Okay time to take a look at the Foundational Ethea since I said I would and I think I have more ideas what some of them mean.
First some questions I have about this. First given that Foundational Ethos is called by Evie as Foundational Integration Vectors but what is it integrated to? Cause Ethos seem to be integrated into the Soul but where is a normal foundation? Is it just physical land because it's a dungeon? That feels a bit too mundane. Maybe they're integrated into Dungeon Cores? But that implies that that the Core comes before the Dungeon which could be possible but would feel weird.
Second where do normal Foundational Ethea get their power from? Cause normal Ethea seem to get their power from the Soul of their user. Do the Weavers have to pay the costs for a dungeon instead of just slapping them down and having them be self-sustaining? If so than that would explain why they apparently only use them in particular circumstances instead of just randomly putting them down and seeing what happens. Got to get the best bang for your buck, yeah?
Speaking of Weavers do they directly run dungeons? Cause it seems like many of the descriptions of the ethea that they're directly managed with user restrictions and not automatous.
Finally there's the question of what the numbers-letters mean. I assume it means order of creation with lower numbers referring to earlier creations and the letter(s) referring to category order with A being earliest and Z being the latest. But it could easily be a filing system with no regard to date or whatever.
There's also the question about what happens if a category reaches 9999-Z the max. Is the next one 0000-AA, 0001-AA, 0000-2A, ect? Cause there's very different systems for how it would work out and I can't tell based off the data we have.
[Rapid Iterator | 2873-2A, Efficient Tension Sustainment] (Foundational): (Essence)
Ideal placement would be regions wherein dominant occupants are no more than an order of magnitude beyond typical imbued predators. Recommend limits on level of sentience allowed in constructions unless local entities are sufficient to resist oversaturation. Typical opening parameter should be to evenly contest integrator forces with upscaled facsimiles of existing wildlife and coordinate their movements, then tweak to keep stress levels within the optimal zone of development. Advise life-analogous constructions be rendered infertile to avoid non-productive exponential threats. Recommend limits on quantity of streamlining boons so as to not trivialize related Vector incentives. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
Rapid Iterator our foe. Judging by how we could had picked this despite RI still being at large I think that means at least some Foundational Ethea have multiple copies which is an important assumption for a point I'll have on Champion.
It's honestly a bit weird that this is called Rapid Iterator since the description doesn't mention the foundational being rapid nor doing many iterations. Like I guess the mentions of how you need to balance every thing implies that you are making constant changes to get the best result but still feels like it could have described how it works better rather just having to assume based off the name. Like a theme of rapidly creating different iterations of something feels like it would easily be mentioned in the description.
Iterators number with its 2A seems like it's a rather newish Foundational Ethos though that might be a very wrong assumption. But it's certainly at least one that isn't near the first assuming the number is referring to creation order.
Efficient Tension Sustainment' so the efficient in this title/designation implies that cost is a factor for Foundationals. Also it seems like tension sustainment is such a priority to the Weavers that having an efficient way of doing it is valued or noteworthy.
'Dominant Occupants' hmm it doesn't just say humans so is there other potential 'Dominants' besides humans that a Foundational could be sent against or is it just Weavers using big words because they're assholes? Basically I'm wondering if there's other races like elves and dwarfs that the Ethos Weavers are also messing with.
'Typical imbued predators' so animals can naturally be buffed up by powers. Makes me wonder if things like the Alpha Wolves and the Space Stags are actually common in some areas just without the hivemind controlling them.
'Recommend limits on level of sentience allowed in constructions unless local entities are sufficient to resist oversaturation.' basically don't make the dungeon monsters too smart unless you're sure there's enough adventures or hunters to kill them all anyways even if you have Goblins and Kobolds wiping entire parties with traps. Implies that Foundationals can flat out make sentient creatures well constructs since dungeons can also make something else called Entities which is different than Constructs.
'Typical opening parameter should be to evenly contest integrator forces with upscaled facsimiles of existing wildlife and coordinate their movements,' basically what we saw in our battle the Alphas were upgraded facsimiles of wolves that coordinated together. Though our situation was different since the Rapid Iterator seemed to taken control of actual wolves instead of making constructs that look like them and it less coordinated their movements than directly puppet them like a hivemind since I doubt most Rapid Iterator dungeons are allowed to pull that ambush trick it tried.
'then tweak to keep stress levels within the optimal zone of development.' interesting this mentions stress and not Gravitas. Maybe Stress produces Gravitas as a byproduct or maybe there's a deeper connection to Ethea and Stress? Cause Champion does mention Identity Shattering Trials as being needed to get the 2nd Stage safely. So maybe the old 'with great stress comes great powers' adage is true here?
