I'll give you a hint for those. Astral projection. Otherwise it seems counter productive.

oh boy...that's going to be a painful and vulnerable issue in fighting those things. throwing your soul into the warp or astral projecting it leaves it vulnerable for daemon chow, or soul traps or whatever is possible...though it would make fighting Carin wraiths on equal grounds. Issue is doing that is horrifically dangerous for even psykers.
You forget necromancy especially under the aegis of a god can do a lot with a soul. Especially when a prepared ritual is used.

Though that's not all to it. There's more, but that would be spoiling it.
The Crafted Undead 5
Omake: The Crafted Undead 5.

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 9:18 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Wendigo: These beasts are simple and yet extremely dangerous at the same time. Great in size easily surpassing ten feet in height on average. These are hunters and collectors in their desired roles. Found on less developed planets such as feudal worlds. Especially those with large forests and mountain ranges. Places it can easily disappear into if need be. They have made themselves known to be a terror upon such worlds. Though they are capable of doing the same among the metal jungle of hive worlds.

This creature resembles the animal known as a deer. With great jagged antlers upon its head. It's body is powerful and muscular. At the same time possessing an unnatural flexibility. Moving with uncanny speed and silence through its environment. It's powerful bent legs ending in black hooves. It's torso powerful and yet almost skeletal at the same time. As if it was starved while still living. Though this monster has never been alive. Four arms ending in large thin hands tipped with razor like claws. A skull like head filled with fangs and a lolling red tongue.

As stated before these creatures are gatherers. Their purpose is to aid undead cults to gain power. They hunt down animals, Xenos, and humans alike. Gathering corpses and biomass at the same time. On feudal worlds they are devastatingly efficient at this. Their various enchantments and twisted biology allowing them to make short work of most primitive natives. The monster will then devour the corpses even licking up the blood from them. Leaving no evidence behind it. It's unnatural stomach allowing it to carry far more than its body should be physically able to. The rest it will carry in its arms while fleeing at great speed and in total silence.

From there it will return to its masters. Regurgitating the remains for them to work their vile craft on. Often the consumed will be used to create Gore Slimes. The rest to become Shaped or Stitched undead depending on the state of the cult.

The sightings of these creatures is always an ill omen. It means a cult had gained enough power to produce more vile workings. Likely now looking to expand their power by force. Or worse the preparations to set the stage for an outside invasion.

Gargoyles: The Gargoyle is another creature that threatens feudal worlds in the Imperium. These great predators swoop down from above to gather prey for the cult. Always carrying off or killing those they grasp. Or acting as killers to remove obstacles.

Their forms is that of a large bat winged humanoid. Towering at nine and a half feet tall. Stone like flesh composed entirely of muscle and bone. Broad shouldered and with powerful arms ending in clawed hands. Their legs bent in a way like that of a theropod. Each toe ending in razor sharp claws. It's head adorned by sharp horns and point ears. Their features a canine like muzzle filled with sharp fangs. A long whip like tail with a razor spike at the end. Razor points at the various tips of the vast wings.

These creatures are flying hunters and killers. Gathering victims for the cults that create them. As well as targeting authority figures. Striking in the dead of night where primitive worlds cannot detect them. Carrying away any evidence to avoid detection. Their claws and teeth making short work of any defense these people can muster.

All their sharp bits carry potent poisons. Either for a quick death or sedating captives they snatch. Their tails are prehensile and can stab or crush in equal measure. Their muscles allowing them to tear through steel with ease.

The sighting of these creatures indicate much the same as the Wendigo. Great danger for the world in question.

@Alucard Vampiry

War rolls.
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The Spectral Undead
Omake: The Spectral Undead

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 9:30 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Spectral variety of the Undead. Nowhere is it more obvious of the vast depths of their madness. The sheer monstrosities they are willing to commit. And the sheer danger that their dark magics pose to the Imperium. The violation of the soul itself. Proof that their malice and power reaches far beyond the physical.

The Spectral take many varieties. Wielding a wide variety of abilities. Some merely resemble their forms when they were alive. Others have lost any coherence of form. Becoming a shifting monstrosity of twisting energy. Others were never alive to begin with. Merely being gatherings of dark magics. Or were crafted from mere shards of souls.

The threat of the Spectral can not be overstated. This is not an enemy that can be over come by sheer firepower. Overwhelming fire might disperse them, but they will return. Not something we can simply hack apart or burn. This is a threat that bypasses most of our defenses. That makes a mockery of our security.

Thankfully they are not invincible. Faith we have found can be used to repel or at least keep them away. Special blessed weapons and materials work on them. Certain areas that they cannot enter. Psykers can also be used to detect them. Specialized ward schemes can repel them. Though the effectiveness of these methods vary greatly. Depending on the type and it's age. Some it works perfectly against. Others don't even seem to notice it.

