I don't think this is Concordance as opposed to Oath, because if I remember rightly it sounds a lot more like what Captain Martin told us Oath does.
Rereading. You're right. It tracks. Oath is often making contracts with other things. So what Valerie does may simply be a contract with Abby pre her Intergration vector.
And what she ends up with sounds like a textbook example of an inverted oath.
Oath seems to be quite modular as well. Hmm. In the way that they can reconfigure their magic to do whatever they desire.
Oath: |Dedication|
- Increasing flexibility within Soul. Affect non-humans more easily, leave soul-effects residing latently in material or immaterial spaces.
Inverted Oath: |Non-consent|
- Not much to say here. The Oath Wielder becomes driven to inflict their will on others, despising autonomy and free choice. Their powers become a twisted version of before, piercing into unwilling beings as easily as a knife through air. They also tend to become obsessed with self-modification, eventually binding themselves into a mess of Oaths so tangled that their soul withers away onto nothing.
Oath has some similarities to Pithe in regards to how varied its powers can be, but with more rigid rules. It was the demons that taught us of Oath, the magic of the Soul.

Oath Wielders are an eclectic bunch, in the short period of a single battle they are often as rigid as a Pithe wielder in their options. But given days or weeks to prepare they can flexibly alter their powerset much like a Mana Wielder, sometimes to a nearly unrecognisable degree.

While they can have both, you will find Oath Wielders favour one of the two subcategories that exist within the Source. Freeform or Bound. Freeform Oath Wielders tend to prepare discrete packages of effect often based around reflection, piercing or synergy that can be applied to their allies. With some prepwork they can also be placed onto their enemies, though more often than not it is easier to rely on a lesser being from an outer plane to do such direct offensive work. While you should be wary rushing into fights with an Oath Wielder uninformed, you also shouldn't delay excessively as they can often eventually switch into a powerset better equipped to face you, this is especially true of Freeform Oath wielders.

Most Oath Wielders will use both Freeform and Bound methods, but you will see them often lean strongly in one direction.

Oath is not suited for direct attacks on an opponent because its most potent effects require consent (or at the bare minimum, unconsciousness in consent's absence). Hence it often relies on conscripting assistive entities. Freeform Oath Wielders will bring forth strange blades, shields and armours or sew esoteric effects into their very skin for the short duration of a battle. If you have a reliable method, sudden ambush is more reliable on an Oath Wielder than most.

More powerful assistive entities are more the wheelhouse of Bound Oath Wielders. They are long term binders, creating profound bonds between people or more alien entities in exchange for some form of service commonly referred to as a Contract. This process is highly regulated, in our long history a quite expansive list of approved entities with reasonable contractual demands has been compiled. Straying from this list is a good way to end up dead. You'd think the risks would be enough to dissuade people, but promises of power for small compromises have lured many an Oath Wielder to ignoble ends. Some Entities are powerful enough to outright lie, and if you do not know their True Name then they can present in meeker less threatening forms to entice carelessness in a contracts wording and terms.

You saw a potent entity in action in the forest. Plasil is Bound to one which is very well equipped at negating the effects of just about any other power given enough exposure to it, which they used to temporarily sidestep the stag's space manipulation and shear it in half. It also disrupted the second's concentration allowing Legle to use the backlash to implode it.

I mean, Aboleth has a pretty good sales pitch: "Hi, I'm your tutelary spirit and let me show you how your incredibly broken Ethos that you voluntarily chose because you plan to use it to do amazing things!"
If THAT is true, I highly doubt it however, then either Abby guided her into inverting her ethos. Or alternatively Inverted ethos are not as evil as Captain Martin made them out to be. Since the one who corrupted Valerie was the cute and ever helpful Abby.
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No that's the thing.

[Will Winnower] has never been stated by our QM. It was a name someone else came up for what Valerie was doing.

And specifically - we saw in the first part of the interlude trilogy -

Blue is Aboleath's dialogue in the same way that Pink is Evie. Note that Valerie absolutely did not pick an Ethos prior to Aboleth talking to her. It/he did not sneak in the same way.

And Aboleath is the one that Valerie sees as showing her how to do things.
OK, yes, but that doesn't mean Valerie doesn't have an Ethos.

