This trick is not something that [Cleaver] can do well, or at least it's not something it's designed for. [Cleaver] is bad at pushing the ball up; it is better designed to accurately direct the ball's path falling downward.
Got it in one. [Cleaver] is predictive and exerts pressure on the current Path. It is not revisionist after-the-fact. If Lilly can stop
hard-failing her rolls to use {Ply the Line} correctly, she'll find its true power.
Oh well, plenty of chances.
It certainly would have helped 2.5 go better.
[Juncture Sense]: Can determine which catcher a ball is likely to fall into if left to it's own devices, how long it'll take before it falls in, and if Lilly can do anything to change it.
It also tells you how set in stone the events leading up to a Juncture currently are and how difficult it currently is to rewrite after-the-fact.
|Upcoming Gravitic Juncture: 16 Seconds| Silas Family {{Slaughter}}, Liatris and Lilly Silas {{Fragment Harvest}} Event |Current Pre-Factor: 84%| |Current Post-Factor: -7%| Concord Node 'Lilly Silas' capable of circumvention? Yes. Gravitic Actor Factor: 58%
Since you guys are all circling quite close and Lilly is going to find out the specifics soon enough (though probably not 2.5), I'll just say it.
* The Event will occur in 16 seconds.
* Currently, 84% of the necessary actions and other Junctures leading up to this one have already occurred.
* This Event has not happened yet and so Post Revisions actually receive a bonus rather than a malus. Of course, Post Revisions are not technically revisions yet, they are scrying the future.
* Lilly possesses enough Influence to prevent this Juncture from following its formerly most likely path. ([Cleaver] will rarely bother to tell you about an Event you cannot change, except to stop you from wasting your time trying)
* Lilly's specific amount of influence compared to all other Factors is 58%. (Any and all Factors involved in a Juncture always add up to 100%, representing every possible variable involved)
** This report is itself a Post-Factor prediction allowing the Gravitic Actor 'Lilly' to use the 58% of total influence she possesses on the remaining 12% leeway for maximum effect. This is recursively adjusted; prior to receiving this report, 'Lilly Silas' possessed less than 58% of the total influence over the situation.
If you end up with a Revision orientated Concordance Ethos, then {Juncture Sense} will probably start finding it worthwhile to give you reports on Events that have already happened too.
You can probably infer a bit about how the Concord works from this, but plenty more shall be revealed.
Rereading the Foundational Ethos picks and one of them contained information relating to Concordance that has gone unnoticed by the thread, intuitive concordant rearrangement. The spreadsheet come up N/A in regards to intuitive tension. It seems that instead of intuitive tension being something Concordance cannot achieve, it has just been covered up and kept away from the indivine.
Nice Catch!
N/As are indeed not so for the Divine. I really thought that one had slipped you by. I did enjoy sprinkling a metric f*cktonne of those hints amongst the Foundationals.