The following is a list of known varieties of the Spectral. Note this list is currently incomplete. It may become obsolete as new specimens appear or old ones are modified.

Will-O-Wisp: These creatures are simple and yet dangerous at the same time. Capable of wreaking havoc on unprepared enemies. They lack physical power while compensating with dark magics. Unsurprising given they themselves are merely balls of said magic.

They appear as floating glowing balls. Flame or ethereal like with coloring normally being shades of blue or green. They flit about with ethereal grace. Drifting along seemingly without direction. Oddly enthralling in their own way. It is from this their danger arises.

They compensate for their lack of physical power with sorcery. They possess the ability to phase through walls and mesmerize those of weak will. Enthralling them with shifting colors to the point they lose awareness of their surroundings. Making them completely vulnerable to attack and crippling chain of command. Preventing anyone from fulfilling their duty. Making them easy for the undead army to break.

These are thankfully easy to handle if your prepared. Blessed weapons can destroy them and sufficiently blessed barriers of holy places can repel them. Psykers can easily detect them if they pay attention. Not that they are very subtle anyway.

Remain on guard though their presence means a high likelihood of attack.

@Alucard Vampiry

War rolls.
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The Spectral Undead 2
Omake: The Spectral Undead 2

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 9:43 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Specter: One of the most basic of the Spectral undead. An ethereal creature that takes the form of who it was in life. The difference being the visible wounds on its form. That and it was see through and likely levitating above the ground. Along with being able to turn invisible at times. A disconcerting, but not that physically dangerous creation. However it is dangerous in a whole other way.

This monster possesses all the usual abilities of the Spectral undead. Namely the ability to phase through solid objects and fly. Allowing to bypass unprepared defenses with insulting ease. The difference however the creature's masters can see through its eyes. This combined with its abilities make it a grand spy. Letting the heretics spy on loyal men and women with impunity.

That is the standard creation though. A more advanced creature can be used to devastate morale. Releasing horrific moans, wails, and sobs in the dead of night. Causing sensations of skin crawling cold and wrongness. Luring people in to or causing accidents. Even leaving behind trails of blood behind it. Left alone it can devastate a forces morale single-handedly. Even if by only denying them any form of rest.

Standard detection and repulsion methods should handle them fairly easily. Though a high end specimen might be able to overcome them.

Poltergeist: Another of the simpler creations of the spectral variety. This monstrosity possesses all the abilities of the spectre. Unfortunately, it possesses other assets as well. It's invisibility is near constantly active. That and it unlike some other spectral undead can interact with physical objects with ease. Similar to the telekinetic psyker discipline. It's true form is rarely glimpsed. Though it often takes the form of a spectral orb of ethereal energy hanging in midair.

Leading theory is these creatures are created through dark rites using existing material. Either a preexisting spirit or a living psyker. One that has since been tortured or twisted into the now volatile spirit. They fling around any loose materials they come across. Sending parts, weapons, and papers flying through the air. Often aimed at the heads of those of authority. Along with damaging any sensitive machinery it can find.

A more powerful specimen is significantly more dangerous. It's telekinetic abilities becoming exponentially worse. Now able to send anything loose flying like a tornado. Now tearing apart any machinery it can find. Dismantling it by force and sending the pieces flying at any enemies nearby. Even strangling those it can reach in its icy grasp. Sending them flying to break against a wall. The most dangerous specimens can tear down large buildings and send tanks flying. Able to kill hundreds if not more if not stopped.

These creatures are more resistant to areas and symbols of faith. Though blessed weaponry and detection can still get to them.

@Alucard Vampiry

War rolls.
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The Spectral Undead 3
Omake: The Spectral Undead 3

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 9:49 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Phantoms: These specters are among the most difficult and vile to deal with undead. Not because they are particularly powerful, but because of the details of its wretched main power. The phantom is a specter that resembles a loose cloud of ethereal energy. Though it has also been referred to as smoke. It possesses all the standard abilities of the type of Undead. Namely phasing through physical barriers, turning invisible for stretches of time, and being able to fly through the air. They also due to their form are able to blend in well in dark environments.

It's despicable true power is what makes it so problematic to deal with. It has the power to possess a still living host. Forcing its way in to their body and overwriting their will. Whether with it's own or it's masters is up for debate. Though that detail is irrelevant as the result is the same. Once it possesses a host the phantom is able to control their body with ease. Not only that, but sort through everything they know. Meaning their masters gain that knowledge as well. And that they can puppet the victim through the phantom. Worse once clothed in flesh the creatures is no longer as vulnerable. Holy places and symbols no longer hindering it. Similarly they are much harder to detect with psykers.

