I don't even know what would qualify as an omake here TBH, the setting is just so dense that I feel I'd almost be twisting it diving in blind.
I'm not given to expect that that sort of defense has holes the size of An Entire Child.
Cost saving measure. The Bars were prefabbed elsewhere, so Harmuph bought enough to forge a gate with holes most kids with have trouble with and no adult would have a chance at. Lilly has the strength and coordination to step through almost entirely horizontally, her shoulder breadth was just small enough.

but whether or not it would be count towards such a bonus would be up to the mercy of Slyvena
I'm afraid that the Post-Gravatic Factor for 2.5 is already well and truly into the positives.
Cost saving measure. The Bars were prefabbed elsewhere, so Harmuph bought enough to forge a gate with holes most kids with have trouble with and no adult would have a chance at. Lilly has the strength and coordination to step through almost entirely horizontally, her shoulder breadth was just small enough.

I'm afraid that the Post-Gravatic Factor for 2.5 is already well and truly into the positives.

Speaking of which, is there a Secret Challenge involved with decoding all the Concordancebabble shit or is that just neat stuff?
I don't even know what would qualify as an omake here TBH, the setting is just so dense that I feel I'd almost be twisting it diving in blind.

Do not fear the label of Apocrypha, for even if one shoots an arrow into darkness, they may yet give a glancing blow to the truth.

I'm afraid that the Post-Gravatic Factor for 2.5 is already well and truly into the positives.

Good to know. I'll probably take a stab at something tomorrow anyway; I like the story so far and I enjoy musing about it on its own merits.
Notably though, a distinct parallel is drawn when the STOP command fires to what happened to Lilly when Colossi intruded, complete with a similar feel. Considering that the final Ethos we saw was a ???, we only know of two remaining unrevealed Sources--and one of those was namedropped in our Foundation pick as Legend (Which is almost certainly the second Source that [Dream Within the Forest] operates on), and with only three letters in it, I'm willing to bet that the final Source is Maw.
There is no almost. Just because the charsheet entry is blacked out does not mean it is not filled in, and if you click on the relevant cell in the grid you can look up into the relevant line (on top of the sheet but below the menus) and see that it's Legend. Just because Lilly hasn't twigged onto it yet does not mean we can't peek behind the curtain.
And legend looks to be another layer of reality. One where multiple people work at the same time.
Legend might be the dreamscape. But then it might be more than just a dreamscape.

I'm afraid that the Post-Gravatic Factor for 2.5 is already well and truly into the positives.
Pretending as if that is a negative thing. Pff. To me, it sounds like we've almost won.

Something I didn't note on my concordance babble is that the low tension and high tension if they have other ethos, will also allow to affect other people's Tension and use them. Cleaver is a Lilly-centric one, which may be an outlier.
And fracture. I think fracture users will be able to manipulate other people's fractures too. Like if they make some realities simply inaccessible to their enemies.
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Right now I'm thinking that there is Legend information in that Yalśfreet interlude. That cathedral he created, it contained murals, paintings, windows and who knows what else of "tiny feeble figures locked in miniscule conflicts, but portrayed as if they were epic contests of cosmic relevance". Who's to say that it didn't contain eight certain clay and mud statues, well maybe not clay and mud but those eight statues nonetheless. Maybe Yalśfreet created Legend along with Essense, maybe Legend was already there and creating that cathedral and all it contained was using it somehow.

The Night's Lily patch is probably also making use of Legend. It was described as older than magic and impossible for Lilly to get lost trying to head to it, similar to the statues in the forest.
Namesake (Lesser): Likely Pithe or Flow or Oath
[Truth in Name] (Common): Likely Oath or Pithe or Flow
Duty of Wood (Rare): Maybe Mana/Oath
[Lamenter] (Lesser): Likely Pithe
So about these. I suspect that Name related Ethae are Legend based, actually. IIRC we have one Ethos with Legend revealed and it mentions known feats (or something).
Edit: In the Primordial Chassis, it has an entry "Active Features/Feats".

Duty of Wood IIRC was mentioned to be Oath. As in "you would have known how Oath works if you had picked Duty of Wood" by Slyvena.

Lamenter sounds more Essence like.
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Lilly got the ability to heal so well trough the synergy with bedrock. This is a major factor.

Before that it was either a trick with sample space or simply trying to fill the target with essence and guided by recalled genesis.

His tests where accurate. And no doubt once Lilly read shipped to her tower she would be encouraged to develop in that direction.

