In Nuclear Fire

Sorry but I think I'm going to drop this fic. Liked a lot of the writing and have been reading for a long time but as of recently I haven't been a fan of the recent chapters and the whole genderbend Loli fursona thing is just not for me. I wish the author good luck with their fic.

Also I just looked at the author response and I don't wanna dictate on what the author should of done, but saying you wanted to not be predictable and choosing mc to become werewolf from world of darkness which are almost still identical to most other typical werewolf in fiction when in the same setting he has available the world of darkness vampires which are WAYYY more unique than other settings vampires especially with difference in clan abilities and attitudes which would of been more fun too. I feel the author wasted a good opportunity to pick boring werewolf.

Cause in the end the result with authors response of not being predictable just reminds me of this red letter media joke " subverting expectation in of itself is an accomplishment, regardless of how satisfying it is narritively"
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I do not know what you mean, mate.

It's the difference between doing the thing and saying, "hey, you're doing the thing." Now, due to the nature of the thing in question, the latter is a subset of the former, so you get the obnoxious, "calling out minimodding is the same as minimodding" comments every so often which is technically correct (the best kind). But then you get those who seemingly exist just to go on rants about others minimodding, which muddies the entire issue and confuses everyone. Which wasn't what I did, mind. But I feel this is off track so if it's alright I'll let this comment stand as my last reply on the topic.
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It's the difference between doing the thing and saying, "hey, you're doing the thing." Now, due to the nature of the thing in question, the latter is a subset of the former, so you get the obnoxious, "calling out minimodding is the same as minimodding" comments every so often which is technically correct (the best kind). But then you get those who seemingly exist just to go on rants about others minimodding, which muddies the entire issue and confuses everyone. Which wasn't what I did, mind. But I feel this is off track so if it's alright I'll let this comment stand as my last reply on the topic.
If someone is asking for calm, do not shut them down.
Also I just looked at the author response and I don't wanna dictate on what the author should of done, but saying you wanted to not be predictable and choosing mc to become werewolf from world of darkness which are almost still identical to most other typical werewolf in fiction when in the same setting he has available the world of darkness vampires which are WAYYY more unique than other settings vampires especially with difference in clan abilities and attitudes which would of been more fun too. I feel the author wasted a good opportunity to pick boring werewolf.

Peter's a Technocratically-enhanced Abomination, if one is being strictly accurate - there are absolutely VtM elements involved, and MtA too. The werewolf bits are just more immediately obvious because he's in a sort of mini-Crinos form atm. Mages and vampires look human as a default, but there's a lot more under the surface for them. Gangrel fresh out of the Embrace don't have a host of animalistic features, but any Garou who's undergone their First Change is capable of getting their fur on. (Or their human, for the non-homids.)

It's fine if it's still not for you, but this is very much a mix-and-match situation, not a binary 'werewolf, therefore not vampire' scenario.
I just remembered, isn't dracula both a vampire and a werewolf

Not according to WoD or CofD canon, no - WoD Dracula is a Tzimisce, CofD Dracula is never technically specified but based on his grandchilde's Clan, can be inferred to be a Gangrel. In either case, this means access to Disciplines that mimic Stoker's Dracula, which involves both calling/summoning animals (Animalism) and turning into an animal (Protean, and in VtM Tzim, possibly also Vicissitude).

Stoker's novel did lean heavily on werewolf-type tropes in addition to extant vampiric ones, and so the animal-transformation aspects are a common part of the modern 'canon' of both werewolf and vampire stories; White Wolf embraced that for VtM and has kept it a part of the games ever since.
Peter's a Technocratically-enhanced Abomination, if one is being strictly accurate - there are absolutely VtM elements involved, and MtA too. The werewolf bits are just more immediately obvious because he's in a sort of mini-Crinos form atm. Mages and vampires look human as a default, but there's a lot more under the surface for them. Gangrel fresh out of the Embrace don't have a host of animalistic features, but any Garou who's undergone their First Change is capable of getting their fur on. (Or their human, for the non-homids.)

It's fine if it's still not for you, but this is very much a mix-and-match situation, not a binary 'werewolf, therefore not vampire' scenario.

Interesting analysis. Thanks to it now I'm wondering if Peter added some less... technological add-ons to the mix. Since Aisha's suit has a power-blocker barrier using runes I wonder what magical upgrades this new body has. Adding magic to a cyberized body isn't something you normally see in any setting (and above all add magic to a nano-machines blob, that could be all kinds of unfairly OP) I kinda like to see what surprises has the new resident Nerdhound.
Stop: Can we Just Chill a Bit Please?
can we just chill a bit please?
But as I see tinkers in fics ALWAYS go for style, and almost never chose something grotesque or at least utilitarian as said style, no sir, anime all day. I hoped that Peter might be this one tinker who will go Omnissiah true way but nope, Slaanesh and her/his/its/their heresy infected this fic too in the end.

While you've stated this post was made as a joke, comparing changing one's gender presentation to "Slaanesh and her/his/its/their heresy infect(ing) this fic" is intrinsically hateful to gender nonconforming people. You have been infracted for 25 points under rule 2 and your ability to post in the thread has been removed for 72 hours.

furries are an omniversal disease that will eventually infect everything

Rule 2 concerns the ways we speak to groups of people. Specifically, it requires that we not speak in ways that drive groups of others out. Nothing in the rules requires you to like or engage with furry content, or even to refrain from criticizing content or practices solely for being furry, however, when you describe a group of people as a "virus" you are not accting in accordance with rule 2's requirement to avoid crowding others out of the discussion. You've been infracted for 25 points and your ability to post in the thread has been removed for 72 hours.

