In Nuclear Fire

PHO - Interlude (Canon)
Have another omake. I cannot imagine people not reacting to what appears to be a cape-date, so this is my excuse to try to write a PHO-lude


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♦ Topic: Tech Priest Sighting
In: Boards ► Brockton Bay \ Cape Sightings
(Original Poster)
Posted On May 3rd, 2011:
Hey I saw Tech Priest walking towards Fugly Bobs. Anyone know what he's up to? Maybe I'll get to see the rest of Heavy Gear?
(Showing page 1 of 2)
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
H_E_A_V_Y G_E_A_R! Walk around like you own the town becuase the PRT are clowns. $5 says there will be a PRT response, $10 says the response will be pointless.​
►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
Please do not approach capes you do not know. A lot of people commit suicide by Cape unintentionally.​
►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
Welp, the higher ups are not going to like this. I need to report this now.​
►Noveltry (Not a tinker) (Wiki Warrior)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
I think I saw Glory Girl there earlier. Is this a new ship that's sailing? But the Dean/Gallant/Glory Girl capefics are so good....​
Mr. Fabuu
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
I recognize that guy! He got called a pervert by some blonde the other day. He was in a hurry to get away.​
►Tin Mother (Moderator)​
Replied On JMay 3rd, 2011:​
Before anyone gets too crazy, they are both minors and the currently publicly available information on Tech Priests suggests he is a preteen. Please make sure all content is AGE APPROPRIATE.​
►Antigone (Banned)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
If they do start dating, what does that mean for my Dean/Gallant/Glory Girl OTT?​
Mod Edit: No. We are not suggesting, stating, or otherwise implying anything about minors' love life.​
►Lo A Quest (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
The guy has been around for less than a month and he decides to raid protectorate HQ. Seriously, he has steel balls. I've been in the game for a year and the only time I go close to protectorate is for Endbringers.​
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
Tech Priest and Glory Girl are sitting at a booth together. Tech Priest did something, and now I cannot hear what they are talking about. I guess this cape tourism is about the one good thing about living in this city. I would like to be a fly inside that booth though.​
►Noveltry (Not a tinker) (Wiki Warrior)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
But my one true threesome! Do you realize how many girls hearts this breaks?​
Mod Edit: Seriously, you are banned. How?​
Not a tinker's Edit: Social Engineering. Also, I'm banning you for the next 24 hours. Because what's the point of petty power if I don't abuse it? Still, that's not important. Kind of like the economy, the gangs, and the protectorate. More importantly: THE SHIP MUST SAIL! AGAIN! FOR THE ARMADA! DEAN X GALLANT X GLORY GIRL​
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►Tin Mother (Moderator) (Banned)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
How? I still can work around your social engineering, but I am suitably impressed Noveltry. I'm adding Thinker 0 to your tags.​
►Ladybug (Verified Cape) (Heavy Gear)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
I can't believe I'm actually doing this, but I lost a bet to our other teammates. For what it is worth, Tech Priest said he was leaving to go on a date with Glory Girl, though I doubt Glory Girl thinks of it as such. I still have my reservations about a seventeen year old going out with a preteen though.​
►Noveltry (Not a tinker) (Wiki Warrior) (Thinker 0)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
But my ship! NOOOO! That's it, to the CAPEFICS!​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
@Noveltry: Not a thinker, but I think you should switch to decaf.​
Also, guys I heard that 3 of the wards are now at Fugly Bobs as well. I wonder what is going on with that restaurant.​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
@Ladybug: Is heavy gear hiring? A lot of inquiring minds want to know.​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
Called it.​
Not a tinkers edit: Come on, help me sail the ship.​
►Nondeceptive (Cape Husband) (Banned)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
@Ladybug: Hey would your older members be up for a menage a trois with me and my wife?​
Mod Edit: No. Just NO.​
►Noveltry (Not a tinker) (Wiki Warrior) (Thinker 0)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
Come on GALLANT! SAIL THAT SHIP! SAIL THAT SHIP! If only Dean was there too...​
►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
Sorry guys, I could not find out what the wards were told to do but I would probably guess that they were there for recruitment purposes.​
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)​
Replied On May 3rd, 2011:​
See, this is why no one likes the protectorate. They have a corrupt director, 3 gangs that have been entrenched longer than my son has been alive, and they try to poach members from other hero groups. If I got powers, I doubt I would be willing to go to the protectorate.​
Mr. Fabuu
Replied May 3rd, 2011:​
First that hot blonde, heavy gear has so many beautiful women, and now he's got glory girl? Some guys have all the luck.​
►Tin Mother (Moderator)​
Replied May 3rd, 2011:​
Going over minors love lives is questionable at best, and there seems to be a lot of hostility. I'm locking this thread. Also, nice try unbanning yourself Noveltry, but I have you now.​
End of Page. 1, 2

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Honestly, I doubt it. Some light research has shown that there are a number of reasons that airships aren't really used anymore, though it boils down to three reasons: cost, speed, and convenience.