But the healing is from synergy with bedrock. Since it gives Lilly the other half the tester was looking for.
That is entirely beside my point. My point was that the guy was testing us for healing ability, when that is a) not really the best thing [Dream Within The Forest] has to offer and b) even then once we unlocked the locus we could do healing just by sheer force of Essence because we had so much. But considering that [Dream Within The Forest] can restore Pithe users, shipping us off to healer's school would've been a massive waste of potential in the first place. So I gotta wonder how many people's Ethea get either overlooked or bent into way worse shapes than they could've developed into because the examination system is kinda bad and the social order isn't really interested in giving everyone a fair shot at picking their Ethos and developing it.

I wonder then, if Legend is a mirror of Concordance?

"Concordance is what cause and effect are and the projected outcome of such. Legend then deals with the overarching narrative of history that guides the decisions of all the players involved." Rather than being probabilities, Legend is stories. The Hero always rises to face the Demon Lord, Tyrants never rule forever, and Evil can never be wholly stamped out.

So like, if Concordance is plotting out the course of history, Legend might be a force of gravity that ensures all outcomes fall along a certain range of outcomes instead of being total madness?

I wonder then, if Legend is a mirror of Concordance?

"Concordance is what cause and effect are and the projected outcome of such. Legend then deals with the overarching narrative of history that guides the decisions of all the players involved." Rather than being probabilities, Legend is stories. The Hero always rises to face the Demon Lord, Tyrants never rule forever, and Evil can never be wholly stamped out.

So like, if Concordance is plotting out the course of history, Legend might be a force of gravity that ensures all outcomes fall along a certain range of outcomes instead of being total madness?
I am in agreement to the extent I expect it to be like the system from A Practical Guide to Evil.

Previous successes are likely to breed more success. Previous actions of someone weigh in on their future.

We can actually see that Marigold has access to Legend, btw.

I wonder then, if Legend is a mirror of Concordance?

"Concordance is what cause and effect are and the projected outcome of such. Legend then deals with the overarching narrative of history that guides the decisions of all the players involved." Rather than being probabilities, Legend is stories. The Hero always rises to face the Demon Lord, Tyrants never rule forever, and Evil can never be wholly stamped out.

So like, if Concordance is plotting out the course of history, Legend might be a force of gravity that ensures all outcomes fall along a certain range of outcomes instead of being total madness?

I think Legend has a higher scope than Concordance; it is more likely that Concordance mostly tries to skim through the limits of Legend to achieve its goals. Which is probably why Concordance is different from most of the other "normal" sources.
Thinking about this, the fact that Oath, the other "normal" source which is different from the others, has as part of its portfolio the dealings with Deific creatures, makes me think that the whole "lesser sources are trying to skim through the higher scope ones" may be even more likely.
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Huh. Actually makes sense. A lot of sense.

If we peek behind the curtain, the three higher Sources are indeed Deific, Legend and Maw (props to Alectai for guessing correctly).

Then there is Oath and Concordance, Pithe and Essence, Flow and Mana.

We know Pithe and Essence are both gifts from the Divine. We guess Oath and Concordance are "lesser" sources subordinated to Deific and Legend respectively.

Wonder if there is some kind of theme for the last pair.
Oath is directly connected to the soul and manipulating the soul. Changing the soul, putting in instructions, conditions, and other things.
Flow is connected to the mind, a person's and the collective consciousnes's.
Concordance is connected to making an interface with the concord.
Essense is a layer of connections in the melange, the currently active history and what keeps living things operating. Note: I assume melange is the reality we perceive where all powers intersect.
Pith is a god who has turned himself into one of the powers, weaving himself into the concord or something along those lines.
Mana is a programming code, can maniluplate the melange directly.
Legend is stories, feats, notable events.
Maw is the recycler.
Deific is a wild card. The gods and their powers. Individual entities and spirits granting their boons.

