Lilly is like a goddess, isn't she. Saving the day just like that, as of it where nothing at all. Now with a flow ethos that thrives on heroics, for the sale of making followers.
The first to witness her in actions, boosted by the new ethos, are here family. Personally saved was well.

I wonder what it must have felt like to witness Lilly dismantle Valerie, save them, and abduct her.
Now boosted by the flow ethos too. Assuming it has a passive effect that matches said flavour text, might not.


The spoiler bits we've gotten suggest things didn't exactly go fantastically, for all that it hasn't been a Game Over and the Valerie Problem has been neutralized, and it suggests the reason for this is because we relied on Concordance to help, because somehow {Sample Space} doesn't give us good data but it still fires off

But the good roll on Shine is nice!
I'm pretty sure that the {Sample Space} malfunction is Child of the Maw's little..."game". It's noticeably outside Concord. It could absolutely produce that effect.
I'm pretty sure that the {Sample Space} malfunction is Child of the Maw's little..."game". It's noticeably outside Concord. It could absolutely produce that effect.

Well, it might be that spirits like Aboleath get some degree of "immunity" from Concordance, and I'm guessing [Sample Space] is somewhat reliant on Lilly being "the only variable" a la Groundhog Day. [Sample Space] could choose an action that was "the perfect move" the first time around, but once your opponent knows it's coming, they'll react differently.
Well, it might be that spirits like Aboleath get some degree of "immunity" from Concordance, and I'm guessing [Sample Space] is somewhat reliant on Lilly being "the only variable" a la Groundhog Day. [Sample Space] could choose an action that was "the perfect move" the first time around, but once your opponent knows it's coming, they'll react differently.
Usually half a second timeframe for crazy stunts is impossible to react to.
Another factor may be Evie helping, since we would need to use relations or understand her abilities better to account for her stuff.

Myah may also be using her powers to buff Lilly, which may make Lilly over-perform from the simulation.
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Myah may also be using her powers to buff Lilly, which may make Lilly over-perform from the simulation.
...That's not how any of this works, Edifier. That's something that would already be factored in. Our new Ethos pick, though...If it's still downloading, at least, it could probably do Something Funky, if it's not the Maw.
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The spoiler bits we've gotten suggest things didn't exactly go fantastically, for all that it hasn't been a Game Over and the Valerie Problem has been neutralized, and it suggests the reason for this is because we relied on Concordance to help, because somehow {Sample Space} doesn't give us good data but it still fires off

But the good roll on Shine is nice!

I still think that the sample space we planned to use went well, but then the ability failed when we reactivated it to get an advantage against Aboleath.
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I really don't see it. It's always been a second person/narrator talking to or about Lilly, with the obvious exception of something like [Dissolution of the Self], which speaks much more directly in its threats.

You have played the part of the good daughter whilst guarding the true feelings of your heart and desires for the future carefully. Though it was never your deliberate intention, you are in fact a well practiced and expert liar. Capable of convincing even yourself that every lie is a necessity and burying any guilt that might expose you. To embrace a life of deception in many forms big and small would be a tremendous departure both from what direction you expected your life to take and from what you consider an honourable path. It would however give you immediate and potent tools to become a free roaming woman beholden to no-one. This is an extreme option, could you even really return home with such an Ethos? Could you break your parents heart by having them behold a daughter holding such an ignoble future?
The bold text here is pretty clearly Lilly's commentary, and even the rest of it could be argued as still her. Compare with Temporal Redeemer, say.
[Temporal Redeemer] (Mythic): Concordance
She wished she could take it back, so she did. He missed the mark by a mere moment, except he actually didn't. The forward facing path is merely a suggestion to those who know the more crooked and interesting tracks, though beware what sort of wild things can be found outside the bounds of the causal. A promise need not be kept if it was never given. The loan never taken need not be repaid. The timeless are few in number, and jealously guard their domain
This one, on the other hand, has little to no input from Lilly, being fully the Ethos's sales pitch.
By the way, I think that the bubbles in concordance aren't possible futures, but possible events which have a significant weight. Would explain why we don't need high fractures to change what happens between two of them, while "a future" would be an omni-comprehensive concept. To not talk about the recent development of {The Ladder}.

Also, when we get the chance we should get the anti-concordance power that [Cleaver of Fortune] offered us multiple times. I think it would help a lot if we consider that high fracture users don't seem to be directly counterable in a fight.
This one, on the other hand, has little to no input from Lilly, being fully the Ethos's sales pitch.
Sure, [Temporal Redeemer]'s description has a different tone, as does [Limited Coordinate] for example, but I see no systematic difference in Ethos descriptions over time, that's what I'm disagreeing with there. [Quickwrit Stenovoker] comes after [Temporal Redeemer] for example and goes back to the earlier type of description:
[Quickwrit Stennovoker] (Common): (Mana) | Unique
Your father forced hour upon hour on you learning the most basic of runic carvings to the utmost height of meaningless precision. You harbour a unique and profound dislike for such mind numbing perfection and reject it utterly. Good enough is literally good enough, you will walk a path none before you have ever taken. What others spend hours to etch into unmoving stone to last generations, you instantly manifest into the air itself for immediate effect. You don't need a barrier that will last for two years in two weeks, you need one that will last two seconds now. Your only limit is what you can design.
...It was literally crafted for Lilly. It's going to have a very well-tailored pitch.
Then pick literally any other, [Overlooked Maiden], or [Obstinate Rejection] for example:
[Overlooked Maiden] (Common): (Flow)
You are exceptional. You know it, the evidence is clearly written on the wall for anyone bothering to look. Yet time and time again no one even considers you might be more than meets the eye. Each uncovered peculiarity is immediately presumed to be your sole defining feature. When something of note is discovered, you are presumed too young or naïve to contribute to the discussion. This is the story of your life, zero to twelve. So be it, ignorance and assumption have been your chains since birth, but you will make your bindings theirs. Be passed over in plain sight, dismissed from suspicion with casual ease. Witnesses won't be able to place your face. After-action reports will conflict with each other. You are the Forgotten Enigma, less than wind.

