You call on any power, any patron, no matter the price, who might rescue you.

You'll never know how you managed it, but you feel the {True Song} twist and splinter into harsh hateful fragments.

The same color as our mysterious benefactor/True Song breaker as well... I believe. At least, it's the same color as "The Sanguine Ocean" part in Marigold's profile as well as where our spoiler quote does its Contract impression. The Ethos name is a brighter red if that is relevant.

Which... raises questions. Did Lilly unknowingly form a Contract with Flower there? Draw on the I-think-already-preexisting-one from her maternal bloodline? Make a new one in the moment? Is the spoiler quote perhaps Flower revealing this to Lilly and mocking how other entities usually make contract offers when Lilly responds "uh not what i signed up for?" on being told there's a Contract in effect? Would fit the increasing bets on Lilly that Evie observes between Flower and Colossi in the interlude immediately following the True Song break update if this was one of those two interceding, and I'd place my bet on it being Flower of the two.
No nukes per se,
But that would not stop them from scouring the landscape throughout the region clean of any human life then ordering Narisell to resettle it from the surrounding population centres.

Title of 2.4:
"These Things I Treasure"

9-10 different votes at the end of this one at this stage.

And you're going to get to meet a character I've been excited about since 1.1, they are just a big bundle of cuddles.
Here, look at the great things they say! "So scorned, the order they came twas not which they left. Four to be born, but three to hold breath."
Or other silly fun things like, "You get that for free just for accepting, the actual prize is even more powerful. So what do you say? Are you a waste of time, or do we have a Contract?"
I hope there isn't a lot of that very dark red text, Evie's text is much more tolerable. The dark red in black background is hard to read.
Gosh though, that's a lot of votes, why can't we get a simple update!

I just want some slice of life adventures in a fantasy setting instead of this constant spiral downward as the horror continues to increase!

I mean I'll still fight tooth and nail to save this world because at least some people in it are worth protecting, but gosh this is exhausting to read sometimes as the cosmic and mundane horror just continues to mount up and we don't get so much as a week to breathe.
Was this the left-field secret challenge?
No but I like your creativity.

I hope there isn't a lot of that very dark red text, Evie's text is much more tolerable.
I'm not intending to colourize it in the actual chapter.

I just want some slice of life adventures in a fantasy setting instead of this constant spiral downward as the horror continues to increase!
You'll just have to become powerful enough to force everyone to play nice. ;)
There are some happy feels this chapter.
just want some slice of life adventures in a fantasy setting instead of this constant spiral downward as the horror continues to increase!
it's okay, out of the five full days we've spent awake since getting our first Ethos we've only spent two fearing for our lives as powers way beyond ourselves have attempted to kill/subjugate us! This is a great ratio still! :V
You know, I wonder how combining a High Fracture and Low Fracture Concordance Ethos would play out. Could the Low Fracture Ethos provide us with a roadmap that used the High Fracture Ethos' powers to link shit together to achieve the outcome we want?
It's a shame we got [Temporal Redeemer] when we were on the run from the wolves and couldn't risk being knocked out, cause I'm gonna guess that one was High Fracture (and probably super high Tension), things would probably get trippy fast between [Cleaver of Fortune] and [Temporal Redeemer]
I feel like the left field detail is going to be something really subtle, like if we noticed the wolf early on for example. How long do the challenges last? Is it just until the next chapter?
Alright, having reread Chapter 1, I have two thoughts:
"Marius no! It's got reflecti-" you hear someone say, before a burning man missing an arm falls near you.
1) I had completely forgotten Marius had joined the One-Armed Bandit club, I guess we know what the Captain most likely wants our help with.
2) having reread the section about Myah and Harmuph I'm now more inclined to believe that she's suffering from something mundane like depression rather than an Inverted Ethos than I was before, though I still think her being affected by someone's Negative Essence is a likely threat to her.

wrt the left-field speculation, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but we've foiled the [Rapid Iterator]'s plans for Harmuph pretty thoroughly, I wouldn't be surprised if it decided to come after Lilly specifically to take away the Watch's new not-so-secret weapon. We've only taken out one of its relays so far after all, so it's not impossible that it might send another one in the near future.
Normally I wouldn't expect a Foundational Ethos to go after individuals, going from the description we saw it sounded like its guidelines shouldn't consider individuals so much as opposed to entire societies. However it's been mentioned that it was surprisingly strong and the way it corrupted Yolun to hurt the Silas family leads me to believe that it might have been twisted in some way by the ongoing Flower/Colossi conflict and might want to take revenge on Lilly for the defeat it has suffered.
Alright, having reread Chapter 1, I have two thoughts:

