In Nuclear Fire

I may be misunderstanding this or not seeing the sarcasm, but Medhall did have something they want, and they're working with them despite them being E88 to take them down. Taylor was happy they got the offer.
I don't think that association will last long since from what I remember they continued to work with them for public opinion and resources (with everyone knowing that max is kaiser making it impossible for Taylor to make a mistake again). but it seems that max is planning to blackmail them and that is something that I think will overcome the balance of advantage / disadvantage that working with medhall brought and something that most heavygear members will not tolerate
It was time to find out what theirs was.

With his money in one hand and his connections in the other, he called his new business partners.
Your head on a pike....he is fucking screwed. They can dangle the fact he faked his own death and if he doesnt dance, all his followers will know and they will think he simply wanted to leave them to the wolves.

You see Max, having money is useful and everyone has a price, yes. It just so happens that sometimes the price is not are going to either be under a new yoke or get fucked in the ass so hard even Skidmark will ask for tips
Stop: So, let's talk a bit.
so, let's talk a bit.
SV staff takes accusations of racism against a user extremely seriously. So when there are accusations of a user expressing their views in the content they post on the site we are going to make sure that the content is properly reviewed and act on any evidence that we find that points towards the accusations being true.

This recent chapter, while distasteful due to the subject matter, does not rise to that level of action that necessitates us acting in this way. However, when there is a user that goes on a crusade in a thread in a misguided attempt to accuse the OP of racism and attempt to implicate the author in any way that suggests that the content reflects their own world views, to the point where they start an argument with other users and causes a massive derail in the thread...well, that's when we feel that things are being taken way too far.

With that in mind, the user in question has been booted from the thread permanently. In addition, when there is a moderator post that encourages users to drop a topic and move on it's best to move on from the subject and let us handle things. There's no reason to get in trouble for continuing a conversation that's already ended.

That's...pretty much it. Please continue discussing the fic, keep in mind that a fiction's content does not equate to a user's views, and just overall vibe and stuff.
Your head on a pike....he is fucking screwed. They can dangle the fact he faked his own death and if he doesnt dance, all his followers will know and they will think he simply wanted to leave them to the wolves.

You see Max, having money is useful and everyone has a price, yes. It just so happens that sometimes the price is not are going to either be under a new yoke or get fucked in the ass so hard even Skidmark will ask for tips
You just reminded me of the very best scene in Babylon 5 (and that's a high bar), so I figured I'd share it for everyone.
How do you always manage to be first?

No life, my friend. No life. Heh.

Still, I am really liking this version of Max. But damn if he isn't a villain I love to hate.

The biggest issue with Max is that he is a megalomaniac and control freak. One who uses the nazism ideology for power and control in a way his father and sister would never do. He took the lessons his father taught them and stood them on their head just because he wants Power and Control. Nothing else. It also makes him incredibly difficult to write as a villain. With the push to cause drama buttons all over the place, Max is someone destined to be run over in stories because he is someone who deserves it. Turning him to a villain on a level of Coil is enough to cause serious drama.

And, to be fair, he deserves it. Monsters like his entire empire don't deserve to walk under the living sky.

Max though could be used so much better in worm stories, its just so fucking hard to do without causing the kind of shitstorm that causes mod involvement.

So in stories where he is summarily executed, its deliciously satisfying, if a waste of a perfectly good villain.

Really enjoying the way Poliamida took this. Its fresh and delicious. And going to make Max's downfall all the more satisfying.

Racism is a special kind of evil. One that exists for no reason other then Evil itself. Because it is always and forever a tool by the powerful to gain control of the ignorant. And seeing it destroyed is especially cathartic. Look at Red Skull, one of the longest standing Nazi villains in the history of fiction. He and Max have a lot on common, both power mad control freaks who use nazism and racism as a whole to control the ignorant masses.

