Inquisitorial Transmission
Omake: Inquisitorial Transmission

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 3:55 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

My compatriots among the most holy Inquisition. I bring you dire news in these already grim times. A new and terrible threat has arisen in the far galactic east. One that could very well grow to become as monstrous as the other major threats if not more so. On the outer edges of segmentum Ultima. This nightmarish threat has since embedded itself deeply within the area known as the Ghoul Stars. As you all know it was only in the last few centuries that this region of space was reclaimed from Xeno hands. In those years hundreds of new worlds had been founded. Mostly due to the activity of Rogue traders, Mechanicus expeditions, and glory seeking nobles. All of whom were more interested in possible resources or other things of value.

This region however is known for being many light years away from proper Imperial space. In addition to that the light of the Astronomicon is dim there due to distance. Indeed it is considered to be frontier space for good reason. The region was poorly explored even before it was lost and then reclaimed. Meaning it holds many secrets still in the darkness. One of those secrets has clawed its way into the light and now threatens mankind.

What is the one thing that all men fear to one degree or another? The answer is their inevitable death. For as long as mankind has existed there have been old stories about death. About the stuff of nightmares in the power of the end. Deemed trivial in comparison to the true horrors of the galaxy these stories are overlooked by Imperial authority. Those tales fell to the wayside yet persisted all the same. Now the stuff of those stories has come to life. In a twisted sort of way.

Yes, my peers the old myth of Undeath has come to life. Perhaps it always had been true and it spawned those stories. That does not matter though right now. The Undead are real and they mean to destroy our glorious Imperium. The stuff of old stories and nightmares now march against us.

This monstrous new threat can be considered to bear traits of multiple enemy factions. They bear the vast numbers of the barbarous orks and the tyranids. The sheer unrelenting nature of the Necrons. The scheming strategies of the wretched Eldar. Worst of all they boast much the same powers as the ruinous powers.

I originally came to the Ghoul Stars in pursuit of a wretched witch. This one had been spewing vile heresy and corrupting those around him. Luring souls away from the light of the Emperor with displays of sorcery. Preaching of a vile heretic god that would give them greatness. Using that rhetoric they deceived the crew of a starship into taking them there. To a civilized world known as Mousillion.

I arrived intending to execute the witch and put an end to their blasphemy. I found a strange world and my suspicions raised immediately. The pair of reigning nobles were pale skinned and eerily beautiful. The hives were not releasing their usual pollution and were too quiet. The cathedrals to the Emperor were desecrated and empty. The sky was covered in darkness no matter the time of day. I accused them of heresy and demanded they explain or die.

One of the wretched creatures laughed in my face. They told me I would die there and join the army of death. I shot them in the stomach for it. They slumped over and after I shot the other one the impossible happened. The first stood up with its body regenerating from the injury before my eyes. It's eyes had shifted to a blood red.

Transmission Interrupted. Attempting to reconnect.

@Alucard Vampiry
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Stitched Puppet Legions
Omake: Stitched Puppet Legions

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 5:30 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Troops: The Puppet Legions.

Among the heinous forces of the Midnight Ascendancy few can compare with the blasphemy of the puppet legions. These troops are nothing, but mindless corpses brought to unlife by dark magics. These are in fact not comprised of their own dead, but of all dead that they come across. These abominations while largely mindless are still dangerous in more ways than one. The effect they can have on morale is devastating. On occasion bringing entire regiments down. Commissars must use all of their skill to keep their forces going.

Though these might be husks they are still dangerous physically. Often they possess the same armaments they did in life. Albeit now haunted by the foul power known as necromancy. In their state of Undeath they hold a major advantage over the living. They are needless, and uncaring of pain or injury. They also possess greater strength than they did in life as they no longer care for bodily functions. You can disembowel them and they would continue to attack uncaring.

They are divided into two categories. The Stitched and the Shaped. The former is those whose resurrection was rushed and of low quality. The latter is more refined and deliberate. Either can be present in large numbers. The Stitched are often used as first wave attackers to damage and demoralize foes. They are even more expendable than other cannon fodder undead. So long as they are intact enough they can be raised again and again. Meaning the dark masters will send them to fight again and again.

