In Nuclear Fire

People talking about furries and gender bending.
I am waiting for the next chapter to see what reactions Peters friends and family will have on the trasnformation.
Couldn't care for gender or if this is furry or not beacuse characters are just nice and that is all what matter to me.
By the way. Thats a monster girl hellhound. I don't know if monster girls are even considered furries.

Edit: it's almost 2 AM here, i probally should got to sleep
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Okay, I'll be completely honest with you guys here, that was a better reaction than the one I feared.

That said, there's something that still makes me scratch my head. This is a character who, on multiple occasions, has expressed his complete disinterest for being human and saw turning into a mass of vaguely tentacle-shaped nanobots as a perfectly valid outcome, and yet this was too much? I guess we have different standards.

And yes, there's the badass factor, but come on, people! Werewolves are badass too!

(Some of you may notice that, canonically, Garu have an 'antro' form)

Look, I never tried to hide the fact that this story was very self-servient, and transhumanist to the extreme, and at least for me part of the fascination of transhumanism is the ability to be whatever you want whenever you want. When you reach that level the concept of biological gender becomes yet another slider that you can mess around with at will. As one of my friends said: "Peter did not care about any of his other organs, why would s/he care about the one between the legs?"

(He still sees himself as a 'he' if anyone wonders)

Does this mean that the story will turn into a dissertation on sex and whatnot? Hell no, this is still the story about Worm, its ups and downs., and people trying to make the best of a horrible situation and fighting to revert it.

I just ask for patience because the next chapter (which I haven't written yet, need to start with that) should put some concerns at ease.

And if I'm being completely honest I turned Peter into a monster girl because I found the idea hilarious and a good way to delve into some concepts without turning him into a grey goo.

Why is it that half the male worm OCs turn into girls halfway through?
Funny thing is, as soon as he learns how to properly control his body he'll be whatever he wants to be.

Okay so... Please for the love of god tell me this is getting reversed quickly because if not please let me know, I have zero interest in continuing to read a furry fic.

I'm all for a bit of a weirdness but the tonal shift involved is... yeah... no.
I'll need you to define what a 'furry fic' is, because for the love of me I have no idea and can't answer this properly if I don't know.

I'll just say that Peter mentioned, in several occasions, that he threw a lot of Tzimisce into the mix for their ability to rearrange their bodies at will, he just needs to learn how to do that too. And he will need to find a way to at least disguise what he is now if he wants to have a civilian life.

He doesn't, but both Taylor and Danny want one and he will need one too if he wants to share it with them.

So, um... All that Suicidal thoughts stuff... I just wanted to ask. Are you okay?
Yes, I am. For years now I've been much better. Peter is my darkness if you will, a part of me that was very powerful back in the day and writting this has been a great help to make me understand a lot about myself.

Yes! Thank you! Someone noticed.

I really hope this comes with a degree of shapeshifting, I mean, werewolves can change back and forward, right?
Those paws do not look good for the sake of tinkering.
He did say he added a lot of Tzimisce, and those guys look at what Bonesaw does and say 'pathetic'.

Mind you, first he'll try to learn how to do this:

Tbh I'm waiting for @Poliamida to post and inform us if Peter's transformation is going to be permanent addition to the story.
You mean the fact that -by his own admission- now he's a mass of human-shaped nanobots?

Yes, he's not going back from that. Everything else he can tinker with.

...Whelp. Seems like Peter forgot a setting.

...or should it be Petra now?
He'll say that you can call whiskers the wonder cat for all he cares, but he's still fine with Peter.

(Yes, he will, next chapter)

So um apparently I am the only one who checked the author's profile for gender after reading this? Because that sounded a lot like trans-depression and gender euphoria afterwards... Like this mindwipe thing is a common theme...
Peter is absolutely trans, just trans-human and not trans-sexual. There's a difference.

I think she went full bio-mechanical with nano machines ala Cell.
He did.

What's the vampire influence?
What he consciously added from the vampires was Tzimisce's biological control, and bits here and there of Bruja, Gangrel and others to iron out his extra strength and speed.

There's something else that won't be revealed until later. Peter will feel very embarrased once he realizes that he forgot to account for that.

this character has been saying he's completely assexual
Eh, I wouldn't say assexual because that'd mean he's uninterested on the sex. Even if he is utterly terrified of intimacy and doesn't know yet how to handle it, that's not an aspect of his character. he just can't bring himself to care about his biological body.