'Advise life-analogous constructions be rendered infertile to avoid non-productive exponential threats.' So breeding into an exponential is a possibility and not hard coded to not happen. That's not at all scary and worrying. Thankfully whoever or whatever is in charge of the local Rapid Iterator seems impatient for one reason or another since while we dealt with a lot of wolves we didn't get buried under an ocean of them. Maybe RI can only cheat breeding speed so much so you can't just breed an army of of super bears in a few weeks? Maybe it's a resource issue since I doubt the Foundational has infinite power/Essence to throw around to run an infinite army.
'Recommend limits on quantity of streamlining boons so as to not trivialize related Vector incentives" Hmm what the hell does this mean? Can Dungeons give power ups to people as rewards for clearing them and this warning means to not go too trigger happy with them because it disincentivize Ethos growth? If so then those boons must be potent shit if they can make improving your ethos look like small potatoes then again I might be using Lilly's growth as a baseline which is unfair.
Or maybe it means 'streamlining boons' to mean Gravitas and so means to not hand too much experience too fast so people have an actual chance to train their Ethos? Cause as good as it would be to have tier 10 Punch Evil if you have 1/10 Grasp you'll probably use the power completely wrong. But if this is true than that means Gravitas itself is a shortcut that can be handed out which feels wrong. Like yeah once you past the first milestone you need to have Grasp higher than power tier so you can't instantly make a noob into a demigod by injecting Gravitas but still I feel Gravitas is more than just a short cut steroid.
[Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event] (Foundational): (Deific)
Recommend use only to rebalance conflict trending too far toward an unscheduled genocide resolution; re-establish status quo through new equalising variables. Pseudo-matter imposition constraints relaxed, though care should be taken not to generate synergy cascades and unintentionally disrupt an otherwise stabilized situation. Strength of initial ranging entities should be severely constrained so as to not eliminate existing inhabitants; the goal is redistribution not eradication. Toleration of Domestication has not been granted for this iteration, upscale investment arbitrarily to resist any long term group suppression. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
Sly equalizing not equalising
Towering Edifice to Heaven' A tower to heaven. Pretty bare bones and could refer to the dungeon literally taking the form of a giant tower or maybe a reference to a Babel type myth. Given that the tower seems to arbitrarily become harder the higher you go I wonder if you actually reach the top (if that's even possible) if you would reach Heaven or maybe, to put it better, Ascend to a higher being since I imagine to be able to reach the top you would have to be super swole that even if you started as a mortal you might not end as one.
7958-A Series' why does this one mention series but none of the others? Anyways it seems like this ethos came late in the A series but given that A is the first letter of the alphabet it's probably still pretty early overall.
'Recommend use only to rebalance conflict trending too far toward an unscheduled genocide resolution; re-establish status quo through new equalising variables.' Makes me wonder what kind of situation prompted making this Foundational since as many others have noted it seems like a weird way to stop a genocide. Anyways unscheduled genocide is a big scary phrase and I'm not sure exactly how introducing new variables via Tower would change that despite us having the ethos. Maybe artefacts are big deals so much that easy access to them can lead to an Arthur with Excalibur situation? Probably close to the truth given the mention of how artefacts can lead to synergy cascade.
'Pseudo-matter imposition constraints relaxed, though care should be taken not to generate synergy cascades and unintentionally disrupt an otherwise stabilized situation' This implies that all Foundationals use pseudo-matter imposition just that there's hard limits with Tower having more relaxed limits. I believe we figured this to be because Tower makes a lot of Artefacts but I like the idea that it's literally because it needs so much pseudo-matter to make the giant tower. Anyways I wonder how this pseudo-matter works. I've already speculated that Mindset! Lilly used Gravitas and Oaken Core to make our current artefact. So is Gravitas easily turned into pseudo-matter or related to it? Or does it have to do with Tower's Source being Deific which we suspect has to deal with powers of a different layer which could probably also be used for pseudo-matter
'Strength of initial ranging entities should be severely constrained so as to not eliminate existing inhabitants; the goal is redistribution not eradication' This and 'the stabilized situation' mention above make it clear that while the Weavers or whatever in charge of Foundationals seem to not care for causing human deaths if it results in some data and growth they at least want to make sure it isn't complete chaos when they can help it. Though judging by our conflict with Rapid Iterator it seems Maw has taken/corrupted some of the Foundationals and causing Chaos with them.
