Do we have the ability to research on new types of undead?
The only undead you are lacking is the spirit type (Hex and Cairnwraiths, Banshees, etc), leader types (Wight Kings and Liches), and Champions (Hell Knights for Black Knights, Grave Seneschals for Grave Guard, Vargogyles for Vargheists, etc). All of them will be available when the quest returns to normal turns, alongside other things.
Like resurrecting on fallen dark bats, birds and wolves?
All dark beasts are technically already dead, even more so with the Dire Wolves, who are risen giant wolves that live across the various forests of the Old World, making them undead beasts that still have a form of intelligence and somehow still being able to feel hunger, through that is more towards mutations caused by Dhar. Which is the case of the Ghouls who, as they are still living beings, differ from them they were humans who have become cannibals and mutated by the Power of Dhar (Or just warp energy Mallus is three steps away from becoming a daemon world after all), but as they lack intelligent beyond pack groups that are classified as beasts.
I mean, the less holy sights Chaos has in Reality, the less hold they have on the planet. That and there should be less passive and active corruption. Like setting up a more robust Waystone network, or other ways to break up Dhar.
If you want both your undead and dark beast army to continue fighting, I advise for you to not do that.
unless the ever chosen comes south finally and we can hit them in the rear
Asavar will not appear for a few decades at least, mostly because something he did not foresee blindsided him, but to be fair, no one saw that coming. And before anyone asks no, I am not going to say what it is, for I have already said what it is way back.
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ah shit...its the fucking tyrant aint it?

  1. They are said to be ''as big as a man''
  2. Yes, it is an idea, a good one? Debatable.

It can work if you want explosive zombies to be dropped...suicide zombies meant to spread "Blight" would probably do some nasty shit to someone we absolutely hate.

so yeah, if we can win here, we MIGHT be able to drag up a massive army for the campaign against the ever chosen when they are sent south...hopefully our fucking with chaos here will weaken them. Im willing to take 50% losses of our minions (besides the giants, to much of a limit) after the next few major battles to mop up kislev of chaos contamination for awhile.

still wondering though, are we going to do the total war 3 campagin of kislev trying to rescue ursun the bear god from chaos's grasp? (or more likely belakor's grasp)

because at the end of the campaign if you win you get belakor as a general (as in he is now enslaved to whatever faction you are playing as apparently from what i heard).
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Yep, and his first major cult will not be Norscan.

...oh fuck me...i DEARLY hope its not kislev or nippon/cathcay...otherwise we will need to send allot of minions over to help cull that shit...unless...ah fuck dont tell me...magnus is going to get blindsided aint he?

Edited: What was the entire thing about the tyrant again besides oppression? because we need to make sure our lands dont get hit by the yellow king.
Well with Asavar not coming, time to go and have fun in Norscan with this undead army and send for a new one to hit it from the other side
still wondering though, are we going to do the total war 3 campagin of kislev trying to rescue ursun the bear god from chaos's grasp? (or more likely belakor's grasp)
I am planning to do the Vortex Campaign from tww2, still not knowing if I am going to use the Ursun one.
because at the end of the campaign if you win you get belakor as a general (as in he is now enslaved to whatever faction you are playing as apparently from what I heard).
I actually haven't heard of that. Was that already in the game or did CA finally updated it? Even then, that is pretty much impossible. The First Daemon Prince will forever belong to the Pantheon of Chaos, no matter what.
...oh fuck me...i DEARLY hope its not kislev or nippon/cathcay...
It is not going to be them.
What was the entire thing about the tyrant again besides oppression?
Pretty much this:
god of faith, zealotry, order, tyranny, oppression & devotion
Which should give you a hint on which place the first cult of the Star Father is going to be born. And which faction of that place is going to fall to his influence.
because we need to make sure our lands dont get hit by the yellow king.
The only part that you are fulfilling from his domain are Order and Zealotry, and both are greater enough so he can feed on it in great quantities, as your order is not tyrannical or oppressive, and your servants dedicated their Zealotry to you, not the Tyrant so you eat more faith from them than him could.

Also, the Tyrant is against innovation which you push forward; he is against any form of racial equality because the Imperium was extremely xenophobic and you have pushed an alliance with the Dwarves which are not Humans in this universe; he is against psykers/mages (though not at the extent of Khorne) and you are constructing a college for them and is pushing for equality with the humans (and other species) that can't use the powers of the warp.

So yeah he can't grab a hold of your society besides making some minor cults, because your society is everything the 40k Imperium wasn't besides the religious fervor and questionable moralities.

