It's not about willing something's fate to change, it's setting up a Rube Golberg style thing where you make a specific move and it causes a desired outcome to happen, right?
We'll leave the specific mechanics for when Lilly figures them out. But you are right in that it corresponds far more closely to Lilly guiding her own actions rather than imposing onto other things.

Actions she take have disproportionate ripple effects when she surges Concordance along with them.
The 'Surge' mechanic itself was Lilly misunderstanding her powers fundamental operation. When she figures it out it will become clear what the Surge's really were. It's a bit like heating a kettle to use the steam to push a turbine to move something. It technically works, but is not what it is meant for. Which is why even with surges she still was only able to influence minuscule things.

can you imagine where we'd be without [Ladder]?
Aye, it really has come in clutch. I never imagined you'd have a shot at keeping every plate up in the air, the intention was more for you to choose which ones to let shatter whilst inevitably dropping a couple others.

Mathew had already gotten paid
Mathew himself wasn't paid. Yolun didn't so much 'call in a debt' as simply talk with Mathew's father with whom he has some significant good will built up. Mathew was expecting to find a spoilt brat with her father wrapped around her finger dreaming about heroics and adventure without being willing to put in the work to achieve it.

and I'm sensing a bit of a cultural theme that female Essence users are viewed as a bit more...exploitable
Not much more than a man would be. It just comes with the territory of being a good support but lacking much personal power. Perhaps unfortunately, cultural weight means more women choose that kind of Ethos, but the exploitation is surprisingly equitable (they are all shat on equally).

Not to mention that Lilly's enhanced perception is so very, very key to her skillset at this point, that it's difficult to imagine what she'd be like without it.
There is a bit of negative pressure for selecting powers that would 'double up' in unhelpful ways. So perception powers that are inferior to Essence Sight are less likely to be offered. By this point you'd have likely gained a perception power from another Ethos. Perhaps a 'pick up on subtle cues' from [Intuitor] or something like that. It would be a very different Quest, that's for sure.

a gigantic ego whore based on their title
{Flower}: I cannot change the fact that I am profoundly magnificent. Stating anything less would be an outright lie.

Also, we should keep in mind that Mana can do basically anything. It's limited to the conceptual focus, but conceptual powers can be stretched to ridiculous lengths. For example, the "Nature" focus of that Sorcerer we saw earlier could be stretched into mind shields via "preventing alterations to the natural mind-state" or some such.
Not impossible, but would definitely require an appropriate Spellworks from which to construct the spells. Which you can find in various places or do the hard work yourself and build the knowledge from the ground up. Captain Martin would have access to some basic elemental varieties.
The Conceptual focus is which kinds of Spellworks the Ethos finds easier as well as what meta-mana powers it is likely to align with, but it does not forbid a mage from branching into unrelated Spellworks.

My point is Mana is awesome and should not be overlooked
Especially if you pick up a couple of them. The early learning phase is a bit of a bottleneck, but past that you could get some amazing stuff happening.

Oath has to be consensual outside inversion
Oath has a lot more hoops to jump through, but can be one-way. Consent is the shortcut, forced Oaths are possible but there is almost always a better way to do it. The energy spent weakening an opponent directly with Oath would be many times more effective if used to empower an ally.

