Hmm. I wonder what's going on with Evie right now. Her first interlude and all that jazz said that she would be "clipped back to proto-sentience" and would lose all of her memories. I'm pretty sure the ladder confirmed this too. In that case, how is she still working on fixing our song or working on the maw, if she's lost all her memories? Additionally, Evie votes work on a probability distribution, because she's her own being, and the justification for allowing us to choose the foundational ethos was just assuming that she would pick what we would like the most (and the ooc reason of it being a important choice). But in this case, how would a newborn alien space child be able to determine that, let alone know how to do all of this body modification and foundational ethos stuff? Furthermore, Evie isn't leveling up because she's "busy", presumably, with the body modification + foundational ethos jazz.

Is it possible that Evie still holds on to some of her knowledge of cosmic affairs and all of this magic that she's using to (hopefully) help us? I mean, that's the only way I can see this working out. Presuming that to be true, I think that might mean as Evie levels up, there's a chance that we can finally find out some of the lore from her, maybe she'll grow enough to be able to communicate.

Maybe I'm being dumb and misreading all of this, but I'm really looking forward to what Evie's next level up will be.

Well then.

That was a revelation and a half.

So, from what I'm seeing here... The initial introduction of Essence as a natural force is what caused the Melange Layer to manifest into something that had meaning in the first place, as opposed to just a cosmic no-man's land?

It also seems to have been the mechanism that allows Transcendents to be reborn after death--usually.

This may also be why the Maw is so dangerous? It consumes Essence and in doing so ensures a Transcendent that falls to it is lost forever? Hence why Evie was going how she's died before but 'This one'll stick'.

Flower then seems to be an Essence focused high rank Transcendent, but is fighting one of the Maw's subordinates right now... I wonder if Colossus is the source of the corrupted [Rapid Iterator]? It was noted that the Essence it used was twisted and corrupt?
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Btw: Don't worry folks, Abbie and Valerie aren't coming over to kill us and steal our Integration Vectors, Abbie just wants to hook up with Evie:
"Hey Abby," Valerie spoke out loud to her secret passenger as she continued onward, enjoying the occasional shade as she passed various denser patches of trees. "Remind me again why it has to be south, there's nothing interesting this way at all."

You know for a fact that is not true. Also, you asked me to never try explaining Deific fragment consummation again after last time.

So that's what Evie did with the Maw Stuff!

She assimilated it into her second skill!

Was initially Soul Maw in 1.9, turned into Hybrid Maw through Evie's power in 1.10, then it mysteriously disappeared and a new skill appeared in [Effervescent Animus] in 1.11--but it was notably not crossed out like invalid skills usually are. Which seems a sneaky way of converting the Maw stuff into running on a Deific source instead of the Maw Source. I guess it's some form of energy absorption trick? Or concept absorption which is why acid no longer counted as corrosive by the time she was done with it?

Evie is very clever! Does this also mean that her Third Skill is going to trick off of {Geological Meta-Anchor?} And what we're selecting now is Evie's Third Skill?

It also looks like her second project was all about making Lilly 'Count as Geography' as much as she does a humanoid, which is why she's now a qualified candidate for Foundational Ethos--she's exploiting the largely automated nature of the Integration Vector system that way.
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I've been assuming that Evie's sections were retroactive, but I'm becoming less and less sure. Reports of her reversion may have been exaggerated.

Alternatively, we're seeing here a nonsentient, fully-sapient intelligence [SCREAMS INSENSATELY] making decisions and implementing them without/with little consciousness a la sleepwalkers.

The human example seems to suggest:
They may talk while sleepwalking, but the talk typically does not make sense to the observer.
which roughly fits with what we're seeing (but might be too hastily generalized, seeing as Evie isn't human; there's no reason in principle a nonsentient being could not retain full language and be behaviorally indistinguishable from a sentient one).
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Did huge stabilizing spire disappeared or converted into geological meta-anchor?

Converted I think, because I can see the point where the Maw thing jumped over to Evie's entry, but then Huge Stabalizing Spire became Geological Meta-Anchor, which seems like someone who can't into spelling doing good enough work that the system looks at it, goes "Eh, close enough" and handles the rest.

I've been assuming that Evie's sections were retroactive, but I'm becoming less and less sure. Reports of her reversion may have been exaggerated.