Or at least that's what I've assumed thus far.
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Pith is a god who has turned himself into one of the powers
the same is true for Essence tho. Essence is what Yalsfreet created at the end of the First Era by fusing himself into the Melange Layer.

re: Legend I think the theory that it's what helps enable broad strokes narrative is a good theory, though I'd like to propose an alternative: Perhaps Legend is less something that exists to shape the Melange Layer and instead is something that developed out of it. Something that is created whenever mortals do something sufficiently noteworthy/legendary it'd create an impression in the fabric of the layer that future mortals can draw power from by emulating it. If Legend were simply about creating the narratives then I think we'd see it in more places, like the suspected Final Boss Dungeon Foundational Ethos that Manoth offered us to pick up, since these narratives need both good and evil to exist.
[Championed Uplift | 0000-A, 2nd Integration Stage Initializer] (Foundational): (Legend)
Tailored placement; should be attuned only to one identified Premium Integrator at a time. Provided identity fracture trials do not result in a decohered subject, the sponsored Integration Vector can have its layer-limiters removed. Weavers are reminded that inducing Melange bleedthrough on a subject who has failed their trials may irretrievably scatter your Divinity, the trials are there by definition to test compatibility before the fact. We have patched most loopholes and if we catch you, you'll be Identity-Wiped at best (all your Vectors will also be moved to the back of the queues when you reincorporate.). Current projections before widespread 2nd Stage Initialisations can be reliably applied without prior testing; fourteen Millennia. :::GEOLOGICAL INTEGRATION ONLY::: :::IMMEDIATE RECALL MANDATORY:::
[Library of Achievement | 5034-CD, Ancient Recaller] (Foundational): (Concordance/Legend)
The true purpose of this placement should always remain hidden, intuitive concordant rearrangement would be too difficult to keep contained within mortal hands and would restrict the ability to use finesse instead of brute force in future adjustments. An on-plane agent is necessary to shepherd otherwise promising candidates that are off track on dead-end integration paths toward the temporary placement site. Realigning fates in more conducive directions shall be occluded from mortal notice by more obvious boons for their suppression attempts. The specific feats granted should be tangentially related to an existing Integration Vector such that the subject assumes it is merely a divergent expansion and does not investigate further. Placement sites should be recalled on decade timescales to prevent examination of such a non-standard methodology. Provided Feats should only be tied to those of us more than half integrated, to prevent application instability.
These 2 describe both legend and what a mix of legend and concordance is, in magibabble however.
AH right. Marigold too.
[We all Drown Together] - The Sanguine Ocean (Apotheotic): (Deific)/(Legend)/(Flow)/(Oath) | Unique
113th Generation Bloomling | Flower: Red Rose-Marigold {Transposition}
Your plea has been heard child, rescue is at hand and an exchange is offered. We are all unified beneath the deep maroon ocean. The endless river coursing through all life that is and ever was. Plunge into that endlessly repeating link and draw upon the pulsating rhythmic strength swimming inside all creature's veins long before any Ethos ever touches their skin. There is a cost that must be paid, but it is fair and true. To draw from what is spilt, you will join them in their sacrifice. Drag them into your embrace and breathe from their lungs anew. Accept, Marigold, and the beatings will never hurt again. A small cost now, then no more pain; only the sweet throbbing heat. Blood's Gift, for Blood's Price.

Marigold <> Lvl 15:
{Hemokinesis} Tier 31 "Life's nectar ran in every direction inside her, and them."
- Flow Override
- Origin Seek
- Vicious Memory
- Wed and Dead
Lvl 6: {Concept-Lock} Tier 20 "There is nothing new under the sun. All we are and could be is inside each other already."
- Borrowed with Pain
- Gifted in Grief
Lvl 8: {Reborn in her Currents} Tier 13 "The second birth is a poor imitation of the first. That which delivered us to our mortal homes."
- Lifeblood
- 'Family' Tree
Lvl 11: {Red Fountain} Tier 8 "Why seek the external? The yolk gushes forth."
- Tideswell

Marigold's powers scale quite well against more powerful opponents.
What have we done. With our new brave scholding blood ethos... will she even be able to drink our blood? Since one of our solutions at the time was to have her be like a parasite on Lilly, or a communal relationship, or even mutualistic.
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Huh, I had forgotten that two of the Foundational Ethea were sourced from Legend
That very much makes it sound like Legend is specifically meant to empower legendary individuals in some way, since that seems like the purpose of both. Both having your layer-limiters removed and having your Integration Vector adjusted sound like they'd result in reaching levels of power that'd be the stuff of legends for mortals.
Maybe the Legend element of [Dream Within The Forest] is meant to allow the wielder of the Integration Vector to empower others through the support that the Vector's abilities can offer. The wielder of the Vector would then take the position of the helpful witch/mage that appears to the hero in a dream to offer a boon or something along those lines.
That would be possible as well. Since Lilly can form {sympathetic linkage} through the dream, she could even look at a person's past and history with the {recalled genesis}, sum total of a person's events looking back through essence's history to the beginning. That may be partially a legend-type power, Lilly has stated that Essence naturally ties to the origin of things. And through that connection, Lilly could unfold their legend and nurture it.