'Toleration of Domestication has not been granted for this iteration,' Wonder why Tower in particular is banned from having monster be made into pets/familiars/summons/however domestication works in this setting . Maybe the Powers that Be think that pets would make the nation too powerful in the long term? Since if they can get a breed of dragons or whatever than even after Tower leaves they'll have greatly altered the balance forever? But wouldn't Artefacts be the same? Though I guess Artefacts are inherently less able to expand that tamed monster breeding. Anyways I hope this limit doesn't carry over to future Foundational Ethea we get cause I want monster pets.
'upscale investment arbitrarily to resist any long term group suppression.' Basically you can't conquer the Tower since it can arbitrarily get harder and harder to stop people from suppressing it
[Reinterpretation Seed | 566-B, Manoth Placement Approval Only ] (Foundational): (Oath) {Inverted}
{{Oh my. What have you done Ev'aclliál? Hmm… Here, pick mine.}} Case by Case implementation only. Manoth has agreed to not disrupt the overall plan, but is permitted minor experimentation in sidelined regions. Placement preferrable in static environmental conditions not suitable for more subtle progression stimulation. Regions with low biodiversity would be a pragmatic choice. Artefact generation is forbidden due to risk of regionally disruptive synergies being too great; specific appeals tentatively allowed. Exponential Threat Creation is henceforth explicitly restricted. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
Sly preferable not preferrable
Reinterpretation Seed' What seed is being reinterpreted in this? The Seed of Life?
'566-B' Why isn't there a 0 in front of the 566? Cause it seems the system works off of having 4 digits even if that digit is 0. Honestly the numbers feel like they're kind of random in our they're set up like there's multiple different organizing systems instead of one unifying system which is annoying. But anyways assuming this means B series 566 than this is actually a pretty early Foundational even if after the A series, Which implies that Manoth and her Inverted Ethos project have been around for a while despite still being in beta test.
Manoth Placement Approval Only ' Does this mean only Manoth can approve placing this Foundational or that Manoth needs others approval to place this? Probably the second one since it seems like Manoth would just throw this and other Inverted Ethea like candy if she could.
(Oath) {Inverted} ' Still don't really understand what Inverted Ethea really are besides edgy and based off being hurt. I really wish we knew what Inverted meant since all it makes me think is opposite power after going through a traumatic break but how does that work for a dungeon? Interesting that of the two canon Inverted that we know the Source of that they're both Oath and in the same update though not sure if that's coincidence or not. Wonder how Oath factors into this since as I will mention below this feels more like an anti-essence thing than Oath.
{{Oh my. What have you done Ev'aclliál? Hmm… Here, pick mine.}} ' Darker Orange but who cares it's close enough for you to understand that this is Manoth. So interesting that she speaks to us (well Evie but she's literally attached to our Soul so it totally counts) since that means that she (for some reason Manoth gives me female vibes) noticed us and Evie messing around with Foundationals. Which means other higher entities probably did as well if maybe not having Evie's Discord account to message her when they noticed. Not sure if Manoth is really on our side and giving us a good Foundational ethos, trying to experiment with her stuff even now, or both cause she seems to have very peculiar ideas about ethea and trauma. Anyways hopefully we didn't piss her off for refusing her offer.
' Case by Case implementation only. ' No Manoth you can't just drop a Demon Lord Castle here because we let you drop one in a desert the previous Era aka precedent doesn't matter you still need actual permission and not automatic approval. Or at least I assume that's what this means.
'Manoth has agreed to not disrupt the overall plan, but is permitted minor experimentation in sidelined regions. Placement preferrable in static environmental conditions not suitable for more subtle progression stimulation. Regions with low biodiversity would be a pragmatic choice.'
Read we managed to get her to not screw everything over but can't stop her messing about and disrupting minor areas so we give her regions we don't really care about and whose inevitable loss won't hurt us in the long term. Using the dungeon as bludgeon on areas that won't change even if we try and shadow run changes is the preferred use and to minimize deaths put in place where there's not a lot living in the first place.
'Artefact generation is forbidden due to risk of regionally disruptive synergies being too great; specific appeals tentatively allowed.' Artefacts could potentially be too OP and game breaking so they're not allowed unless Manoth convinces someone for specific artefacts. Really makes me wonder how OP artefacts get since all the synergy talk makes me think that the right artefact in the hands of the right person with the right ethos could singlehandedly change the world. I guess that's what the Vector Interactions part on our Chasis notes on the spreadsheet refers to. Note to self try and bullshit using Melded Carapace with Primordial Chassis since it's totally armor right

'Exponential Threat Creation is henceforth
explicitly restricted. ' Read: Manoth found a loophole before and Seed got really out of hand so we need to make double sure she can't create a World Disaster with the dungeon in the ass end of nowhere.