Oath also seems important to understand/interact with the underlying system of ethea
The Soul in general really. Your Domain is somewhat optimised for interacting with Ethea and as such has some necessary soul-perception, but its a bit of a hodge-podge without Oath.
Aye, it really has come in clutch. I never imagined you'd have a shot at keeping every plate up in the air, the intention was more for you to choose which ones to let shatter whilst inevitably dropping a couple others.
I'd say that Subversion is also getting work done, and most importantly for the current situation it does it quietly like the Cleaver of Fortune. A tiny application to cause a lapse in concentration and awareness allowed Lilly to slip away from that goon of Waters' earlier, as well as burning down the infohazard-infection before it did serious permanent damage. Probably not nearly as comprehensive as a proper Flow-Ethos, but even if Lilly never uses it to twist someone's mind to a breaking point, it will still have been worth it.
Not impossible, but would definitely require an appropriate Spellworks from which to construct the spells. Which you can find in various places or do the hard work yourself and build the knowledge from the ground up. Captain Martin would have access to some basic elemental varieties.
The Conceptual focus is which kinds of Spellworks the Ethos finds easier as well as what meta-mana powers it is likely to align with, but it does not forbid a mage from branching into unrelated Spellworks.
Hmmm. I think I will be pushing hard for getting the previously seen Sorcery and Quickwrit Stennovoker Ethea if they pop up again. Unless there happens to be a powerful learning-focused Flow Ethos available, and even then only if it allows it to be applied to Spellworks on top of everything else. Actually, considering that Ethos-selection depends often on Lilly's situation, maybe getting a Mana-Ethos first might lead to something like that popping up...
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Huh, Flower's own text is apparently lime green?

which means the dull red we've seen from the hints is not from Flower.



I wonder.

Does this mean that [Bloomlings] aren't necessarily Flower's chosen, but instead, Flower makes a point of being the middleentity for other Transcendents to create Chosen Ones? Create a foundation anyone can use, stamp their own maker's mark on it, and then auction them out to other Transcendents and watch the fireworks?
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Isn't the dull red text from Maw? -has not double-checked.

I wonder. How well could [Cleaver of Fortune] pair up with {Subversion} and {Rest State}. Since well. The changing of behavior could be done through Subversion, since that is a tool specific to that, with Ply The Line feeding information to it, and finally Rest State returning to the original condition.
It could be a power multiplier, like leverage, or pullies, or specialized tools that take a bit of load off of concordance.
Lilly's actions can be directed with {Subversion}, while the control of how they are interpreted, the ripples sent down the line, can be left to channeling concordance.

Lilly is The Cleaver, and with the ethoses power controlling how Lilly cleaves her fortune. {Subversion} I see potential to give more flexibility to the power.

It's kindof like how in {sample space} the power puppets Lilly. But instead {Ply The Line} is designed for general use from finding ways to manipulate others, making right actions to get you to complete a goal, or finding out things that you have no right of knowing.
Guiding Lilly to make choices for her own benefit, guiding Lilly to take the right actions and send out the right signals to people. With {subversion} specifically the social aspect can be enhanced, she can appear and be genuine for any situation and any end she aims for. At least I get the sense that Subversion adds another layer of subtlety and flexibility on top. Before it could do it with mundane actions, directing and using essence and pith. Yet deific's subversion can pair up and make mundane use more felixible. Dunno about the other Deific abillities. Huh, True song would pair up with it incredibly as well.


True song paired with subversion?
Now that sounds hax to my sensibilities.
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So, I've been doing some meta level analysis on all the colors being used and how they interact with everything else, and there's some interesting observations to be found there.

Especially if we accept the whole meta level "This setting is functionally a simulation, and Colored Text are how the Transcendents comment their code", we can draw some curious insights as a result.

Here's what I've discovered so far.