Alternatively, we're seeing here a nonsentient, fully-sapient intelligence [SCREAMS INSENSATELY] making decisions and implementing them without/with little consciousness a la sleepwalkers.

The human example seems to suggest:
They may talk while sleepwalking, but the talk typically does not make sense to the observer.
which roughly fits with what we're seeing (but might be too hastily generalized, seeing as Evie isn't human; there's no reason in principle a nonsentient being could not retain full language and be behaviorally indistinguishable from a sentient one).

Alternately, she's on autopilot? She decided what she was going to do while transitioning downward, and her body and mind are in autopilot to do it, and once the "TO DO" list is cleared, she'll just be making her own decisions again?

Or alternately, what is a baby to a Transcendent is still pretty fucking smart by human standards.


Wait a sec.

Is Evie going to do everything on that list eventually? And the only choice we had is in which order she does it?
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The more votes there are, the less I think this is predetermined autopilot (and the ultimate rebuttal would be a vote that blatantly depends on knowledge gathered post-ethosization).

If, rather than just retaining the bulk of her intelligence as I suggested, Evie will instead become much, much smarter as you suggest, I wonder that there will be any way to accomplish anything. We would be at the mercy of intelligences far greater than our own, plans incomprehensible to even our voting gestalt; and our progress would purely depend on how well the board has been pre-set by the various factions.

(This is in addition to the fact, of course, that one of those intelligences already has a direct link to Lilly's brain. Who is to say that she would truly be playing?)
The more votes there are, the less I think this is predetermined autopilot (and the ultimate rebuttal would be a vote that blatantly depends on knowledge gathered post-ethosization).

If, rather than just retaining the bulk of her intelligence as I suggested, Evie will instead become much, much smarter as you suggest, I wonder that there will be any way to accomplish anything. We would be at the mercy of intelligences far greater than our own, plans incomprehensible to even our voting gestalt; and our progress would purely depend on how well the board has been pre-set by the various factions.

(This is in addition to the fact, of course, that one of those intelligences already has a direct link to Lilly's brain. Who is to say that she would truly be playing?)

Hard to say.

That being said, on a re-read of some earlier Eviebits, it does look like Colossus is responsible for the [Rapid Iterator] we just fought. So that's something. He's also responsible for the shattering of True Song and the spooling up of Soul Maw in its wake (A "Recontextualizer Vortex" apparently?) but Evie successfully seems to have subverted and assimilated that.

Hmm, notably, it looks like Evie hasn't actually done this kind of thing before, and in fact used to 'Make fun of Weavers' (Who are implied to be the Transcendents who focus on the mechanisms that mortals in the Melange Layer operate on? Providing the mechanisms and incentives that run the Melange Tapestry?). The impression I do get though is that while she's definitely a shit-disturber and an agent of Change, she's not actually some evil mastermind, so much as she has poor impulse control and a desire to get stuck in to complicated messes.
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Weavers' (Who are implied to be the Transcendents who focus on the mechanisms that mortals in the Melange Layer operate on? Providing the mechanisms and incentives that run the Melange Tapestry?).
Weavers predate mortals (they appear in the First Age chapter) and seem to be based on building some form of structures: "stable domains" and
Weave the design into the Concord, which meant he'd made this into true material rather than just concept-enforced pseudo-matter
The one for "stable domains" isn't capitalized; not sure if that means anything.

So mechanisms (not necessarily incentives) is plausible... I really don't see how it fits with what Evie was doing, but meh. I also don't get the impression weavers are relegated to the Melange (but there's little to tell either way).


on a re-read of some earlier Eviebits, it does look like Colossus is responsible for the [Rapid Iterator] we just fought.
Can't find this part. That said, it's not at all a stretch.
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Notably Weavers are also the ones responsible for creating Integration Vectors:
[Militant] (Lesser): Pithe {{Likely to develop Oath as a Secondary}}
[snipped for length]
{{Didn't know this one's Weaver, but looks like it does what is says on the tin.}}
As I've mentioned before I think Weavers are the people organising the rules of our reality/the melange layer and keeping things on the growth track the powers that be want to achieve.
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[X] [DreamLVL] The root grew between the rock for years, until finally it split.
[X] [Milestone] Do more with Essence. (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60)
- [X] [Milestone-Essence] Source - Channel (DC 60)
[X] [CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself.
[X] [N:FES] [Sorcerer]
[X] [S:FES] [Malleable Elemental Pioneer | 1000-A, 'No Focal Concept Selected']
[X] [SoT] Core Anchor

Honestly just...fuck whatever is behind this and everything in its general direction.
Votecount for 1.12
Voting is now closed.