Another character in Worm fanfiction makes grand decision, prepares everything and not actually follows through. All this hype for nothing. Another disappointment.
What grand decision he failed to follow through? He's now more machine than man and is strong enough to bench-press hookwolf.

so uhh. Op has been watching this forum for the better part of the day after they posted. This is unusual. You ok?
Yes, yes, very fine. This hasn't harmed my decire to keep writting, if that's what you're asking. It just took me a while to put my thoughts together and this was a fairly long reply.
The genderswap doesn't really matter until it matters 'in story' honestly it just feels like an honestly minor thing that will matter not at all in 3 chapters because Peter, as a character, has show no real preference to his physical sex. It will matter more to other people than her and this will be a major point of character growth for Peter as he has come to grips with himself already but in how he reacts to other people's opinions. Which if you haven't noticed was the entire point of the chapter where he almost committed suicide and as a sidenote accidentally changed his sex.
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What he consciously added from the vampires was Tzimisce's biological control, and bits here and there of Bruja, Gangrel and others to iron out his extra strength and speed.

There's something else that won't be revealed until later. Peter will feel very embarrased once he realizes that he forgot to account for that.
Embarrassing but not a lethal problem. So not the sun problem, not the fire phobia, not the freenzy state, not the blood hunger. I'm hitting some blanks here chief.

Oh right, the
Tzimiszce 'Dracula' sleep on the native earth clan curse. Really the Tzimiszce have such a weaksauce curse you can tell - in a Watsonian manner - that canonical Caine was a bit of a asshole before the final nights retcon. Probably even the Toreador curse killed more vampires than that 'curse' so the idea he approved more on some level of the body horror clan of 'alternate' morality than all the others is implied. Even clans that are post-first city got worse deals.
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Okay, I'll be completely honest with you guys here, that was a better reaction than the one I feared.
Wait, this is better? What were you expecting? Us getting your address and taking planes to your house to do unspeakable things to you or something?🤣

That said, there's something that still makes me scratch my head. This is a character who, on multiple occasions, has expressed his complete disinterest for being human and saw turning into a mass of vaguely tentacle-shaped nanobots as a perfectly valid outcome, and yet this was too much? I guess we have different standards.
I mean, to me the guy to girl error or a full on genderswap is a bit overdone (again for me) I would have laughed if he turned himself into a giant talking wolf with opposable thumbs and went oopsie.
I might gripe and be a bit pedantic in one post, but that's it, I just wanted puerile jokes with male genitalia. I like your story far too much to leave it over a furry genderbended wolfgirl.

And yes, there's the badass factor, but come on, people! Werewolves are badass too!
No one disputes that, preach it brother.

Funny thing is, as soon as he learns how to properly control his body he'll be whatever he wants to be.
Thank God for that.....I still would have liked the puddle oopsie better.

You mean the fact that -by his own admission- now he's a mass of human-shaped nanobots?
Ah, OK. I have to re read all the fic.

That all being said, just know that I still like this story and I will follow it to its conclusion. Take care of yourself, take breaks when you need it and be careful with COVID
What grand decision he failed to follow through? He's now more machine than man and is strong enough to bench-press hookwolf.
I think they were expecting some kind of terminator robot which shiny metal chrome going around and showing off their steel superiority.
Exaggeration for effect, but still the rough jist I assume.

I've personally no issue with this at all. I'm firmly in the camp of "Preferred Gender: Shapeshifter". My body is just meh. Who cares (most people, I'm aware I'm in a tiny minority). The mind is what matters.
I'm only not a trans-humanist because it tends to have cyberisation/machine upload implications which do squick me out.
I like the squishy biological meat-stuff, chrome isn't cute.

In Peter's situation... I'd probably have done that particular transformation on purpose. Not with the intention of it being permanent, but out of a mix of curiosity and wanting to confuse people.
I'd be fussier about my name, albeit my actual name's gender-neutral so it wouldn't actually matter.
Pronouns I wouldn't, and don't, care.
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I'm enjoying the story, just that ending weirded me out, from the build up it truly felt like he was going synth/brain scan with altered memories and my mind was on "The Flesh is Weak" instead of this.