I look forward to seeing where this goes. Because Peter is going to kick his dream of divorcing himself from his own role in his own empire into the garbage. And its going to be delicious to watch.
I, for one, love the multitude of slightly different ways E88 characters are represented in their unsettling viewpoints in fanfiction. Canon often handwaves each character's specific biases into neat little boxes - and going outside of the box is what fanfiction is aboud.

It's one of the most major AU aspects of any fic, usually tiptoed around or done so hammy as to be laughable.

Both manners detract from the subject matter entirely. It's a weak author's way of avoiding the subject or attempting to avoid offending any sort of reader sensibility.

Hell, Worm itself handles the situation poorly by largely ignoring philosophy entirely being 'racist nazis' - it doesn't really delve into why characters think the way they do, it simply presents chracters and expects the reader to accept them as they are.

As distasteful as it may be to read through the thought processes of a modernly distasteful person, I think it's great that the author here didn't pull any punches in digging fingers into one of the many, many ways people self-justify their inherent biases. It takes a good author to present a side character (and that's what Max is, a side character) with such an antithetical viewpoint and make it not just believable, but grossly understandable.

And that scares casual, kneejerk readers who only come for fancy exposition and fun plot - this fic is at its core something of a crack fic with its premise and I'm not surprised that reception has been.... varied.

But I think the author did well.
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So, I go out to do gardening and this happens. I won't reply to that conversation because mods already got involved.

Now, to business:

This Kaiser actually seems like less of an asshole and more of a glorious bastard, still a Nazi fucker tho
Thanks, I always saw Kaiser as wasted potential. Despite Worm claiming to be a 'realistic' setting, Coil comes as too cartoonish. He's all 'mwahahaha' I have an underground base, multiple timelines, I can predict the future and will soon have both the heroes and villains of the city under my control, what will you do now?
With Kaiser I tried to write him as someone who could not only exist, but who thinks just like a lot of people that we all may know. The moment he realizes that villainy is no longer profitable or safe, he jumps boat and goes join the heroes, not because any moral conundrum but simply because he realizes that their side is the one most likely to win.
But he is absolutely a bastard. Let's all remember that in this chapter he casually tries to torture his son hoping that he'd trigger. In reality Theo is more likely to trigger when he realises that Max is very much still alive.
Wait, just a thought but what would happen if Techpriest just Doxed every villain he knew (including Cauldron cause fuck Cauldron and their plans)
Even if he can, the result would probably be the implosion of North America. Remember how Purity started a massacre when she lost Aster? Like that but all across the country.
Sooooo... AU Empire and AU Kaiser?

If I recall correctly, the kid who murdered Fleur was ultimately accepted into the Empire after his stint in prison. The Empire has no issue flaunting the rules if they think they can get away with it. That also helps square the number of new capes who end up dead or gone, unless that is fanon.

And Kaiser apparently doesn't believe his own rhetoric for shit, it's just a useful tool to keep his gang in line and keep in power. It's part of how he can keep several different ideals and factions for white supremacy in line, when he can just show each faction a different face and tell them whatever they want or need to hear to sit down and shut up.

None of these are bad or unbelievable changes, just getting confirmation.
You're free to correct me on this one, but I think that the fate of Felur's murderer is one of those things that Wilbow retconed to hell and back. Going for the version where the Empire kills him for sweet PR was a conscious decision I made because I found it more interesting.

I'll argue that we don't really have much of a canon portrayal of Kaiser. We have some brief interactions with the Undersiders, a couple lines from TT, and then Purity's interlude where he plays her like a fiddle. Then he dies, that's it. We know that he doesn't believe in Nazi ideology, but being a Nazi involves a series of political and spiritual beliefs that he doesn't share. He isn't fighting for any grand white country or anything like that, if only because he can't bring himself to care about anyone but himself. That doesn't mean that he can't be a racist or a clasist, which he very much is. At least in this fic.