Blimps are apparently hideously expensive to build and maintain. The helium gas that's needed to ensure that the ship actually floats can cost something like $100,000. That's not even including all of the money that needs to be spent on maintenance and hiring somebody actually capable of flying the airship. There apparently aren't that many who can fly them anymore, like 128 in the U.S alone, and we haven't had murder hobos and kaiju killing them off.

The speed is fairly obvious. It's a giant floating balloon, you're not going to be able to get it moving very fast. People expect to be able to get their goods fairly quick, which we have cargo planes for already. The fastest speed of an airship we have on record is 71 MPH. A cargo plane can go over 600 miles per hour.

Airships do not like bad weather (or even mildly inconvenient weather, as far as I can tell). They can really only fly on relatively calm days, with winds at 20 knots (23 MPH) or below for safety. They also can't fly in thunderstorms and snow/ice will ground it. Low lying clouds can keep an airship from flying as well. They're more finicky and delicate than a plane.

That's what I was able to find. Hopefully I haven't missed anything really important.

Airships are cheaper than aircraft, althrough that's not saying much, and fairly safe as long as you don't use hydrogen as your gas (something something Hindenburg). By far their biggest downside is speed, but they somewhat compensate with higher capacity.

Interestingly, we had recent development of hybrid airship-aircraft which would cost 1/3 the fuel of an aircraft, have vertical liftoff (similar to a helicopter) or needing only short distance for liftoff, with massively increased cargo (compared to both aircraft and airship), at the cost of speed.

For example, the aeros ML868 (planned for 2022) would carry 250 tons at 200 km/h. The boeing 747 carry 13 tons at 900 km/h.

Also, nice try unbanning yourself Noveltry, but I have you now.

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If I had Fate I'd have already summoned Penthesilea, but that's not what I was talking about.
Yeah and given your priorities I got the feeling you are forgetting that Penth would instantly go ballistic when someone says the magic word on her and rip them to pieces.

Anyways found TYPO's @Poliamida
The night is relatively warm,[ ]so several tables have been arranged outside in the courtyard for families that don't have children or who are okay with letting them wander off.
This reminds me of another time in another life when my family and I used to go to a McDonald's once a month just before watching the movies.
If what Victoria remembers the best is the final battle, what was burned in my memory was the scene directly after that.
That's so sad.

I'd suggest asking the internet for help, but I know how underdeveloped it is in this universe.
Spaghetti cooked with sausages cut into tiny coins.
I have long stated support for dirigible airships in shipping. Tinkers should be able to make it work even easier by use of negative mass or a vacuum to provide buoyancy.
The world of Worm in general seems odly unwilling to use more Tinkers. I suspect this is because Cauldron doesn't know how to use them and is obsessed with thinkers.
And let's not forget that it was a tinker gun the one that ended up killing Zion.
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
I love it!
Makes me wonder what Aisha did to have Taylor posting.
If you make one edition I'll threadmark it as canon: add a reference to the sighting of Tech Priest fleeing from Tattletale while she calls him 'Perverted weirdo'.
Yeah and given your priorities I got the feeling you are forgetting that Penth would instantly go ballistic when someone says the magic word on her and rip them to pieces.
Peter ignoring blatant downsides to the stuff he really wants to do for purely personal reasons? No, I don't see it.
Peter ignoring blatant downsides to the stuff he really wants to do for purely personal reasons? No, I don't see it.
Hilarious, but I can always see his cold body ripped to pieces by Penth's teeth tbh if he forgets about that, heck if he accidentally became a moss head before summoning her, his heart would be quickly pushed out of his body instantly without him even noticing quickly given how fast Servants are.
Random tech tree suggestion, Austin Powers.

Moonbase, giant "laser", time machine, "giant flying p—Johnson!" spaceship.
The tech is pretty crazy.
In general, this law exist mainly as a regulation tool. The 'normals' saw parahumans getting ahead of everyone else and so they did everything in their power to put them back in their place, doing their best to keep the status quo from before Zion's arrival
Its also a way for the government to force parahumans to work for the state thinkers and tinkers have to work with or for PRT or Protectorate, become villains, be pressed into one of those groups or go hungry. Iether way the government willgave acces to them if they are heroes or if they are arrested. Probably to be use as troops in WW3: parahuman boongaloo die harder
Random tech tree suggestion, Austin Powers.

