I think [Cleaver of Fortune] is generally more suited to affect things ahead of you than behind you. If we had picked up [Temporal Redeemer] that'd almost assuredly be possible (assuming we didn't paradox ourselves out of existence by accident).
If [Cleaver of Fortune] was indeed capable of it we have no experience with it anyway, so I very much doubt we could do it without a situation similar to when we shattered {True Song}
Ply three line implies reeling in something. I bet it's those 1 in a million shots. Trying for a longshot, and making it a certainty.
it has nowhere near enough Weight/power backing it up though, even if it can affect events in the past (of which we have zero indication so far)
Another thing I noticed.

Examining the overall structure of your soul has brought answers and mysteries of its own. In many ways it reminds you of the Pithe Field; an innumerable series of intersecting patterns that recurse upon each other into smaller and smaller forks before disappearing beyond the scope of even your Domain's remarkable self-perception. Amongst the semi-structured melange lay the Ethea. Perfect, rigid and streamlined constructions moving with defined purpose and a deft touch that wastes nothing. They are bright points of order, a symphony of organisation amongst the barely constrained chaos. The location of the different Ethea slowly shifts over time, whilst maintaining its overall structure, the way they dance around each other in a sort of pattern within patterns hints at some as yet unseen purpose. While tightly connected, there also appears to be a slowly widening gap within their centre, a place of stillness where even your own soul grows quiet and calm. Almost as if preparing for something. Could this be what happens before a new Ethos arrives? Time will tell.

The Transcendents literally call this plane the Melange Layer, and it became something that didn't annihilate everything that entered it unprotected with the creation of Essence.

It's a realm formed by the interaction of great forces in relative balance, utter chaos. But apparently enticing enough that the Transcendents all want a piece of the pie and are willing to commit to very long games to empower mortals to be closer to them.

I'm wondering if we got a hint of that purpose right here, because as described, isn't Lilly's soul starting to resemble the Melange Layer in miniature?
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I'm also remembering that way back when we picked up Evie, she introduced herself as being 9. This seems deceptively young for a being that was also apparently involved in the creation of the Melange. Perhaps the 'Child' is young for some similar reason? Either temporal shenanigans, or reincarnation, or something like that? Because this world is apparently a lot more than 9 years old...
it has nowhere near enough Weight/power backing it up though, even if it can affect events in the past (of which we have zero indication so far)
Lilly did the rock throw test. Forced the rock to have landed in the left instead of the right where she threw it. Much like madams cup example.

Lilly can do it, this it was the wrong application. I think of Lilly had effected herself deciding to throw, her own decision it would have been a lot cheaper. Rather than alter the rocks past alert her own, which sends ripples forwards.
Like cleaving a new future. A bit poetic, tho might be inaccurate.
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I'm also remembering that way back when we picked up Evie, she introduced herself as being 9. This seems deceptively young for a being that was also apparently involved in the creation of the Melange. Perhaps the 'Child' is young for some similar reason? Either temporal shenanigans, or reincarnation, or something like that? Because this world is apparently a lot more than 9 years old...

Exact Words

She never said what she was 9 of, and I don't think it was Years
I'm going to have to think on how the bubble and line description related to this more accurate future sense, tension, fracture, and madam's explanations.
For a totally (and I do mean totally) unhelpful hint on how Concordance works. Bubbles and Lines. Bubbles within Bubbles, bubbles around bubbles, Lines between Bubbles. Growing bubbles, shrinking bubbles. Subsuming bubbles. Not actually bubbles. There must be bubbles. Make Lines. Follow Lines. Leave the lines! Come back quickly though.
Fracture and Tension are not bubbles or lines, but talk about them.
tho... Totally unhelpful huh.

Something notable and likely cleaver related is that Lilly has 0 fractures. Tho what was meant by that comment... Hmm. I'm confused.
But this has been noted to be very atypical.
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I'm almost certain it's basically many-worlds.

...And I'm just sorta rereading some of the earlier updates and no, our complications per day rate really, really hasn't gone down, has it.
If you can keep new complications down to less than five per day from here on out, you'll count yourself lucky.
No, it doesn't appear to have done so.