A single puncture wound with a dozen different insect venoms? What did the insects bite one at a time and all use the same hole? There's also the question of cameras inside the holding area. Seems like the insect venom was just to make things muddy.
Correct. He wanted Krieg's death to be confusing so he then could throw enough miscommunication into the dialogue so when the PRT tried to tell people the truth people wouldn't believe them.
What a great twist, Max transform from a physical threat, to a social, economic, and political threat. A great way to reuse him and prevent Heavy Gear from just simply overpowering him. Nicely done.
Thank you! As I said I'm not a fan of threats that you can just fix with 'punch it harder'.

And for those thinking that he has nothing to offer the team, they are wrong. The team has been trying to kickstart their project to revitalize the Bay for a while now but they have been facing multiple obstacles, one of the biggest ones being that few people trust them and even fewer of them are willing to make a partnership with them. Now Max comes and offers them all what they need to improve things for everyone, especially the minorities that they are protecting. And with the Empire effectively over and with Max not diverting that money into criminal enterprises they will be very tempted to say yes. After all, it will be for the greater good and all it will cost them will be letting this absolute asshole walk away scot-free. Then Peter will realize that he's considering pulling a Cauldron and will kick himself in the head.
Edit2: Also, OP? You might want to add a disclaimer at the top of this interlude warning of Racist Dialogue and Thoughts or something.
Yeah, I'll edit that after I post this.
Is this story going nuclear like the title implies?

That little bit of information is actually canon. In Numberman's interlude we find out that Cauldron had to intervene to stop the Wafflecrafters (I'm sorry but looking up the correct way to spell their name every time is a pain) from throwing a nuke.
Nice chapter. The only part I didn't like was how the other tinker was able to replicate TP's tech, usually that's a no no for me because when someone in a story starts replicating the thing that made the story unique it becomes a turn off(to me). I guess I will have to wait a see.
I understand the frustration but I'd argue that other characters not reacting to what the MC can do isn't good writing either. And in canon Chariot did create a personal teleporter, just with inspiration from trickster instead of Tech-Priest.
@Poliamida briliant chapter as always chap. Now here is something that I wonder, who all knows that Max is still up and about? The twins, purity, you mentioned, who else?
Oh, shit, sorry I missed your question. Outside those tree and Heavy Gear, the only other person who knows he's alive is Theo.

But he used dice rolls to determine who would die during the Endbringer battle and Kaiser rolled badly.
I have... strong opinions about dice rolling. I'll not share them here because if I remember correctly there's a rule against gratuitous depictions of violence.
For all of his master planning he made the one mistake manipulative people make,the one that got Alexandria killed...he assumed he understood who he was fucking with!... heavy gear is full of spiteful teenagers whose default reaction is to always escalate
Relying on Wildbow's often contradictory and spiteful WoG is silly.

Canon is canon. Everything else is on a term by term basis, imo.
A single puncture wound with a dozen different insect venoms? What did the insects bite one at a time and all use the same hole? There's also the question of cameras inside the holding area. Seems like the insect venom was just to make things muddy.
Correct. He wanted Krieg's death to be confusing so he then could throw enough miscommunication into the dialogue so when the PRT tried to tell people the truth people wouldn't believe them.

Also why the insects destroyed the cell door? They don't need to do that.

this is going to be a nasty affair for the PRT CSIs... if they use that maybe they are that stupid that they would use a thinker or tinker with a tricorder instead. Because, why make things properly when you could use a cape?

In reality Theo is more likely to trigger when he realises that Max is very much still alive.

Ok, that's a little cruel for the poor boy but sadly true.

Well, maybe HG could poach him after they manage to get rid of Max (I'm not necessarily speaking about killing or capturing him only being free of him). I wonder if his powers would be different since the trigger will be different. it's supposed that his mower should be related to his father powers but depending of the trigger some things could change. Taylor's powers get wired to insects because she was surrounded by them in the locker. Or, at least, this is how I interpret that.

I would very much like a link to that particular story if at all possible my good person.