Like, Lilly's a frickin' exemplar of this with her multi-Ethos thing. She can't even perceive or touch Sources (?) she doesn't have an Ethos in. I find it very unlikely that Aboleath was teaching Valerie to manipulate Oath without a relevant Ethos.

Far more likely that whoever sent Aboleath timed his arrival to show up very shortly before Valerie got her Ethos.

If THAT is true, I highly doubt it however, then either Abby guided her into inverting her ethos. Or alternatively Inverted ethos are not as evil as Captain Martin made them out to be. Since the one who corrupted Valerie was the cute and ever helpful Abby.
...So? I mean, that doesn't strike me as at all improbable. Valerie had deep-seated underlying psychological issues before Aboleath showed up. And she's a child with an insanely broken power that lends itself to doing rapid irreversible harm to others. It probably didn't take much for her to use her power in some horribly ill-advised fashion, with or without Aboleath's input. Aboleath then had everything he needed in place to finish corrupting her.
After rereading the interlude, my personal theory is that Valerie got handed a regular Oath Ethos, and then Aboleath taught her how to jailbreak it into an Inverted without having to "reach the angst event horizon", as it were. I think that gaining an Inverted Ethos directly comes with some level of "instructions" for how to use it, but Manoleth probably doesn't allow his stuff to be handed out to someone who doesn't have the right mental state for it, so the "two-step" process was required.

Also, this interlude makes me a bit more concerned about rehabilitating Inverted Ethos wielders like Valerie and possibly Zach. The thread had been theorizing about the possibility of "flipping" an Inverted Ethos back into a regular one, but now it seems that process is a little less "why don't you use good powers instead of bad ones?" and more "convincing a hawk to have his wings clipped". I mean, Valerie knows more about how the Realm of Form works than many Oath wielders may ever learn. Given that she only had the regular Ethos for two days, she has a excellent idea of how to break the rules to get what she wants, and probably a poor idea of what "following" the rules actually looks like (did she ever even get around to creating her own shared dream space like Mathew has?). She may have to be tutored into reestablishing boundaries and sundering her Outward Vows, all to guide into being someone who is, by any metric, far less powerful.

Of course, there is the temptation of trying to thread the needle of "keep your Inverted powers but don't go crazy", because a reformed super-Valerie could do a lot of convenient things. Like, say, rebuild Micah's body, for example.
I think using an inverted ethos is fine, personally.
Using any sort of power is fine long as you're a good person. The power may make you squeamish and uncomfortable, yet the same way it would allow you to do an incredible amount of good.

Like if Valerie ordered all of the watch to stay healthy, heal during combat. Do well, do better. They would lose a tiny bit of freedom, but in exchange, all of our men would heal faster, could do more, could survive more, they could likely exceed their limits.
Buffs like that would save many lives in the long run.

[Shine] will be amazing in brainwashing the squeamish people to accept sentiments as this. They may inverted, but they are good people, let them prove themselves. Trust me, put faith in my judgment, give them the benefit of doubt.

Since there is propaganda, from way up the chain, to kill inverted on sight... you need some gentle brainwashing to get them to accept inverted users. Accepting this specific treason and blasphemy.

Which Lilly will have to do, Zach with his inverted integration vector.
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The 5k xp leftover from Evie. I think it will be gathered up by [Rapid Iterator]. Since [Tower] could gather it, if Lilly wasn't a daft operator.
I expect us to faced some special entries designed to match us.

What is more, Abby may have had devil's luck and aided [Rapid Iterator] in his death throws.
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Also - another reason to hurry in trying to get the family de-"Stop"ped. We still have the saboteur in the wings. And the picked guard protecting against assassination/arson is dead.
Oh right. Sooo, any chance that the assassins sent to burn down Lilly's house will arrive while she's in the middle of healing her family?