On the upside, our rapid growth is partly dependent on said complication rate, so hey, if we keep this up then by the time we reach age 13 we either be so powerful as to be nigh-beatable, or dead! Maybe 18 won't be too hard to reach if we're already a fundamentally irrevocable part of the world at 15....
Eh, who am I kidding, we'll just have bigger problems.
Lilly really has had no breaks at all. Within three days of waking up from Dream Within the Forest she gets hit by the Wolf incident, with the many things that entailed. Then she passes out, and as soon as she wakes up gets hit by sensory overload, followed immediately by Waters, then finding out her brother was going to get a disturbing powerset and go insane, then the reveal of her friend being in an abusive household and rescuing her from that, and now Valerie.

Honestly, one of the other quests I participate in has a protagonist who is literally cursed to live in interesting (and dangerous) times, and he doesn't get hit by these kind of things a quarter as frequently as Lilly does.
I have this idea of using Relations Minor links on Melded Carapace, Primordial Chassis, and Collective Communion (The World Beneath), maybe even include Rest State. The powers should come together to aid/strengthen Petal in becoming armour for Lilly to stop Valerie's commands from taking root.
I'm also remembering that way back when we picked up Evie, she introduced herself as being 9. This seems deceptively young for a being that was also apparently involved in the creation of the Melange. Perhaps the 'Child' is young for some similar reason? Either temporal shenanigans, or reincarnation, or something like that? Because this world is apparently a lot more than 9 years old...
She also mentioned that she'd died a bunch, but that this time it would stick. Sooo maybe?
"You get used to it," you answer lightly, pondering the meaning of the strange encounter yourself. Why now? Why see what you saw? There is a power within the Dream you can only perceive the edges of, mercurial and illusive by its very nature. If you could figure out this last missing piece, you feel like you'd finally understand what the Dream's purpose truly is.
I feel like there might be a challenge here - maybe for us to figure out how the heck Legend, which this so clearly is, works? But then again, this almost seems too obvious to be a challenge as much as a prompt.
Perhaps it is a hint that the Dream is more than just our Dream, that it connects to other people as well? After all, it certainly isn't drawing the reactions of the represented people from nowhere. We could even form Essence links through them! Which means that all of them must be connected to a Dream as well. Mayhap our Dream is but a small, fenced corner of a greater Dream-world that incorporates ALL living things?
...Huh, there's one other thing that's really been biting at me - Why was the ball that was fated to not come out of the cup having a weird Essence pattern? Does alteration of Concord normally do that?

And why do we still seemingly have "no" Fracture?
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Once again as a reminder we don't have zero fractures we have less than .1% innate fractures.

Which implies several things one that less than .1% Fracture is indistinguishable from having 0 Fracture to all of the humans we've met that can sense Fracture.

Second it implies that Fractures works on a percentage system instead of a number like how everything else works since N/A means zero and the SL-SH system can be represented in numbers. So you can't have 100 fractures but you can be 100% Fractured whatever that means.

Thirdly before we got Cleaver of Fortune our Innate Fracture Source was Unwoven even before the Maw gave us Boundless Ethos which is confusing me still. Does Unwoven just mean we couldn't mess with Concordant stuff before getting a Concordant ethos or did it mean our Fate or whatever was undeterminable until we got a power to determine it for ourselves?