:This Text here seems to be associated with whoever it is that's riding herd on Manoth, it only seems to appear to mark off (Inverted) Ethae on a cursory look
:Automated System Messages, this is the one that marked off 'GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY' in our Foundational Ethos picks, and this is the voice that tried to stop Ev'aclial from attracting one until she overrode it. Notably, this is also the Color of what happened when we twisted [True Song]. In light of that, I can say with about 70% confidence that This is probably Pithe, who seems to have become a computer at some point.(Edit: Crossed out, further information later)
: Full confidence, This is the voice of Concordance
: Flashback Text? May or may not be a distortion of the next one
: This color concerns itself with the passage of time, dates are covered, and 'Things that you decided in the past' are also this. A darker shade of the previous one, but it was also concerning itself with things much closer to the present? Notably, this is also the color that Contention Prognosticator speaks in
: Appears with regards to heroic stuff, and meta-level things such as acknowledgement of completion of Secret Challenges--which then leads to actual concrete benefits in game, seemingly out of nowhere. Closely associated with the next speaker, seems to deal exclusively with doling out information.
: The one who actually doles out the rewards that the previous entry determines are necessary, also comments occasionally on dramatic story beats, giving the final flourish on the whole "This is how Zach ended up in a position where they were going to get an (Inverted) Ethos".
: Ev'aclial or Evie, seems pretty solid.
: Flower, as we just learned here and now. Notably, Petal talks this way too, but in 'Normal' text instead of bolded and slightly biggened.
: Manoth, from when they addressed us. Notably, the Bloomling title is in his color! This suggests they helped Flower design it, and it might explain why Flower tolerated him putting one of their own pieces in proximity to two of theirs.
: Some kind of cosmic censor? They scribbled out bits from Slyvena's last teasy bit, and the warning about "Hey this has the Mature tag now" was done in this color.
: One of the two Colors in the next update preview, very close to the suspected Voice of Pithe
: The other Color in the next update preview, also very close to the suspected Voice of Pithe. Notably, the first of these two was 37 points of R less, and the second was 40 points more. I suspect one of these two is, in fact, Colossi

Aboleath also has a distinct Color of their own, but this post has already ballooned quite a bit and also we've only seen Aboleath's Color in regards to their own communication.

So, what can we do with all of this new, forbidden knowledge?
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Not bad.

On a side note, I am going to try once more on that last secret challenge I think we haven't figured yet... I am currently rereading the latest chapter and then will do the same with the 1st arc.

So far, an interesting tidbit was the description of Pithe abilities having almost no give, doing exactly what we it does and nothing else.

Does it mean that we did the exact wrong thing when we turned True Song to its current state?

This is actually alarming.

Also, it does not fit the rules of the challenge - but telling us the powers of Waters' retinue was an even better gift than we thought - Pithe is both the most diverse (can be anything) and the most inflexible (if it's anything then it cannot become something else) Source, and knowing what his Pithe users bring to the fore is a great advantage.

Oath and Contracts. I need to reread Valerie (the Abie girl) segments. Be she Deific, Bound Oath, or Apotheotic, her Ethos has a lot in common with Oath - especially in what was said about "more powerful assistive Entities are more the wheelhouse of Bound Oath Wielders", the list of known Entities, and how the more powerful of them can lie and present themselves in meeker less threatening forms unless True Names are known.

This also strongly applies to Eva'ccial, Ambrosia of Joy (spelling?) and how she both told us Ladder-verified truth and still managed to deceive us. Notably, she told us she would be kicked into subsapience - but didn't tell us it would not be immediate. She told us Evie would follow our orders with a pep in her step or something along those lines, but said nothing about what her own actions would entail.

Also check what Eva'ccial told us during her "audition" and ponder whether her recommendations on other Ethae were also covered by Ladder telling us about her truthfulness.

About Ethos Inversions. I need to reread all the Inverted ethae we were offered, and the ramifications of their use and possibility of their discovery. Also, ponder if getting even one Inverted Ethos will turn Captain against us. Kinda dangerous that.

Pithe Mutation is the most blatantly obvious Inversion. If we are helping Zach we should tell him to try and avoid those.

Wonder if Lilly will be able to intervene at all in the choosing process even if its to the extent of providing better understanding of the Ethae Zach will be offered.

Negative Essence is both blatant and not. Notably, it seems to directly address the primary vulnerability of Essence by providing a rapidly and directly applicable method of violent conflict resolution. Power Word Kill would probably solve a lot of problems a standard support focused Essence user meets.

Chaos Mana... Let's also steer Zach clear of it. I suspect that "zero line" in bottom right corner of the map is a remnant of exactly this. And it's a huge desolated area.

