The God of Magic Rises... (prt 1, Telcis)
On the Eve of the battle with Praag, and the forces of chaos dug in in readiness for the siege to come...Yet on that time when the forces of order crested the hills overlooking the fallen city Something happened at Chamon Dharek...
Telic sighed as he stared at the fallen city of the humans of Kislev, so much had happened in so little time, yet he had no choice but to assault the city, even with the intel provided by his grey mages (which he had to fight the ulthaun council for, though he was thankful the Pheonix king supported his decision, something backed up by the very flames of the actual phoenix god himself apparently.) Even if his grey mages had sabotaged as much as they could, it would be a bloody battle that would empower the dark god of butchery and war (even if it wasnt khaine, said war god of the elves would love such a bloody carnage to happen regardless).
Yet he felt a strange stiring in the air, even as the dawi and the empire men and women gathered together to dicuss what was happening he could sense with his magic sight the stilling the the winds, almost as if destinty itself was about to be rewritten...but who would be mad enough to cause such a ruckus at this time?
Telic's unuttered questioned was answered when he FELT rather then heard the roar of the four in the north, sweeping across the lands and the braying of the forces of chaos within Praag in a raging fury as they spilled out of the city in a tide of frenzied blood and steel, completely abandoning their strategic positioning even as the forces of order apparently gathered there might hastily as they could to meet them on the field of battle.
Then he felt it...or rather the Gaze of WHO it belonged too as he prepared his magic...
say my name...
The being he now understood as the newest god of order, even as dark as he came...
come now, say it...
A power that had grown rapidly and taken over a entire country and was in the process of completely modernizing it...even if the dragon princes were being its name.
Say it! And i shall answer...
The Sarathai...Sucessor to Draugnir...or perhapes he always WAS Draugnir?!? He barely noted him shouting the name of the world dragon from his bare lips as it cracked the air apart with the name of the father of dragons. be remembered/aknowledged/known...very well, my power shall be yours for this moment!
Telic and the mages with him felt the surge of magic even as the battle lines came near, his hands burning with magic as he could almost taste and FEEL Hysh flowing through the air, the forces of chaos almost pausing if not slowing down as he and his brethern war mages brought the fury of the eight winds upon them, mixing them into a qyuash spell with the barest hints of LIGHT magic burning through the corruption in the air.
And they could see the results as a wave of light BURNED through the ranks of the forces of the north. Norscan's sceaming in pain as their mutations burned away, Daemons shrieking as the very light banished their essence, the demonic engines howling as they raged against their bindings forcing their minders to try and keep them in check only for the creatures to tear their way out and through their forces, and in seemingly desperation charge right at the back ranks of the stumbling chaos tide tearing into it viciously even as their putrid flesh disinitgrated and deformed under the fury of Hysh.
Already he saw the other forces of order ranging from priests and warlords crying out to their gods in awe of the seemingly miracle to happen as dead men and women, even dawi and elven casualties rose again with their wounds sealed shut by the light that slowly faded away from the battle-field to the shock of so many elven mages of what had just been done.
Such a ritual spell would have taken at least a hour to create, if not more to mold so well. Yet here they did it in mere minutes of the clash!
Telic sighed as he massaged his head, almost hearing the faint laughter on the wind as the Father of Dragons mocked the forces of chaos, seemingly have done SOMETHING to aquire the domain of magic itself to its repitor. Now he considered just how bad things will get now that the dragon had provoked the chaos gods by sending so much power in so little time...yet he could not feel a shred of regret of coming this way.
it was better for the forces of order to stand against the tide of chaos rather then hold up on their island and wait for the end...
Even if he now had to deal with a grim looking mortal champion of "sigmar" and future emperor of the empire, as well as the dawi who distrusted this magic and sniff darkly at the remants of the army that had held Praag itself in a death-grip yet had charged out suicidally.
In the depths of the warp the four chaos gods raged at each other for the humiliation that was suffered, each blaming the others for their own brand of humiliation. The Blood God Khorne who reigned almost supreme at the moment raged in fury at Tzeentch the pathetic sorcerror who allowed the damned dragon to gain a entirely new domain to contest the Rightful gods on their own damned territory. Even now the undead became far more dangerous then ever before, even if the skulls and blood was shed in his name he found the undead tide a furious foe to face. Cursed magic, especially now that the so called necromancers were now being led by a so called Arch-Lich who had led the desecration of the holy grounds of norsca...
Now the battle lines had to be drawn, and the ever chosen MUST descend upon the world NOW before the army of the Damnable Dragon would sweep north and take everything for its own! Curse Hashut! Curse Tzeentch for its folly! Curse wretched Nurgle for not strangling this godling that they ALL agreed upon to never allow to rise again! Curse slannesh for not telling them of such a being from its spies! CURSE THEM ALL!
(Edited: For forces of order's Rolls)