Like I was thinking the build up was about casting aside his self and leave a mechanical copy of his discarded biology, one that didn't have to think in the same ways, one that he could self edit away his own personal flaws extenending into the existial questions your faces with when you are capable of editing such things and if you even should. Biological accession like this personally felt off but that may just be cause I picture Peter as somebody who trusts in his machines more than his biology and that leads us to diminish the thoughts he would use biology as his stepping stone to immortality.

I can see how he got here, as the goal is the same as I assumed, just the means are different. I can understand the changes as they have foundations in earlier actions. I'm not instantly appalled I'm just honestly uncomfortable with this development.

I must remind that there is a reason stories have tags for this stuff, it's more easily handled if it's seen coming. To use an extreme example it's like missing a NTR or Guro tag to be surprised with its appearance, but if they know it's in there their reaction is much less visceral when they see it happen. Gender bending a character that most assumed would move in the direction of ditching the concept of gender in the first place from themselves left many feeling like they got bait and switched.

Many people know they have negative reactions to things, like furries and genderbending so to keep themselves calm and civil they avoid it. I personally avoid anything that could be considered kink shaming (even if this might not be poli's it is definitely other people's) as much as I can so I very much disagree with the people openly hating over this, but I also see where they are coming from. They have invested a large amount of their time to reach this point of the story and it's understandable that they are upset at this outcome. This does not excuse their negative behavior obviously you can understand a viewpoint without agreeing with it.

Sorry I generally avoid commenting on this site cause while there are stories I enjoy here I know my personal beliefs on many subjects are not very welcome here and I would rather not slip up and get a ban or something that might interrupt my ability to enjoy my hobby of reading. I just felt I had to say something cause I do enjoy this story this last chapter made me feel disconcerted but the negativity I saw felt too much. Even if I personally have negative views on this situation in story I want it to be known I am against this sort of shunning. I'm personally not a fan of this turn but please people give it a chance to play out a bit before you drop or go on anger filled rants. Like he got to this situation using his tech, said tech is also capable of editing what he just became so calm down please.

I loved the bit of insight into suicidal thoughts though and how they can escalate so much without the people around you knowing unless you take the step to reach out. As somebody who has struggled with this situation the similarity to thoughts I have had in the past was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Personally I love this. Mental health is a major issue and scenes like this make people think, it gives people the chance to spot it in those they know. The more insight we have into mental issues the better equipped we are to accept them and help people heal. The most insidious part of mental illnesses is they inhibit your ability to search for help. The only way I was able to search for help was to purposely do it in a self destructive way that had equal odds of sending me over the edge. When you aren't well the first time you reach out could very well be the last time you have anything left inside yourself to care enough.
Oh wow, this is entertaining! Both the chapter and the response. I very much enjoyed reading both, thank you. Much popcorn and laughter was had.
Now, more seriously: loved the mood whiplash from bleak depression to "brains pickled in happy juice" from feeling of accomplishment and acceptance (and hormones from the change).
Cute wolfgirl interrupt was a surprise, but as complications go not to bad (some may even argue that's a win), expected some shenanigans from corona and blade stuff, was still surprised.
Peter achieved one of his dreams and became something more (spooky scary mass of magical nanobots currently cosplaying as a cute wolfgirl (this sentence cracks me up so hard like you wouldn't believe!)).
Reactions from the thread were no less entertaining, I gotta say. See the trees, miss that stealth bomber flying above. As some people noted already, Peter doesn't care about form, only about function, and that short teaser of his capabilities @ the end shows that very well IMO.

Ah yeah the whole Blade eater thing Right...
Yes, someone else noticed Instead of screaming!
I'm very disappointed about how people didn't get why Peter is a girl, the reason, the real one in story, the one said in the chapter and that was foreshadowed since literally he turned into a Blade-Eater.
Even more people decided to think instead of reacting. Humanity prevails again (against itself!
And if I'm being completely honest I turned Peter into a monster girl because I found the idea hilarious and a good way to delve into some concepts without turning him into a grey goo.
And I thank you for this. Haven't laughed that hard in a while. Granted, some of that laughter was very confused (while I was searching for the shark which jumped us), but thinking for a bit and remembering Blades/Newt made it make sense in my head.

TL;DR: much fun was had, eagerly awaiting more. Also, Vista is MVP
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Hey, I am happy as long as the following happens before Peter's next reset:
  1. Headpats are given
  2. Bitch goes full Werewolf
  3. Tattletale gets down with the FLOOFY
So, like. This was already said by the author, but really, don't get confused, the transhumanist transformation has taken place, and now Peter is a sentient swarm of nanomachines, son. I haven't figured it out immediately, I thought initially this was just extensive cyberization, but nope.

