It's a Girl's World -- And Lilly wants Adventure

Any Essence Wielder capable of manipulation raw essence and creating Essence-Links would have a limited ability to restore Pithe Stamina. The fact you combine those capabilities with a Loci's incredible volume of essence is what elevated it to 'You will be tithed' levels.

Was Matthew originally just somewhat misinformed about how essence works? He was initially fairly skeptical of it working at all, and how essence wielders would be much higher in demand if that were true. I could see that as possible given the relative rarity.
Probably because what we're doing isn't actually Essence Healing?

Our 'Healing' Power seems to be less about 'Mending' and more about 'Stuffing more into the same place' We're not actively replenishing Pithe or Stamina for instance so much as we're playing silly buggers with percentages. (AKA "If you naturally heal back roughly 1% of your max health every day and 10% of your stamina every hour, then if you suddenly multiple someone's max health and stamina by however many times, for the purposes of natural recovery, it's nearly indistinguishable from casting a regen spell on them")
Probably because what we're doing isn't actually Essence Healing?

Our 'Healing' Power seems to be less about 'Mending' and more about 'Stuffing more into the same place' We're not actively replenishing Pithe or Stamina for instance so much as we're playing silly buggers with percentages. (AKA "If you naturally heal back roughly 1% of your max health every day and 10% of your stamina every hour, then if you suddenly multiple someone's max health and stamina by however many times, for the purposes of natural recovery, it's nearly indistinguishable from casting a regen spell on them")
You are talking about {Thread Compression} which we have not used since we got [My Resulution, Thy Bedrock].
We got to the point of being able to essence surgery when we got Bedrock. We can directly manipulate the essence strands, and we can use holistic or the blacked out origin genesis power to find out about the history, the past states of the essence, to guide it.
Thread compression has been left to the wayside, which we used to boost natural regeneration. Our approach to healing changed the moment we got bedrock and the towering edifice. We most likely got the other side of the equation the power judge from early on was looking for.

At our current point we have clamps to hold essence strands in place, move them about, possibly even snip away the most broken ones. Like setting the targets essence in a cast and then healing them.
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I'm just thinking about something...If Concord is related to memories, why is Concord also time travel? Or more accurately, how is Concord time travel?
Perhaps the past is memories? At least as far as Concordance is concerned? The past really is what people remember it to be?
Perhaps the past is memories? At least as far as Concordance is concerned? The past really is what people remember it to be?
But that doesn't explain why there's clearly an implication of going back and changing them. Or, for that matter, how seeing the future at all factors in.

...And - looking at {Critical Pivot}, I just...there's got to be something with how something about choice is favoring Lilly, not just chance.
Since Bubbles and Lines was so fun, here's another vague analogy to help explain how the past and future can influence one another.

Imagine the Concord as a vast Rube-Goldberg machine with many moving balls. Ultimately, gravity will eventually win out and all balls will flow to their minimum resting point.
But on the way, levers, pulleys and other mechanisms can allow a ball that was travelling downwards to temporarily travel upwards and perhaps even interfere with another ball's path that was previously above it. Balls can hit rails to shift ramps thus altering other balls and causing those balls to influence balls etc. This cannot go on forever though, eventually Gravity will pull it all toward its eventual result.
This is... not how it works. For that, you'd need to find out about the bubbles and lines.
Gazes longingly at unchosen but cool ethos...
Sigh... Temporal Redeemer looks so cool.. And so does Sorcerer..
Since Bubbles and Lines was so fun, here's another vague analogy to help explain how the past and future can influence one another.

Hmm...let's see if I can mangle this analogy in a framework that makes more sense for me: A pachinko machine (I am mainly using this to showcase "desirable" results vs. "undesirable" results.

Madam Silva's Cup Trick: The ball was riiiiight about to settle into the "the ball is under the cup Lilly picks up" catcher, but Madam Silva was able to pull a pinball lever right before it settled for confirmation (i.e. Lilly actually seeing the ball), to have pop up and fall into an adjacent catcher "the ball is under a different cup".

This trick is not something that [Cleaver] can do well, or at least it's not something it's designed for. [Cleaver] is bad at pushing the ball up; it is better designed to accurately direct the ball's path falling downward.

[Juncture Sense]: Can determine which catcher a ball is likely to fall into if left to it's own devices, how long it'll take before it falls in, and if Lilly can do anything to change it.
[Ladder of Wisdom]: Can determine which slider or bumper needs to be pressed in order to have the ball fall into a catcher that is better for Lilly.

...Which means that [Temporal Redeemer] is either stupidly broken or rather costly, as it seems to be able to "tilt" the machine even AFTER the ball has fallen in a catcher.
[Library of Achievement | 5034-CD, Ancient Recaller] (Foundational): (Concordance/Legend)
The true purpose of this placement should always remain hidden, intuitive concordant rearrangement would be too difficult to keep contained within mortal hands and would restrict the ability to use finesse instead of brute force in future adjustments. An on-plane agent is necessary to shepherd otherwise promising candidates that are off track on dead-end integration paths toward the temporary placement site. Realigning fates in more conducive directions shall be occluded from mortal notice by more obvious boons for their suppression attempts. The specific feats granted should be tangentially related to an existing Integration Vector such that the subject assumes it is merely a divergent expansion and does not investigate further. Placement sites should be recalled on decade timescales to prevent examination of such a non-standard methodology. Provided Feats should only be tied to those of us more than half integrated, to prevent application instability.