[Malleable Elemental Pioneer | 1000-A, 'No Focal Concept Selected'] (Foundational): (Mana)
Density should never drop below a single instance per 20000 square kilometres in identified high-magic regions. Sideline regions may diverge upward to one per 200000. Recommend progression not be left in omni-state on placement, but customized to tangentially match nearby premium Integrators. Spellworks should likewise be situated within a reasonable and reachable scope for suppression attempts. Defensive focus is recommended as overall temperament to avoid permanent loss of biodiversity to surrounding region, though ambient leakage to hasten discovery is appropriate. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
Sly kilometers not kilometres
Malleable Elemental Pioneer' So Malleable to even Weavers and Pioneer. Seems like a messing around toolkit to experiment with the elements in whatever way you want to. Want to make a Super Mario lava world platformer? This is you Ethos. Want to make a Legend of Zelda Water Temple puzzle that too works with this. Basically I imagine this to be a sort of Minecraft Foundational where it has a lot of tools that you could potentially make anything if having to do a lot of work arounds and mods.
1000-A' Pretty early Foundational to be in the A series and at a mere one thousand.
'No Focal Concept Selected' So the purpose description name is called Focal Concept. Makes sense. Wonder why this one doesn't have one? Because it's a bunch of tools that you could make anything so there's no focal concept that it's used for unlike Rapid Iterator being an efficient threat creator?
'Density should never drop below a single instance per 20000 square kilometres in identified high-magic regions' What fuck does this mean? Like I'm just having trouble trying to understand. Is it saying you can't have a room over 20km^2 or that is 20km^2 the minimum size. Probably closer to the former than the later though I'm not sure if instance is dungeon rooms. Is instance the physical domain of the dungeon? Cause that may make more sense you don't want your dungeon being too big/too small especially since this seems like a messing around dungeon than something involving the Plan(tm).
'Sideline regions may diverge upward to one per 200000.' You can make your element amusement park 10 times bigger if it's in an area we don't give a shit about. Wonder if a region having high-magic is the difference to the Weavers between an important area and a sidelined one. Cause if it's not than what is the rule for a high-magic sidelined area? Is it 20km^2 or 200km^2?
'Recommend progression not be left in omni-state on placement, but customized to tangentially match nearby premium Integrators.' Hmm what's an omni-state? A blank canvas mode where the dungeon is all elements at once or equal amounts of each? And it's not recommended to do that and instead base it off of close by premium integrators (Rare or better Ethea?)? So if you have a water bender nearby make a water dungeon and a fire one for a flame guy? Makes me wonder what Magical elements this world has since this is all under Mana and so probably doesn't mess with Essence, Flow or Concordance stuff.
'Spellworks should likewise be situated within a reasonable and reachable scope for suppression attempts.' Please don't show Flame Meteor spells to lvl 1 Fire Mages that's just bullying and doesn't help growth. It's better to use a Water Laser spell to inspire and encourage a Water Mage. But this is all suggestions and so you could totally mess around if you want to as long as you follow the rules.
'Defensive focus is recommended as overall temperament to avoid permanent loss of biodiversity to surrounding region, though ambient leakage to hasten discovery is appropriate.' Please don't destroy the environment through what I imagine to be forest fires, flooding, tornadoes, and sudden mountain ranges. And don't show off cool spells like a lightshow to get people to come please just have the mana leak naturally draw people.
[Malice Labyrinth | 0017, Discontinued Indefinitely] (Foundational): (Pithe)
Has proven counter-productive to stimulation goals, suppression attempts are either totally routed or so overwhelming as to be equally fruitless. Lack of clear goals and use of misdirection instead of direct confrontation results in loss of promising resources for little gain. Meagre benefits of enhancing mental frameworks could be better inspired by Flow Harvest Vectors. Recommend repurposing as an area-denial placement option, but significant redesign will first be necessary. Compensation approved for inconvenienced Weavers. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
Malice Labyrinth' It's amazing this name is more evil than some of Manoth's inverted Ethea. But I guess "I want to hurt you Dungeon' is kind of hard to top in the evil list.
0017, Discontinued Indefinitely' Why doesn't this have a series in it's number? Is it because it's not in use or that it was made before series were a thing implying that even 0000-A isn't the first Foundational? Anyways wow you must have to fuck up pretty bad to make a dungeon that even the amoral Weaver's don't want to use.
