[X] [ACG] I Rejected the Trial.
[X] [BLU] Firm as a mountain. For the needy, she had strength to spare.
[X] [SES] Shine, my Gentle Heart
[X] [BBLU] They thought the terror would stop her. Right up until she sliced them in two.
[X] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...
Null's goal I think is to mess with us for somehow messing with his game. But he's a child and so wants to do that in an entertaining way cause otherwise he could just killed us right then and there given the soul attack. If we don't agree to his game he'll probably find another way to mess with us that might be equally dangerous as his trial but comes with no rewards.

I'm wary about the trial too but given how entertainment seems to be the main goal it will hopefully not be impossible or something that we would be morally against. Cause seeing someone fail an impossible task is just an average experience and if he told us to kill our family for the trial we would just refuse despite the punishment which would just be a boring waste of the trial.
Good also has strong upsides.

In the short term, evil and selfish choices are superior, but Good compounds over time--we've already seen the start of it in this update--it convinced Madam Silva to throw her lot in with us, it locked Captain Martin in as an ally, the people of the Watch and the City respect us now.

It's small now, but Good spirals upwards and vastly outstrips evil and selfish in the end.
I sense a recurring theme here.

Swiftness aligns with my first principles analysis and the IC-given doctrinal advice.

[X] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...
The issue at hand, of course, is that speed is what we need above all else. We're in melee distance and we're a Pithe Warrior for all that our Essence stuff generally takes center stage. Matthew even told us something that's important to keep in mind when he was training us
Your talk about us needing to be super fast. We got {Magnify} for essence. At level 1 it allows for super-fast linear movements. The power sounds like you become the flash, move a fuckton faster. Which covers that specific weakness. But at level 1 we can only move in a straight burst. Tho there was the note that it does not make your impacts hit stronger, just makes you move faster through time, haste spell.
EDIT: Removed "They thought the terror would stop her." in the favor of leaving "Her blood burned" as my only vote for the Brave Blood for that tasty (Sync++) (Div-----).

[X] Plan: And with Swiftness--Swiftness Beyond Measure...
-[X] {Subversion} You understand, nobody wants to be a murderer, she clearly said "Stop Me" just now, you'll do just that. (Altering a command by a single syllable)
--[X] Emergency Backup: Hand Control to Petal if you're running out of time, have her execute the next step as your proxy using {Relations}
-[X] Enter full Domain Perception mode, the Ladder warned you before and you ignored it, not twice--invoke {Sample Space} to guide your approach--at your full speed, that should be considerably less than even a second at this distance, gag her and cover her eyes to the best of your ability--don't be afraid to knock out some teeth or bloody her if need be, you can't afford to be gentle and you can fix it later. Once her voice is bound and her eyes aren't looking at anything you care for, follow {The Ladder}'s earlier instructions--extrude your Domain into her Heart and sever the occupying Entity.
-[X] When her voice is bound (Or ideally, she knocked out in some fashion, the point is that she be neutralized), extend Essence Links to your family to help handle the stresses of what she did, while you work on a means to break the command. Once confident in their safety, utilize {Slipstream} to deposit Valerie into Petal's care--the Ladder said the {Attuned Locus} and not the Dreamspace--and you don't think you can force someone in there yet anyway.
-[X] Everything is on the table here. This is not the time or place to be holding back.
[X] [ACG] I Accepted the Trial.
[X] [SES] Shine, my Gentle Heart
[X] [BLU] At her lowest point, she found a hidden light.
[X] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
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CH̸̭̜̔͗o̵̲͚͊Ö̷̞́͂sẽ̶̩͔́ ṃ̸͌͜E F̶̜̀E̴̡͘ed m̸̝͛E CH̷̦̀oO̷̧̧͒͝s̸̗̉ė̷͕ mĔ̴̼̟̍ F̸̪̗̉E̷̱̜̿̚e̴͕̾d̸̟̟̓͛ mÈ̴̲̖ C̴̪̍͝HoOș̵͇̇́e̵̥̖͑̓ m̴̝̿Ȩ̴̘͐ FĒ̶͙̬ed m̵̄ͅE! T̸̹͂́ͅỏ̴̟͔̅g̸̯̓é̷͎̿th̴̫̣̏̏e̴͍̤̅̊r̴̡̙͑ we shą̸̈́l̴̩͉̋l̸̻͂ f̵̱̅͜eḁ̷̄s̷͍̭͊t ẁ̸̰̋i̶͙͒͝ͅt̵̡̊hoȕ̶̢t en̵͚͋̍d̵̦̏!