You know Lilly's new ethos, one of its intended uses would be to make the captured spy turn sides. Talk to him all friendly-like, reveal spooky truths, flip his allegiance without him even noticing.
How valuable would a double agent be?
the Captain has already arrested someone he suspects of being Waters' agent, we saw him chained down when we visited the Watch's camp
I may have assumed that those who would attack Lilly's family wouldn't be the spy, but rather someone else sent or hired.
the Captain has already arrested someone he suspects of being Waters' agent, we saw him chained down when we visited the Watch's camp
Yeah. And Lilly's new ethos is about talking to them to brainwash them. Convince that Waters is evil and that Lilly is good and you have a double agent.
Once he flips sides he can pass along misinformation. Or relay the orders he gets from Sebastian. Or he might just know stuff most don't.

Hence me asking how valuable would it be for Lilly to invest her time in flipping him. Is is what he could potentially offer with it?
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Honestly boo fucking hoo. Her whole sad story can go to hell. As soon as she attacked our family she became an enemy. Go back and kill her or let the guards kill her.

You're doing a great job humanizing her and creating sympathy for her but still she's done too much ill to be forgiven and trying to say it's not her fault just means she to weak and a liability.
{Meta-Ethoic Control} is a game changer. It allows Lilly to selectively apply her Ethos power's effects. Not just disable parts of {heat}. But. It goes with everything.
Every power can have their negative parts deactivated. Or only select components active. It's far more control in how Lilly can manipulate essence for example, I feel like adds a new dimension.
Makes me think it's related to Unsupressing her meta-cognition, or a path to it.
Alternatively Lilly could use {Meta-Ethoic Control} to poke at her powers, randomly activate em. Which may reveal new uses or unutilised parts of them.
Could this function work with her traits as well?

For example Lilly could use wild affinity and sympathetic linkage to connect to everything and everyone in her range. But do it subtly by disabling the hive mind and sense sharing aspects. She peeks in, she helps, she listens but no one is the wiser... Except those with essence ethos. Yet it might allow for Lilly to turn the recieving and welcoming of essence off from those links as well. Or use meta control to terminate the link, a deific effect supercedes essence after all.
Whelp, finishing off Part 3 made me feel slimy.

You'll all get to enjoy my pain tomorrow. :)
Looking forward to the corruption of Valerie! :D

I wonder. If the Evie bond is formed. Since she is hibernateing could she be pulled into the dream? I'd be freaky, asleep yet awake enough to guide on how to help heal her.
I recalled the destination vision of Lilly and Petal dancing. What would it be like Evie joining that dance? A new vector of movement?
Right now Lilly and Petal would figuratively dance around Evie and pull her towards recovery trough the potential bond.
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If Valerie has a normal Ethos and Abby tagged along then I'm inclined to think it's Oath, maybe inverted maybe not. But I'd currently put my money on Abby being the Ethos much like Evie was one of our picks.

Evie had to "clip [herself] back into proto-sentience" but she was also trying to navigate in the middle of a fight between Flower and Colossi as she made her way to the Melange Layer. Given the strong implication their fight was over Lilly and whatever cosmic plans she's involved in, it's possible Abby had a much easier time getting to Valerie and didn't have to take such drastic measures to drop into the Melange - if Maw aligned, maybe he even had help - and that's why Abby seemingly retained his personality/knowledge through the jump to the Melange and could better instruct and twist Valerie... kind of like Big Evie wanted to only Big Evie doesn't play and just went straight to giving Lilly a new mindstate given the opportunity.

Also not directly related, but going back to check a few things related to all this and in her elevator pitch Evie says she's technically Lilly's niece which is... interesting. She does align with Flower for her final descent but given Ladder confirms she isn't lying in her pitch I wonder if she's actually connected to Flower somehow... or whatever other twisting of words she's using to make that connection.
So a thought for the future - if Evie wakes up before Zack's Ethos arrives a reason to use Soul Bond with him? Lilly has a collection of powers that amounts to a more informed choice.

Given everything, handing over the translation book for Zack's momentous decision is something we should consider.

Because Evie's information on Ethos is helpful. And Zack only gets one bite at the apple.
So a thought for the future - if Evie wakes up before Zack's Ethos arrives a reason to use Soul Bond with him? Lilly has a collection of powers that amounts to a more informed choice.

Given everything, handing over the translation book for Zack's momentous decision is something we should consider.

Because Evie's information on Ethos is helpful. And Zack only gets one bite at the apple.