'Pithe' Wonder how Pithe actually works. Cause we know that at least in the First Era there was a Martial Archangel with that name but we still don't really understand what the Source is like we do Essence or the vague ideas of Concordant and Flow. It seems sort of like Magic Stamina that Warriors use to do their special stuff like Cleave or Blade Whirlwind that some Video Games do. But I'm not sure how you would even run a dungeon with the stuff like I can Essence or Mana (though I have no idea how an Oath dungeon would work too but I have 0 idea how Oath works so that's nothing new) so I still don't really understand Pithe at all. Maybe it's a sort of Qi like thing like in Xianxias?
'Has proven counter-productive to stimulation goals, suppression attempts are either totally routed or so overwhelming as to be equally fruitless' No room for struggle so it's pointless. Says a lot about the Weavers and their goals. Also wow super gimmick dungeon that only deals with curb stomps either to adventures or from adventures. Have to wonder how suppression of Dungeons work since Tower is designed to be insuppressible while other dungeon's like this one seem to have suppression as at least an acceptable outcome if it provides some data or causes some growth.
'Lack of clear goals and use of misdirection instead of direct confrontation results in loss of promising resources for little gain' So an illusion or maze of mirrors type dungeon so that you either get hopelessly loss or just march straight to the exit/Core. Lack of clear goals also implies to me that the dungeon doesn't know what kind person it's aiming for which means it wastes time and money (resources could also mean people with Ethos but I'm not sure).
'Meagre benefits of enhancing mental frameworks could be better inspired by Flow Harvest Vectors' What's a Flow Harvest Vector and how does it enhance mental frameworks? I can sort of see how an illusion dungeon could inspire out of the box thinking especially if the illusions are as malicious as the name implies but yeah that would just be meagre improvements since either the person quickly dies or curb stomps. Is Flow Harvest Vector a Flow dungeon that's literally mind bending? But I don't think we've ever heard mention of Foundationals being called Harvest Vectors and none of our current examples are Flow. Hmm if Ethea are Integration Vectors aka something given to people than what would be a harvest vector? Flow seems to have a Mind aspect to it so something to do with minds and thinking? Philosophy? Cause I would think religion is a more general thing and seems related to Deific.
'Recommend repurposing as an area-denial placement option, but significant redesign will first be necessary. ' Not sure how something that is apparently easily curb stomped could be used for area-denial but maybe that would be part of the redesign. Anyways interesting to know that area-denial is a thing that Weaver's value enough as an option to have Foundationals for.
'Compensation approved for inconvenienced Weavers.' Weavers seem to have a lot of politics going on between this and Manoth's Foundational. I guess even among Gods and Spirits politics and pay remains a thing.
[Infernal Realm Anchor | 0414-C, Demi-plane Overlay] (Foundational): (Mana)
Discovery chance should be tightly controlled, Layer Magic holds unacceptable chances of Integrators breaching Melange boundaries, endangering both their kin and the plan. Lesser Infernals also often exceed secondary treaty conditions. Should only be used to introduce specific innovations at required critical points for ongoing stimulation as the Melange Tapestry continues to mature. Arbitrary limiters and complications should be implemented in all associated Spellworks and black-boxed beyond indivine capacity. In the event of inappropriate progress, a genocide resolution may be necessary as a forestalling remedy. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
'Infernal Realm Anchor' Anchor. A name that means a lot more now given we learned at least part of the Ethea in our Soul are called Anchors. Does this dungeon partially drag the surrounding area down to the Infernal Realm/Hell?
0414-C' Pretty early in the C series and C is pretty early on series wise. At least that puts a sort of timeline on when the Demon treaty since this Foundational must had been made after the Treaty was a thing and going by Iterator and Library of Achievement's series there's been a heck of a lot of Foundationals made after this one.
Demi-plane Overlay' Seems about what I expected based off the Anchor bit just using Overlay instead of dragging the world closer to Hell. Demi-plane is interesting since that makes it sounds like Hell is less important that the Realm we inhabit.
'Mana' Man Mana has a lot of fun Foundationals. I really hope we get to play with magic soon.
'Discovery chance should be tightly controlled, Layer Magic holds unacceptable chances of Integrators breaching Melange boundaries, endangering both their kin and the plan.' Make sure you don't accidently let in a portal mage since Layer Magic is scary stuff. It can even pull in Integrators (which might or might not be different than Weavers) into the Melange which fucks all kind of stuff. So obviously what we should do is get Layer Magic as soon as possible.