In a nutshell Wallachia is a nobledark faction to the Imperium's Grimdark, it still pretty bad though but not at the level of the Imperium
whelp, only places i can think of is the border princes, tilea, estalia, the empire, or the slaves in the dark elves provinces...maybe araby...
One of them is the right one.

well shit, this isnt going to be good, but the only provinces that are close to the north where the armies of chaos would have problems with the tyrant is the dark elves...and i doubt the cult would gain allot of traction there unless malkeith allows it.

Tilea and Estalia are both myriddia's places, and even then theres a few places the cults could gain traction. the empire might be a problem with the sig-...

fuck me the witch hunters! The Empire is going to have problems for a long while aint it?

unless they flee to the border princes...
fuck me the witch hunters!
Bingo! Also read this:
Lexicanum said:
Of all the Gods of Law, Solkan can be said to be the most well known and popular, although he and his followers are feared rather than respected. He is worshipped by many Witch Hunters.
Yea, the Empire is not going to have a good, but hey at least no gonna go against Magnus anymore, they will be too busy killing themselves.
The Empire is going to have problems for a long while ain't it?
unless they flee to the border princes...
It won't be that bad... I think it all really depends on the Dice.
Could have cut off their supply of cannons and other heavy weapons but NOOO, you guys had to go loot goblin and insist we could get a power up if we attacked the artifact city.

Now we lost a huge number of Undead, gained no artifacts, and chaos will have plenty of cannons and other shit to fire at us.
Could have cut off their supply of cannons and other heavy weapons but NOOO, you guys had to go loot goblin and insist we could get a power up if we attacked the artifact city.

Now we lost a huge number of Undead, gained no artifacts, and chaos will have plenty of cannons and other shit to fire at us.

dude fucking chill.

seriously, yeah, we lost some undead, but we have a shit ton of graveguard and black knights left-over. we can either hit the chaos dwarves next turn anyway. And yeah, we could have gotten the power-up MAYBE, they just rolled a nat 1 on a super critical ritual that fucked everything over. But hey, no chaos ground for the tyrant to get ahold yeah, maybe sending our guys into the empire to help them out with the cults going on and give magnus some "aid" in stabilizing his homeland will be of use, as well as us maybe even getting the empire of myridia up with fusing estalia and tilea together again.

Edited: @Alucard Vampiry quick question, due to the nature of the tyrant, if we take the hunt down cultist action, will our guys know how to deal with the tyrants minions every time, or have a general best knowledge due to the tyrant not allowing any sort of innovation, which is crucial for making plans besides a strictly structure and possibly highly detailed plan that if derailed by outside events causes the entire thing to cascade and fail? (is this correct? Because Tzeentch is just go with the flow and throw everything and the monkey wrench into the plan and see what happens)
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Do we have the ability to research on new types of undead? Like resurrecting on fallen dark bats, birds and wolves?
We do, but I'm thinking in terms of Dark souls' Skeleton Wheels.

Edit: Wait, does this mean we'll see a three way civil war amongst the Witch Hunters? Those that worship Solkan, those who rise to the Tyrant, and those who worship neither?
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We do, but I'm thinking in terms of Dark souls' Skeleton Wheels.

Edit: Wait, does this mean we'll see a three way civil war amongst the Witch Hunters? Those that worship Solkan, those who rise to the Tyrant, and those who worship neither?

most likely between solkan and the tyrant, with the ones that worship neither and take their job actually seriously stuck in the middle and getting a ear-lashing by both sigmar AND magnus...the entire organization might end up ripped from the root and stem to make way for something BETTER.

Still would rather have strong allies in the form of a united estalia and the border princes...even if the border princes one is a puppet state for us to utilize as a back entrance and a staging ground for assaults on closing the southern polar gate (which is fucking teeming with beastmen dear lord!)
Ah duck, 5,4, abd 3 right?
I still believe that he has a werewolf in the attic.
If the fourth ever shows up, then 40k fight becomes one that means grab anything we can and make a fighting retreat to deal that damn universe up as much as possible for when that galaxy goes into its hell-hole mode.