It takes time to remove a major slot. I don't remember the exact number, but it is between 4 to 7 times the normal time we took to put it to use. Soul bound takes one day to set up.
If Valerie has a normal Ethos and Abby tagged along then I'm inclined to think it's Oath, maybe inverted maybe not. But I'd currently put my money on Abby being the Ethos much like Evie was one of our picks.
I'd be surprised if Abby was an Ethos like Evie is for us tbh. the reason for that being that we got Abby to detach from Valerie simply by engulfing her in our domain. To me that indicates a much more tenuous connection to Valerie's soul than Evie has to ours, as I doubt we're going to have Evie detach from us if we enter a dungeon's domain for example. We also had no indication that Valerie picked an Ethos before she first met Abbie. My guess would be that Abbie used a similar method to how NULLERROR appeared to us to appear to Valerie and offer her the Faustian bargain she ended up striking. After guiding her to pick an Oath Ethos they formalised the connection using Oath and when we asserted our domain over Valerie we somehow broke the conditions for that connection.

Also not directly related, but going back to check a few things related to all this and in her elevator pitch Evie says she's technically Lilly's niece which is... interesting. She does align with Flower for her final descent but given Ladder confirms she isn't lying in her pitch I wonder if she's actually connected to Flower somehow... or whatever other twisting of words she's using to make that connection.
My assumption is that she's drawing some family relationship from her and Flower both being some sort of related extraplanar entity? After all we have no idea what exactly Flower is in the broader metaphysics.
Evie used to be a Demon, but apparently those categories are malleable enough that you can stop being one.
Keep in mind that Evie's sales pitch also mentioned there were a lot of our (Lilly's) sisters up there rooting for us (Lilly).

Even if that refers to Flower's sublets (what is a sublet anyway? Where did this word come from?) this is still an interesting analogy.
Sublet refers to making tiny baby clones of yourself. Like one of the potential powers we could have gotten.
[Effervescent Animus] Level up: 1 -> 2
[ ] [EvieLVL] Lots and lots of spiders! Everyone loves my special spiders.
[ ] [EvieLVL] If Lilly dies, then so will everyone else.
[ ] [EvieLVL] A fun thing demons sometimes do…
[ ] [EvieLVL] What's better than one of me? Dozens of mini-me! Sublets ahoy.
Tho we got the, "A fun thing demons sometimes do...", aka mind control a la {Subversion}.

but I think you're actually my last chance to get out before the M̴̲̄̕ā̵͇ẘ̷̬̟̂ ̸̗̅ṭ̷̗̃͋h̶̢̗̀a̸̺͝t̷̺̍ͅ ̵͚̣͊́H̸͉͆u̷̡̿͂ͅṇ̵̉g̷̝͂e̷͔͛r̶͉͆̆s̶̳͜͠ consumes this demi-plane, most of the others are already munched… Oh, And I'm 9!
Nine obviously can refer from seconds to years. Really.
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I'd be surprised if Abby was an Ethos like Evie is for us tbh. the reason for that being that we got Abby to detach from Valerie simply by engulfing her in our domain. To me that indicates a much more tenuous connection to Valerie's soul than Evie has to ours, as I doubt we're going to have Evie detach from us if we enter a dungeon's domain for example.
Hmm, that's a good point.

I assumed it was something akin to how Ladder told us we could permanently ruin Zach's ability to receive an Ethea:

Inverted Ethos, Zachariah Silas will receive an Inverted Ethos. High Risk of permanent mental breakdown. High risk of violent reaction amidst early confusion. Piercing Zachariah's soul with your domain can permanently destroy his ability to receive an Ethos.

