Alright so I've been doing some thinking about concordance.
For a totally (and I do mean totally) unhelpful hint on how Concordance works. Bubbles and Lines. Bubbles within Bubbles, bubbles around bubbles, Lines between Bubbles. Growing bubbles, shrinking bubbles. Subsuming bubbles. Not actually bubbles. There must be bubbles. Make Lines. Follow Lines. Leave the lines! Come back quickly though.
Now, the most important part of this is:
There Must Be Bubbles.
In other words, no matter how weird or confusing concordance is, the fact that these Bubbles MUST exist is a point which we can be confident is unlikely to change (and not take reality with it)
This implies that Bubbles are therefore more important than lines. Lines are still
very important, but you could make Lines even if you had no Lines (or at least, a lot lot less lines). But you can't have the
Lines without Bubbles, because
you must have Bubbles.
This therefore means that Lines are meant to connect Bubbles. Also, the lines are something that can be followed and even left, but if You do leave them you need to return.
If we can therefore figure out what the Bubbles are, in turn we can figure out what the lines are.
{The Ladder} is like a hundred thousand feelers all stretching out in every direction like a blind man finding his way through an unfamiliar space. Searching searching searching, reporting. It does not give me large packets of wisdom, but innumerable tiny ones most of which I never notice. They continually push me in slightly better directions.
Time to retire "Words of Guidance". This is part of {The Ladder} and if anything is like the {Rungs of Wisdom} built upon its frame. Though it makes more sense to just think of it as a more specific part of the whole like with some of the runes dad has taught me.
Where {The Ladder} searches searches searchs constantly, it somehow finds places for the {Rungs of Wisdom} to target and launch for. The things the Rungs return with are then decoded by {The Ladder} into the packets of knowledge I periodically recieve.
I'd wager that Ladder searches along the lines, using them as guidance to find Bubbles, which it attatches the rungs to, which act as relay points for important knowledge. Perhaps it doesn't use every Bubble for a Rung, but given the Bubbles are more important than the lines, I suspect the bubbles are where the information is able to be accessed.
|Upcoming Gravitic Juncture: 16 Seconds| Silas Family {{Slaughter}}, Liatris and Lilly Silas {{Fragment Harvest}} Event |Current Pre-Factor: 84%| |Current Post-Factor: -7%| Concord Node 'Lilly Silas' capable of circumvention? Yes. Gravitic Actor Factor: 58%
Since you guys are all circling quite close and Lilly is going to find out the specifics soon enough (though probably not 2.5), I'll just say it.
* The Event will occur in 16 seconds.
* Currently, 84% of the necessary actions and other Junctures leading up to this one have already occurred.
* This Event has not happened yet and so Post Revisions actually receive a bonus rather than a malus. Of course, Post Revisions are not technically revisions yet, they are scrying the future.
* Lilly possesses enough Influence to prevent this Juncture from following its formerly most likely path. ([Cleaver] will rarely bother to tell you about an Event you cannot change, except to stop you from wasting your time trying)
* Lilly's specific amount of influence compared to all other Factors is 58%. (Any and all Factors involved in a Juncture always add up to 100%, representing every possible variable involved)
** This report is itself a Post-Factor prediction allowing the Gravitic Actor 'Lilly' to use the 58% of total influence she possesses on the remaining 12% leeway for maximum effect. This is recursively adjusted; prior to receiving this report, 'Lilly Silas' possessed less than 58% of the total influence over the situation.
Now this mentions 'Gravitic Junctures' and 'Gravitic Actors', but what does this actually mean? Well, presumably it's talking about Gravitas.
What is Gravitas? Well, it's XP, but more than that - It's Metaphysical Weight. Ergo a Gravitic Juncture would be a Juncture that held this Weight, or why 'weighed' a lot more. Likewise, a Gravitic Actor would be someone whose decisions had weight on this event.
I don't think that this is entirely it, but... I suspect the Bubbles are
at least partly these Gravatic junctures.
Now for me to be probably even more wrong than I likely already am
What is time? A sequence of Events. If the Concord is Bubbles and Lines, and the Bubbles must exist, then the Bubbles must be events that happen, linked by lines, and we've seen the Term Fate Line thrown around before now in the spreadsheets. These bubbles might all be Gravatic Junctures, but I'm less sure of that - we don't have a lot of information after all - So I'm going to refer to them as 'Events' for accuracies sake, with Events Including.
I think that this is what most of thee Rungs of Wisdom on the Ladder are targeted at and draw information from. The Ladder itself uses the Fate-Lines as a kind of guide, extending along until they reach Junctures, then collect information from them, before sending the information back, where it is understood. A key part here is the Ladder doesn't just reach towards Pre-factored events, but towards post-factored ones as well, which is likely how we got the information about Martins source of disillusionment.
Imagine the Concord as a vast Rube-Goldberg machine with many moving balls. Ultimately, gravity will eventually win out and all balls will flow to their minimum resting point.
But on the way, levers, pulleys and other mechanisms can allow a ball that was travelling downwards to temporarily travel upwards and perhaps even interfere with another ball's path that was previously above it. Balls can hit rails to shift ramps thus altering other balls and causing those balls to influence balls etc. This cannot go on forever though, eventually Gravity will pull it all toward its eventual result.