Also random thought but I wonder if the reason why Flower kicked Maw and its Ethea pipeline out of Lilly even at the cost of Flower losing it's thread because Lilly was already self-sustain Boundless at this point. Cause we had Boundless Ethos at Tier 5 before and tier 5 in a power seems to be a big milestone to us so even without Maw pumping powers to us this time for our 6th Ethos selection Lilly could have done it on her own.
[X] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...
-[X] {Subversion} You understand, nobody wants to be a murderer, she clearly said "Stop Me" just now, you'll do just that. (Altering a command by a single syllable)
--[X] Emergency Backup: Hand Control to Petal if you're running out of time, have her execute the next step as your proxy using {Relations}
-[X] Enter full Domain Perception mode, the Ladder warned you before and you ignored it, not twice--invoke {Sample Space} to guide your approach--at your full speed, that should be considerably less than even a second at this distance, gag her and cover her eyes to the best of your ability--don't be afraid to knock out some teeth or bloody her if need be, you can't afford to be gentle and you can fix it later. Once her voice is bound and her eyes aren't looking at anything you care for, follow {The Ladder}'s earlier instructions--extrude your Domain into her Heart and sever the occupying Entity.
-[X] When her voice is bound (Or ideally, she knocked out in some fashion, the point is that she be neutralized), extend Essence Links to your family to help handle the stresses of what she did, while you work on a means to break the command. Once confident in their safety, utilize {Slipstream} to deposit Valerie into Petal's care--the Ladder said the {Attuned Locus} and not the Dreamspace--and you don't think you can force someone in there yet anyway.
-[X] Everything is on the table here. This is not the time or place to be holding back.
[X] [SES] Shine, my Gentle Heart
[X] [BLU] At her lowest point, she found a hidden light.
[X] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
[X] [ACG] I Accepted the Trial.

Edit:I wonder who said those words for shine my gentle heart, the grey text for likely to hybrid into flow/oath?
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Thinking on things, there's also the fact that I can't help but notice that we are, in some ways, steadily starting to more resemble things like Evie. Our Relations links feel almost like the beginnings of the kinds of 'tendrils' we've been sensing, the [Integration Vectors]; we can hook onto people and at least temporarily inject one of our Ethea into them. Isn't that a lot like what's been being done to Lilly? Will we eventually be able to permanently insert Ethea into people who are receptive to them?
Random Thoughts:

  • Fair warning, if the plan works and we are actually able to [Slipstream] back to the Tree for Valerie's rehab, we may want to make sure we've got her in a full Essence coma first. Meeting the Tree in the waking world has been hinted to be "the big step" in processing how the [Dream] works, so we may need to factor in Lilly becoming temporarily overwhelmed when the connection occurs.
  • I noticed that "Tooth and Nail" seems to have gotten greyed out in the status sheet. If I had to guess, the desperation and disappointment of the Night of the Wolves has been steadily replaced by the sheer wonder of her new abilities, Self-Worth, being appreciated by the Watch, and feeling good about using her abilities. There's still work to do, and a long journey ahead, but she's managed to pull a little away from the "Life is War" mentality.
  • Poor [Brave Blood]'s been a bit neglected lately. Even though it went through the whole Night of the Wolves with us, Lilly still has less of a grasp on it than [Bedrock] and [Tower], which she's only had since this morning. Cleaver got the benefits of a brain blast and a lecture, but right now all Brave Blood's got is a mish-mash of esoteric abilities (with one being disabled) when all it really wants to do is "rip and tear". Hopefully, another training session with the Guard (or another Dungeon Delve) will help give it some love and some pointers as to what its "whole deal" is like.
  • Did Tremendous Mechanist just jump from Tier 50 to Tier 75!? Observing our soul and enhanced senses are having multiplicative effects at this point.
  • ...Hey, [Shine], can you define "Purity" for us? I hope that the "Concept of Absolute Goodness" isn't constrained by the oppressive patriarchal definition of the world Lilly inhabits.
Thinking on things, there's also the fact that I can't help but notice that we are, in some ways, steadily starting to more resemble things like Evie. Our Relations links feel almost like the beginnings of the kinds of 'tendrils' we've been sensing, the [Integration Vectors]; we can hook onto people and at least temporarily inject one of our Ethea into them. Isn't that a lot like what's been being done to Lilly? Will we eventually be able to permanently insert Ethea into people who are receptive to them?
...I wonder if the entire world is just...Yalsfreet's Domain? ...And how anybody came up with Ethea in the first place?