The following is a compilation of known variants of this type of enemy. Specifically of the Stitched type.

Puppet Guardsmen: This force is as much an insult and blasphemy as it is an enemy. It is a vile working of some of the most heinous efforts. The shells and souls of good emperor worshipping men and women perverted in such a way. Yes this force is composed of deceased guardsmen. Soldiers who died for the righteous Imperium of Man. Maybe even those that the undead last fought. They resemble normal guardsmen from a distance until you get close. That is when you smell the sickly sweet scent of decay wafting from them. You notice that they are shambling toward you. Finally you realize they are dead missing parts of their bodies from fingers to parts of their faces.

This force demoralizes and works to ambush the forces of the Emperor. They also boast the usual armaments of the Guard now perverted to the dark dragon. They possess the usual qualities of the undead.

It is imperative that communication between troops be maintained at all times against the undead.

Puppet Skitari: Another great blasphemy done by the dark god and it's worshippers. This time aimed at the noble tech-priests of Mars. These forces are comprised of fallen Skitari risen by the dark powers to fight for them. They possess all the powers and armaments of the true Skitari with the physical power of the undead.

They have been used to infiltrate Mechanicus holdings before attacking from within or conducting sabotage.

Again communication is imperative against this force to prevent such things.

Alert: Transmission Interference

Attempting to reconnect.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Stitched Puppet Legions 2
Omake: Stitched Puppet Legions 2

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 6:32 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Troops: The Puppet Legions.

Transmission Resumed. Continuing last data transfer.

Puppet Husks: The heretical powers of the dragon worshippers are unfortunately far reaching. They do not simply make use of any near by corpse for their plans. They also make use of any existing graveyards and other resting places for their plans. Using their dark magics to call forth the long dead from their slumber to terrorize the living. These hosts are easy to detect given their nature. Being heavily decayed for the most part with many being nothing more than pale bone. Moving despite the lack of viable muscle or not having any at all. Another sign of the evil of their masters.

These hosts often have a demoralizing effect on troops. Their skeletal forms proving to be most upsetting due to the imagery of death. Commissars will need to whip and beat their soldiers into line frequently.

Puppet Civilians: The undead heretics truly are without honor in any form. These hosts are created by using the vast population of the Imperium against it. Created by resurrecting and or killing large numbers of civilian populations. These hordes frequently have little more than knives or the occasional lasgun. However they make up for their lack of firepower with large numbers. Often appearing to be an endless horde on more developed worlds. This tactic has been used to great effect on hive worlds in the past. Making use of the less controlled and chaotic nature of the under hives to rapidly build an army. Their large numbers and the nature of Undeath allowing them to overwhelm many planetary defense forces.

These hordes often have a severe demoralizing effect on local forces to a planet. Bringing in outside forces is recommended if possible.

Puppet Servitors: Mechanical worker units now twisted for a dark purpose through darker powers. There is no set variant for this kind of puppet legion. Servitors of every type can be found among them. Ranging from simple cleaning units to heavy combat Servitors. Though their nature makes it more difficult to tell their undead nature at first.

Puppet Servitors have been known to be used to sabotage operations on Imperial Worlds. Unfortunately it is rather difficult to root them out given how numerous they tend to be.

Puppet Astartes: There is no sight more demoralizing than this. The great angels of death brought low. The mighty Astartes rendered to undead puppets by the dark power of the dragon god. These forces have been known to break the morale of entire regiments. That and they are a formidable force. Undead nature combined with Astartes physiology allowing them to pose a major threat to all in their path despite their reduced state. That and they possess all the armaments of the Astartes.

These forces must be destroyed immediately preferably from great range so as to avoid them being spotted by the common soldier. Thankfully they are rare in number. Though given what I have learned I am not sure if that is for better or worse.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Stitched Puppet Legions 3
Omake: Stitched Puppet Legions 3

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 7:09 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Troops: The Puppet Legions. Xeno Variant.