Oath Inversion is kinda very much like Valerie's behavior. I wonder if it was her choice or if Abie directed her into Inversion?

Flow Inversion, very ironically, is something we might appreciate. So long as we take care to not leave a trail of bodies behind, interference with direct observation may be advantageous. May or may not be the Source of that fucking rosebush.

Paradox Concordance... Once again something that may or may not be appreciated so long as proper control is possible.

Zach's... Actually he may be receiving a Pithe Inversion. Or Paradox. I..
I don't think Chaos users can at all avoid permanent mental breakdown, while Flow and Oath are unlikely to have early confusion giving way to violent reaction.

Wondering a little if we ever get to see Tarry, Sally and Tunia (Lilly and Myah's friends) even if its probably only to say goodbye. Doubt we will involve them in Lillyspiracy.

This was a possible While in Town write-in option by the way.
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Drawing from my Color analysis, I noticed something back in Interlude 2. The bit where Evie is talking briefly about "Oh hey maybe I shouldn't do this without consen--PSH that's boring". It's in the grey/black color that seems to be associated with telling time--but a different shade of it. I wonder then if the dark grey is the Color associated with Oath? Light Grey being free choice, standard Grey as active agreements, and Dark Grey being "Lol you don't get a choice in the matter?"

Yeah, back when we were deciding our Combat Posture and when we decide our Priorities, it was a light grey--the same color that showed up with flashbacks. This is a clear distinction from normal text, which suggests it was intentional. And Oath is apparently all about contracts and gaining power from behaviour (Also, looking back on it, the biggest Oath effect we've seen was also grey now that I take some time to read back with new eyes).

Since the talk Evie was making in the especially dark color was about straight up denying consent, does that mean the dark--nearly black--grey was (Inverted) Oath? Non-Consent? Evie did used to be a Demon after all, and apparently they're the masters of Oath.

Also, I found places where the Yellow Text showed up outside of meta stuff--it marks out Unique Ethae.

And when you combine the definition of "Melange", and how it was the introduction of Essence that seemed to turn the Melange into something other than a No Man's Land for Gods and Demons... I wonder then if that's the big draw? Transcendents are usually very closely tied to their Sources, but the Melange Layer is something where all Sources have equal sway--it's a place where you can experiment with unusual Source combinations and bring them up, because things that exist in the Melange natively almost by definition are capable of attuning to all the Sources that interact with it?

It's just that it was pointless before Essence was a thing, because Essence is known to be unique in how it interacts positively with all other known Sources--using it as a binding agent, it would permit things to exist in the Melange layer without mutually annihilating each other.

I'm growing more confident in my call that the base Red shade is the Pithe Resonance though--the known properties of Pithe is that while it can do virtually anything, it tends to favor straightforward exhibitions of force and has limited flexibility. When coupled with the fact most of the RedText we've seen have been dry, almost computer-code readings (Exactly what you'd expect from something rigid and inflexible), I think it's more clear, especially in relation to the fact that color showed up when we bent {True Song} to the point of nearly shattering [Brave Blood] inside us, just as it popped in to try and stop Evie from calling in a Foundational Ethos (And it also wasn't self-aware enough to tell her "Lol fuck off I know what you're doing and it's not allowed") A system warning that Lilly didn't have the awareness to recognize at the time?

EDIT: On second thought, I might be barking up the wrong tree after all, reviewing Marigold's Ethos with this, and I see a Maximum Red (Which has otherwise never been seen before) and the same shade of red as the system messages in the short 'Title' attached to it. Yet she doesn't have Pithe anywhere in there.

It could mean that the System Message stuff is Legend instead then, An Ethos generally has its Sources listed in order of arrival, and she's running Deific/Legend/Flow/Oath, which suggests that Legend was part of her starting package?
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We were confused for a while about how [Reinterpretation Seed] could be Inverted when it wasn't supposed to be put into a person. I suppose it must control an Inverted Source.
This just came to mind, The Ladder/Cleaver of Fortune probably knew about Zach's future receival of an inverted and the probable fallout which was why it gave hints about how to interact with him in act one to maximize the probability of a good long term outcome.
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Probably, yeah.