This makes the phantom a dangerous spy and information collecter. One that is highly difficult to detect if not prepared. Being able to hide in plain sight. Of course unless it can be exorcised you will need to kill the host. Not always an option as they frequently target those of high rank. More information in their minds and all that.

Thankfully this monster does have some weaknesses. There are subtle cues to detect possession. The victim will be paler than usual as well as colder to the touch. Their mannerisms can seem off depending on how long it has been. Their movements jerky and unsteady for the same reason. Once expelled they have the same weaknesses as before. It is also possible for the victim to expel them if their will is strong enough.

More powerful specimens are substantially worse in ability. Now able to manipulate several people at once with powerful impulses or perfectly control one and crush their will. They become much more resistant to faith and blessings on areas. Gathering information faster from those it has taken control of. Finally being able to kill its host upon leaving. Either by forced exorcism or leaving voluntarily.

The threat these creatures pose cannot be understated. It is imperative that measures be taken to repel them before they can arrive. If they succeed battle plans can be ruined and works sabotaged. More than once worlds have fallen through use of the Phantoms. Governers and other nobles being used to sabotage defenses and cause chaos. Same with any military leaders. Making them easy prey for the Undead hordes.

@Alucard Vampiry

War rolls.
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The Spectral Undead 4
Omake: The Spectral Undead 4

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 9:52 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Tormented: These creatures can be considered pitiable in a way. They are embodiments of the depravity and torment the heretics are capable of. These thrashing screaming phantasms of misery and suffering. They are extremely dangerous in their own way. Capable of inflicting great suffering on all those in their path. In some cases bringing down entire regiments at a time. True terrors upon the battlefield and when used in preemptive strikes. They have become something feared by all good men.

These creatures take the form of those they were in life. Albeit with drastic differences that showed their death. Gaping wounds, burns, claws, and mutilation riddling their body. Jagged spikes embedded in their ghostly flesh, gaping holes in their torso, limbs twisted in impossible ways, and removed patches of skin and muscle. Weeping welts, deep lacerations, jagged shards of metal, and missing appendages. Twisting carved runes imbedded in their see through bones and flesh. Ragged blood soaked cloth draped their form. A gaping mouth letting loose horrendous screams. They are as unpleasant to behold as their power is to experience.

Born from the souls of those who experienced great torture. Pushed to their biological limits and then beyond by heretical means. Prisoners of war who were used to set an example or no longer had any use. They experienced immense suffering and torture during their lives that broke their minds. Now they are wretched specters bound to the will of those who ruined them. Serving to inflict the same misery upon their masters foes that they experienced.

Dripping trails of spectral blood as they travel these nightmares bring misery wherever they go. Flying through walls and the air to reach their victims. At times going completely unnoticed save for their special abilities. These monsters boast the same arsenal of the other spectral undead. The usual package of flight, intangibility, and invisibility. It is however their most dangerous powers that make them such a terror. Abilities born through the dark magics that they endured in life and death along with circumstances of their death.

These creatures possess the ability to project their suffering as an aura around it. Making all those caught in it's area of effect feel all the pain it does. Leaving most men thrashing on the ground in phantom agony. At the same time it's touch is even worse. Being able to pass on the same injuries it wears upon its form. The wounds forming on the unfortunate persons body. It will always seek to do this. For this is the only method it may relieve it's own misery if only for a few seconds. After that it will seek out a new victim.

Greater variants of them are even more extreme. Being able to not only apply injuries, but make them worse. Their aura reaching much further able to catch hundreds in their reach. Even causing heart attacks from the assault on the nervous system. With those rising as lesser specters at times. These monstrosities can even bring Astartes low given the opportunity.

Unfortunately defeating these monstrosities is not easy. They show little regard for holy ground or symbols. Their torment apparently out weighing any discomfort these things cause it. At the same time only truly potent blessed weaponry can meaningfully harm one. A truly potent exorcism can do it, but will often exhaust the psyker using it.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Clash of Blood and Death
Omake: Clash of Blood and Death

Tomas grimaced as he looked over the battlefield. All around him the undead clashed with their foe. Zombies and skeletons clashing with barbarian warriors. Wights and black knights facing off with berserkers. Giants struggling with larger daemons in vicious brawls. Gore from both sides littering the ground. Necromancers lashing out with dark magic all over the place. Torn between killing their foes and empowering their servants. His Mortal Engine would have been very useful right now.

Things had definitely taken a most unexpected turn. At first it had seemed disastrous. One of the exalted of the blood god had arrived ready to wreak havoc. This was of course very bad. A single greater daemon could tear down entire nations. At best leaving a region heavily corrupted. An exalted was even worse. It was a threat to the entire Old World. Then the unexpected part had happened.