[X][DreamLVL] She carried it with her always, no matter how far apart they drifted. No. of Votes: 23
[X][DreamLVL] She noticed even the smallest eddies in the current. No. of Votes: 3
[X][DreamLVL] The root grew between the rock for years, until finally it split. No. of Votes: 2
[X][DreamLVL] It could not lash out at her, she was friend to all.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Milestone] Extend a Power's potential. No. of Votes: 24
[X][Milestone] Do more with Essence. (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60) No. of Votes: 2

-[X][Milestone-Power] {Golden Rapture} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60) No. of Votes: 18
-[X][Milestone-Power] {Collective Communion} (x150%) (DC 40x1.5=60) No. of Votes: 7
- [X] [Milestone-Power] {In thy Likeness} (DC 40) No. of Votes: 1

[X][CleaverLVL] It looked harmless, but fate told her the truth. No. of Votes: 25
[X][CleaverLVL] No one knew her future, not even herself. No. of Votes: 4
[X][CleaverLVL] She stabbed him in the heart, to kill his lover. No. of Votes: 1

[X][N:FES] [My Resolution, Thy Bedrock] No. of Votes: 26
[X][N:FES] [Sorcerer] No. of Votes: 5
[X][N:FES] [Overlooked Maiden] No. of Votes: 2
[X][N:FES] [Quickwrit Stennovoker] No. of Votes: 2
[X][N:FES] [I Tear the Veil]
No. of Votes: 1

[X][S:FES] [Towering Edifice to Heaven | 7958-A Series, Regional Stressor Event] No. of Votes: 14
[X][S:FES] [Reinterpretation Seed | 566-B, Manoth Placement Approval Only ] No. of Votes: 10
[X][S:FES] [Blanket Weaponiser | 7441-C, Generic Inspiring Obstacle] No. of Votes: 4
[X][S:FES] [Malleable Elemental Pioneer | 1000-A, 'No Focal Concept Selected'] No. of Votes: 4
[X][S:FES] [Championed Uplift | 0000-A, 2nd Integration Stage Initializer] No. of Votes: 4
[X][S:FES] [Library of Achievement | 5034-CD, Ancient Recall] No. of Votes: 3
[X][S:FES] [Rapid Iterator | 2873-2A, Efficient Tension Sustainment]
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SoT] Exalted Flesh No. of Votes: 17
[X][SoT] Core Anchor No. of Votes: 13
[X][SoT] Will Form No. of Votes: 2
(After some Randomizing:| Exalted Flesh: 55% Core Anchor: 45% Will Form: 0%)
(Secret Challenge Boon: +5 Grasp at start)

-[X][Milestone-Essence] Source - Channel (DC 60) No. of Votes: 2
-[X][Milestone-Essence] Awareness - Outer (DC 60) No. of Votes: 1
-[X][Milestone-Essence] Shaping - Directed (DC 60) No. of Votes: 1
-[X][Milestone-Essence] Shaping - Intuit (DC 60)
No. of Votes: 1

This should be an interesting spread! Especially since we should get some curious insights onto the Deific source between having Evie as a roommate and Tower being attuned to the Deific source.

I'll admit, I'd have been fine with Reinterpretation Seed too, but it is what it is.

A question though @Slyvena!

Now that it's unlocked, does this mean further Foundational Ethae have been sprinkled into our draw pool? After all, while most things are only supposed to have one Ethos, Lilly hasn't stopped being a multi-vector yet.
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Now that it's unlocked, does this mean further Foundational Ethae have been sprinkled into our draw pool?

If you can't wait until 2.1 to see the accompanying spreadsheet, you can read this.

Level Up requirements for Foundational Ethea are x100, so 10000 EXP to reach level 1. A Level up will allow another Foundational Selection. They won't count as a seperate Ethos, it will simply be diversifying your Geological Meta-Anchor.
If you can't wait until 2.1 to see the accompanying spreadsheet, you can read this.

