaknesses compared to others of their kind. It takes especially holy ground and materials to repel them. Like that of a revered saint. Symbols seem to do nothing, but anger them. Excorcisms even if successful are likely to kill or seriously exhaust the psyker. Potent blessed weapons are needed to truly harm them especially the more powerful ones.
Holy fire thankfully seems to hurt them. It's rather slow, but it's better than nothing.
@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.