1) I had completely forgotten Marius had joined the One-Armed Bandit club, I guess we know what the Captain most likely wants our help with.
2) having reread the section about Myah and Harmuph I'm now more inclined to believe that she's suffering from something mundane like depression rather than an Inverted Ethos than I was before, though I still think her being affected by someone's Negative Essence is a likely threat to her.

wrt the left-field speculation, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but we've foiled the [Rapid Iterator]'s plans for Harmuph pretty thoroughly, I wouldn't be surprised if it decided to come after Lilly specifically to take away the Watch's new not-so-secret weapon. We've only taken out one of its relays so far after all, so it's not impossible that it might send another one in the near future.
Normally I wouldn't expect a Foundational Ethos to go after individuals, going from the description we saw it sounded like its guidelines shouldn't consider individuals so much as opposed to entire societies. However it's been mentioned that it was surprisingly strong and the way it corrupted Yolun to hurt the Silas family leads me to believe that it might have been twisted in some way by the ongoing Flower/Colossi conflict and might want to take revenge on Lilly for the defeat it has suffered.

I agree on Myah. Her essence lacks the foulness of the Rapid Iterators, which I'm fairly sure Inverted. It mainly feels pale not foul. She might be under some negative essence effects but I kinda doubt it's her.
Alright, having reread Chapter 1, I have two thoughts:

1) I had completely forgotten Marius had joined the One-Armed Bandit club, I guess we know what the Captain most likely wants our help with.
To be fair, the Watch increased the per capita arm count of Lilly's household back up to 2 from a previous low of 1.8.

It's only reasonable that the captain would want us to return the favor.
The problem with Marius that Lilly is needed for is not arm healing, or at least not just arm healing. The Essence corruption could have taken hold inside him like it did inside Lilly's father. That seems like something Lilly is needed for that a person from the Temple of Virtue couldn't resolve.
{Core Heart} and Evie-ish Picture 2.1
Ignore that fact the girl outline is too young, this is a vague idea of how I imagine the {Core Heart} looking, (which should also make it clear why Lilly didn't think showing it to Captain Martin would go over well with what you now know of inverted Ethea)

It's much akin to if a bunch of blood started inside the heart and began getting pumped outward before suddenly setting into solid crystal (and became visible despite being beneath the skin). Overall it has a sort of semi-melted glossy look. It also has that strange duality of being solid to the touch yet she flexing and bending to not obstruct Lilly's movements.

it's okay, out of the five full days we've spent awake since getting our first Ethos we've only spent two fearing for our lives as powers way beyond ourselves have attempted to kill/subjugate us! This is a great ratio still!
Exactly! There's always a light at the end of the murder tunnel.

things would probably get trippy fast between [Cleaver of Fortune] and [Temporal Redeemer]
Never a truer statement has been said.

How long do the challenges last? Is it just until the next chapter?
Depends on the challenge. Usually only until the next chapter is published.
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The {Core Heart} looks cool. Reminds me of a jellyfish, so Lilly and Evie might be matching now?

There's always a light at the end of the murder tunnel.
The light is an oncoming train, isn't it.

My next guess is that Myah's father is utterly heartbroken to the point of maddened desperation.
As a result, he's intentionally trying to force Myah to divert from and even invert her Ethos, in an effort to reanimate her mother and brother.
Myah may have already tried this before with her brother, if the Lore Warden's comment about a previous child returning from the dead was about Jeremy.
This effort will come to a head in 5 days, when the process goes horribly wrong in some fashion. Something like a partially reassembled, reanimated corpse starts causing problems, and a fight ensues. During or after the chaos, in his grieving rage, he strangles Myah.

This guess is partly based from my fixation on Lilly thinking 'Oh hell no' in response to the Captain's concern about the rose in the last update. Which got me thinking about what the Temple of Virtue preaches, how accurate it might be, what Aurora gets out of her notable investment in the Melange Layer, and how different people might take the preaching in different ways. If Myah's father feared for his wife and son's immortal souls, how far would he go to 'save' them? Also whatever hell is actually like in Lilly's universe, it probably sucks more than "normal" hell.