'Lesser Infernals also often exceed secondary treaty conditions' Lesser demons (imps?) like to push the boundaries despite the Treaty being a thing so don't trust the little shits to not cause problems.
' Should only be used to introduce specific innovations at required critical points for ongoing stimulation as the Melange Tapestry continues to mature.' Not something to be used willy nilly. Use it for a specific goal and then depower it. Melange Tapestry is continuing to mature and given that this is probably pretty early in the Foundational time line I wonder what's different now compared to back then. Also wonder what stimulations a demon dungeon provokes that the Weavers desire?
'Arbitrary limiters and complications should be implemented in all associated Spellworks and black-boxed beyond indivine capacity. ' indivine this is the first time it appears but I only really noticed it in Mindstate! Lilly talk. Indivine seems to refer to mortals like us who live in the Melange. So basically this rule means to make magic way more complicated than it needs to be so mortals can't use it to do Layer Magic. But is that for our mortal benefit or for the Weaver's benefit?
'In the event of inappropriate progress, a genocide resolution may be necessary as a forestalling remedy.' If the mortals get uppity and somehow get around that blackboxing than killing them all is a likely solution which sends all kind of warning bells. Maybe I should rethink the 'get Lilly Layer Magic plan' but on the other hand they're probably too busy with the Maw to stop us so we can totally fuck with everything, totally fine.
[Blanket Weaponiser | 7441-C, Generic Inspiring Obstacle] (Foundational): (No Set Source)
Offcuts and deprioritised weavings can be freely incorporated into this general purpose placement. Temperament set to match hostility of surroundings, overall effect will be to increase number and potency of imbued over time to stall permanent populating of the local area and allow more premium iterations to be expressed. Produces novel designs surprisingly often. Place between moderate to large powerbases to encourage healthy conflict. Resource generation limits moderately loosened, construct availability further restricted. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY:::
Sly deprioritized not deprioritised
Blanket Weaponiser ' Making everything a weapon the Dungeon. Sounds scary .
7441-C' Late C Series. made after Infernal Realm Anchor but still pretty early overall. Maybe an example of an early generalist being eventually outdone by multiple specialists?
Generic Inspiring Obstacle' Wow such a generic name but I guess it says all it needs to.
(No Set Source)' Interesting that this is so generic that it can work with any source. Makes me wonder how it would work if we had it.
'Offcuts and deprioritised weavings can be freely incorporated into this general purpose placement.' Wow so you can literally add random shit into this and it will still work. I wonder if it was a mistake to not take this since it sounds like the perfect Foundational for someone like Lilly who has so many different stuff and will grow her Foundational too. I wonder what an offcut is cause I can assume what a deprioritized weaving is but an offcut? Is it a beta Foundational that was giving up on before it was finished and Blanket can reuse the code?
'Temperament set to match hostility of surroundings, overall effect will be to increase number and potency of imbued over time to stall permanent populating of the local area and allow more premium iterations to be expressed.' Not sure what it means to set as hostile as surroundings? Like if surroundings are a peaceful forest the dungeon should also be peaceful? While if it's deadly desert the dungeon will be extra hostile? Anyways the goal of this dungeon seems to be leveling up more people while also culling the population enough to not become unmanageable. Imbued I think might be the term for those who have reached Milestones since Champion Uplift is about making sure someone can get to the Second Uplift which sounds like the Patron requirement for the Second Milestone. Is the premium iterations meant to be premium integrations aka what I think are Rare Ethos? Or is it that the Weavers think/know that culling a population into a smaller but more elite and powerful group means the next generation is also more powerful?
'Produces novel designs surprisingly often.' Really thinking that this would had been a better base to use as our first Foundational. Oh well guess we'll just have to deal with Tower.
'Place between moderate to large powerbases to encourage healthy conflict.' I guess this is what it meant by how hostile the surroundings are. It's meant to get two nations fight each other over the dungeon with the dungeon itself being more hostile compared to how intense the nation conflict is. Also means that there's probably no peaceful nations since the Weavers above like to stir the pot to create 'healthy' conflict.
'Resource generation limits moderately loosened, construct availability further restricted.' Provides a lot of good stuff but has less constructs. So is this a dungeon that doesn't have many actual enemies cause I thought Constructs were the dungeon enemies? Does that mean that the dungeon focuses on getting humans (or other races I guess) to kill each other in it? But how does that work with being a Blanket Weaponiser?