Can I convince you to add a "can Petal take the Stop into her and off of us" to your plan instead of...having her attempt to puppet Lilly? Because Petal's explicitly called out as being able to do that, while the other thing is much less certain. ...Or just...look at my plan, would you? I've got way too many things piled up on it, but there's quite a few I bet can be done simultaneously.
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Thinking on things, there's also the fact that I can't help but notice that we are, in some ways, steadily starting to more resemble things like Evie. Our Relations links feel almost like the beginnings of the kinds of 'tendrils' we've been sensing, the [Integration Vectors]; we can hook onto people and at least temporarily inject one of our Ethea into them. Isn't that a lot like what's been being done to Lilly? Will we eventually be able to permanently insert Ethea into people who are receptive to them?

of course not that would be silly. We won't be able to eventually insert Ethea into people.

A heads up for 2.4
Perfect Seedling:
Bud off a perfect replication of one of your own powers into another individual. This will effectively function as a mini-Ethos, able to grow and develop in its own direction after implantation. Functions better if implanted into someone with a matching Source, but can grow to work with anyone including those without an Ethos. Timeframe, 1 week.

we can do that right now.
Okay. I've compared the two leading Stop plans, and I think the situation is going to be a tough, desperately close thing either way. Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure... is slightly ahead for me.

It has its downsides-I'm less concerned about Valerie's foresight, but more about Aboleath's. Traps and other complications feel plausible at this point. Something like a standing order of "Clothes, protect me" might be possible.
It also lacks specific provisions for handling Lilly's family possibly taking action, or using the new Ethos if Lilly can get a decent handle on it, as unlikely as that is.

On the other hand, I interpret the emphasis on speed as trying to avoid Valerie giving another order, something like "Don't look away." or "You'll be next." Which seems likely. Lilly's also smart enough to try to stop her family if they attack or try to injure themselves, especially with her senses and 360 degree vision.

We have the estimated distance of 3 meters across a room, and Lilly's own estimation of a {Sample Space} guided {Pulse Surge} taking a tenth of a second to move her about half the distance toward someone slightly less than 3 meters away, the remaining tenth put toward summoning and swinging the {Heartstaff} at a high-speed arrow. With [Tremendous Mechanist] in play here, this feels like getting to Valerie with a degree of assuredness is possible. The specified duration of {Sample Space} leaves things open for more {Sample Space} or {The Ladder} to warn or guide Lilly. The rest of the plan includes reasonable steps for finishing the situation, while still giving Lilly some flexibility on other points.

As mentioned, it's still going to be really, really close, with possible problems still coming up. Not puncturing Lilly's eardrums could be a mistake here. A rough, rough estimate of average speaking rates is 4 syllables per second, and "No", "Sit", "Kneel" or "Die" are single syllable words. Granted, "Die" might not be first on the table for Lilly depending on how Harvesting works, but the concept is there. Fortunately, I don't think Valerie is trained as an auctioneer.

Plan Petal and Evie's Wonderful Surprise Hugs has more details, takes advantage of Lilly's wide variety of powers, and explicitly commits to more thorough protections against Valerie's commands. A concern is that where Swiftness completely commits to its course of action, this plan is slightly more experimental in tone, and advocates waiting to gain the element of surprise, then executing a few more actions. Even with the possibility of traps or other things, I don't think this is ideal, given the time pressure and ceding the initiative to Valerie/Aboleath. As a pair, they're very prepared to hurt and torture others with no hesitation, even feeling amusement from it. Waiting could also be bad for Lilly's nerves. The stakes, sheer stress and looming helplessness of the situation are going to be an emotional obstacle.

For those reasons, Plan Petal and Evie's Wonderful Surprise Hugs is behind Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure... by a hair, for me personally.

[X] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...
-[X] {Subversion} You understand, nobody wants to be a murderer, she clearly said "Stop Me" just now, you'll do just that. (Altering a command by a single syllable)
--[X] Emergency Backup: Hand Control to Petal if you're running out of time, have her execute the next step as your proxy using {Relations}
-[X] Enter full Domain Perception mode, the Ladder warned you before and you ignored it, not twice--invoke {Sample Space} to guide your approach--at your full speed, that should be considerably less than even a second at this distance, gag her and cover her eyes to the best of your ability--don't be afraid to knock out some teeth or bloody her if need be, you can't afford to be gentle and you can fix it later. Once her voice is bound and her eyes aren't looking at anything you care for, follow {The Ladder}'s earlier instructions--extrude your Domain into her Heart and sever the occupying Entity.
-[X] When her voice is bound (Or ideally, she knocked out in some fashion, the point is that she be neutralized), extend Essence Links to your family to help handle the stresses of what she did, while you work on a means to break the command. Once confident in their safety, utilize {Slipstream} to deposit Valerie into Petal's care--the Ladder said the {Attuned Locus} and not the Dreamspace--and you don't think you can force someone in there yet anyway.
-[X] Everything is on the table here. This is not the time or place to be holding back.
[X] [SES] Shine, my Gentle Heart
[X] [BLU] At her lowest point, she found a hidden light.
[X] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
[X] [ACG] I Accepted the Trial.