This is much more extensive than I have seen anyone to undergo in Worm or the fanfics, barring Shard Emulations. And they are kinda on the level. So, like, rejoice, Peter has abandoned the fragile confines of his flesh and became his ultimate self. I.e. the monster wolfgirl furry.

Isn't it what most of the thread wanted just a chapter ago, huh?
.... I ....
.... I am disappointed by so much preparation so that the first form he takes is a furry.

Yes, it was a surprise that made me exclaim out loud, but I found it somewhat boring. And I understand that he can now freely shapeshift so this is not really relevant, but...
I was expecting something like:

My own feeling on the end of the chapter is that no competently designed body replacement process would leave its subject with any level of dysphoria afterward. They'd be just fine with what they had when they came out of the other end, because that would be an inbuilt part of their own brain's architecture. Peter didn't really have time to reflect on any part of this that wasn't just on the level of inbuilt feelings before immediate shenanigans ensued.
Wait, so he's a pile of "Nanomachines, son!" now?

. . . Kinda feel like that's cheap, somehow. Like, there is a bit of disappointment in me now, though I am quite unsure why?

. . . Just think of it like he is pure shapeshifting murdervirus abomination like Alex Mercer, disappointed-me. Just more metal than viral-flesh abomination. There now, he is cool again, right?
I honestly don't know how Peter could have gone even more transhumanist than becoming a writhing mass of tiny robots able to rearrange themselves in any configuration he desires.

And Alex is a murder-virus, cool, but that means he actively has to eat people to survive, while Peter probably arranged to be energy self-sufficient, and can recharge himself if he didn't.

There's no pleasing you, people. :V
I honestly don't know how Peter could have gone even more transhumanist than becoming a writhing mass of tiny robots able to rearrange themselves in any configuration he desires.

And Alex is a murder-virus, cool, but that means he actively has to eat people to survive, while Peter probably arranged to be energy self-sufficient, and can recharge himself if he didn't.

There's no pleasing you, people. :V
Why is my mind filled with images of Peter plugging himself Chibi-Robo style to top up his batteries?
An observation: Peter kinda is a genius.
There is something else though, he is both a genius and GENIUS!!!11one at the same time.

A few examples:
  • Immortality
    • Genius: achieves immortality by using Blade core
    • GENIUS!!!11one: is immortal babby nao (didn't think through remaining eternally a teenager, but you get the idea)
  • Advance independent, evergrowing intelligence and potential of Mecha-Zerg
    • Genius: creates new breed of intelligent Zerg by exploiting existing technology and taking it beyond
    • GENIUS!!!11one: make babby with pretty lady (and doesn't realize)
  • Transcend the flesh and boundaries of it
    • Genius: makes elaborate plan to test, build and perfect equipment for procedure and achieves it
    • GENIUS!!!11one: default form is babby floof doggo gurl (also needed a bit of initial calibration)

And yes, I did just write 'babby' in the 3 different examples on purpose, fight me.
Regarding the suicidal thoughts and attempt, I find it done beautifully.

From my own experience, the line between the planning and attempting the suicide is a very thin one. This line is held taut by the lingering feelings of hope from the attemptee, since no one truly desires to die. They'll keep throwing out hints, making some requests known. Self-sabotaging the plan.

It's like the adage of falling. It's not the fall that kills you, it's the impact. Suicidal people cross the line when it is affirmed that despite throwing out that last ditch of rope to prevent them from drowning, no one came. If I didn't have people that cared enough, I wouldn't be here today.

That's why the scene with him calling Lisa was so good. The heart and mind thinks that this is the best option for himself, and everyone else. But both know that this isn't right. Speaking from personal experience, he wanted to be convinced that he is cared for, that life is still worth living.

New friends of mine keep asking why "just being there" is enough for suicidal people. That is why. Presence that means they aren't alone is enough for that spark of hope to reignite.

It's done wonderfully. While the next portion of the chapter was a bit silly for the heavy as fuck prelude, I still respect that portrayal. Well done, @Poliamida .

(P.S. I would like to reiterate that this is coming for personal experience. Please don't go into debates about what I just said. Harsh things always come out.)