They had sent the zombie into the pool. Using the dark magic within it to forge a connection. One to the shadow realm of the dragon god. The purpose of it had been to try and drain the ritual's power. Strengthening their own master as well. Unfortunately that had failed. It did however yield unexpected results.

Even from here he could feel it's dark presence. A looming titan that tickled his senses with the scent of blood, death, and darkness. If was another exalted daemon. But not of the ruinous powers. This was something else altogether. He did not know how, but somehow a greater daemon of Dracul had taken to the field. Not just that, but another Exalted one. One that from what his senses told him thrived on hunting other champions.

How could that be he wondered. Dracul had no daemonic servants. At least none that he knew of. Their god simply did not have the level of power to produce servants the way Chaos did. Not in any large numbers anyway. Especially not one of this power. Then again the realm of souls was a strange place. One that followed few laws and time had no meaning. Was it possible they had somehow reached across time? Bringing this entity to the here and now from the future. He idly sent out a blast of dark magic as he mused on it. The targeted attacker screaming in misery as his flesh peeled away from his bones.

He decided to think on it later. Right now there was a battle to win. He ordered his steed and entourage forward to battle. He let loose the gaze of Nagash upon a daemon. The creature screaming before scattering into energy. His black knights tearing through any foe that got close. He quickly sent out a pulse of power through the scattered dead. Raising them to help reinforce their numbers. Dead flesh and bone coming back together rising as puppets to his will. A crude resurrection unfortunately, but it would have to do. They could look into refining them when the battle was over.

In the distance he could hear the clash of the great behemoths. Two great and monstrous champions facing off.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Midnight Worlds
Omake: Midnight Worlds

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:06 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Across the galactic east the taint of the Undead can be found. The reach of the dark dragon spreading wide. Hundreds of worlds succumbing to the darkness. Whether through armed invasion or heretical elements taking over. These worlds are taken and reforged into a dark mirror of their old selves.

The Ascendancy largely follows the same models of planetary workings as the Imperium. Worlds being specialized for desired purposes. Ranging from agri worlds to forge worlds to hive worlds. Each acting to support the others in some way. Working together to create a strong whole. The difference being the heretical spin put on all of them.

There are multiple factors separating these midnight worlds from Imperial worlds. One is the perpetual nighttime that shrouds all fallen worlds. A constant jeweled tapestry that shows far too many stars to be natural. As a result they are also colder in general.

The second sign is the alterations in designs. The architecture of Midnight worlds bears some similarities to the Imperial. However they also lean towards organic design with sharp points and curved edges. Primarily in dark coloration with red, green, and violet making up the rest. The dark symbol of their wicked god can be found scattered throughout as well. Despite their nature they possess a haunting sort of beauty.

The last piece is the stability of these worlds. Tireless undead labor being used to help build and maintain them. Each planet possesses a degree of self sufficiency unheard of on Imperial worlds. Ranging from local industry to vertical farming. Hex tech being used to fulfilling many other purposes. In addition wide spread underground construction is quite common. Frequently for the purpose of protecting vital industry and other things such as the Gore Slimes.

The following is a list of world types and their characteristics.

Civilized Worlds: Midnight worlds crossed between the various types. Frequently acting as support for their specialized cousins. These worlds exist under the dark sky of their kind. Dense clusters of arcologies rising from their surfaces high into the air. As well a reaching deep underground. Heretical technology and sorcery being used to make these constructions possible. The heretics making efficient use of space and materials.

The rest of the planet is used for a variety of purposes. Either some form of industry such as weapon construction or creation of blasphemous war machines. Or to be used for their greatly altered form of agriculture with the vast mega farms. There is often some form of mining operations going on to gather from rich veins of minerals. Other times their heinous academies of sorcery can be found here. Producing more of their psyker combatants.

In orbit it is largely the same between worlds. Defense fortresses watching the void with heretical tools. Other stations being used to send nervy down below to the planet using unknown methods. Shipyards for construction, maintenance, and repair for their vessels. Occasionally orbital farms appear around worlds with little arable land. Such as ice or desert worlds.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Midnight Worlds 2
Omake: Midnight Worlds 2

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:21 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Mining Worlds: These are worlds that largely serve the same purpose as their Imperial counterparts. Planets that are selected for usage due to the presence of abundant and or rare minerals. Possibly simply for convenience sake to fuel nearby industry. They are then converted in to centers of industry to provide material for the sub sector they inhabit. Vast mines, refineries, and foundries processing the resources gathered to be made use of. Vast crevices and canyons firming across its surface and deep beneath it as a result. After the wealth has all been extracted they often become civilized or hive worlds. In the cases they aren't outright abandoned to space.