On further review, I think I figured out what [Reinterpretation Seed] does!

It's (Inverted) Oath, which means that it acts on the Soul and doesn't require said Soul to give consent.

I was wondering for a while, how it is that they make such a big point of "Do not implement this where there's a lot of biodiversity, and you are absolutely not allowed to make Artefacts with this because it can synergize out of control and ruin everything."

I think I figured it out. [Reinterpretation Seed] imposes Boons that give (Inverted) Powers to otherwise functioning targets, doesn't it? Hence the 'Only in limited Biodiversity' regions, and 'You are absolutely not allowed to make Artefacts' . Artefacts go out into the world, and possibly can be passed on--but Artefacts that give access to (Inverted) Source Effects? These things are pretty innately unbalanced, and giving access to these in the form of a treasure that operates the power without a mind of its own to someone who's already strong? How fast would they spool up to unbalance everything and require greater intervention to stop?

So instead, the limitation is that [Reinterpretation Seed] has to be deliberately applied, in ways that can't be repurposed by someone who rolls in at the right time and then gets ganked by someone else. Limited Biodiversity means that very few people are likely to drop in unexpected, and since Foundations ordinarily lack a sophisticated mindset, they have to give their power to anyone who surmounts them. So you get a place of horrible monsters with terrible power, and the occasional person who fights free might pick up a Boon that gives them access to (Inverted) powers, but the spigot can be pulled on the drop of a hat and it won't spiral out of control on the world stage because the Boon dies with the user.
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I think I realized probably how [Ply The Line] probably works in combat mode. You essentially alter the importance of your hits so they are more certain to hit where they matter and that if they hit, that hit matters more. Like say if Lilly is fighting off a trained older man in the streets (without armor), she imbues her kick with certainty that it will hit his groin and thus is able to get him down for a sec (allowing for more hits) despite him being a trained fighter who probably should have been able to stop that kick from coming.
Re-Reading the End of the First Age.

It seems that Concordance is a power associated with the Angels, and from what we've learned, it looks like Oath is the power of the Demons.

There were only two powers involved in the End of the First Era, based on the Melange only holding two templates--we know Oath came from the Demons after all, and Concordance was specifically invoked by the Seraphim (And was called out as 'Why did he do this, he just made this place more vulnerable to our foes" at one point, suggesting it was practiced by them).

Yalśfreet, in his apotheosis, created Essence--which also allowed the Melange to congeal into something new, a plane of its own as opposed to just the point of intersection between Oath and Concordance. Pithe also seems to have gotten the inspiration for achieving Apotheosis from the blow Yalśfreet struck with him--it was explicitly described as 'Resonance', the exact words used to describe how Pithe interacts with itself.


I think, in light of that--that we may be beginning to get some insight as to what the Transcendents get out of interacting with the Melange Layer. And why Legend and Deific powers work differently than the other six Sources. Legend, I suspect, may be the "Source" of the Melange itself--an emergent phenomena brought on by minds interacting and operating inside the Melange. On the flipside, the Deific Source may be what the Transcendents are extracting from their tampering--radiant energy captured from souls elevating to new heights and repurposed into the ultimate source of fuel.

Which explains why "Violators will be put to the back of the queue for Integrations" is such a harsh penalty--you're effectively denying them access to the most precious resource Transcendents have.
While Lira and Molain conspired to claim unrivalled ascendancy over one another. While Kailsii desperately strove to retain its position as their favoured lapdog among other lessers. While Tosliav sought to hide their empire's crumbling from inside itself and elven-kind set about their Great Solution. While the Yaugry sat in her empty kingdom, chasing apotheosis at the top of her soul-wrought tower. While these schemers and a thousand more besides fought on battlefields of soil, future and mind; each thinking themselves the only one worthy.