The horror of the puppet legions is not limited to humanity. Any creature with a soul or body is vulnerable. These heretics will make use of any material they can exploit one way or another. There have been sightings of puppets ranging from death world beasts to the tyranids. All of them thralls to the dark necromantic powers of the heretics. There have even been reports of eldar of all types among them. The terror of the Xeno merged with the horror of the undead. A terrible and unholy union to be sure.

Puppet Orks: These legions are perhaps the most numerous of the puppet legions. Vast in numbers and utterly relentless like all undead. Supposedly the dark forces farm, for lack of a better way of putting it, ork infested worlds to rapidly build these hordes. They are decayed and obviously dead like all puppet legions. However they are still extremely dangerous. The robust nature of ork biology married to the physiology of the undead. This is not limited to orks alone, but rather covers all orkoid life forms.

These hordes are frequently used as expendable shock troops. Using their large numbers and great physical power to overwhelm defenses. Thankfully in their undead state they lack the ability to produce spores or produce their species psychic field. Small mercies all said.

Puppet Tyranids: These hordes are the fate of the extragalactic xenos that faced the undead and lost. It covers the entirety of the lower ranks of the swarm. Everything from rippers to the warrior strain can be found among them. It is obvious to an observer of their undead state. Naturally these forces come in large numbers. Robust tyranid biology merged with the nature of the undead in a vile union. Leading to them being highly dangerous despite frequently missing limbs and bio weapons being nonfunctional in many cases.

These hordes have been used in the past to set off false alarms about hive fleets and infestations. Luring away defenders elsewhere in a sub sector to meet a nonexistent hive fleet. Creating the opportunity for the undead to overwhelm undefended worlds.

Puppet Tau: These hosts are acquired by launching raids against Tau dominated worlds. Once again proving the weakness of this Xeno empire. Some good their greater good nonsense did them. Predominantly created out of the tau fire caste warriors. Undead nature doing much to remove the blue xeno's physical weaknesses. The merciless nature of the undead now overwhelming any of their own. Their mechanical battle suits and drones now possessed engines of war. They are used as cannon fodder to attack moving forces and conducting high impact raids.

It should be noted that the Tau appear to blame the imperium for this. Stating this to be the work of some kind of bio weapon rather than sorcery. Once again demonstrating their species' ignorance.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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Stitched Puppet Legions 4
Omake: Stitched Puppet Legions 4

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 7:38 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Troops: The Puppet Legions. Xeno Variant. Continuation.

Puppet Craftworld Eldar: These hosts of puppets are few in number. Whether this means they have had few interactions with them is uncertain. It could also mean that the Eldar have defeated them and thus are given little to work with. Or it could simply mean the knife ears have managed to avoid them for the most part. Their undead state has done nothing to reduce the danger they pose at least physically. Their minds are gone, but their bodies are empowered by the magic of death now. They serve as a fast attack and raiding force for the dark dragon.

On a concerning note certain individuals are missing among them. The various champions or farseers among their number when they fell. It is my suspicion that they were taken elsewhere for a different purpose than their dead kindred. Though I know not what it is. It cannot be good though.

Puppet Exodite Eldar: These hosts are comprised of the sub type of Eldar known as the Exodites. A sect who chose to forgo higher level technology in favor of a simpler life. They reside on worlds called Maiden Worlds protected by supposed World Spirits. Typically they make use of various war beasts to wage war on the surface. Otherwise they are dependent on their cousins for protection. Largely they are overlooked by the rest of the galaxy due to lack of impact.

This isolation however has begun to deteriorate. The Ascendancy desires ever more bodies and souls to fuel their war effort. They will either seek to convert or kill any Eldar they come across. Several Maiden worlds have already fallen to their grasp. This host largely acts as a quick response or raiding force.

Puppet Dark Eldar: These hosts are composed of the wretched Dark Eldar. Notorious raiders, pirates, and slavers. An all around bane to the Imperium. Recently they have apparently come into contact with the Undead. Likely intending to raid them in a large display of power. One that they lost by the looks of it. Unless the Ascendancy knows a way to track them, I imagine they attempted raids on the Undead territory. An effort that cost them dearly. Now they and their heinous warmachines are puppets of the dark dragon. A fitting end for such scum if it didn't empower another enemy.