Wait, are these rainbow colors? Did Angels and Demons who didn't become spirits, but were still forcerd to go against their own nature, invert? Is this why the Maw is a thing?
[Brave Blood] Development Information
Good compounds over time--we've already seen the start of it in this update--it convinced Madam Silva to throw her lot in with us
Seeing you arrive at the Walls of Harmuph and put yourself on the line rather than hunkering down in the family bunker had a much bigger effect on Madam Silva than she'd ever admit out loud. Anyone can claim to be self-sacrificing, but actions speak volumes.

I've been 'um'ing and 'uh'ing on this because no one has outright nailed it. But I guess you've circled close enough that I'm going to call it a fulfilled Secret Challenge, because I'd feel bad not giving it on a technicality.
Especially after I didn't give the 3rd challenge last chapter on a technicality.
I will confirm that [Brave Blood] is diverging because both Lilly's internal picture of it and the power choices have been tangential to or against its desired paths. Your reward is an exact outline of Sync and Div effects for this Level's selections and the knowledge that the scalding blood option reappearing was from a 'chance to reassert original path' roll succeeding. Your Div was already too high for it to show up otherwise. Divergence is a bit of snowball; the higher it is, the more power options that raise it start appearing.
[ ] [BBLU] They retreated to gain respite, not realizing they were playing right into her hand. (Sync-) (Div+++)
[ ] [BBLU] They thought the terror would stop her. Right up until she sliced them in two. (Sync+) (Div-)
[ ] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray. (Sync++) (Div-----)
[ ] [BBLU] She watched. She waited. Still and silent. When the opening came, she moved. (Sync+) (Div+)

Btw, [Dream] hitting Max Sync has locked it in to that level unless something knocks it out and will give a benefit next [Dream] level up. Having Sync and Grasp at Max when [Dream] levels gives an even more significant bonus.

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Glad that I cottoned onto the blood connection being the key word there, not the Brave one.

Interesting too that Max Sync makes Max Sync hardened against incidental decline. Something about the merger being so complete that you almost can't lose your grasp on it, no matter what choices you make?

I'm very curious too to see what the Grasp 10/10 Boon will be.
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I imagine it might be like how due to our essence metabolism, and now primordial chassis, we're able to make brave blood do things that would break anyone else's body. Ah yes, a double edged sword for anyone other than us, in this specific case.

[x] [BBLU] They retreated to gain respite, not realizing they were playing right into her hand. (Sync-) (Div+++)
Sun tzu, reminds me of his meme-worthy tactics. Looks like cleverness and tactics is not in the blood of the bravehearted. Or lays within the domain of the divergent bravebloods.
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[ ] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray. (Sync++) (Div-----)
hot dang! That's a much more pronounced effect on Divergence than I was expecting! I think I'll switch my vote then, let's see where the Brave Blood intended path takes us.
At some point we'll have to figure out what happens when you hit max Divergence with an Ethos. Does the Ethos change itself somehow to a new one while lowering Divergence and Sync? Does it stop developing because it's too different from the template it was made with to call home again and get the next update for expansion?
Sun tzu, reminds me of his meme-worthy tactics. Looks like cleverness and tactics is not in the blood of the bravehearted. Or lays within the domain of the divergent bravebloods.
I mean, it's [Brave Blood], not [Tactical Genius].

Developments that are neither brave nor specifically blood-related aren't really its thing. :p
[X] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
I don't know what you have done, but your vote wasn't switched if we go by what the Tally says.
that'd mostly be because I have yet to edit my vote post :p

What do we have to know in the difference between Sync and Div?
My working theory is that Synchronisation is how closely our mindset and world view aligns with the Ethos' intended one, while Divergence seems more about how close the subpowers we develop inside the Ethos match the intended use of the Ethos as well as how close our conception of the Ethos matches the "factory version".
Too low Sync leads to Inversion, as you stop following the mindset that matches your Ethos and embrace the opposite. Myah for example was at extreme risk to invert her Ethos meant to support other people due to the abandonment and abuse she was suffering under. (An Inverted version of [These Bonds I Bear] would probably focus on stealing other peoples' powers instead of enhancing them)
|Upcoming Gravitic Juncture: 45 Hours| Myah Uyle [These Bonds I bear] {{Inversion/'Synchronicity Restoration'}} No-Return Horizon Event |Current Pre-Factor: 33%| |Current Post-Factor: -94%| Concord Node 'Lilly Silas' capable of circumvention? Yes. Gravitic Actor Factor: 74%