I want a refund! (Tinker of Fiction Semi-SI)

An SI Tinker of Fiction thread, because my muse refuses to let me do anything else and the world clearly needs more of them. Follow the misadventures and 'heroic' blunderings of Adeline Mathews as she navigates parhuman puberty in Brockton Bay. [Excitement. Amusement. Affection]
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I really don't see how or why the hero's would put kraigs death on her since it was clearly done vie injection instead of bites
After all, it will be for the greater good and all it will cost them will be letting this absolute asshole walk away scot-free. Then Peter will realize that he's considering pulling a Cauldron and will kick himself in the head.

Aishia don't be happy with that, and this is something Even more trublesome, Taylor here actualy is learning and adapting (off screen,why? I actualy like to read about this. Side story proyect?) And if Taylor learn from Max than she need to have political and economic power (actual brute forze they have and PR is on the way) then she will truly ve a nightmare in the future.
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I really don't see how or why the hero's would put kraigs death on her since it was clearly done vie injection instead of bites
Because they are absolutely desperate for a moral win, and feel the need to drag her good name through the mud in order to regain public opinion since they have been made to look absolutely incompetent.

remember, PRT and Protectorate ENE has been demonstrated to be thoroughly incompetent in the eyes of their superiors, and are THIS close 👌 to being disbanded.
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You just reminded me of the very best scene in Babylon 5 (and that's a high bar), so I figured I'd share it for everyone.

Ok, I've said this before, and I can't remember if it was here or not, but that scene is far greater art than most people realize. It's one of my all time favorite scenes.

That dirty look Morden has? He's not upset about being snubbed. Oh no. This is the kind of art you get when one man pre-plans an entire series.

First off, lets talk about the Shadows. Classic Deal With The Devil set up, their emissary walks around asking "What do you want?" and then people tell him, exactly what they said happens. But just like the deal with the devil, you got exactly what you asked for, and it wasn't remotely what you wanted. Londo's entire arc is this realization, but everybody who answers the question gets a bad end. President Clark deserves honorable mention for also not living through his request, and having it subverted so badly it did the opposite of what he wanted.

So lets examine what happens to Vir three seasons later, at the conclusion of the Shadow War.

Londo gets some revenge, kills Mr Morden's Minders, nukes the shit out of a reserve shadow fleet, and sends Vir out into the garden.... where we see Morden's head on a pike, and Vir does indeed give us a little wave.

Morden has that sour look because he knows since Vir answered the question, that's what he'll get. Morden's head on a pike in the garden.

But wait there's more!

What did Vir ask for? He didn't ask for Morden's head on a pike. His exact words (there's even a flashback) "I'd like to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head...."

It's a deal with the devil, you get exactly what you asked for.

The Vorlons are coming, with their planet killer, to wipe out that festering hub of Shadow influence that is Centauri Prime. The planet Vir is on.

He got exactly what he asked for, living just long enough to see Mordens head on a pike. Before the Vorlons blow his entire planet up. Malicious compliance is high art to the Shadows.

The only reason it didn't go off 100% to plan was because Sheridan was out flipping the game board over and the Vorlons had to call in everything to go deal with him.
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In reality Theo is more likely to trigger when he realises that Max is very much still alive.
Poor Theo.

Thank you! As I said I'm not a fan of threats that you can just fix with 'punch it harder'.
I honestly kind of expect Peter to come up with more ways to punch harder. Are you telling me the lessons anime taught me were a lie?

The biggest FU to Kaiser would be to force him to use his power in a public setting, or make it look like he used his power. I imagine the remaining E88 member would be absolutely bonkers furious that Kaiser abandoned the cause to work with Heavy Gear. A coward and race traitor. If Heavy Gear is careful to distance themselves from the Kaiser reveal, they could even put out a statement that they had no idea Medhal is run by Kaiser and they won't be working with Medhal anymore until an investigation is completed.

Lots of opportunities for stock market manipulation.