Now they exist as a fast strike force that specializing in destruction of operations and capture. Dragging victims back to the dark masters to make use of. Using their instruments of suffering and slaving tools to pull it off. Most likely to add to the legions of the dead.

Puppet Minor Xenos: This is one of the most expendable of the puppet legions. One that is comprised of various minor Xeno races. Either those that had been subsumed, destroyed, or raided by the Ascendancy. They are one of the more numerous legions and treated as simple canon fodder. Simply being thrown into the grinder for whatever goal is desired at the time.

This completes this part of the assessment of the Undead army.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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yikes, lots of info from the inquisition, but lots of problems with them not really understanding just how necromancy can work...i mean there is a literal shit-ton of dead people across entire planets just waiting to be raised from the grave...and frankly they don't need their corpses anymore. so, the inquisition is both right and wrong on most accounts i would say.

funny thing is i almost fully believe it, if the guy wasn't from hereticus and was a full inquisitor. Those guys tend to be fanatics of the higher degree.
I was trying to create a more scifi take on us for this. Hence fusing dark magic with technology and such. High end necromancy at that from more extreme fantasy. Trust me the inquisition hasn't seen the full force of what I've come up with. I honestly got a lot of inspiration from the Cryx in warmachines.
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I was trying to create a more scifi take on us for this. Hence fusing dark magic with technology and such. High end necromancy at that from more extreme fantasy. Trust me the inquisition hasn't seen the full force of what I've come up with. I honestly got a lot of inspiration from the Cryx in warmachines.

oh, i know those guys, draconic undead fuckers that can get a snowball going if they had a good chance too. good news is higher end necromancy would probably require a area drenched in shyish, or death magic mixed with pure warp, or Dhar. Otherwise, can you imagine what our forces would be like if we got the skaven tech and actually made it somewhat safer?

because thats what our forces in warhammer fantasy would become, the Cryx...only with living dragons and actually living people within the borders and vampires and such.

otherwise were a damn shoe in for torux lol!
Shaped Puppet Legions
Omake: Shaped Puppet Legions

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 8:00 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Troops: The Puppet Legions. Shaped Variant.

The legions known among the Ascendancy as the Shaped are material proof of one thing. The madness and depravity of these heretics. Not content to violate the laws of life and death they seek to go beyond that. Using vile magics, heretical technologies, and surgical procedures to make their vile imagination reality. They pervert the sacred human form to their ideal. This is the evil that makes the Shaped into the dangerous force that it is.

To compare the Shaped to the Stitched is difficult. It is like comparing a rusted jagged knife to a pristine and finely sharpened one. Same form and same intended purpose. Both can still be used as a lethal weapon. One however is clearly superior to the other in terms of performance. That is what the Shaped are a much more fine tuned version of the Stitched born from depraved minds.

These debased hosts are far more polished and thus more dangerous than their decrepit cousins. Altered severely to be much more capable in their desired task. Some of these creatures were assembled piece by piece never being alive to begin with. Or being created by a fusion of multiple bodies. These creations are typically developed only on more developed Ascendancy worlds.

Like all undead these creatures have little sense of self preservation. They are needless, fearless, and relentless. However they are also more intelligent on average. Not by much all said. But enough to utilize simple tactics without needing direct orders.

The following is a list of information on this menace.

Shaped Soldiers: The most basic of the Shaped forces. Unlike their cousins they are in pristine condition. No sign of rot or decay upon their lifeless statue like forms. Armed with heavy las weaponry and comparably heavy army armor. They are able to use this equipment because of the enhancements they went through. This is one of the reasons of the Shaped's power. Necromantic power being used to make them far stronger. Not in the usual Undead way either. The internal organs are broken down. Being used to create more muscle and bone like armor underneath. All this granting them much greater physical power.

These monsters have been used as saboteur and assassins. Their intact nature making them much harder to sniff out than the Stitched. Often they hide among crowds and work to tear down Imperial defenders from within.

