In Nuclear Fire

I mean, not that I agree with Cowboy since I think the staff post was called for, but is it really?

I always assumed that Genderbender fanfics were a way that authors use to try to get readers of all genders to read the story. I never saw a genderbending story that deals with things like problems with gender identity, issues with gender roles and ingrained habits, and other kinds of things that would arose if a person that is not already part of a LGBT community would have when gender bent.

It seems to me that gender-bender MCs always magically assume their new identity as if they were always that. That's not really interesting to me.

Mostly because living in a body that doesn't outwardly correspond with your gender identity is, from what I heard, a very fucked up and miserable experience. And also triggers a lot of people by being too relatable.

So the protagonist is either trans and their body changing to assume what they always wanted is positive and cathartic, or they are some kind of genderqueer, and don't really care about how their body looks or feels, since they consider other things more important. ( or you are writing a fanfic about a magical adolescent girl living in Imperial Germany circa World War 1 who was a guy in the previous life, and you exercise authorial fiat to pronounce that she's genderqueer because you absolutely don't want to deal with gender dysphoria and other "fun" things cuz you're pretty sure you'll portrait them inaccurately and offend a lot of people. )

I'd say Peter is genderqueer, too, actually, but I'm not 100 percent sure.

There's also, like, a reincarnation element present, as in, a religious term. Almost all dharmic religions have reincarnation as a concept, and it isn't restricted by such things as gender, race, or even species. Since you're dealing with fantasy, you can say what counts as spiritual parts of the identity, and what counts as physical. So, for example, the body you reincarnated into has a clearly defined male/female brain that, thank whatever deities you do/not worship, corresponds with the rest of the body, and the soul blob is mostly genderless and wouldn't cause a fuckload of problems by integrating into this piece of transient meat.

This is, of course, an oversimplification that doesn't deal with, to list a few, agender, non-binary, genderfluid identities, not to mention differing scientific schools of thought about sexual orientation and whether it's intrinsic, develops through the adolescence, or some combination of the two, and also also the fact that trans people stopped getting persecuted for only a small period of time in a relatively small portion of the planet ( and often enough, not even there ), so compared to the rest of the literature and "literature" written by people in the last four thousand plus years, the number of books seriously exploring the topic by people with some sort of personal experience, who are willing to talk and write about it, is tiny.

TLDR; gender bender has been mostly written by cis guys as fanservice, and the works seriously exploring the topic would be either psychological horror stories, fantasy about painless affirmation without surgical and hormonal intervention, or vaguely spiritual/transhumanist esoterica not intended for casual consumption.
Very apt username, there. Yes, it is. What you just said is the equivalent of saying bashing lesbian ships isn't homophobic. Like, yeah, there are valid reasons to criticize the use of a trope in specific contexts, but that's not what the infracted users were doing.
I mean depends why you bash them? Being turned into another gender and wanting to be a different gender are two very different things, they don't have much in common as you would think, but the again I'm not gonna argue this and get a infraction for stupid BS
I didn't really say anything earlier cause I could see the discourse getting excessive, but why didn't the mc go with a transformation into a fey, it just seems like it fits more into his internal framework, and to be fair the gender bending makes more sense in that context, even if I honestly don't mind that aspect as currently written.
I Hope Peter make the senzu beans first, ki is cool and all but those could fix some major issues around from food up to helping mastered people

Also capsules those will help with their business project another fun thing would be if Peter get the data gero used to make cell
The more time I have to think about the latest chapter, the more convinced I become the reason Peter left the chrysalis in Glabro instead of T-1000 baseform or distinctly human is due to a critical lack of percussive maintenance - Taylor idiot-slapping Peter's head - as well as missing oversight.
When was the last time Peter tinkered something up on his own (without yay from the girls), that didn't create more headaches in the long run?
I didn't really say anything earlier cause I could see the discourse getting excessive, but why didn't the mc go with a transformation into a fey, it just seems like it fits more into his internal framework, and to be fair the gender bending makes more sense in that context, even if I honestly don't mind that aspect as currently written.
Mostly because the Fey are some of the craziest (in every conceivable meaning of the world) beings in the setting, they would have been a pain for his shard to understand, replicate, and their abilities wouldn't have meant such a big improvement over just combining the abilities of the big 3.

He also made a conscious effort to stay away from Fey and Demons out of fear of attracting the attention of one which would have turned Zion into a secondary concern.

I Hope Peter make the senzu beans first, ki is cool and all but those could fix some major issues around from food up to helping mastered people

Also capsules those will help with their business project another fun thing would be if Peter get the data gero used to make cell
Capsules are definitely something that he'll try to build, but senzu would be pushing it as they're flat-out magical (even more so than their super science and crazy biology). Remember that the senzu can only be farmed by one hermit who is a direct subordinate of a local god. I'm not saying that Peter couldn't do it, but it'd be a slow process and he'd first need to create a machine that generates an exotic field that allows such a plant to grow.