Midnight worlds however do so significantly differently. The founding of them is largely the same. Though they are more often converted from the imperial standard due to corruption or treachery. These planets share the universal traits of their kind. The eternal nighttime and the lowered temperatures. As well as the radical difference in architectures and the incorporation of blasphemous hextech and sorcery across their surfaces. In addition to an untiring workforce providing a constant labor force.

Underneath the black jeweled skies these worlds churn with industry. Deep within their vast mines countless hextech machines and undead workers labor around the clock. Never needing anything to keep them going save sorcerous power. Constantly harvesting vast sums of ores from the world's body. Creating vast trenches in the surface. These trenches are then exploited. Filled with the vast industry needed to truly make use of it all. Sorcerous light of various colors and dark green and violet hextech making them up. The living presiding over it all enforcing the production quota.

However it does not simply stop there. When a mine is emptied it is stripped of everything in it. All machinery disassembled and workers moved elsewhere. This is just them waiting though. Blasphemous rites and crystals laden with dark powers are implanted within the mines. From there over the course of years to decades the power does its work. Restoring the area to pre mining condition. Producing new material to be harvested from nothing. Meaning the planet will never truly run out.

Mining worlds have some of the most abundant underground workings. Often holdovers from when they were controlled by the Imperium. These caverns are created or expanded. Converted to serve another purpose if they held nothing of value before. Mostly for the purpose of other industry. Ranging from vast horticulture based production to housing vast carpets of the Slime undead. Providing material to produce more machines and workers or shipped elsewhere. Expanding on that to produce the more simple of the Ascendancy's creations.

It is more common though for them to be used for chemical or sorcerous workings. Vast plants making mutagenic formulaes and other things to service the dark legions. Others to produce the sorcerous crystals that serve various purposes for the Undead. Their multi colored hues betraying the type they are and their affinity. More on those later.

These worlds are to be conquered or destroyed if possible. They have the ability to endlessly fuel their war machine. Making them a priority target.

@Alucard Vampiry

War rolls.
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Whelp, when a galactic version of the chaos wares happens and no vortex is around to siphon the energy away, the winds of magic can get pretty hectic, enough for basically enteral amounts of war material if your clever enough to figure it out.
Wow ...... please tell me it's not a tiberium type crystal. If it is that will backfire really bad since CHAOS and the imps always make stuff worse when they touch it.
Midnight Worlds 3
Omake: Midnight Worlds 3

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:29 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Agri Worlds: These are worlds that largely serve the same purpose as their Imperial counterparts. Planets that are selected for usage due to the presence of highly fertile growing conditions. Or just developed to be that way over the course of time. These worlds typically have little in the way of industry. Efforts being taken to preserve the environment to facilitate agriculture undisturbed. Their surfaces given over to being giant farms. Often their populations being less than 100 million people and possess only a few major cities. This takes several forms such as fishing industry, to edible fungus, to insects, and so on.

Midnight worlds however do so significantly differently. The founding of them is largely the same. Though they are more often converted from the imperial standard due to corruption or treachery. These planets share the universal traits so if their kind. The eternal nighttime and the lowered temperatures. As well as the radical difference in architectures and the incorporation of blasphemous hextech and sorcery across their surfaces. In addition to an untiring workforce and the widespread use of black magics.

Due to their environment crops and livestock are greatly altered. Making them capable of rapidly growing to maturity and even thriving in the new artificial conditions. The biggest difference is the level of sheer productivity of these worlds. Not only are vast fields present, but towering vertical farms as well. At times covering a planet like it was a hive world. Similarly underground areas are dedicated to horticulture and similar edibles that work with little light. Floating platforms that breed fish and edible ocean flora. Even the occasional station orbiting to conduct hydroponics. Specialized cloning vats to produce edible portions of larger livestock. All manner of agriculture can be found here. Outpacing any imperial world in production.

At the same time the heretics use other methods to encourage growth. Various forms of sorcery are used to produce crops. From introducing nutrients to the soil to outright accelerating growth. Arcane relics scattered throughout the fields to do so. The very ground altered for the purpose of doing so. At the same time a derivative of the Gore Slimes are present on these worlds. Mostly used to produce a highly potent fertilizer.

Industry on these worlds is near entirely underground. Otherwise located on moons or in orbit over the planet. These factories produce soldiers and equipment to defend the planet. As well as maintain ships and orbital defenses. Otherwise existing to help further boost production on this and any nearby Midnight world.