Other things are Myah calling Lilly a 'freak', which could have been projecting. If she was dabbling in necromancy, she might feel pretty freaky herself. Withdrawing from her friends also sends signals of fear and worry for herself and others. Easier to conceal a horrible truth, and protect them from being burdened with ill consequences. Given the opportunity, she wanted to run away from Harmuph, but she was afraid of the Diviner-what if it was because her father would pay any cost to the Diviner to track her down, so he could get her back to work? Other factors for the seemingly sudden timing might be Lamenters and Diviners being distracted with more work because of the Rapid Iterator, or decreased Watch presence inside of Harmuph from recent events, setting things up for risky necromancer activities.

There are multiple reasons why this might not be the case, but I wanted to put it out there anyway.
Non-Canon Omake: A Tale of Compassion
I'm a bit sore trying to swing for the fences, but I have another way to contribute to the thread. Possibly canon, most likely heresy, but today I have another tale to tell.

A Tale of Compassion

Long ago, when the First Kingdoms were being built in the Melange Layer, the Weavers were hard at work crafting Ethea. As civilization was blossoming, so were the different interactions, trades, stories, and causes that drive humans forward with passion, purpose, and Will. Hunters, seamstresses, conmen, priests, prostitutes, warriors, kings and even beggars were all paths that would be sought, and the Weavers worked tirelessly to provide the tools to pursue them wholeheartedly. The different Sources formed by the Progenitors provided flexibility and strength to Ethea of all different shapes and sizes, to help fulfill desires both subtle and gross.

One of the most talented Weavers at that time was known as Manoth the Compassionate. He deeply cared for the humans, and was continually inspired to create new Ethea to meet their needs. He had a true gift for manipulating and combining Essence, Pithe, Concordance, Flow, and Oaths into a variety of creative and useful tools. Some of his more Common designs are still distributed to the masses to this day. He was even occasionally commissioned by the Gods to create a Unique Ethos for one of their chosen followers.

It was on one such occasion where a God requested Manoth's assistance. A promising young warrior, devoted to the sword, had been ambushed by the cohort of a jealous rival, who maliciously cut off the warrior's hand "to correct the error of the assignment of such talent to an upstart peasant." An Essence healer managed to save the warrior's life, but the restoration of the hand was beyond the talents of anyone in the village and beyond reasonable expense to seek one out. Possibly more crucially, in three days' time the warrior was receive his Ethos, and he had cried out to his God to either grant him a means to be of worth, or to strike him down dead, for he felt it would be better to feed the crows than to left like this.

Manoth looked into the warrior's heart to see what Ethae would have a chance of binding to him, and was saddened at the pitiful selection that the warrior would barely resonate with. Ethae seek to enhance the momentum of the mortals they bind to, but where there is despair and rage with no recourse, all momentum of one's life comes to a halt. Still, the warrior's wrath had sufficient Will for a solution. Manoth worked tirelessly for three days and three nights, and finally crafted an Apothetic Ethos that would channel the warrior's boundless rage into forming a hand and blade of fire to strike down his enemies. This warrior would come to be known as Gregor of the Flame, and he would go on to perform many deeds of bravery and valor in the First Crusade.

Still, Manoth's eyes had been opened to a grave problem, and he put aside his work for a time to wander the mortal plane. He found that situations like the warrior had faced were not unknown. Not only would untimely tragedies end up limiting the Ethae selection of promising mortals, but the God's Tools would sometimes grow to be little more than yokes around a mortal's neck. In some cases, the hopes of childhood were dashed by the cruel realities of adulthood, leaving poets and sculptors to starve in times of war and famine. Other times, a bottleneck in the Ethos would form that a mortal would never have the opportunity to clear, such as a budding researcher being indefinitely denied access to further books by those with power over them.

In the most extreme cases, the mortal would twist and strain with their Ethos like a man squeezing into a jacket that no longer fits, until maximum Divergence is reached, causing the Ethos to rip at the seams, leaving…nothing. The poor soul would become a Talentless, and their lifespan would be measured in weeks. Not due to reasons of health, mind you (all men are born without Ethos and few would need it to keep their hearts beating and their lungs breathing), but of obsolescence. A [Tireless Laborer] could do more work, a [Deviant Wanderer] could pick more pockets, and even a [Threadbare Charmer] could gain more alms. The fate of the Talentless was to either starve, hang as an easily caught thief, or…leave on their own terms.

