I feel that Lilly has racked up more wins than losses, it's just that her circumstances are "a hail of gunfire that somehow keeps missing." She helped the Watch handily fight back the Alphas on the Great Ride South, she helped her team all survive during the fight against the Relay, she's avoided being taken by a sociopathic lord, she is gaining stalwart allies and she's healed her father's lycanthropy and Marius' Mana-Curse. Not to mention that she's growing into her new powers at a speed which would almost seem overpowered if not measured against the sheer density of challenges that keep coming her way.

...Let's just hope her luck holds up during this chapter as well.
I remember Slyvena has quite explicitly told us that he completely intended to hand out an immense amount of spinning plates and have us pick and choose which ones to keep spinning and which ones to stop and crash into pieces - it's just that our Ethae picks and Cleaver especially have allowed us to keep them all spinning so far.

Edit: quote
Aye, it (The Ladder) really has come in clutch. I never imagined you'd have a shot at keeping every plate up in the air, the intention was more for you to choose which ones to let shatter whilst inevitably dropping a couple others.
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Something I've been wondering about here is how is lifespan for Humans and mortals in general. Ethea improve people to various degrees and magic exists, so I wouldn't be too surprised if Higher level people tend to live somewhat longer (assuming they dont die to other high leveled dangers), as a consequence of their ethos and as a consequence of power granting them more resources. As is, I wouldn't be too surprised if say Lilly could live indefinitely due to her improved body just from Dream Within The Forest, though she arguably has one of the better ethos for that type of thing. Of course, age could also be more than a physiological thing and be something metaphysical as well (though people have the ability to do magical things which could potentially counteract these metaphysical effects).

In say Harmuph and perhaps Narisell as a whole, the effects might be relatively small, but I could see this having huge political consequences in say Lira or Molain.
I think there were some implication on someone having reached the hundreds in their ethos, so life extension methods probably exist.
Also, there is that "guy" that is searching for godhood in her empty kingdom. I think there are good chances she is somewhat immortal at least in the getting old sense. Also, let's avoid her, no matter what.
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Yeah, concerns about getting old are wrong-end-of-the-telescope territory for now :)

I'm less intrigued about it for say Lilly and more intrigued about it for say understanding Lilly's enemies and the world itself. High level (past level 100) people sound terrifying, especially when backed up by experience and knowledge. But it also could be useful as a wedge because if say the older generations essentially control everything, this is going to create discontent among the lower officials as they struggle to advance when old folks have all the good positions and keep all the best resources to themselves. You can probably manage this using Flow effects, but this would still be a vulnerability we could utilize.

We are likely, if we survive, going to end up fighting against kingdoms and understanding how to properly wedge ourself to gain followers will be important. Lilly cannot do this alone and understanding where to properly wedge ourselves is something that will help us build followers. In the low countries, the Tithe seems like one such wedge, but its a dangerous one as Lira and Molain have way more power and we also don't really know how much. Ideally we would also like to split them as well.

Of course if some high leveled people are even close to the level of say that spirit that just talked to us, that will not even be close to enough.
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Lilly is going to have herself a private army by the end of conquering the dungeon.
And if she wants to recruit the town and its people her new ethos may be able to help with that. If emboldening everyone's desire to join Lilly and go on an adventure.

Tho what's the point? Running away from Lord Waters into another country? Seek out other dungeons? Get more powerful and then what.
In the current situation it's like becoming the Mongols, loot, recruit, build a new roaming nation. And then later on turn it into a bastion to weather the apocalypse. Hmm.

Beating Waters concordance ethos that's said to be able to make the ground itself turn to become our enemy.
Lilly's domain combined with Petal, Wild affinity, and sympathetic linkage could likely do that as well, just from the essence side.

Thinking further then a day. Tomorrow Lilly's going to subjugate the dungeon with her new minions. And then... a week or two to fix Zack. Veronica. Myah's probably saved.
At the current rate before the 2 weeks are up and having subjugated the dungeon another disaster's likely going to pop up, probably the entity's game.

Lilly wanted adventure. :V And she has gotten an amazing quantity of it with amazing quality within her hometown.
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I'm less intrigued about it for say Lilly and more intrigued about it for say understanding Lilly's enemies and the world itself. High level (past level 100) people sound terrifying, especially when backed up by experience and knowledge. But it also could be useful as a wedge because if say the older generations essentially control everything, this is going to create discontent among the lower officials as they struggle to advance when old folks have all the good positions and keep all the best resources to themselves. You can probably manage this using Flow effects, but this would still be a vulnerability we could utilize.