These worlds are unfortunately not as critical to the Ascendancy as they are to us. All the heretic controlled worlds have agricultural ability of their own. At least enough to sustain themselves for a time or lessen the burden. Not to mention the vast bulk of their armies have no need for nourishment. Still destroying them would be a blow to them. It would take time and material for them to repair all the damage if nothing else.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Midnight Worlds 4
Omake: Midnight Worlds 4

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:29 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Forge Worlds: These are worlds that largely serve the same purpose as their Imperial counterparts. Planets that are selected for becoming centers of unparalleled industry in their sector. Producers of advanced technology and centers of knowledge. Either created in response to lack of industry in a sector or chosen as a decent spot by the Mechanicus. Their surfaces being harvested for all extractable material over time. Over the course of centuries becoming covered in sprawling forge cities. Where vast industrial sections churn day and night producing all manner of tools, weapons, and goods. Great labs designed for study and development however limited. Countless workers toiling under cold blooded overseers under a pollution filled sky.

Midnight worlds however do so significantly differently. The founding of them is largely the same. Though they are more often converted from the imperial standard due to corruption or treachery. These planets share the universal traits of their kind. The eternal nighttime and the lowered temperatures. As well as the radical difference in architectures and the incorporation of blasphemous hextech and sorcery across their surfaces. In addition to an untiring workforce and the widespread use of black magics.

Midnight forges lack all of the bustling activity of their Imperial counterparts. Their surfaces now alight with circuits of green and violet leading to burning furnaces. Their halls and factories deathly quiet beneath the unnaturally clear jeweled sky. This is because the population of these worlds is far smaller than one would think. Most of the population being culled when they were no longer necessary. Their souls given to the dark dragon to kick start the corruption of their world. The remaining ones becoming soldiers, overseers, and a pool to provide more priests. The factories now tended by untiring and needless undead alongside puppet automatons. Glowing vile magics and hextech automation allowing a level of productive greater than most forge worlds with next to no pollution of any kind. Even that small amount is handled by wicked enchantments.

Their orbits are filled with vast shipyards and orbital defenses. Refineries working to process materials from asteroid belts and other unused celestial bodies. Working around the clock to service and build fleets for their dark god. Entire moons carved into forges in miniature for the express purpose of being defense stations and shipyards. Making these worlds that much harder to invade.

It is here that the most dangerous and advanced of the Undead's technology is built. The transformed tech priests working in their deep labs and towers to create ever greater monsters and vile works. Having sold their souls to fulfill their own desires. Controlling their legions of workers and soldiers from afar. Never allowing the flow of work to cease. Far below in the earth their other works continue. Carpets of Forge slimes providing more unique materials for them in abundance. Meanwhile rites like those in mining worlds helping to keep up mineral production. Though it is thankfully much less effective than those. Never enough to fully replenish the supply. Just enough to supplement the forges in case their trade with a mining world is cut off. All the while other facilities ensure that nothing not a speck of material goes to waste. Powerful reactors merged with sorcery sustain great shields over the surface.

These worlds are priority targets. Mechanicus urging behind it predictably. Still these worlds must be destroyed, in order to really slow the Undead advance. Easier said than done of course. These are fortresses as much as they are forges. Extreme defenses and powerful fleets defending them in space. Vast armies of metal and dead flesh constantly being created or recycled to defend them on the ground. Making any invasion a major slog at best. Exterminatus is unfortunately not often an option here.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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The Spectral Undead 5
Omake: The Spectral Undead 5

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:36 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Chilled: These entities are by nature similar to the Tormented. Almost pitiable in their nature, but at the same time highly dangerous. These gaseous and misty apparitions fly through the air chilling things as they go. They function in much the same way as the aforementioned ghosts. Acting as a way to terrorize good Emperor worshipping people and creating havoc. Reaping the lives of the good people and sabotaging anything it can get its hands on. Difficult to deal with on the battlefield and in the right environment near unstoppable. They are something to be very wary of.

They take the form of those they were in life. Their forms are gaseous like. A mixture of dark blue, white, and silver in color. Pale and translucent in form. You can see the distorted background through them like a foggy mirror. Their form proper is almost always surrounded by a cloud of thick water vapor or fog. Draped in ice fragments and frost they drift across the land. Thick trails of ice and frost covering the ground as they go for dozens of feet around. Icicles from nostrils and particles from hair. Chapped bloodless lips open echoing wails. Icy claw like hands reaching out desperately for the nearest source of warmth.

These monsters are created from those who died to intense cold. Either from the intense cold of ice worlds or other natural environments. Others born from intentional death through fiendish technology and sorcery. Heretics imprisoning those they capture in specialized containers. Modified cryo devices or made from purely sorcerous means. These chambers slowly kill those they encase. Chilling them to their bones over the course of hours. Stripping away all sense of feeling or warmth. Until the victim thinks of nothing else, but cold and a desperate craving for warmth.

Upon death dark rites are enacted. The spirit drawn forth and entrapped in that same cold. Made even worse by their magics. Driving them in to a desperate frenzy for any kind of warmth. Then corralling that craving to serve their cause. Sending them out to terrorize the living.