Level Up requirements for a Foundational Ethea are x100, so 10000 EXP to reach level 1. A Level up will allow another Foundational Selection. They won't count as a seperate Ethos, it will simply be diversifying your Geological Meta-Anchor.


Does that mean that Geological Meta-Anchor is going to be moved over as Evie's Level 2 skill now that it's done cooking, like whatever was done with that Maw stuff, or is it just a permanent perk attached to Lilly that 'Eats' what would normally have been Evie's third skill? I noticed earlier today that Evie's second skill showed up at the same time Hybrid Maw mysteriously vanished, realized that it was described as a recontextualizer vortex and then realized it was tied in with what happened to the acid so... It recontextualized what acid did so it didn't hurt Lilly?

Oh, and on that note, is Evie going to ultimately do everything on that list we got over time and we just decided which ones she was doing first? Or now that she's cleared the backlog it's anyone's guess what's happening now and she'll react based on our current circumstances?

Also, how big a deal is that starting +5 Grasp to our Foundational Ethos going to be? Presumably it'll help mitigate the implied reduced familiarity brought on by primarily being Exalted Flesh?
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Oh, and on that note, is Evie going to ultimately do everything on that list we got over time and we just decided which ones she was doing first?
So I mentioned a while back that I rolled a d4 and got a 2. So she's done the two top options. Evie had a certain amount of 'momentum' on arrival that's mostly used up now. You'll get a little bit more of an idea of what I mean by that in her afterword in 2.1

Presumably it'll help mitigate the implied reduced familiarity brought on by primarily being Exalted Flesh?
Yeah it's going to let you skip over the worst of that. You're still more 'Exalted Flesh' than 'Core Anchor' though so further learning will still be slowed.
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So I mentioned a while back that I rolled a d4 and got a 2. So she's done the two top options. Evie had a certain amount of 'momentum' on arrival that's mostly used up now. You'll get a little bit more of an idea of what I mean by that in her afterword in 2.1

Huh, stuff she could just autopilot through by queuing up a bunch of scripts before her brain turned off and further crazy stuff like this is dependent on her gaining a semblance of her intelligence back?

I see.

Huh, based on all of this, the Evie just roll really well for implementing the Geological Meta-Anchor and thus why we immediately got to pick a Foundational Ethos? Or is it just victory over [Rapid Iterator] (Which I'm presuming is going to happen offscreen at this point, hence why it was up for grabs at all) meant a new F.E. was to be implemented by whatever automated system is currently handling these things, and Lilly being the closest viable target meant that she was the one who received it?
You destroyed a Relay, not the actual Dungeon. I did make a roll to see if Captain Martin makes the insanely stupid choice of continuing on, you'll get to find out in 2.1

Huh, 2.1 picks up right where 1.11 left off then? I thought with the end of the Arc we were looking at at least a bit of a timeskip.


Ohhhh, right.

Now that the Relay's dead, Lilly can safely link up with the Prime Tree because [Rapid Iterator] just lost one of the things extending its influence over the Forest, is that going to be his next move then provided he doesn't go braindead?
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You're unconscious. But I still need to roll for what other people did.

So it seems!

Anyway, I'm super hyped! I wish I wasn't heading to work tomorrow so I could eagerly anticipate what's coming next though. Alas! Soon I will be back in the thick of it.

Well, on the other hand, updates shouldn't be quite this insane for the next little bit at least, right?
Huh, 2.1 picks up right where 1.11 left off then? I thought with the end of the Arc we were looking at at least a bit of a timeskip.


Ohhhh, right.

Now that the Relay's dead, Lilly can safely link up with the Prime Tree because [Rapid Iterator] just lost one of the things extending its influence over the Forest, is that going to be his next move then provided he doesn't go braindead?
Muma mia~ I thought we were out of the frying pan as far as the dungeon goes.
But the good news is that level of danger likely means politics are about to go out the window in favor of 'OH CRAP WE NEED TO KILL THIS THING NOW!'
Which...I think actually works in our favor- our bravery in being a first responder TO this brewing crisis, one big enough for the Kingdom to take note of, should result in some serious under-the-table credit.