Host: Myah Uyle | Species: Unmodified Human | Age: 13th​ Cycle
Integration Vector: [These Bonds I Bear] 4th​ Expansion | Warning: Synchronicity 3%, Inversion Risk: Extreme. Divergence Factor: Extreme. Gravitic Saturation: Very Low.
The bolded parts here are the relevant bits: Myah was down to 3% Synchronicity and Extreme Divergence, one or both of which lead to her Extreme risk of Inversion. Lilly getting her out of her home and away from her abusive father should help her get back into Sync with the Ethos, though that will have to be navigated carefully as well, as it has been mentioned in-text that we could end up replacing her subservience to her father with subservience to ourselves.
I think it's also noteworthy that Myah is only at her 4th expansion right now, so Divergence is clearly governed by more than just which expansions you pick. My guess is that for Lilly expansions are the easiest way to influence Divergence levels since she gets so many so quickly, normally Divergence is probably more governed by how you understand your Ethos and how that matches up with its intended use.
We know that Myah wanted a supportive Ethos, [Laywoman] specifically:
[Laywoman] (Lesser): (Essence)
The members of Aurora's church are said to be the ones who keep the sun shining throughout the year, ensuring she completes her transition back to Gaia from Solemn. Through acts of subtle grace and care, they sooth and heal the world. Laywomen have a natural tendency toward being amiable and peaceful and many find it easy to trust their motivations as entirely genuine. Where the laywoman walks, shadows are a little less dark, the wind loses its biting chill and fruits taste sweeter. The world is kind to them, and they are kind in return.
Author's Note: Myah said she wanted to be one of these. You know whatever Ethos she got was not this one, presumably it wasn't one of her possible choices.
My guess would be that [These Bonds I Bear] is intended to be used in a way where you empower and support your family and friends through the essence abilities you get from it. Myah's high Divergence score probably means that she saw the titular Bonds as alienating, oppressive and holding her down, rather than as something to be cherished and enjoyed. So if we want to help her get her Sync back up and Divergence back down we should probably help her develop new healthy relationships. (If she stayed focused only on Lilly as her only meaningful relationship I'd expect her to increase her Sync but stay at high Divergence, as I doubt that the Ethos is meant to only support a single person)
Non-divergent ones are more general use. Divergent ethos are much more personalized to the user and their situation.
Divergence means that the user needs the ethos fill a different kind of role or niche.

Like for Lilly who does not bleed, an "be hurt by enemy, spray them with blood", seems something that'll hardly come handy. Since Lilly's unbelievably durable, getting faster with {Magnify}, and more and more powers.
On a larger scale, the tactical divergence of the trick enemy into retreating, but triggers a pith power that dooms em. Reminds me of how we made Lord Waters back away, only to let Lilly grow stronger which spells his doom.
While other things like being patient for an opening enemy makes, an ideal moment of action. That would combo well with sample space for example.

The last 2 aren't hot-blooded, but they would fit better for Lilly's situation. I imagine the split second, right moment, power would put a massive strain on the body. But Lilly's body's already superhuman and would be able to bear it.
Non-divergent ones are more general use. Divergent ethos are much more personalized to the user and their situation.
Divergence means that the user needs the ethos fill a different kind of role or niche.
I doubt that this is accurate, considering that the system will provide custom-made Ethea for specific people. Marigold for example most likely has both low Divergence and High Sync, while having a very specialised niche for her Ethos. Low Divergence probably means that you're developing and thinking about your Ethos very close to the way it was intended by its Weaver, that doesn't mean that the Ethos in question is either very specific in its application or very broad.
Like for Lilly who does not bleed, an "be hurt by enemy, spray them with blood", seems something that'll hardly come handy.

The key point is that we have so much control of our body that I think we will be able to use boiling blood to hurt those too close to us, if we want, basically at will.
Also, we aren't invulnerable. The dungeon's bear hurted us badly in the 1.12 update, to make just an example, and I think high level ethos warriors can do a lot worse than that.
[X] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
[X] [BBLU] Her blood burned hot and thick, the enemy knew to avoid its scalding spray.
This is going to wipe all your votes for the other categories.

I'm going to stick with my current vote because it still helps if not as much, I feel the power is more useful, and Brave Blood being more about a pun than bravery is just outright silly to me. And we still don't have confirmation divergence is actually bad.
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