[X] [AC] Inform the Captain that the Diviner is on to us and wants in. Ask him what he thinks of her, since he has a lot more professional interaction with her than we've had.
[X] [AC] After informing the Captain about the attack, ask Captain Martin about the feasibility of Communion Stones with him, his trusted lieutenants, and the Silas family. Being able to call for backup is a good option.
[X] [AC] It seems we have the personal attention of one of the forces of the apocalypse, because really, what else could an entity that can't be identified by the world be? This really should be more terrifying than it is, but it seems to just be our life now. Especially after that thing got into our Ethea selection.
-[X] Ask Evie what they know about that dude, and if they have any idea if all the things that hurt the same way are from the same source.
-[X] Discuss the Child and the Trial with Petal when you can. Even if she doesn't have any new insights, it's good to be able to tell someone. Even if it's just you, sort of.
[X] [AC] Talk to our family about the stuff we need to talk to them about (see: statues segment, those concerns) when we get a chance.
[X] [AC] Experiment with Minor Relation Slots later. There could be potential combat applications there.
[X] [AC] If your home is trashed or gory after fighting, ask Myah if she would like to wait before entering. No unnecessary trauma or poor hospitality for your friend and guest.

If we knew more about Minor Relation Slots, I'd advocate for trying something with Valerie. This is the best I can think of at the moment. Open to other unmentioned ideas here.

Next order of business for me is figuring out the Tests of Purity, Charity and Valor.

Valor feels like the ride toward Harmuph, or choosing to go into the Forest. Charity feels like giving Zach the chance for his Ethos. Purity is the iffiest, but I think it could be actively choosing to help Myah, rather than making her a tool. Not too confident about these. Also curious about the Weaver for this one.
2.4 Vote
[X] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...
-[X] {Subversion} You understand, nobody wants to be a murderer, she clearly said "Stop Me" just now, you'll do just that. (Altering a command by a single syllable)
--[X] Emergency Backup: Hand Control to Petal if you're running out of time, have her execute the next step as your proxy using {Relations}
-[X] Enter full Domain Perception mode, the Ladder warned you before and you ignored it, not twice--invoke {Sample Space} to guide your approach--at your full speed, that should be considerably less than even a second at this distance, gag her and cover her eyes to the best of your ability--don't be afraid to knock out some teeth or bloody her if need be, you can't afford to be gentle and you can fix it later. Once her voice is bound and her eyes aren't looking at anything you care for, follow {The Ladder}'s earlier instructions--extrude your Domain into her Heart and sever the occupying Entity.
-[X] When her voice is bound (Or ideally, she knocked out in some fashion, the point is that she be neutralized), extend Essence Links to your family to help handle the stresses of what she did, while you work on a means to break the command. Once confident in their safety, utilize {Slipstream} to deposit Valerie into Petal's care--the Ladder said the {Attuned Locus} and not the Dreamspace--and you don't think you can force someone in there yet anyway.
-[X] Everything is on the table here. This is not the time or place to be holding back.
[◈] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...

[X][BLU] At her lowest point, she found a hidden light.
[X][BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
[X][SES] Shine, my Gentle Heart
[X][ACG] I Accepted the Trial.

Title of 2.5: "Blood on the Floor, Bone in my Skin"
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Could be. Another possible formulation:

Valor was deciding to ride to Harmuph. Charity was refusing Yolun's white gem for healing, even though Lilly was injured. Purity was using choosing to save Evie, an unknown and possibly malicious entity?