Now, following Ladder's advice there would be a preventive measure taken before an Ethea is received, but I wondered if it could be used to ruin an Ethea after getting one and if that might indeed have been what we did with Valerie there. As for "well, why doesn't this happen to anyone who enters a dungeon?" I'm guessing there's some metaphysical stuff going on here where just being physically present is not sufficient for one's soul to be pierced/affected. As a case study, Lilly ripped Valerie's head off, she obviously got within domain range at that point but it was still necessary to bring her to Petal which suggests to me that just physical contact is insufficient - imagine the idea of Lilly's domain range extending as she develops Tower and then accidentally ruins the chance of her brothers getting an Ethos by hugging them. I don't think you can mess with Ethos connections unless you're acting on a soul level - additionally, Evie and Abby are decidedly nonstandard and it's possible that while a normal Ethos integrates with the host soul in such a way that removing it once it's sufficiently embedded isn't really possible (or at least orders of magnitude more complicated and/or decidedly more lethal) Evie/Abby seem akin to familiars who can pull double duty as Ethea what with seemingly being separate individuals/consciousnesses - they may not be able to integrate on so deep a level without maintaining their individuality so severing their connection to a host may be easier by this attack vector.
My assumption is that souls containing an Integration Vector are harder to affect than those without, so that "pierce his soul to stop the incoming Ethos" trick would probably not work as well on someone with an Ethos (and I'd expect a developed Ethos to again be harder to affect than an Ethos someone just received)
We also know that Deific-level entities can just project themselves into the Melange Layer somehow, the way NULLERROR does it, so my thinking is that rather than hijacking Valerie's translation channel and Ethos the way Evie did, Abby probably appeared to Valerie somehow and struck a bargain that gave her a different kind of anchor in Valerie's soul, which most likely is weaker than that afforded to an Integration Vector.
But all of that is mostly speculation, we'll have to find out more as we talk to Valerie post-recovery.
Interlude 2.2 - Paved with Good Intentions : Part 3
Interlude 2.2 - - - - Paved with Good Intentions : Part 3
Another 2 Days Later, Late Evening.


The crying infant's eyes closed as he fell into a serene rest immediately, escaping his current distress.

Valerie looked into Thomas' cot as he slept, her brow crossed in frustration.

"It's amazing how he responds to you so well," Mali, his wetnurse, said from where she sat a short distance away. "Poor dear has been having a rough time of it. *cough* Excuse me."

Mali held her hand to her mouth as she coughed a couple more times, she looked to be coming down with something.

"It's no̸thi̵n̸g sp̸̻͂eciaľ̶͍," Valerie answered on impulse, "You sh̶͓̄o̸u̷ldn't̸ thin̵k̸ about it too hard."

Mali's face went a little blank as the Idea washed over her, she'd be like that for a couple minutes. Valerie would probably sneak her some of the family herbs tomorrow, it wasn't exactly fair that only Nireiles weren't supposed to get sick when they had plenty to spare.

The thought made her sigh, people were harder than things. It's why she couldn't just command Mali to be well, or Thomas for that matter.

Her brother had gotten rather inexplicably ill the past couple days, her and Aboleath were practicing minor harmless orders on people just about as much as possible to build up Valerie's skill to the bigger concepts such as overall health. He'd tried teaching her some of the details of how the human body worked to have a go at more specific remedies, but it all got so complex with so many new words for things.

They'd abandoned that as one of their preparation activities when Valerie burst into tears halfway through some convoluted explanation about blood vessels yesterday. It hurt to admit it, but she was just too dumb.

What Valerie didn't quite get was why her mum was so calm about Thomas. She'd have expected the lady of the house to be raising a huge fuss about her brother being a little fevery and sulky, but instead her mother had been keeping to herself. But her mother seemed rather withdrawn the past few days, from just about everything really.

Father was out on some trip she was not privy to the specifics of, so Valerie had less eyes on her than usual.

Maybe that was a good thing for now, after the near disaster two days ago.


Valerie had gotten lax, too wrapped up in her practice and just having fun while she daydreamed and not keeping track of the household properly. This led up to the moment where her mother had walked into Thomas' room to find Valerie holding her brother, Mali asleep on a couch nearby, Persephone in Thomas' arms.

Time had seemed to stand still, caught with her proverbial pants down and almost certainly having cost Mali her livelihood, Valerie had panicked and frozen. Thank goodness Aboleath had been there.

'Speak. Now.' He had said.

"Not̷̛͚̒ḥ̴̂ing w̴̰͛͆ort̶h̸ n̷otic̷͕̓ĭ̶̻ng he̷̘̕re," she had said, hoping to shield both herself and Mali from the consequences. Valerie had thought she'd put enough oomph behind the Idea, and was doubly thankful for Aboleath when she felt him add an extra push to it, clearly she would have undershot without him.