Flying through walls and the air to reach their victims. At times going completely unnoticed save for their special abilities. These monsters boast the same arsenal of the other spectral undead. The usual package of flight, intangibility, and invisibility. It is however their most dangerous powers that make them such a terror. Abilities born through the dark magics that they endured in life and death along with circumstances of their death.

These creatures possess extensive power over the cold. Freezing the ground and anything else they catch in their area of effect. Temperatures dropping in the air and materials. Making metal so cold it burns to touch even with gloves and destroying fragile components. Cybernetics in particular suffer from this. Inducing frost bite upon the flesh of their victims. The worst part is the ability to drain life from those they touch. Stealing away the warmth of life to try and soothe their own suffering.

The more powerful of these specimens can destroy entire regiments single-handedly. Single-handedly creating violent arctic level weather. Storms of sharp ice shards and fist sized hail. Freezing metals so cold it shatters like glass. Inducing frost bite in hundreds in moments. Freezing the very blood in your veins. On naturally cold worlds their effects are even worse.

These creatures have reduced weaknesses compared to others of their kind. It takes especially holy ground and materials to repel them. Like that of a revered saint. Symbols seem to do nothing, but anger them. Excorcisms even if successful are likely to kill or seriously exhaust the psyker. Potent blessed weapons are needed to truly harm them especially the more powerful ones.

Holy fire thankfully seems to hurt them. It's rather slow, but it's better than nothing.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Midnight Champions
Midnight Champions

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:45 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

The Dark Dragon has many followers. This is well known to the higher ranks. Especially those in our order. Many souls lured into heresy by the monster's promises. Whether for power, immortality, or simple security to the end. All things that unfortunately appeal to some of the basic instincts of man. A clear sign of weakness of spirit and of faith. Still that does not make them any less dangerous.

The Undead boast many differences from the forces of Chaos. Their far more material composition for one despite their use of sorcery on such a large scale. There is no doubting the far more material origin they boast. Something that gives them a distinct advantage over the Ruinous Powers. Not needing to use large scale rituals to gain large scale effects. From the common rank and file corpses to the lords of the dead that preach of their god.

Then there are the many similarities. The calling upon a god to perform terrible acts. The dark magics used to accomplish all manner of tasks. Even if the warping of reality is much less extreme in their domain. The vile sacrifice of souls to their patron. The shunning of the Emperor's light and dominion over all the galaxy.

The most dangerous similarity though is in their ranks. The Dragon similar to the Chaos Gods raises particular souls. Those of great capability or have accomplished great acts in it's name. The creation of distinctly blessed individuals granted greater power and blessings than others. Champions of the Undead and the Dragon.

These individuals are particularly dangerous. The Dragon is far more organized on this front than the Chaos Gods. Carefully selecting those who have proven themselves valuable. Possessing advanced skills or knowledge. Such as producing useful sorcery or hextech. Or perhaps having performed great deeds dedicated to it. Such as the conquest of numerous worlds.

Compared to the discord of the champion system of Chaos the distinction is clear. These individuals are typically those who have simply sacrificed the most souls to their patron. Or simply committed many atrocities in their name. Sometimes seemingly at random. Especially in the changer's case. Leading to a large number of, but ultimately lackluster champions. Not only that, but there is unsurprisingly no form of unity among them. Those of higher rank killing off their peers or superiors. Always fighting among themselves to achieve greater power and prestige. Until they too are eventually brought down. Individuals like Abbadon are very much in the minority.

In comparison there is little issue among the Undead. They remain individuals yes, but they lack the issues of Chaos. Any infighting kept to their dark halls of politics. The will of their master making sure of it. Immediately uniting in the face of an enemy. Operating in groups frequently when needed. Combining their skills to support each other in the clash. There are no cracks to exploit here.

This of course makes them much more dangerous than the average Chaos champion. The latter can be expected to fight among themselves as much as they fight us. Always tearing at each other at the slightest sign of weakness or opportunity. The Undead however have no such issue. Not even considering how much harder it is to truly destroy them.

The following is a compiled list of known Undead Champions.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Midnight Champions 2
Midnight Champions 2

Time: 10:48 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Arch Magos Cain Tarras: The Iron Lich, The Soul Sever, and the Steel King.

Location: Midnight Forge World Tarras

Cain was once one of the leading tech priests of his home world. Heralded as a once in a generation genius among the Mechanicus. Having successfully repaired several bits of ancient tech. Eventually however he was judged to be a heretek for his unauthorized experiments. Only surviving by burning the vast majority of his political connections. Then basically being banished to a distant world. One where he was meant to aid in an archeological dig. Which happened to be a highly dangerous world. It isn't hard to figure out they intended for him to die there. Oh if only that was the case.