This is... not how it works. For that, you'd need to find out about the bubbles and lines.
Alright, now I've had my go regarding Bubbles and Lines, lets have a look at you.
So where Bubbles and Lines was describing the semi-malleable nature of Events and connecting fate lines, this is more a mechanism for why you get Bubbles growing, shrinking, or subsuming each other. I.E. why can changing the past effect the future, and Changing the future alter the past?
Now first of all: The Balls are Neither Bubbles/Events, nor are they Lines. This is indeed not how it works, but rather an analogy for how altering events within the Concord can have knock on effects due to the
interconnected nature of Bubbles and Lines.
In this analogy, the force of Gravity is Post-Factoring, with the Rest State of a Ball being an analogy for an Event that has been Fully Post Factored. There is no way for us to use the Machine to nudge the ball anymore, and there is no way for the Event to be revised.
In the Bubbles and Lines methodology, it's less about events being knocked 'Up' or 'forwards' - It's about how changing events that are partially, but not completely, post factored inevitably
results in knock on changes, lines being redirected to Events that are now more likely to pass due to the changes made. These future events too are becoming post factored, and as time moves forwards, they become increasingly harder to alter especially after the Event occurs. You can potentially still change them, and thus have another series of intricate changes on the future, but inevitably the events will be fully post factored, their final outcome Inviolable (to mortals at least, Gods probably can do more, but even they'll have a limit).
Furthermore, it's possible for Chainging the Future to result in changes to the past: Revising a future causing someone else to forsee it and revise a post-factored event.
Now, let's talk about Fracture and Tension.
First of all, they are a result of the fact that we are Integrated into the Concordance. We, As a Concordance User, are a Concordance
Node. We were woven into the Concord in a way that most people Aren't, and as such we're metaphysically
part of the Bubbles and Lines. As we are attached to them,
we have the Ability to tug on the lines, and thus alter the Bubbles.
So, what do we have for both?
Fracture (for Mortals) can be intuitively shaped, but can only be used Innately - you cannot use something elses Fracture, just your own.
Tension (again for mortals) can be directed into a shape, but cannot be used intuitively. It can however draw from ones internal tension, or Tension can be channeled through you (you being a node and all, by definition things intersect through you).
Fracture I'm less sure on so take all of this next bit with a grain of salt, but Given asshole mcgees comments:
"Your Concordance Integration also has zero fractures; most unusual, a pity that its useless since your Tension is also equally blank."
Fracture is a measure of how much you disturbn the Concord: Imagine that a Concordance Node is a kind of Ornament placed on the Bubbles and Lines. For one perfectly placed on, it almost has no effect on the Concord, not disturbing anything unintentionally too much. But it can get cracks,
Fractures as it's Integrated, enough that Stuff ends up getting caught, and from it's position on the bubbles and lines, can pull in ways that wouldn't make sense from just looking at it's position in the Concord.
It's this which results in the more vulgar events of Concordance. Low fracture concordance doesn't get as much stuff (I'm unsure if fractures 'grab onto' Bubbles or lines), so it can only 'pull' at any lines or bubbles it would be 'connected' to regardless of the Fracture level. But, because it's also not tangled up, it doesn't have to worry about a stray Bubble or line getting pulled unintentionally. High fracture levels are surrounded by stray Lines and can pull on unexpected parts of the Concord, but because of that they might just pull slightly wrong and accidentally pull things in a different way than they intended.
To those with the Ability to sense Fracture, it would also be harder to sense a low-fracture user, because they don't pull on the concord in awkward ways as much.
Tension then, is just that:
how hard you pull on the Lines. Low Tension means that you can only give the concord very gentle tugs, but the advantage is that you don't risk breaking anything, and hey, a tug in just the right way can make all the difference. High tension gives the Lines a Big Ol YANK whenever you do it, which risks breaking them, but you're
definitely getting a result from it if it doesn't break.
The interesting part is that Tension is something that is both Innate and Channeled. Again, little less certain here, but I think I have something that's close if you squint:
Let us assume that Innate refers to the Line/bubble that the Concordance Node is on (I.E. our current 'Fate'). Innate Tension would be pulling on solely this Line, and presumably any lines connected to you by Fractures. Channeled then would be temporarily taking nearby lines and channeling them through you, as the Concordance Node. I'm far less sure how Fracture would affect this, but for Low Fracture like us, It's
probably to do with Potential futures. What the path could be, instead of the Path you're currently on.
Alternatively, Channeled could refer to any lines snagged by fractures, and Innate the Line that you are currently on. We don't have enough knowledge to know the spcifics of how our more Vulgar Concordance Abilities work.
To those with the sense to see, Tension is probably noticing how hard the Lines are being pulled, or if anyone is pulling on them at all. I think it should be noted that Senus detected us during an update where we didn't use Sample Space, so I think we can assume he was detecting our Low Innate Tension, Since I'm pretty sure Sample Space is a skill that makes use of both Channeled Tension and our high Untuit for fracture to grabe nearby Llines and yank them .
Anywasy, I'm sleeply, and this got the hell away from me.