After a tense moment of uncertainty, her mother had said nothing and left. Valerie had been nervous about seeing her every day since. She hoped her Words had been enough for her mother to forget about the whole thing, otherwise Mali was toast (not to mention the hiding she'd receive).


She'd heard some of the servants chatting about her mother apparently 'having a headache' since then. Which was obviously idle gossip, her family had access to magics that made such ailments trivial to remove.

Valerie left her brother in the wetnurses care, there was nothing she could do for him expect keep practicing. And honestly despite her mother's unexplained apathy, her parents would never let Thomas actually get worse. Valerie would keep helping him relax and sleep when he needed to, and time would solve the rest.

She was just so lucky to have Abby, if it wasn't for him than Valerie would have done something dumb like tell her parents everything straight away. But he'd explained to her the risk of doing that so early, before she could prove herself.

Valerie had thought that the wide range of applications that the Realm of Possibility could reach would have been impressive enough, but Abby had thankfully warned her about how she needed to make an extra special effort first to make up for being a disappointment. It hadn't made sense to start with, but he knew so much, and Valerie knew that he was smarter than her. She really wanted to tell them, but she could wait.

Things were still looking up, despite her dreams coming true being a bit of a slog of hard work instead of the meteoric climb she'd expected. She was getting better and basically nothing was going to change that, she just had to be patient and keep working at it.

Oh and Shallia basically left her alone now, which was pretty great. Valerie just told her that "Sh̸͚̋e dǐ̴̺dn't nę̴́e̷̍ͅd to̶ do̴ a̶ny̵͚͝thi̴͓̕ng̶" yesterday morning. It was a pretty cushy deal for her Governess really, the woman got to live at the manor for free and now she didn't even have to do her job anymore. Which was a pretty awesome way of thinking about it, Valerie had been having second thoughts until Abby had explained it like that.

Valerie, I've been meaning to speak with you about something. Something important, that topic.

Valerie had just gotten back to her own bedroom, intending to turn in for the night. The servants enjoyed that she insisted on dressing and undressing herself (when she could get away with it), which was even easier these days thanks to the Realm of Infinite Possibility. Abby had made some overtures about removing her need to sleep early on, but changing herself kinda freaked Valerie out a bit, she wasn't comfortable with that. He kept prodding at the subject every now and then.

*Sigh*, Aboleath, I know I could practice more if I did that… it's just… I just don't want to do it okay?

Oh, where is the brave girl who leaped into the unknown together with me a few days ago? Are you sure you'll have what it takes rise up to your family's legacy?

Abby's words hit Valerie like a knife to the gut, her eyes began to water a little. He had never spoken to Valerie like that, and she was not ready for the sudden turn knocking her thoughts off-balance.

I… you don't mean that. Why would you say that?

Valerie sank against her door, she didn't realise it until this moment, but she desperately needed Abby in her corner. If he turned cruel, then she didn't know what she'd do.

Ah I'm sorry, please don't cry. It's just… I thought that… nevermind, I shouldn't tell you.

Spotting a lifeline, Valerie immediately seized upon the apparently forbidden topic as an explanation for why Abby had said what he did. She would prove to him she could handle it, she had too.

Shouldn't tell me what. Tell me Aboleath.

The silence stretched uncomfortably long, and Valerie's nerves began to fray. She began to wonder if Aboleath was even going to answer. But finally, he did.

…Thomas isn't going to get better.

If your heart could stop without you actually dying, that's what Valerie felt at that moment. She leapt up onto her feet.

"What!.." "WHY!"

She was already swinging open her door to go get mother, keeping secrets be damned, they needed to get help now.

Your mother cannot help him. No one can. Except maybe you.

Valerie stopped in the middle of the hallway, her hands shaking. The shadows playing along the hallway seemed darker and more scary than ever before, the walls felt like they were closing in on her. Her whole world felt like it was crumbling down and she didn't know what to do.

I don't understand Aboleath. You're scaring me. He's not that sick. Why can't anyone help him? I keep failing at it, it can't just be up to me.