[Championed Uplift | 0000-A, 2nd Integration Stage Initializer] (Foundational): (Legend)
Tailored placement; should be attuned only to one identified Premium Integrator at a time. Provided identity fracture trials do not result in a decohered subject, the sponsored Integration Vector can have its layer-limiters removed. Weavers are reminded that inducing Melange bleedthrough on a subject who has failed their trials may irretrievably scatter your Divinity, the trials are there by definition to test compatibility before the fact. We have patched most loopholes and if we catch you, you'll be Identity-Wiped at best (all your Vectors will also be moved to the back of the queues when you reincorporate.). Current projections before widespread 2nd Stage Initialisations can be reliably applied without prior testing; fourteen Millennia. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY::: :::IMMEDIATE RECALL MANDATORY:::
sly Initializations not Inittialisations
Championed Uplift' For turning champions into heroes. Something probably very useful to the powers above.
0000-A' This might just be the first Foundational Ethos ever unless as Malice Labyrinth implies that there was some Foundationals made before the series system was put into place. Whatever the case the number and series means that Champion is obviously an important foundational to the Weavers.
2nd Integration Stage Initializer' So this is used to get people to the 2nd Integration stage which might be the 2nd Milestone thing that's on our sheet. Which I guess the 2nd Milestone is such a big deal that the Weavers designed an entire dungeon for it
'Legend' Really wonder what Legend as a source is about. Here and in the next foundational it seems to be involved in messing with Ethea. Also that
Dream has Legend as a secondary Source giving us Super Low Outer Awareness and Super High innate Source of the thing. Is Legend part of the reason for why Lilly can mess with her Ethea so much to pull tricks like forcing Cleaver to evolve? Cause I doubt just anyone can do that though that might be more Boundless Ethos or Bloomling than Legend.
'Tailored placement; should be attuned only to one identified Premium Integrator at a time.' Premium Integrator like the kind Marcus is set to get. I assume Premium Integrator refers to Rare or better Ethea since I doubt the Weavers would call Lesser or Common Ethea Premium. Seems like the Weaver's only really care about Premium Ethos for getting to the 2nd Milestone in which case fair I wouldn't want to spend time and power on making a Champion Service to Man (no offense Mom).
' Provided identity fracture trials do not result in a decohered subject, the sponsored Integration Vector can have its layer-limiters removed' Identity Fracture sounds very scary but I guess if you don't break (or decohered I guess) from that you're tough enough to have your Ethos not limited. Or wait didn't Evie have an option to remove Lilly's Melenge-layer human limiters? Is that the same kind of thing Champion Uplift is meant to help do?
'Weavers are reminded that inducing Melange bleedthrough on a subject who has failed their trials may irretrievably scatter your Divinity, the trials are there by definition to test compatibility before the fact. We have patched most loopholes and if we catch you, you'll be Identity-Wiped at best (all your Vectors will also be moved to the back of the queues when you reincorporate.).' So Weavers have Divinity, can be identity-wiped, and can reincorporate even after an identity wipe. Wonder why they care so much about forcing mortals to the Second Milestone if they're not ready for it since I doubt it's because of moral reasons. Also wonder how important ethos are to weavers if having all your vectors moved to the back of the que is worth mentioning as a punishment after being identity-wiped.
'Current projections before widespread 2nd Stage Initialisations can be reliably applied without prior testing; fourteen Millennia.' Wow apparently it's possible that one day everyone will be able to get to the 2nd milestone without using a dungeon like Champion Uplift which lines up with Mindstate! Lilly saying that indivine will equal their sponsors one day. Though I wonder if that year data is up to date since as I mentioned I think CU is the first Foundational so therefore it might have been 15 millennia since this Foundational was made. Probably still not common even if that's the case otherwise what's the point of the Divine Patron requirement on our sheet.
:::IMMEDIATE RECALL MANDATORY:::' Interesting that this Foundational is the only one with this warning. Is there only one Champion Uplift and so taking this means none of the Weavers can quickly use it to make a Champion if we took it? Or is there multiple Champion Uplifts but the situation with the Maw is so bad that Weaver's are constantly using CU and have their use booked up so us stealing one would be bad but not critically. Though the second does imply that everything is so fubar that there's multiple Divine Champions around and the World is still doomed without Lilly.
[Library of Achievement | 5034-CD, Ancient Recaller] (Foundational): (Concordance/Legend)
The true purpose of this placement should always remain hidden, intuitive concordant rearrangement would be too difficult to keep contained within mortal hands and would restrict the ability to use finesse instead of brute force in future adjustments. An on-plane agent is necessary to shepherd otherwise promising candidates that are off track on deadend integration paths toward the temporary placement site. Realigning fates in more conducive directions shall be occluded from mortal notice by more obvious boons for their suppression attempts. The specific feats granted should be tangentially related to an existing Integration Vector such that the subject assumes it is merely a divergent expansion and does not investigate further. Placement sites should be recalled on decade timescales to prevent examination of such a non-standard methodology. Provided Feats should only be tied to those of us more than half integrated, to prevent application instability.