But what broke Manoth's heart most of all was the response of one's fellow man to this seeming oversight of the Grand Design. They saw this state of affairs not as a tragedy to be prevented, but a weakness to be exploited. "Let us maim and murder, rob and rape with reckless abandon," cried the bandit, the torturer, and the tyrant. "There will be no reckoning and no uprising if we choose our victims carefully. For plowshares may be beaten into swords, but no matter how a farmer is beaten, they will never have a prayer of raising weapons against us. Those who chose to be powerless at the age of majority deserve to be slaves of the powerful forevermore. And best of all, they will still work with their sickles and pitchforks regardless, for even a tool that causes bleeding and blisters is better than no tool at all."

Manoth wept at the injustice and misery that had befallen his beloved mortals, and he rushed back to his workshop to try and craft solutions for this problem. His mind was full of ideas, but time and time again he found that he could not make the Sources behave as he wished. It seemed that the Progenitors, for all their foresight, had not created their Sources to be worked to Ethae addressing despair, rage and rebellion. Solutions could be crafted eventually, but there was not enough time in the world to begin to meet the demands of the vast stretches of dissatisfied and hopeless humanity. In frustration, Manoth tore a ribbon of Pithe apart, and was surprised that instead of being diminished, the Pithe started to wildly expand in strange and unnatural directions. With great effort, the mutated Pithe was eventually neutralized, but as Manoth lay amongst the wreckage of his workshop, he felt the most strange and terrible of emotions…hope.

After careful experimentation, Manoth found that some of the limitations of the Sources could be subverted to create Inversions of the Sources: pliable, powerful, but unfortunately unstable. An imperfect solution, but one that would serve his purposes. He found that while a Talentless would never be able to attain another Ethos crafted by the Sources, the absence in their soul would allow one to slot in a dark reflection of its original design. An unappreciated [Lamenter] spitting out pain instead of diminishing it, a disgraced [Oathkeeper] being able to compel others to break their promises, an abused [Server of Man] being able to hurt their husband in a thousand personal ways. Manoth was able to quickly craft Ethae to meet the unmet Wills and desires of all the poor unfortunate souls he had encountered on his travels. Finally, as dawn broke at the end of the next Long Night, he distributed his Inverted Ethos to many of the Talentless, a symbolic beacon of hope in a time of despair, agency in a time of sloth, new life in a time of death.

The mortals, of course, misinterpreted his gifts, and the event eventually came to be referred to as the Dawn of Terror. Manoth was dragged in front of the Council to answer for his actions. He offered no excuses and made no pleas of mercy. He had gazed over the mortals as the Dawn broke, and for every burst of confusion and terror, he had also felt passion, vindication, and in a few instances, peace at finding one's purpose in life. He pointed down to the smiling face of another crippled warrior whose Ethos took but an hour to craft with Inverted Sources instead of 3 tireless days (history would remember this warrior as The Ripper). His deepest regret was that for most of the mortals, his gifts would only be able to fulfill their Wills for only a short time before madness and death overtook them. If he had had more time to experiment, surely he could do better.

The Council held a recess to deliberate. Some were repulsed by the "perversion" of the Sources granted by the Progenitors, while others decried granting a second chance to those that had "squandered" their prior gifts. As they pondered, the Council looked down to the Melange Layer to see the reaction of the mortals to the Dawn. Monsters capable of wiping out villages singlehandedly. Heroes evolving their Ethos to meet surprising new challenges. Guardmen providing the first full meal that their prisoners had ever received. Priests already declaring the Dawn as "a punishment from the Gods" for leaving their brothers and sisters to suffer in silence. Those Above saw a deterrent from excess abuse; those Below saw a means to grant monstrous power to the ambitious and the desperate. Both saw a way for those with ill-fitting Ethos to be granted a way to work their Will. A decision was made; these strange Inverted Ethos would be incorporated into the Grand Design.

The Council came back to pass their sentence. For the crime of distributing unauthorized Ethos, Manoth would be banned from creating Ethos using the traditional Sources, and to be confined to his workshop until the next passing of the Age. His penance would be the endless creation of Inverted Ethos, one to mirror every regular Ethos that had been created, as well as others suitable for gaining at the cusp of adulthood. These would act as "a last resort of purpose to those who have none." Manoth smiled as he was led away to his new "prison", his mind racing at all the different ways he could help the hopeless and forlorn.
Something that to me is obvious that we found out. Anyone who is a good concordance gets drafted and shipped away. If madam is a good seer then that means she's likely to be another spy. Otherwise, she will be fairly useless and her concordance power... may not even be concordance. Might be flow, might be something else. Probably not flow either, since they get drafted away as well.
I feel like she is likely to be an essence type seer. Using the link to origins and family ties to divine things and scry.