There is a curse spreading through the land, a grand ritual conducted by the Goblins which has gone unnoticed. While individually weak, their mastery of such magics far exceeds that of Loilsv. Only your power, your full and unrestrained power, can break its hold upon your brother and many other children. This is why I was sent to you, my purpose from the Gods.

Valerie was crying properly by now as she ran back into her room.

Well of course I'll use the Words on myself then! Why didn't you tell me? We could have done it days ago! Oh Aurora, why is this happening. Abby, I'm frightened.

I am sorry Valerie. I wanted you to already have the solution before I told you, spare you the worry and the uncertainty.

Tell me what I have to do, please. Just tell me and I'll listen.

Of course. Do not fret, little thing; I have a plan for you.

- - -

As it turned out, the initial Inward Vows would be rather tricky and ironically not something to be done with little sleep. It would be left until morning, not that Valerie thought she'd be able to sleep that well.

Abby had helped calm her down a lot after their rather intense exchange. He had encouraged her that she was making greater progress and that the curse would take weeks to become dangerous. As long as she was willing to do what needed to be done, it would all be fine. They would start tomorrow.

Abby told her that a week from now, Thomas would be fine and her parents would be farewelling her as she set off to help all the other scions and notables similarly afflicted by the curse. She was going to be a hero, it would work out.

'You're sure Thomas will be fine,' Valerie asked one last time.

Yes Valerie, I am sure. Try to get some sleep.

Valerie felt herself actually be able to settle a little bit. Life could be such a whirlwind, but she kept repeating Abby's words to herself. It would all be fine. She was quite tired, her eyes were getting a little heavy.



I guess this means I'm going to be going on my first adventure. It won't be dangerous right? You'll look out for me?

Trust me Valerie. Soon enough, you'll love every second of it.
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....It is immediately apparent that there almost certainly wasn't any 'grand curse', but rather that the 'illness' is probably a direct result of Valerie carelessly using Words on people.

Aboleath is a nasty, manipulative little demon.

That, or we need to add 'goblin curses' to the steadily growing list of things Lilly should be concerned about.
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"Not̷̛͚̒ḥ̴̂ing w̴̰͛͆ort̶h̸ n̷otic̷͕̓ĭ̶̻ng he̷̘̕re," she had said, hoping to shield both herself and Mali from the consequences. Valerie had thought she'd put enough oomph behind the Idea, and was doubly thankful for Aboleath when she felt him add an extra push to it, clearly she would have undershot without him.
She'd heard some of the servants chatting about her mother apparently 'having a headache' since then. Which was obviously idle gossip, her family had access to magics that made such ailments trivial to remove.
I wonder if any of them are alive.
I mean, almost certainly not. Harvested for whatever potential they hold or just murdered by mind-fucked Valerie, to cut away sympathetic connections to that could be targeted.
Because in unlikely scenario her mom isn't dead, that order is still in her head. She's still forced to think her baby boy (and daughter too maybe) is not worth any attention.
Wow. Utterly diabolical.

If Aboleath turns out to be a demon like Evie, I understand the reputation they get for "exceeding secondary treaty conditions."

Playing on Valerie's insecurities (not smart enough is highly suspicious), her hope to be independent and recognized, her attachment to her brother, estrangement/fear of her mother, dislike of the governess, the national hatred of Goblins, dangling the dream of being a hero in front of her.

In particular, giving her real, honest happiness with the doll, and then taking it away with her brother's illness is near-flawless manipulation. Getting emotional and distracted, how could she even think to question Aboleath, who has been nothing but supportive and there for her?

Every angle that could be worked, got worked. All to make her more reflexive with using the power, and more willing to listen to Abby, who has allllll the answers. And if Aboleath is the only one worth talking to, it's that much easier to command people, right?

Going over the commands, it looks like Governess Shallia could very well be in power-induced catatonic depression, if not dead from neglect.

Valerie's mother is likely to have become similarly apathetic. I doubt she's still going to Balls and theatrical productions now. Was she becoming more withdrawn because of internal conflict with the order? That's especially tragic.

Hard to say if Thomas is still alive, given the circumstances. I suspect dead or dying.

Other details: Loilsv worships Aurora too, and Valerie knows who Aurora is. That could help smooth things over in the near future.
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