Instead the dig was a success. Cain returned triumphant with a partial STC for a new tank design. Now we know Cain had joined the Undead to help him succeed and get revenge. In exchange he gave all his knowledge of technology and his homeworld. Promising to bring it in to the fold. And he did just that.

He used his new found glory to gain influence among the cult. Establishing the seeds for his own to take over. He found outcasts like he was before and offered them a place. Those who bucked at the machine cults dogma. At the same time gathering power among the menials who had no love of the priests. From there he slowly gained more and more power.

Eventually he forcefully overthrew the reigning fabricator before using the chaos to kill off any dissidents. With a solid core behind him he quickly changed the world. Presenting early hextech as ancient technology to pull it off. Using unknown at the time methods to create new machines and servants. New methods using special crystals to increase productivity. Eventually it became clear he had fallen.

He enacted great and terrible rituals across the planet. His Undead Skitari forcing the majority of the population into glowing forges. There their souls were torn out and fed to the Dragon. Accelerating the corruption of the planet. Their bodies emerging as modified puppets to act as a work force. Permanent night fell across the realm as new work happened. The old forges torn down by tireless hands to make room for the heretical works of the Undead. Those that still lived were converted to worship the Dragon. Becoming soldiers, supervisors, and new priests.

At the same time Cain underwent his own transformation. He would truly join the ranks of the Undead. His soul was removed from his body and placed in a new mechanical form of his own design. A vessel of advanced science and hextech. Made from pure adamantium and spelled to regenerate. It was then he truly became the Iron Lich. His subordinates going through their own transference.

By the time the Sub sector realized the danger it was too late. Tarras had been completely transformed into a Midnight World. Vast armies of metal and dead flesh pouring from it. The shipyards working around the clock to produce great fleets. From there the region quickly fell.

Now Cain resides on his conquered world. Rarely leaving unless summoned to by his god. Endlessly experimenting with hextech and black magics. Even tampering with the souls of gathered victims. Human, alien, or beast does not matter. He accepts all potential test subjects. Earning him the title of Soul Sever.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Midnight Worlds 5
Omake: Midnight Worlds 5

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 10:55 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Hive Worlds: These are worlds that largely serve the same purpose as their Imperial counterparts. Planets that are selected for becoming centers of population or administration of the local space. Their vast hives containing the billions of citizens of the Imperium. Essential recruiting grounds for the armies of the Emperor. The eldest and largest ones containing trillions of citizens at a time. They are also often the capitol worlds for the surrounding sectors. Unfortunately this serves to make them valuable targets. They also tend to have numerous problems such as food shortages, gangs, and worse cults.

Midnight worlds however do so significantly differently. The founding of them is largely the same. Though they are more often converted from the imperial standard due to corruption or treachery. These planets share the universal traits of their kind. The eternal nighttime and the lowered temperatures. As well as the radical difference in architectures and the incorporation of blasphemous hextech and sorcery across their surfaces. In addition to an untiring workforce and the widespread use of black magics.

Hives under the control of the Undead differ dramatically from Imperial standard. Their vast arcologies having been drastically altered. Revised under night skies by billions of untiring hands and dark magics. Now becoming vast largely self sufficient city fortresses. Their old icons of faith and the twin eagle replaced with runes and the symbol of the dragon. Their pollution filled skies now rendered clean revealing a vast tapestry of stars. The hives themselves now becoming rich with green on numerous levels and alight with sorcerous energies in their workings. Within each stands a towering vertical farm and numerous lesser workings to support the population. At the same time engraved runes and spell work allow it to stand under great pressure and assault.

One more difference is the comparative quiet of these worlds. That is because their populations have been greatly reduced. The Undead have no tolerance for any form of dissension in their ranks. So the population is largely culled. The under hives and any deemed to be of no use being killed and sacrificed to the dragon. Their bodies being remade to act as puppets to further the transformation or for other purposes.

These worlds are one of the largest contributors to the Undead war machine. Their cities providing steady streams of necromancers and other psykers. Along with officers to aid them. These souls are indoctrinated to have absolute faith in the dark god. Each desiring the blasphemous immortality it offers. Their underground industry contributing vast numbers to the hordes. Within these halls vast carpets of Gore Slimes numbering in the millions produce endless biomass to create more soldiers. Their internal industry working to produce vehicles and other necessities. Nothing truly complex, but still an issue.

Their orbit is packed with activity at all times. Long range orbital weapons sitting and scanning at all times. Ship yards servicing fleets and building new ones. Defense platforms standing guard at all times. Entire moons often converted into large scale defenses for their parent planet.

Destruction of these worlds is a necessity for us. They are the largest source of the Undead's numbers. If we can destroy them we can seriously slow their advance.

@Alucard Vampiry

War rolls.
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