We are likely, if we survive, going to end up fighting against kingdoms and understanding how to properly wedge ourself to gain followers will be important. Lilly cannot do this alone and understanding where to properly wedge ourselves is something that will help us build followers. In the low countries, the Tithe seems like one such wedge, but its a dangerous one as Lira and Molain have way more power and we also don't really know how much. Ideally we would also like to split them as well.

Of course if some high leveled people are even close to the level of say that spirit that just talked to us, that will not even be close to enough.
I'd expect higher-level individuals to have significantly longer lifespans for sure. Less because of their own Ethos, but because I'd expect higher levels correspond to higher social status in the big kingdoms, so they'd be receiving support and care from those under themselves, so that a Pithe-fighter would still get the benefit of Essence-based life extension for example.
Still I'm pretty sure none of them rate at the same threat level as the Colossi sublet we just talked to, since they still exist under the various limiters most humans live under, while extraplanar entities like the sublet don't. The closest in powerlevel is probably that one person who's trying to achieve divinity, but I doubt that's a particularly close comparison still.
I liked Ethea from my googling more than the other options because it is an already established pattern in English for some words to be pluralized that way. Ethae felt a bit more archaic and didn't gel as nicely with all the more modern sounding words constantly surrounding it.
Ethea or Ethosi should be as correct as can be.
In the bottom right of the stat screen, there is an example of permanently merging multiple ethos powers and there are additions to... whatever the xp allocation calculation thing is, which got an update.
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Ethea or Ethosi should be as correct as can be.
Really, the correct plural form of "Ethos" in English is either Ethea (using the original Latin/Greek plural) or Ethoses (using the native constructive grammar of the English language).

Any spelling involving 'i' is either hypercorrect (misapplication of a real rule in the wrong context) or just plain wrong :)
Oh, one thing I was wondering @Slyvena: when Lilly creates an Essence Formation, does she have to maintain an Essence link to it for it to remain stable or is it stable on its own?
Something I've been wondering about here is how is lifespan for Humans and mortals in general.
This will get into the altered economics and demographics of this world if we get that far. Probably will become relevant if we get to the season of Sanguine.
Harmuph doesn't give an accurate picture of how most people live.

Oh, one thing I was wondering @Slyvena: when Lilly creates an Essence Formation, does she have to maintain an Essence link to it for it to remain stable or is it stable on its own?
She could sure up a less stable one with a link, but {Applied Current} is specifically geared to creating minor formations that can sustain themselves off ambient Essence without Lilly's direct support.
The Applied current is Essence Enchanting. I wonder how much cheating it is. Domain trait and 2 Ethoses. I wonder if the cheating can be pushed even higher if Lilly covers the enchanted object with her domain.
The forest dream has mentions of Essence Spellcraft, which Lilly is still ignorant of. Perhaps related to Thread Compression.

A note on Thread Compression. Lilly uses it to heal. But I think it's not a healing power at all, Dream Within a forest isn't an healing ethos. I think Thread Compression is a trait enhancing power, Lilly so far has only enhanced Healing so far.
Thread compression speeds up natural processes, Lilly uses it on healing. Think it compresses time for Essence threads. A bit like Magnify. It could probably be used alongside wild affinity to rapidly grow plants and control which direction they grow. Speeding parts of a persons strands up might fuck em up as well, if it's targeted.
Compression might allow Lilly to do what Magnify doesn't. Expel a lot of force in a short timeframe. Compression allows Lilly, on herself, to get 150 times more healing for the same amount of time. Now, if she used thread compression to enhance the physical force her body outputs the same way.
Or 15 times for allies. That 15 times, tho probably lessened, strength, toughness, or other types of boosts applied through sympathetic linkage.

It'd probably work together to a much superior degree if Lilly used Wild affinity to take control of plant life and animals to applied these effects.

A random thought. What would it take Lilly to make the forest come alive and move with her? A walking forest biome.
Change the dream forest to be capable of moving, and then fuse it with the one in the waking world.
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Hmm, I'm actually going to put down a consideration for whenever it comes up.

[] [AC] {Melded Carapace} requires us to be wearing armor, but we don't have any. We do have {Constructs}, which we haven't tried out yet. Try using {Constructs} to make some armor.
I wonder if the Weavers get status reports on what their Ethea are doing, and just what Lilly is doing when she uses them.