The more time I have to think about the latest chapter, the more convinced I become the reason Peter left the chrysalis in Glabro instead of T-1000 baseform or distinctly human is due to a critical lack of percussive maintenance - Taylor idiot-slapping Peter's head - as well as missing oversight.
When was the last time Peter tinkered something up on his own (without yay from the girls), that didn't create more headaches in the long run?
You may be into something there.
TLDR; gender bender has been mostly written by cis guys as fanservice

Fwiw, this was what I was angling at - that certain audiences, mostly cis and male (although not all of either by any stretch), are accustomed to encountering both genderbending and furries pretty exclusively in a fanservice-y context, and have difficulty parsing them out as tropes without that context. It is possible to engage in either or both without a prurient interest, and I actually think Poli's done well in the tiny bit we've seen thus far, but it requires an openness to the idea that such stories are possible; otherwise, as we've seen, a label of fanservice/fetishism/etc. will be slapped on any stories containing those tropes, regardless of their actual content.

It doesn't help, I suspect, that there's still a significant portion of society that is incapable of understanding non-cishet, and especially trans, people except through the same sexualized framework. Queer relationships and trans bodies in media too often get labeled 'explicit content,' as if our very existence is inappropriate for general consumption.
I Hope Peter make the senzu beans first, ki is cool and all but those could fix some major issues around from food up to helping mastered people

Also capsules those will help with their business project another fun thing would be if Peter get the data gero used to make cell
Room of Spirit and Time would be a better first choice, as he could then create and grow senzu beans inside it. Plus AFAIK Senzu Beans only replace what is physically missing and not healed over, not fix what is wrong, so they likely wouldn't do anything to someone mastered or sick.
Capsules are definitely something that he'll try to build, but senzu would be pushing it as they're flat-out magical (even more so than their super science and crazy biology). Remember that the senzu can only be farmed by one hermit who is a direct subordinate of a local god. I'm not saying that Peter couldn't do it, but it'd be a slow process and he'd first need to create a machine that generates an exotic field that allows such a plant to grow.

That hermit is also apparently from their version of the afterlife, so that probably adds some more difficulty to generating the exotic field and growing the beans.

The more time I have to think about the latest chapter, the more convinced I become the reason Peter left the chrysalis in Glabro instead of T-1000 baseform or distinctly human is due to a critical lack of percussive maintenance - Taylor idiot-slapping Peter's head - as well as missing oversight.
When was the last time Peter tinkered something up on his own (without yay from the girls), that didn't create more headaches in the long run?
I'm surprised Lisa or Aisha didn't try to figure out exactly what he was doing since she just talked him down from erasing his memory. The fact they were talking about slumber parties shortly before he went in could have also led his mind on a tangent and changed a variable or something that would've been detected and fixed had the error not occurred.
Remember that the senzu can only be farmed by one hermit who is a direct subordinate of a local god. I'm not saying that Peter couldn't do it, but it'd be a slow process and he'd first need to create a machine that generates an exotic field that allows such a plant to grow.

Right... Peter doesn't have enough magical setting's to extrapolate near conceptual BS yet at best It would be discount Nia à la stimpack which is good but not the same

Room of Spirit and Time would be a better first choice, as he could then create and grow senzu beans inside it. Plus AFAIK Senzu Beans only replace what is physically missing and not healed over, not fix what is wrong, so they likely wouldn't do anything to someone mastered or sick.

The Room could be good if Peter get some Sort of Replicator Right now there's isn't much he can do with one, i think is up to what the shard does to master people if they just scramble the brain some people can be healed

Yeah is canon that the beans cannot heal people of sickness or diseases they can heal up to missing limps thought that and 1 Bean = 10 days of food is why i say they are usefull
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I mean, if it can only be harvested by a Hermit in service of a local God then you could say that only Parahumans in contact with a living Agent could harvest it. Maybe the supernatural healing powers come from the energy of the Agent. It would also be funny to see why the people who don't know wondering why some Parahumans can't harvest it.
I only hope that Peter makes the Nimbus Cloud only to see Aisha trying to use it only to "organize a date" between her face and the ground.
This page almost seems like a redacted report with the amount of information blotted out... Makes me wonder why people don't use this tag in stories for redacted reports when it doesn't matter if the readers see the redacted information or not.
I only hope that Peter makes the Nimbus Cloud only to see Aisha trying to use it only to "organize a date" between her face and the ground.
There is a dark version that doesn't have the pure of heart requirement, which Tao Pai Pai used on the way down from Korin's Tower, but Peter seems like he'd be more likely to go along the path of capsules rather than creating either cloud. Then again, he might make a few for the less technologically inclined members of Heavy Gear, so we'll just have to wait and see.
Dragon ball is going to be amusing regarless there's a lot of thing's to pick even if Peter stick with tech from earth there's Dr. Brief, Dr. Gero or Dr. Slump or space there's the Galactic Patrol and frieza force
This page almost seems like a redacted report with the amount of information blotted out... Makes me wonder why people don't use this tag in stories for redacted reports when it doesn't matter if the readers see the redacted information or not.