[Obstinate Rejection] (Rare): (Oath)
Your commitment is a razor-sharp edge, a crushing force, a scything glaive. You will not be deterred from your beliefs. You cannot be convinced to relent. If the whole world disagrees than it is the whole world that must be corrected for their error. Every denial armours you further, every dismissal further hones your blade. The words that have hurt you are now your sticks and stones, break their bones at your leisure.
I don't see how those are structurally different from the first Ethea we were offered in their description style.
I don't see how those are structurally different from the first Ethea we were offered in their description style.
Because they contain facts about the Ethea's powers. Stuff Lilly really doesn't quite have any way to know. (...I'm reasonably certain that I've somehow mangled the grammar on this word the thread has completely made up.)

...Also, I really have to wonder if that "Namesake is a lesser version of Truth in Name" confidence Lilly had back when she last saw either is actually well-founded.
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(...I'm reasonably certain that I've somehow mangled the grammar on this word the thread has completely made up.)
lol, If you want the official QM canon than at first I used Ethos as both a singular and plural before eventually transitioning to Ethos being singular and Ethea being plural.
So Ethea's would have been the current correct grammar as you were talking about what you think a plural of Ethea possess.
...Also, I really have to wonder if that "Namesake is a lesser version of Truth in Name" confidence Lilly had back when she last saw either is actually well-founded.
It is, QM has a quote here somewhere when I asked if taking an ethos would make more advanced versions less likely to show up, he said how most ethos aren't like Namesake and Truth in Name being just more and less advanced versions of each other

So that's confirmed at least (I'll try to find the quote itself when I have time)
...Still wondering where we got Ethea from if it wasn't a particularly persistent typo. I think it technically should be Ethae. But spellcheck doesn't like that one either, so I have no idea why I do.
Having [Brave Blood] will not prevent you from choosing [Blessed Armsman].

[Brave Blood] and [Blessed Armsman] are not related to each other. Very few Ethos have rarity progressions like [Namesake] and [Truth in Name] do. It is entirely possible to pick up a broad Ethos based around a general concept, then pick up a more unique Ethos that focuses on a particular subset down the line.
There is a slight negative pressure to the unlock chance of Ethos of which you already possess a similar expression. But there is a lot of room for doubling up, a set of three Mana based, Pithe based and Essence based Ethos could all be selected and only moderately reduce the chance of each others availability. But if you picked up an Ethos something along the lines of 'master swordsman', expect to probably never have a sword based Ethos come up again, the concept is too narrow.
Here's the quote I said I'd go get now that I have time :D

It's in the Spoiler box
...I wonder if there's higher rarities along the lines of [Truth in Name].

...Also, anybody have any insights on the stuff that happened last update? We're still missing at least one secret.
Bit of a writing update. Some of the scenes are suffering from some nasty writers block. For reasons I cannot fully explain myself I sometimes hit sections of writing that are incredibly hard to push through.
The good news is that being the stubborn Ox that I am, my default coping mechanism is to just force myself to write out little 200-300 word increments each day until I have slowly ploughed through the obstacle. 2.5 is at least 80% written and the last 10% of it will be very quick to write.
I am quite keen to get it out to you guys as there are some pretty great moments to enjoy, but it's looking like the chapter itself won't be out until after the weekend.

Blessed Homunculus is going at a regular pace.

...Still wondering where we got Ethea from if it wasn't a particularly persistent typo. I think it technically should be Ethae. But spellcheck doesn't like that one either, so I have no idea why I do.
I liked Ethea from my googling more than the other options because it is an already established pattern in English for some words to be pluralized that way. Ethae felt a bit more archaic and didn't gel as nicely with all the more modern sounding words constantly surrounding it.
Yeah, I know that feel, guess I've got my fingers crossed in hopes I get to see it before heading back to work.

God though but I'm super on edge about this nonsense...
I'm just here thinking "the extra L in Lilly's name is symbolic of the Ls she keeps taking".

I feel that Lilly has racked up more wins than losses, it's just that her circumstances are "a hail of gunfire that somehow keeps missing." She helped the Watch handily fight back the Alphas on the Great Ride South, she helped her team all survive during the fight against the Relay, she's avoided being taken by a sociopathic lord, she is gaining stalwart allies and she's healed her father's lycanthropy and Marius' Mana-Curse. Not to mention that she's growing into her new powers at a speed which would almost seem overpowered if not measured against the sheer density of challenges that keep coming her way.

...Let's just hope her luck holds up during this chapter as well.