While great magics clashed and priceless resources were expended, titanic struggles for supremacy over enemies real and imagined.

All these efforts and many more amounted to less than nothing, all an utter waste; for in this time not a single eye turned its gaze onto the only place that truly mattered.

I thought the next Integration Vector would need to be consumed as the receiver point for {{REDACTED}}, but it turned out that Flower's mark ran deeper than expected (Lilly may even be of the Prime Line) and made the task far simpler. At the cost of a few short moments of being very visible to those who knew what to look for, I could use that Mark as the anchor instead. A large price rendered suddenly costless in a single moment, in return for some perhaps unwanted attention.

Were every nations and persons which appeared in the first post the ones who could have noticed what Evie did when she basically gave us two ethos at the same time?

We should be a lot wary at Kailsii and the nations that border them. It seems likely that the kailsian can go out of their way to appease their overlord, which may include actual espionage to find every powerful ethos bearers that the nooseman would take and even take them themself to have the "honor" to personally gift them.
I'm still stuck wondering just what perspective that Times New Roman narrator is writing from.

There's no way they don't actually exist.

Well, the interlude is written using the past tense, so I might guess this is from the perspective of some future chronicler writing about the Great Doom. Of course, it is a bit hopeful that Lilly will someday reach the point where she actually becomes a contender amongst the other nation-states for "entity on whom the fate of the world rests".

...I do hope that our "getting Tower for free" trick didn't trigger some type of warning system for any of the names in those paragraphs. I mean, Aboleath's got our scent, but he was hunting in our backyard anyway; our little stunt only put us next on the list. If a court mage in Lira or Molain have some hypersensitive "Seeds of Rebellion" Concordance skill, or someone's Demon familiar starts freaking out about "there are RULES against demigods!", then we may end up getting a LOT more attention rather quickly.
Well, the interlude is written using the past tense, so I might guess this is from the perspective of some future chronicler writing about the Great Doom. Of course, it is a bit hopeful that Lilly will someday reach the point where she actually becomes a contender amongst the other nation-states for "entity on whom the fate of the world rests".

...I do hope that our "getting Tower for free" trick didn't trigger some type of warning system for any of the names in those paragraphs. I mean, Aboleath's got our scent, but he was hunting in our backyard anyway; our little stunt only put us next on the list. If a court mage in Lira or Molain have some hypersensitive "Seeds of Rebellion" Concordance skill, or someone's Demon familiar starts freaking out about "there are RULES against demigods!", then we may end up getting a LOT more attention rather quickly.

Evie wasn't worried about the Demigod thing pinging someone, what happened was that she used Lilly's [Bloomling] shard to anchor the [Towering Edifice to Heaven] onto instead of repurposing an incoming Integration Vector, but that also means people who were looking out for Divine Shards at that time saw it being used--hence how Aboleath locked on to our area and guaranteed we'd have to go through our little murderwaif first.
Now I'm wondering. Is it possible to get a domain without being a spirit or a chosen one?
Now I'm wondering. Is it possible to get a domain without being a spirit or a chosen one?

Well, Domain seems to be explicitly tied to [Tower], as it lists "Domain Min/Max" under that section of the character sheet. There is a possibility that it could be something that anyone with a Deific Ethos could gain that we just have a stupid head start on, like how we have Holistics ahead of schedule. But I'm a bit doubtful, as most of the spirit entities we've heard of seem to not be really the types who would just let a filthy short-lived mortal even glimpse the Command Prompt for a portion of reality.
Everyone has a Domain

I think.

But Ethae are--as a rule--designed to not require interaction with a Domain. So all the Domain stuff (Like {Favored Within}) are invisible and undetectable, because mortals don't have the tools to empower them directly.

Foundational Ethae are different, because it imposes Domain Manipulation as a mechanism for how it functions. Hence probably why it's exclusive to non-living structures outside of Evie's hax--they can be trusted not to tamper with the tools they have.