Well, the reason is pretty simple. It's easy. I mean, which would you rather do: spend twenty minutes noting down where and when X and Y canon characters were at Z date so that your report will be accurate, or just black out all the names and timestamps?
Dragon ball is going to be amusing regarless there's a lot of thing's to pick even if Peter stick with tech from earth there's Dr. Brief, Dr. Gero or Dr. Slump or space there's the Galactic Patrol and frieza force
Poliamida already mentioned that Dr. Slump tech isnt getting added.

Actually, speaking of DB, would Peter's shard have the same diffficulties in understanding Ki as it does with magic?
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This page almost seems like a redacted report with the amount of information blotted out... Makes me wonder why people don't use this tag in stories for redacted reports when it doesn't matter if the readers see the redacted information or not.

There is a dark version that doesn't have the pure of heart requirement, which Tao Pai Pai used on the way down from Korin's Tower, but Peter seems like he'd be more likely to go along the path of capsules rather than creating either cloud. Then again, he might make a few for the less technologically inclined members of Heavy Gear, so we'll just have to wait and see.

My idea is more related to the prank war that was ongoing between Aisha and Peter.
I only hope that Peter makes the Nimbus Cloud only to see Aisha trying to use it only to "organize a date" between her face and the ground.
Let's be honest here, the only one from the team who'd be able to use it would be The Fight.
Dragon ball is going to be amusing regarless there's a lot of thing's to pick even if Peter stick with tech from earth there's Dr. Brief, Dr. Gero or Dr. Slump or space there's the Galactic Patrol and frieza force
No Dr Slump because that one works on cartoon logic and rule of funny, which I'm not really interested on. The rest is valid, as are the movies.

Actually, speaking of DB, would Peter's shard have the same diffficulties in understanding Ki as it does with magic?
It wouldn't be able to flat-out generate artificial Ki, but his shard would have a big advantage understanding it because Ki in the setting is deeply related to biology, and that's something that his shard does understand very well. Replicating Saiyan DNA would be a very good first step to crack Ki.
I just stop looking at a thread for a few weeks and when I poke my head in its on fire. Again. This is just some Worm fanfic where someone poked gender slightly, how humans managed to build a society at all still amazes me from time to time.
I guess Electro-Nun is no what she seems.

Well there's was some foreshadow a few chapters ago
"Are you kidding me?" I say out loud, maybe louder than I should have. "The Amy I knew was a broken husk too busy trying to live to the impossible expectations of someone who never truly loved her. She was nothing more than a mask who had convinced herself that she was okay with a situation that she hated! She's much better now than she ever was!"

I'm ready to continue my discourse when I realize that Valerie's looking at me with what can be taken as surprise and shock.

She's likely just murder Happy and depressed
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Let's be honest here, the only one from the team who'd be able to use it would be The Fight.

No Dr Slump because that one works on cartoon logic and rule of funny, which I'm not really interested on. The rest is valid, as are the movies.

It wouldn't be able to flat-out generate artificial Ki, but his shard would have a big advantage understanding it because Ki in the setting is deeply related to biology, and that's something that his shard does understand very well. Replicating Saiyan DNA would be a very good first step to crack Ki.
The responsive adaptation abilities of Saiyans would be pretty useful yeah but more importantly there's the biomimicry of Mutant Machines and the sort of biological integration abilities that belonged to Cell. Those would probably be more useful then even the knowledge of cybernetics.

Edit: Also Peter would probably be able to make a synthetic equivalent of Senzu Beans or Yemma Tree fruit or Tree Of Might fruit. Some sort of energy-dense molecule that could be used by the metabolism.

Some sort of Mutant Machine based off of the Tree Of Might and the Big Geta Star would probably also be good for both collecting that much organic material and/or energy, even if it needed to bore deeply enough into the ground to get at geo-thermal energy or even straight up make a fusion reactor to fuel itself, and/or sterilizing a area. There are some areas that could stand to be reaped of all life even if alternative methods of getting that much energy could be developed.

Edit: Paradise Herbs would probably be decently valuable since they apparently extend a persons lifespan.
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