Cause ain't no stopping it then.
It's still possible to 'save' the galaxy when the Raptor shows up, but it's nearly impossible. But when the Dark Machine rises, that's where everything is fucked. The True God of Chaos shall inevitably consume the galaxy and all of its inhabitants.
@Alucard Vampiry quick question, due to the nature of the tyrant, if we take the hunt down cultist action, will our guys know how to deal with the tyrants minions every time, or have a general best knowledge due to the tyrant not allowing any sort of innovation, which is crucial for making plans besides a strictly structure and possibly highly detailed plan that if derailed by outside events causes the entire thing to cascade and fail? (is this correct? Because Tzeentch is just go with the flow and throw everything and the monkey wrench into the plan and see what happens)
They will have the general knowledge, the Tyrant's servants differ from the other gods which are more easy to identify and purge, they are to 'orderly' for a cult dedicated to a chaos god even which makes things difficult, but when they nail how they act everything will be so much easier because they don't change on how they act.
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I still believe that he has a werewolf in the attic.

It's still possible to 'save' the galaxy when the Raptor shows up, but it's nearly impossible. But when the Dark Machine rises, that's where everything is fucked. The True God of Chaos shall inevitably consume the galaxy and all of its inhabitants.

They will have the general knowledge, the Tyrant's servants differ from the other gods which are more easy to identify and purge, they are to 'orderly' for a cult dedicated to a chaos god even which makes things difficult, but when they nail how they act everything will be so much easier because they don't change on how they act.

1) ah i see, shall we call for the Hellsing organization or the Iscariot groupies?
2) by "save" you mean kill every living being in the galaxy that's not a ork, necron, or tyranid species am i right? But yeah, once the dark machine rises we GTGTFO (got to get the fuck out) before everything goes to absolute hell.
3) that makes thing easier and harder, because the tyrants' troops DONT BREAK, but in turn cant innovate, learn their tactics and strategies, and you can best them in will just hurt because each and every one of them is a empty husk.
by "save" you mean kill every living being in the galaxy that's not a ork, necron, or tyranid species am i right?
that makes thing easier and harder, because the tyrants' troops DONT BREAK, but in turn cant innovate, learn their tactics and strategies, and you can best them in will just hurt because each and every one of them is a empty husk.
Not all the Tyrants servants are empty husks. Some still have some form of agency, and so can become champions if they have enough will to stand in his light. Those that don't do become empty husks of themselves.
Miscellaneous Technologies 8
Omake: Miscellaneous Technologies 8

Warning: Unauthorized reading of this document will be punished with immediate execution.

Time: 2:56 AM Holy Terran Standard
Location: Starship Emperor's Fist.
Purpose: Information
Patron: Inquisitor Maximan. Ordo Hereticus

Begin Transmission

Quote of the day: Lives are the Emperor's currency. Spend them wisely.

Heat Capture System: What is one of the biggest problems with weaponry in the Imperium? The answer is the heat build up they experience with use. Their mechanisms channeling energy and warming the material. Every weapon from the bolters of the Astartes to the humble lasgun have this issue. It is especially prominent in plasma based weaponry. No surprise there though considering their nature. Even industrial machinery suffers from this issue. As do certain pieces of hardware such as cogitators from processing large amounts of information.

The Undead heretics have sadly found a way around this issue. Through the use of their sorcerous technology they found a way. Not just to eliminate the problem, but to make it beneficial to them.

A series of runes and spell work integrated into their technology. This holds certain elements I have already brought up before. Greater metal strength and reducing the issue of heat build. The runes capture the heat and transfer it elsewhere. Converting it into a more beneficial form. Typically by channeling it back into the weapon. Adding extra power to its attacks. Alternatively it is transferred elsewhere for use.

Thankfully this is not a simple working and seems to only be found in their more complex technology.

Solar Capture System: The primary difference of this piece of hardware from the previous topic is one of scale. The former is relegated to individual weapons and machinery. This one however is far from discriminating in its effect. Rather it covers every single thing in its intended radius. Showing off just how wide the effect of the heretical hextech can be.

The second is the exact form of energy that it targets. The intended purpose of this is to capture solar energy. Namely in the form of light, heat, and the radiation put out by stars. This is how the Midnight worlds maintain their constant shrouds of nighttime. The effect of this heresy extends across the planet. Reaching up into the atmosphere and doing its vile work. Absorbing the light en masse all across the planet at once. Not all of it just most to maintain the darkness.

This is also why they are so frequently colder. The heat energy being captured in much the same way. Causing temperatures across the planet to drop by noticeable amounts. It may not seem like much energy wise, but it is very substantial. This allows the colonization of desert worlds or others with high temperatures. By making it so the heat is no longer a concern.

The same can be said of radiation. Certain worlds are incapable of supporting life due to high radiation from their stars. Only the Mechanicus possesses the knowledge to reliably inhabit such worlds. Now the Ascendancy can say the same.

All of this energy it then funneled into their Astromantic Web. Providing yet more power for their industry.

@Alucard Vampiry
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