Shaped Skitari: These Shaped are like all of them a refinement of their Stitched counterparts. The creation of traitor tech priests enhanced using dark magic and forbidden technology. Organic parts refined and optimized for performance and compatibility with cybernetic implants. Implants using forbidden technology to great effect. Now using large weapons in place of limbs and material enforced through sorcery. All the while marching in lock step to their master's wicked tune. An unholy force upon the battlefield.

These monsters are produced in the fallen forge worlds. They unfortunately use advanced tactics from their cybernetic minds. Making them one of the more intelligent of the undead. Occasionally used to sabotage and tear down Mechanicus operations.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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i mean there is a literal shit-ton of dead people across entire planets just waiting to be raised from the grave
Really regretting those cemetery worlds.
Otherwise, can you imagine what our forces would be like if we got the skaven tech and actually made it somewhat safer?
The Industrial Age will come first before that, keep in mind that warpstone is a highly volatile material, that the skaven managed to magi-tech using it speaks of their genius and madness, because only the skaven would be mad enough to work with it and somehow succeed.
Puppet Astartes: There is no sight more demoralizing than this. The great angels of death brought low. The mighty Astartes rendered to undead puppets by the dark power of the dragon god. These forces have been known to break the morale of entire regiments. That and they are a formidable force. Undead nature combined with Astartes physiology allowing them to pose a major threat to all in their path despite their reduced state. That and they possess all the armaments of the Astartes.
So basically Plague Marines without the billion diseases that compose their body?
@Alucard Vampiry

You could think of it like that. Only without real minds of their own. So only cold silence and utter lack of response to pain. Quite possible stronger and more durable due to no fatigue or pain response. Of course no capacity for infighting or treachery.
Really regretting those cemetery worlds.

The Industrial Age will come first before that, keep in mind that warpstone is a highly volatile material, that the skaven managed to magi-tech using it speaks of their genius and madness, because only the skaven would be mad enough to work with it and somehow succeed.

So basically Plague Marines without the billion diseases that compose their body?

yeah, cemetery worlds are basically free for all for any necromancer class...hell one being found would probably result in the entire necromancer academy trying to break down the doors of the nearest noble vampire's house in a riot to get those corpses going. kind of hilarious to be sure, considering the nature of a necromancer being very insulated and pretty withdrawn...(basically introverts).

Oh boy, industrial age will be a intresting bit, considering were basically trying to play catch up and having our melee units still be a thing...well then again considering that armor can also evolve overtime and with gromil+runes+warp bullshit...melee units will still be viable for a long time.

also, skaven are mad geniuses, trying to replicate warpstone tech is a fool's errand until we have laboratories and possibly Dracul going hands deep into that tech himself.

and plague marines? more like supernaturally bullshit marines that actually dont give a fuck if you remove the head or most of the body, nurgliets still die with enough wounds or damage to the head. Undead are superior to nurglites.

edited: also i expect renegade (or fallen astartes) to start signing up with dracul, or if they grab enough geneseed to create their own dark astartes to run rampant as a legion of shadows.
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well then again considering that armor can also evolve overtime and with gromil+runes+warp bullshit...melee units will still be viable for a long time.
It really depends on the level of the magic, and the materials used. Gromril is WHF downplayed Adamantium, it is pretty hard to find and work it (Even the dwarves have to be careful not waste even a single gram of it), it also only found deep underground, which is why is going to take a while for you to find it.

I am not saying it is going to survive a nuke without a single scratch, but it is going to be pretty hard to break and mold.
You know I've always been disappointed by the low amount of necromancer quests. I've only found a few besides this one and they're all dead or on indefinite hiatus. I always thought it would make a great quest.
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aye, you can snowball pretty damn fast if you play the long game as a necromancer and dont go "ULTIMATE POWER!!!" because you got a few corpses under your control.
Shaped Puppet Legions 2
Omake: Shaped Puppet Legions 2

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 8:13 PM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Troops: The Puppet Legions. Shaped Variant.