Because give a mortal Administrator access to their own soul, and that's probably not going anywhere you want to see.
In 2.4, Lilly names two new colours. Whatever that means.

Also check what Eva'ccial told us during her "audition" and ponder whether her recommendations on other Ethae were also covered by Ladder telling us about her truthfulness.
She framed everything in a way that made choosing anything else seem less optimum. Even when she complimented other choices, she still phrased it with the backhanded message of "but this isn't what you need right now".

On second thought, I might be barking up the wrong tree after all
You've put so much thought into this and I feel bad saying it, but I usually just use the colours to make things look interesting. :confused::oops:
There are certain trends I stick too, but probably not something you'll be able to pry plot details from before they actually come up 'in story'.

I think I figured out what [Reinterpretation Seed] does!
You've done pretty well here. Circling close to a lot of right answers.
A little spoilery, but if you'd chosen it as your Dungeon Ethos than one of the things I would have rolled to unlock would be;
I'd have broken down your different powers in sub-attributes and allowed you to tweak them (Though total attributes would decrease by 10% each time you failed a 50/50 flip)
So {Golden Rapture} in its early form could have been broken up into;
Reach: 8Finesse: 4Strength: 3Nature: 6Connection: 8Perception: 9
Total: 38
Of course, it would have been worse at other things. You haven't found the [Tower]'s special features yet.

Re-Reading the End of the First Age
So I'm not going to confirm or deny most of this, but I will give you props for nailing the fact that Pithe used his encounter with Yalśfreet to learn how to do what he did in a later era. It was an extremely significant event too because of other things that were going on in the divine planes at the time and directly influenced what would later come to be referred to as the Plan.

We should be a lot wary at Kailsii and the nations that border them. It seems likely that the kailsian can go out of their way to appease their overlord
Good to see the warnings being taken seriously.

You will get to explore a tiny bit more of the possibilities Domains open up in 2.4 as a side effect of advancing your Recursive Projection (Relations).
Domains, the Concord, Gravitas and Souls are distinct but inter-related.
I'm pretty sure not everyone has a domain since iirc Lilly had a big deal about how feeling her domain made it seem like she 'owned' herself implying that previously she and presumably everyone else didn't actually own her own body and self.
In 2.4, Lilly names two new colours. Whatever that means.

She framed everything in a way that made choosing anything else seem less optimum. Even when she complimented other choices, she still phrased it with the backhanded message of "but this isn't what you need right now".

You've put so much thought into this and I feel bad saying it, but I usually just use the colours to make things look interesting. :confused::oops:
There are certain trends I stick too, but probably not something you'll be able to pry plot details from before they actually come up 'in story'.

You've done pretty well here. Circling close to a lot of right answers.
A little spoilery, but if you'd chosen it as your Dungeon Ethos than one of the things I would have rolled to unlock would be;
I'd have broken down your different powers in sub-attributes and allowed you to tweak them (Though total attributes would decrease by 10% each time you failed a 50/50 flip)
So {Golden Rapture} in its early form could have been broken up into;
Reach: 8Finesse: 4Strength: 3Nature: 6Connection: 8Perception: 9
Total: 38
Of course, it would have been worse at other things. You haven't found the [Tower]'s special features yet.

So I'm not going to confirm or deny most of this, but I will give you props for nailing the fact that Pithe used his encounter with Yalśfreet to learn how to do what he did in a later era. It was an extremely significant event too because of other things that were going on in the divine planes at the time and directly influenced what would later come to be referred to as the Plan.

Often wrong, but that's okay, it's the speculation that's fun :D And nibbling along the edges is still progress!

How's 2.4 coming along incidentally?
Oh, a question for you: was Ev's implication that "if she could unlock even one" implicative of the capability to theoretically unlock more than one Foundational Ethos if she did? Or does that require intercession that we now can't get?