Tho they are dungeons, their purpose is to improve the challengers and to obstruct. So I think they either tie existing legends into their fate or help the challengers develop their own.
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Is there more to an Inverted Ethos then Sources working differently? A normal Ethos is very stable and an Inverted Ethos from what is known seems unstable, prone to self destructive actions on the person's part. Why? Zach has a High risk of a mental breakdown and violent reaction if he where to gain an Inverted Ethos. Ethos connect to the soul so any problems must be with that connection to the soul.
Normal Ethos are 'grafted' onto the soul, they are foreign things that slowly become a part of a person's soul. What if what makes an Ethos an Inverted one is if it draws out a person soul into the shape of the Ethos. There would be no slow integration, it would be a sudden and violent affair, unstable and traumatic to the soul until a balance or equilibrium is reached. Perhaps the Sources working differently is because of this instability and trauma.
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Speaking about Legend: I'm wondering whether [Dream Within The Forest] might not be Legend/Essence at this point rather than Essence/Legend. I'd really like to see another Ethos develop a secondary source type to see where in the sheet it gets placed, because the cell where it notes Legend is placed so that casually it already reads Legend/Essence rather than the opposite.
Additionally the Channel score for Legend that [Dream Within The Forest] provides has been ---SH compared to M Essence channeling ever since we picked it up, so the Legend elements must have been there in some capacity even before we picked up {Collective Communion} and had Legend officially appear on the sheet.
Also: while I'm not sure what to make of it yet, I think it's noteworthy that Legend cannot have a value for either Inner Awareness or Innate Source, both are just default N/A on the sheet. That means it's impossible to generate Legend on your own and always have to channel it from somewhere else as well as that it's not something you can observe inside your own body/soul, only outside of it.
Silverking said:** the true "infohazard" is knowledge of the artifact itself? You know, one of those "once you learn its name, it learns yours" type of deal. **

And that's a secret challenge.
You get bonus resistance rolls if you ever encounter Senus using it in another context again.
You're not 100% right, but close enough.
So it's basically old saying: "when you gaze into abyss, abyss gazes into you". Made into item.
Now Lily just needs to turn it into it's head like Dead King from APTGE. "I stared into the abyss and found what stared back… wanting."
So it's basically old saying: "when you gaze into abyss, abyss gazes into you". Made into item.
Now Lily just needs to turn it into it's head like Dead King from APTGE. "I stared into the abyss and found what stared back… wanting."

Well, there must be a reason for it being in the abyss in the first place. And there is a good chance it is even an embarrassing one.
Well, we're already checking a lot of Outer God boxes. Maybe if we keep things up we'll end up finding that the Abyss is actually rather comfy after you spruce it up a bit, transplant some Dream-plants, and maybe put in a Lamp of Hope or three. Might have to chase some of the current denizens out first, but maybe some of them will appreciate the change.
So it's basically old saying: "when you gaze into abyss, abyss gazes into you". Made into item.
Now Lily just needs to turn it into it's head like Dead King from APTGE. "I stared into the abyss and found what stared back… wanting."

If I were to bet? The rose is a Concordant Link so he can control your fate remotely. But investigating it closely transmits that concordant link into your head, where he can now control even your thoughts.

Senus is a confirmed Concordance primary, this seems entirely in theme with his character that he has an artifact that lets him control the very fate of his victims.

Now, the interesting thing I just noticed is. Kaymie also has Holistics based on how she was described, she's not that much older than Lilly is. We also know that most people only get their Mastery Perks around level 30, and that losing people with Masteries is painful enough that it was enough to deter Waters from pressing the issue. (Suggesting every Thirty is a non-trivial investment even for a group that sports Concordance, Flow, and Oath specialists)

Except if they could rapidly raise Kaymie's level, why are they reluctant to lose other people with Masteries? If they can't, does that mean Kaymie is another Divine Shard holder and what Waters and Senus are collecting are Divine Shard bearers?

The only source we've seen so far that can rapidly churn out Gravitas are Foundations, is this more proof that Waters and his coterie were involved in the raising up of [Rapid Iterator] and are trying to exploit it? It would explain why only his inner circle and Concordance bound servitors are entitled to exploiting it so far (Hence his sensitivity to losing Thirties)
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