The ability of the ascendency to shape the form is as frightening as it is heinous. Just as we think they have a limit to their depravity we are proven wrong. The Shaped method serves to make Xeno forms even more deadly than they already were. Further adding to the horror of the Undead armies.

Shaped Orks: These undead are the refinement of the Stitched Ork legions. They are fewer in numbers, but if anything are even more dangerous. These are orks not just in pristine condition after their deaths. They are specifically chosen from among the greenskins for this purpose. This type of undead consists entirely of the higher ranks of orks primarily nobs. Lesser lieutenants of the green hordes. Now serving under a new master as undead. These are shaped just like the others of this type. The already considerable physical power of the ork form bolstered by the nature of Undeath. Then further still by the conversion of organs and no longer necessary pieces into other purpose. Namely the creation of absorbent fat, bone sub dermal armor, and more muscle. Changing them into moving walls or battering rams to soak up fire or tear down all in their path. Like the other Shaped they possess a basic sense of tactics to aggregate the threat they pose.

Larger specimens are frequently clad in dark armor and given great hammers that crush and detonate using foul sorcery. Heavy fire will be needed to bring this threat down.

Shaped Servitors: These hosts are in essence the same as the Shaped Skitari. At best viewed as more expendable and produced in greater numbers. More varied in form ranging from tank treads to mounting large guns for arms. They boast a variety of weapons ranging from magnetic to atomic based. Their undead nature fendering the latter inconsequential to them. There have even been reports of suicide units that release bursts of necrotic energy upon destruction.

Somewhat more capable of stealth that their more deteriorated counterparts. Making them a threat for sabotage efforts. Of course given the proliferation of and often disregard for Servitors they often go undetected. Still it is wise to keep an eye out.

Shaped Tyranids: Like the orks this horde is smaller in number than it's stitched counterparts. This is likely due to lesser bio forms being cannibalized to repair greater forms. Forgoing numbers for the greater destructive power. Comprised of warrior alphas and other greater strains they are a great danger. Including the monstrous carnifex and pyrovore forms. And every other major form of the tyranids. Save for the infamous Zoanthrope. A small mercy I suppose. Still this force is a monstrous force. Any excess biomass they possessed like organs now channeled elsewhere to bolster their killing power. Otherwise with abilities now ingrained by some black magic.

@Alucard Vampiry
War rolls.
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I have another pic of Dracul's Sword.

It looks much better in my mind now.

Update should come around this Friday, so watch for that.

whelp as cold, menacing, and possibly elderitchy malevoloent as i thought it would be.

looking forward to the war rolls next turn, and what place were going to hit next. If our champion/Future-Exalted daemon-lord goes on a rampage, Khorne is going to be DISTRACTED big time.

this bodes well for dragging champions and others from the front lines, which are the bigger units of khorne as our beastie true deaths his minions and devours their souls. which might also empower us just ever so slightly and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of making the Light-hunter/seeker.
whelp as cold, menacing, and possibly elderitchy malevoloent as i thought it would be.

looking forward to the war rolls next turn, and what place were going to hit next. If our champion/Future-Exalted daemon-lord goes on a rampage, Khorne is going to be DISTRACTED big time.

this bodes well for dragging champions and others from the front lines, which are the bigger units of khorne as our beastie true deaths his minions and devours their souls. which might also empower us just ever so slightly and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of making the Light-hunter/seeker.
Oh, don't worry I am sure you are going to be surprised after the battle ends.
Oh, don't worry I am sure you are going to be surprised after the battle ends.

did the light eater destroy that exalted of khorne? because if so, then shit got real good real fast as thats ONE HELL OF A FEAST!

a exalted is no easy prey, no matter how weakened its presence is in malleus, and if a good enough portion of it is dead, then our boy had one heck of an upgrade and is going to be one nasty thorn in chaos's side untill its banished or retrieved by our future self. Also this shows Tzeentch that having daemon summoning rituals is not a good idea in places were at, since if the chaos gods can break the rules of the warp, so can unless they ALL agree and adhere to a pact preventing timeline fuckery from happening were going to be fucking them over every chance we get.