Well, Evie said that "quite a few of your sisters up here are rooting for you", but it's unclear whether that means Bloomlings in the afterlife or other Weavers or what have you. It's also going to be a bit tricky to find out, since Lilly's connection with Evie and the [Tower] probably makes her more of an authority on "what's up with the other layers" than any mortal she knows. We know that Flower and the Colossi are invested, but it's hard to say how much investment Weavers have with those who take up their Ethea. We might learn more once we get to Level 5 of an Ethos which doesn't have Flower's fingerprints all over it.
Hmm, I'm actually going to put down a consideration for whenever it comes up.

[] [AC] {Melded Carapace} requires us to be wearing armor, but we don't have any. We do have {Constructs}, which we haven't tried out yet. Try using {Constructs} to make some armor.
...Actually, could we tie Melded Carapace into Primordial Chassis somehow? ...Still don't know why on earth we picked the using armor skill when so much of our stuff is basically obviating the need for armor...
Hmm that's an idea can we use a Minor Relations Slot to temporarily connect Primordial Chassis and Melded Carapace since that should be in the realm of of a minor slot
...Actually, could we tie Melded Carapace into Primordial Chassis somehow? ...Still don't know why on earth we picked the using armor skill when so much of our stuff is basically obviating the need for armor...
Hmm that's an idea can we use a Minor Relations Slot to temporarily connect Primordial Chassis and Melded Carapace since that should be in the realm of of a minor slot
Initially we picked the Melded Carapace during the chase when we were running to the town to warn everyone, I think it was even in the middle of battle or right before the first clash, so of course we tried to pick something we thought would be useful.

It did not work then, but we were able to make use of it afterwards, when we did reach the Watch, were given actual armor and enchanted for protection.

I think Major Relations Slot could help us with a Permanent Merger, but as written I am unsure if we are willing to remove In Thy Likeness entirely, not to mention the price of switching everything off for "a couple of weeks" - at the time we are running from one crisis to another. Minor Relations Slot in that case might help by adjusting the particulars of how the Permanent Merger works, but that is going to be a significant undertaking.
...Actually, could we tie Melded Carapace into Primordial Chassis somehow? ...Still don't know why on earth we picked the using armor skill when so much of our stuff is basically obviating the need for armor...

I asked, apparently not in its current form, and because the way {Primordial Chassis} works means leaves {Melded Carapace} as a suboptimal thing to crowbar in with it (Since at it's baseline form, the way it works is that "Your entire body counts as being as well protected as your best protected part... Except {Primordial Chassis} already works that way")

It's an AT-Field, not actual armor. And Pithe is very bad at pushing outside its comfort zone even if you disregard how Divinity is made of weirdness and OCP shit that are hard to crowbar into the baseline Pithe manifestations. Which isn't to say that it's bad, it's just a victim of the whole "The ride never fucking stops" thing--it'll be great once we can get even some basic newbie gear."
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Wild affinity might be able to be upgraded to life affinity with a major relations slot.

That sub power is fairly needless as it is, but it makes connections and manipulation with wild things easier.

So expanding wild to life to count humans and potentially other sapients within its domain would be grand. It'd be a major boost.

Potential major relations upgrade to carapace, make it possible to apply its effects onto your minions. Your troops. Your squad. Your army.
Either everyone gets an minor defense body, perfectly fitting great, or potentially even something op like the singers damage distribution.
It would be marginally more useful.

[] [AC] Connect to all the wildlife within your range with {Symphetic linkage} and {wild affinity} to expand your senses further, see the world like you do your dream. Keep it active at all times.

Lilly has proven to be remarkable at getting use to new and foreign inputs. If she connects to the soil, weather, animals, insects, worms, plants, fungi, and natural processes then she can lower her powers divergence even further. Also it's good for an alarm same monitoring system. Goddess Lilly is always watching.

Expanding this to encapsulate {whispers of life} as well would mean lily has access to post cognition. A temporal sense that expands into the resent history. Another layer of new input. Aware of not just what is going on, but everything that has been going on. Goddess Lilly knows all.

[] [AC] Expand and use your domain alongside your use of powers. Get use to incorporating it into everything you do and trying to enhance your actions with it.

Since Lilly can expand her domain she could likely heal a lot better if she used it to enhance her essence manipulations. Besides, who knows how the domain can flow, perhaps it can twist and swirl as her powers do.
From pith, concordance, essence, perhaps flow and oath too. Having absolute Dominion over an area sounds like a door to cheats. Which I suspect Lilly hasn't had time to explore.
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