Rereading the Foundational Ethos picks and one of them contained information relating to Concordance that has gone unnoticed by the thread, intuitive concordant rearrangement. The spreadsheet come up N/A in regards to intuitive tension. It seems that instead of intuitive tension being something Concordance cannot achieve, it has just been covered up and kept away from the indivine. A question comes to mind, are the N/As of the other sources there for the same reason?

Now for something else, earlier in the thread the discussion briefly turned to what source the Angels have to match the Demons' Oath. After much thinking I believe the answer is Concordance. There is a duality to the Angels and Demons thus there would be a duality to their powers. Of all the Sources only Oath and Concordance contain sub-Sources?sub-definitions?, Oath's Freeform and Bound, and Concordance's Fracture and Tension.

A different tangent, I believe that the Sources can be grouped into three categories, Inherit, Ascended, and Origin. The Inherit Sources are Concordance and Oath, those of the Angels and Demons. The Ascended Sources are Essence, Pithe, Mana, and Flow, those that came from beings integrating with reality. Finally there are the Origin Sources, Legend, Deific, and Maw, those that simply are (Not really sure how to describe them :/ ).
Explanation of {Juncture Sense} and what its reports mean. (Post {The Ladder} merger)
This trick is not something that [Cleaver] can do well, or at least it's not something it's designed for. [Cleaver] is bad at pushing the ball up; it is better designed to accurately direct the ball's path falling downward.
Got it in one. [Cleaver] is predictive and exerts pressure on the current Path. It is not revisionist after-the-fact. If Lilly can stop hard-failing her rolls to use {Ply the Line} correctly, she'll find its true power.
Oh well, plenty of chances. It certainly would have helped 2.5 go better.

[Juncture Sense]: Can determine which catcher a ball is likely to fall into if left to it's own devices, how long it'll take before it falls in, and if Lilly can do anything to change it.
It also tells you how set in stone the events leading up to a Juncture currently are and how difficult it currently is to rewrite after-the-fact.

|Upcoming Gravitic Juncture: 16 Seconds| Silas Family {{Slaughter}}, Liatris and Lilly Silas {{Fragment Harvest}} Event |Current Pre-Factor: 84%| |Current Post-Factor: -7%| Concord Node 'Lilly Silas' capable of circumvention? Yes. Gravitic Actor Factor: 58%
Since you guys are all circling quite close and Lilly is going to find out the specifics soon enough (though probably not 2.5), I'll just say it.
* The Event will occur in 16 seconds.
* Currently, 84% of the necessary actions and other Junctures leading up to this one have already occurred.
* This Event has not happened yet and so Post Revisions actually receive a bonus rather than a malus. Of course, Post Revisions are not technically revisions yet, they are scrying the future.
* Lilly possesses enough Influence to prevent this Juncture from following its formerly most likely path. ([Cleaver] will rarely bother to tell you about an Event you cannot change, except to stop you from wasting your time trying)
* Lilly's specific amount of influence compared to all other Factors is 58%. (Any and all Factors involved in a Juncture always add up to 100%, representing every possible variable involved)
** This report is itself a Post-Factor prediction allowing the Gravitic Actor 'Lilly' to use the 58% of total influence she possesses on the remaining 12% leeway for maximum effect. This is recursively adjusted; prior to receiving this report, 'Lilly Silas' possessed less than 58% of the total influence over the situation.

If you end up with a Revision orientated Concordance Ethos, then {Juncture Sense} will probably start finding it worthwhile to give you reports on Events that have already happened too.
You can probably infer a bit about how the Concord works from this, but plenty more shall be revealed.

Rereading the Foundational Ethos picks and one of them contained information relating to Concordance that has gone unnoticed by the thread, intuitive concordant rearrangement. The spreadsheet come up N/A in regards to intuitive tension. It seems that instead of intuitive tension being something Concordance cannot achieve, it has just been covered up and kept away from the indivine.
Nice Catch!
The N/As are indeed not so for the Divine. I really thought that one had slipped you by. I did enjoy sprinkling a metric f*cktonne of those hints amongst the Foundationals.
Ah yes, suppose using {Ply the Line} would have been awesome after all! :V To reel in the desired future.
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We would have used it badly if we tried, though.
Hard fails are bad.
o_O Us having hard failed in the past to figure it out doesn't mean we would hard fail now. That's not how dice and chance work.

Ply the Line, mechanically, sounds like Lilly can reroll her dice long as she uses the power. Or alternatively, give a big whopping +80 to a roll.
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o_O Us having hard failed in the past to figure it out doesn't mean we would hard fail now. That's not how dice and chance work.