Sly dead-end not deadend
Library of Achievement' Achievement list. Wonder if we're getting a speedrun achievement since I always hate grinding those for in games. But seriously I wonder what lore and history is hidden inside this Foundational/Dungeon. Honestly while I personally voted Champion at the time of the vote and now think Weaponizer is the best for our build I think Library might had been the Foundational Lilly would had liked the most. Since even without being able to read this would contain so much information and knowledge about heroes and adventure I think she would fall in love with this Foundational.
5034-CD' Wow depending on how the organization system works this might be the newest Foundational we know of so new that it might not even be finished yet given that unstable warning at the end.
Ancient Recaller' lol being called ancient when it's a baby Foundational. But seriously this dungeon probably works by recalling what it was like in the good old days and maybe having the modern day person entering it being inspired by the past.
(Concordance/Legend)' Interesting combo there. I can understand Legend since this seems to be involved in messing with ethea going by Champion and maybe it has something to do with history? Anyways Concordance definitely has something to with understanding the past since if it can predict the future it can likely do the same for the past. CSI Concordance power when? Anyways back on topic I wonder if the Concordance part let's you actually interact with the heroes and champions of old or at least a facsimile of them cause that would be super cool and maybe horrifying.
'The true purpose of this placement should always remain hidden, intuitive concordant rearrangement would be too difficult to keep contained within mortal hands and would restrict the ability to use finesse instead of brute force in future adjustments' Or maybe I could had forgotten that this literally mentions using Concordance to make it hard to find Whoops. Or wait is it mentioning that Library gives intuitive concordant rearrangement which is too dangerous to allow (note that there is N/A for Intuitive Shaping of Fracture which is under Concordance)? Anyways the Weavers really want to make sure people don't realize what this thing is really for and we probably want to keep it that way since if the Weavers can't use finesse then they have to use the genocide options which we really don't want.
'An on-plane agent is necessary to shepherd otherwise promising candidates that are off track on deadend integration paths toward the temporary placement site' So Weavers can have on-plane agents. Is this things like Champions meaning that 2nd Milestone people have a direct phone to the Gods? Or does it mean people like Mary is for Flower? Wonder how promising candidates get dead-end ethos since they seem to be pretty able at planning that kind of thing. Is it just the element of human choice means there's always the chance the dumb human makes a dumb choice even with big name ethea in front of them? Also it specifically mentions temporary placement site implying that either the other Foundationals are permanent or that the Library only stays in one place for a very short time.
'Realigning fates in more conducive directions shall be occluded from mortal notice by more obvious boons for their suppression attempts. ' Another part of the Concordance effect is probably that realigning fate part which the Gods want to keep hidden by offering real obvious boons while they clear the dungeon so they think 'It's all because of this cool blessing' and not that the dungeon changed them.
'The specific feats granted should be tangentially related to an existing Integration Vector such that the subject assumes it is merely a divergent expansion and does not investigate further. ' Hmm it mentions 'an existing Integration Vector' which implies that the type of people entering the library can have multiple vectors/ethea. Might just be weird wording but it feels off to me. Anyways the feats probably refers to the Fate stuff mentioned above and maybe something to do with artefacts since Artefacts have Feats the same thing as active features. And the gods want to keep the fact they can give this kind of thing a secret and instead make the clearers believe their ethos just leveled up real hard.
' Placement sites should be recalled on decade timescales to prevent examination of such a non-standard methodology.' Weavers are really worried about want mortals can do if given time and ability to study the right things. Also temporary and decade shows that Weaver timescales are a bit off from the perspective of mortals.
' Provided Feats should only be tied to those of us more than half integrated, to prevent application instability. ' What the hell is a half integrated Weaver? We know that the setting doesn't have Demigods since Evie wants to make Lilly the first so it can't be that. Is it a Weaver who perspective is halfway to a mortal's so they know how to not accidently break their minds?
:::CAUTION: 5034-CD UNSTABLE::: ' Wonder why Library is unstable. Is it because it's pretty new and therefore doesn't have all the kinks worked out? Or does it have to do with the fact that the Maw is kicking everyone's asses means the Weavers who usually run this are too busy causing errors to pile up?