So staying eleven makes sense, and this fic has had a protagonist with an eleven-year-old body from the very start; calling it 'Loli' as soon as that body has accidentally swapped to female is, uh... well. It feels a lot like projection from where I'm sitting.

The accusation that someone seeks sexual content involving young children is extremely serious, such that even a tangential mention should be treated with due care. Stating that other users are projecting when they express discomfort with the notion that a story may be sexualizing children is playing the ball, not the man, regardless of whether or not the story contains any actual sexualization As this was your first issue, and the context of discussion is quite loaded, you've received a staff notice under Rule 3: Be Civil instead of an infraction. While we have not taken action, please note that this notice has been logged against your account.

"Quick poll. Let's say that, in a hypothetical fic somewhere, the first person MC becomes a small, fluffy vampire werewolf (and also gets a sexchange). From 0 to 10 (least likely to most likely, respectively), what's your knee-jerk guess for how likely it is that this development comes from the author's personal kinks?"

The most common answer I got was '8', with additional comments like 'It sounds like it is but it could also be the author rolling a bunch of dice'.
Saying that he's already 11 is like, with the hot springs metaphor, saying "the character is already female, so making them female and naked isn't sexual".

You don't have to have a fetish yourself in order to realize that something looks suspiciously like another person's fetish.
As noted above, the allegation that someone has a fetish for sexual content featuring children is a deeply serious allegation that should not be made without strong evidence. If you believe that a creative work is sexualizing minors, you should generally report this content instead of responding in thread.

@LooseSSF you compound this by implying that a character changing their gender presentation from masculine to feminine is intrinsically sexualized. This allegation, that changing gender is a fetish, is a discourse that is widely considered transphobic.

@arromdee Suggesting, intentionally or not, that because an 11 year old character changes their gender presentation to a feminine one, the situation becomes intrinsically sexual akin to a naked scene at a hot spring is extremely worrisome. Including a woman (though in this case it seems that the character is more properly agender or something to that effect?) does not make a situation more sexualized, and the implication that it must is a serious problem.

While none of these implications may have been intentional, rule 4 requires that we be mindful as to the nature of our comments and avoid making incendiary remarks in highly sensitive contexts. As such, you've both been infracted under rule 4 and your ability to post in the thread has been removed for 72 hours.

to everyone else That's a lot of infractions! I wanted to be clear about some things.
1. "loli" (and "shouta" for that matter) are extremely concerning terms that refer to the sexualization of children. In general, we look pretty strictly at a thread whenever that term comes up, because SV takes the sexualization of preteens quite seriously. If you don't want to sexualize children, you may want to consider avoiding these terms in general as their use tends to erode a lot of benefit of the doubt you otherwise might have in a discussion. If you do feel like their usage is necessary to frame a given critique, please remember that you should take effort to frame things carefully when using particularly charged words.

2. Gender bending is a trope that may not be for everyone! You are allowed to dislike the trope. You are allowed to find a usage of the trope tasteless or fetishy in specific instances, or even across certain media or genres. However, if you do express such beliefs, please make sure to do so in a way that criticizes the particular usage of the trope in context, rather than overgeneralizing gender transition (fantastical or otherwise) as intrinsically or predominantly sexualized, driven by a fetish or driven by mental illness. That is to say, you're allowed to dislike a trope. you're allowed to explain why and to use that to frame critique of a story. You're not allowed to do so in a way that's transphobic.
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Man some ppl just like that huh? That just sad, where the freedom of speech. If author write that way is up to him not every one can make a fic interesting. Especially the one who criticize.
Man some ppl just like that huh? That just sad, where the freedom of speech. If author write that way is up to him not every one can make a fic interesting.

Agreed. If you want to offer constructive criticism, that's one thing. But if you're just gonna post insults and criticize what the author has written for no good reason, then you're just wasting everyone else's time.
Rule 4: Don’t Be Disruptive, or, "Dropping into a thread just to leave a very disruptive comment about how you were glad that you weren't reading this fic is entirely unnecessary."
I honestly dropped this fic a WHILE ago, and seeing the kind of crap that's been going on in the comments really has been reinforcing that decision. I'll be blunt... I HATE the SI, as I find them (I am using the gender-neutral to avoid stepping on anything) to be an annoying and self-absorbed little shit that doesn't give a damn about anyone or anything and just really knows how to fake it to get the results they want. That may be mean, or harsh, or WHATEVER, but the dialogue and first person narrative we've been getting from the fic killed any possibility of me liking this, for so many reasons that I don't want to talk about other than one word: Pretentious. This is probably the last time I'll ever post to this, for which I am honestly glad. Adios!
*Pokes head in to see staff post*
Well... at least the thread is still up and running, and I am glad to see it did not go up *puts on sunglasses* In Nuclear fire. Yeahhhhhhh!

See this wordplay? Did it help you cool down? Have fun, people. That is unofficial rule 1. Aisha would definitely agree with me on this.
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*Pokes head in to see staff post*
Well... at least the thread is still up and running, and I am glad to see it did not go up *puts on sunglasses* In Nuclear fire. Yeahhhhhhh!

See this wordplay? Did it help you cool down? Have fun, people. That is unofficial rule 1. Aisha would definetely agree with me on this.
Aisha agreeing with you is a sign you have gone too far. We will need to take you in. *pulls out a nice comfy white padded jacket*
Though i must ask which tech he use to change? Just curious
Something called World Of Darkness.
Aisha agreeing with you is a sign you have gone too far. We will need to take you in. *pulls out a nice comfy white padded jacket*
*Quietly charges the taser...*
No matter how comfy that jacket looks, You'll never take me aliiiiive! *Proceeds to escape to another thread*
*Flips up the toggle to max!*
"Surprise MarthaFockler!"