... No?
Lilly doesn't know that she is using {Ply the Line} badly, so she would have to try to use it as she thinks it works and then, maybe, she can realize her errors and try to improve.
She would have still used it badly in this specific situation.
... No?
Lilly doesn't know that she is using {Ply the Line} badly, so she would have to try to use it as she thinks it works and then, maybe, she can realize her errors and try to improve.
She would have still used it badly in this specific situation.
Lilly has figured most of her powers out in situations like these. There are also the factors that we've figured out the purpose of Cleaver of Fortune in between of last having used the power, towering edifice makes it easier too, and that in this situation we'd be using ply the line to boost Lilly's actions which lines up closely enough what it's intended for.
It's fertile ground for discoveries as to speak.

This might have been too scary of a situation to use Ply the Line. But I hope we will consider it and incorporate it in the next combat or non-combat situation, or encounter where we know the general outcome we desire.
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The N/As are indeed not so for the Divine. I really thought that one had slipped you by. I did enjoy sprinkling a metric f*cktonne of those hints amongst the Foundationals.
I'm going to guess that Oath's Innate Freeform Source is also N/A for most people. The only reason Lilly has it is because of her nature as a Bloomling.

For another matter Serendipity, Concordance's Rank Up, reads like they gain (or are allowed) the ability to Intuit Tension, there's probably more to it than that. Though if it is the case, could Oath's Dedication be the result of allowing Intuit Shaping for Freeform and Bound?
Huh. Hmmmm.

Makes me wonder how well (or how badly) [Cleaver] and {Ply the Line} are suited to dealing with opposing Concordance influence. This is directly relevant to us.

I think it was said we have Tension, but no (observable) Fracture. High Fracture is capable of forging artificial causal links and bringing about the impossible at the cost of low precision. Low Fracture is about making sure the events happening are actually to your favor.
|Upcoming Gravitic Juncture: 16 Seconds| Silas Family {{Slaughter}}, Liatris and Lilly Silas {{Fragment Harvest}} Event |Current Pre-Factor: 84%| |Current Post-Factor: -7%| Concord Node 'Lilly Silas' capable of circumvention? Yes. Gravitic Actor Factor: 58%
Since you guys are all circling quite close and Lilly is going to find out the specifics soon enough (though probably not 2.5), I'll just say it.
* The Event will occur in 16 seconds.
* Currently, 84% of the necessary actions and other Junctures leading up to this one have already occurred.
* This Event has not happened yet and so Post Revisions actually receive a bonus rather than a malus. Of course, Post Revisions are not technically revisions yet, they are scrying the future.
* Lilly possesses enough Influence to prevent this Juncture from following its formerly most likely path. ([Cleaver] will rarely bother to tell you about an Event you cannot change, except to stop you from wasting your time trying)
* Lilly's specific amount of influence compared to all other Factors is 58%. (Any and all Factors involved in a Juncture always add up to 100%, representing every possible variable involved)
** This report is itself a Post-Factor prediction allowing the Gravitic Actor 'Lilly' to use the 58% of total influence she possesses on the remaining 12% leeway for maximum effect. This is recursively adjusted; prior to receiving this report, 'Lilly Silas' possessed less than 58% of the total influence over the situation.
Oh, hey! I feel like I acquitted myself pretty well in trying to untangle that when I gave it a try a few days ago! Just as I've been down on myself the past few days for being terrible at speculating/guessing here! I more or less got the Pre-Factor and Gravitic Actor Factor meanings right on, and I feel like I was on the right track on Post-Factor at least in the "Well, it's negative because it hasn't happened yet and that's what Post-Factored means" sense.

Good news/bad news is that this might restore enough of my confidence to go on more absurdly long speculation posts in the future when I had just about convinced myself that I was off base so often that it was probably counter-productive to take up that much space continuing to do so. :V
* The Event will occur in 16 seconds.
* Currently, 84% of the necessary actions and other Junctures leading up to this one have already occurred.
Is the list of "necessary actions and other Junctures" complete? That is to say, I could easily imagine that list including "Valerie even comes here to begin with," "Valerie comes here in mental condition to actually do this," "Valerie chooses this specific combination of tactics to get what she wants," and so on.

* Lilly's specific amount of influence compared to all other Factors is 58%. (Any and all Factors involved in a Juncture always add up to 100%, representing every possible variable involved)
Well, it's at least heartening to know that Lilly appears to have a bit more sway over how this goes than Valerie does? Also, a lot of Valerie's sway over the situation may come from things she could theoretically do but is hopefully unlikely to do unless she reacts with extreme speed. Dunno. Cause for hope IMO.

If you end up with a Revision orientated Concordance Ethos, then {Juncture Sense} will probably start finding it worthwhile to give you reports on Events that have already happened too.
"Odds of successfully making it didn't happen..."

Ow. We're probably gonna need a verb conjugation related power just to stop that from exploding Lilly's head even though she no longer keeps her cognition there. :p


I really, really didn't need that revelation. My guilt is going to cripple me.
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Considering all of the informations we have received, and thinking about Abby more... I think we are going to end up in a domain battle with him. Things are probably going to become weird when it will try to change the past. Hopefully the fact that we technically are two against one in that fight will help.
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