I don't think this would be one of the challenges. It's still an observation to be made.
Hmm, had a few thonks.

Lilly gets her Mastery Benefits earlier because she's a [Bloomling], doesn't she?

I mean, looking at Marigold for instance? She's not actually that much higher level than Lilly is (Level 15 to Lilly being level 14), and even without being a Multivector, she's got at least four milestones by my count (Hemokinesis has at least two milestones committed to raising her Grasp cap and possibly as many as three, Concept Lock at least one, and Reborn in Her Currents has at least one). When we include that she has four Sources attached to it which suggests at least two Dynamic Shifts (I'm presuming she didn't start with a four Source Ethos when the most we've seen in a single Ethos right out of the can is 2, and we've seen there's precedent for one of Lilly's level-ups expanding a greater power instead of just giving her a new category?

If she was tracking like a normal person would, she'd have only two Sources and only one skill with Grasp above 10 or so, since the Grasp cap is 10 unless you've spent a Milestone raising your cap.

And Lilly's mom is also insanely high levelled for a housewife with housewife powers, and we've seen she's managed to crowbar in "Address my husband's concerns with his children by psychically guiding their development along his thoughts and impressions" on top of whatever basic stuff she's got with [Service to Man]. We know you get XP by 'Doing things with your Ethos', and that suggests she's managed to expand her Ethos in such a way that she's pulling in insane amounts of Gravitas on a nearly daily basis (She's moderately ahead of the average levelling curve despite a lifestyle that almost never takes risks, so she's got some hot nonsense set up to be exceeding the average). Which suggests that she's getting a lot of Milestones herself (Just that she's optimized them accordingly for housewife life).

Does sort of fit the name? [Bloomlings] grow fast and strong.

It also explains why Colossi made its move to try and subvert Lilly. A [Bloomling] is arguably the best place to make a long term investment if the fast and strong growth is innate to the title, and it seems like it wasn't anticipating Flower to react so strongly and aggressively (Or alternately, thought it could take Flower).

EDIT: Shit, that's why we could fix Yolun, isn't it? And that's why Lilly's mom has been so out of it lately, she's been the one doing the hard work keeping Yolun glued together all this time. Essence doesn't have much power over the Mind after all, and we were told Essence directly synergizes with the other Sources and enhances them. We basically provided a place where Liatris could "Put" Yolun's mindstate in safely, and returned it afterwards. And we wouldn't have seen a thing because Lilly is blind to Flow Effects.

I imagine saving that mindstate of Yolun's and then returning it to him when the corruption was purged wouldn't have worked if Liatris wasn't doing Psychic Housewife things in the background easing things along.
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Marigold <> Lvl 15:
{Hemokinesis} Tier 31 "Life's nectar ran in every direction inside her, and them."
- Flow Override
- Origin Seek
- Vicious Memory
- Wed and Dead
Lvl 6: {Concept-Lock} Tier 20 "There is nothing new under the sun. All we are and could be is inside each other already."
- Borrowed with Pain
- Gifted in Grief
Lvl 8: {Reborn in her Currents} Tier 13 "The second birth is a poor imitation of the first. That which delivered us to our mortal homes."
- Lifeblood
- 'Family' Tree
Lvl 11: {Red Fountain} Tier 8 "Why seek the external? The yolk gushes forth."
- Tideswell
Looking at Marigold's sheet again myself I have to wonder if there's different tiers to Bloomlings or if Lilly has something else going for her in regards to being super OP and growing fast.

Cause Lilly gains a new power in her Ethos every Ethos level which doesn't interact with her multi ethos thing at all while Mary seems to have a gap where she levels up but doesn't gain a new power. Cause in my own opinion Lilly's growth rate is half because of having multiple ethea and half because each Ethos gets a new power (or greatly expands one as seen by level 3 & 4 Collective Communion). Like if Lilly's mom gained a new Housewife power every of her iirc 40ish levels than I think she would be more like the literal magical goddess wife you see some heroes in myth have.

Edit: Like Lilly doesn't just grow fast her level ups are also just super dense compared to everyone else we know of including a Bloomling with a Deific Ethos granted by Flower. One level for Lilly is just that much bigger than everyone else.

Also random thought but given how Lilly can potentially move sub-powers into different levels even if it's a bad idea I wonder what it says that Oaken Core and Attuned Locus were powers we started with in lvl 0 Golden Rapture but moved down the list when a better fitting power came up.
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