Moonbase, giant "laser", time machine, "giant flying p—Johnson!" spaceship.
The tech is pretty crazy.
Nah, I have a better idea: Evil Genius/Evil Genius 2 for tech trees. Only drawback would be Peter regretting offing Coil this early before he could show him how a real Villian Lair is set up.

Though if Peter wanted to be really Evil, he can flat out break the Nine with the most insidious of traps: The Paywall. Yes, one of the traps in EG2 is an actual paywall.
The world of Worm in general seems odly unwilling to use more Tinkers. I suspect this is because Cauldron doesn't know how to use them and is obsessed with thinkers.
And let's not forget that it was a tinker gun the one that ended up killing Zion.
I think it's due to maintenance cost. And by that I mean the time cost. At least for the general public.

But for cauldron it actually doesn't make sense why they don't try and fun a tinker to oblivion and see what they get. It's like they gave up on that after Hero.

If they got Bakuda, armsmaster, and kid win to build a weapon it would be insanely destructive. And that's just 3 capes in the same city.

Though once possibility isn't due to Ziz clamping on any advanced tech she doesn't like.
Argentinian noble house
The most noble and ANCIENT House of Legrand. XD

Also Poli not to bring down the mood but up to May of 82 Bet is the same as Aleph, we were still fighting Malvinas at the time, so just imagine hiw many triggers we would have had in Argentina alone.
Los Centros dee detencion clandestinos would be trigger factories.

Context for those who are not countrymen/women. Argentina was in the middle of brutal (US backed) dictatorship and people "disappeared" they property siezed and in a lot of cases their children stolen. A lot of these people were held in small black sites all over the country, where torture, abuse and murder were the norm. While a lot of common people were afraid all the time when they saw a cop walking down the street, a family member was late getting home or you just got someone knocking at the door when you weren't expecting someone. Hell sometimes thy pickect people at random. Strees and crisis points for everybody
So yeah shit times. Now add to that triggers in an environment where to mention only one account, a man was tortured for the amusement if his guards, with the objective to make him "confess" "i eat d!cks". (he did not confess btw)
Most of Latin america was like this at the time parahumans became a thing. So under that light Canon Worm depiction that SA is full of Capes is not that strange
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Hilarious, but I can always see his cold body ripped to pieces by Penth's teeth tbh if he forgets about that, heck if he accidentally became a moss head before summoning her, his heart would be quickly pushed out of his body instantly without him even noticing quickly given how fast Servants are.
I don't know, she does mellow down as the story goes on and one of her personal quests is about learning to control her rage a bit better.
But for cauldron it actually doesn't make sense why they don't try and fun a tinker to oblivion and see what they get. It's like they gave up on that after Hero.
It does make sense to me once you remember the extremely medieval mindset of Cauldron, and their disregard for synergy and combined arms tactics.
They simply don't understand tinkers, don't know how to use them, and don't recognize how powerful they could be if properly managed.
Heck, if Hero's specialty was 'Wavelengts' then he basically was a tinker whose specialty was 'Parahuman Powers'. He could have built them the army they wanted, but never realized his potential and saw him as a valid sacrifice when compared to someone more 'flashy'.
The most noble and ANCIENT House of Legrand. XD

Also Poli not to bring down the mood but up to May of 82 Bet is the same as Aleph, we were still fighting Malvinas at the time, so just imagine hiw many triggers we would have had in Argentina alone.
Los Centros dee detencion clandestinos would be trigger factories.

Context for those who are not countrymen/women. Argentina was in the middle of brutal (US backed) dictatorship and people "disappeared" they property siezed and in a lot of cases their children stolen. A lot of these people were held in small black sites all over the country, where torture, abuse and murder were the norm. While a lot of common people were afraid all the time when they saw a cop walking down the street, a family member was late getting home or you just got someone knocking at the door when you weren't expecting someone. Hell sometimes thy pickect people at random. Strees and crisis points for everybody
So yeah shit times. Now add to that triggers in an environment where to mention only one account, a man was tortured for the amusement if his guards, with the objective to make him "confess" "i eat d!cks". (he did not confess btw)
Most of Latin america was like this at the time parahumans became a thing. So under that light Canon Worm depiction that SA is full of Capes is not that strange
I know, I know, but it's still a silly thing to think about.
The world of Worm in general seems odly unwilling to use more Tinkers. I suspect this is because Cauldron doesn't know how to use them and is obsessed with thinkers.
And let's not forget that it was a tinker gun the one that ended up killing Zion.

I love it!
Makes me wonder what Aisha did to have Taylor posting.
If you make one edition I'll threadmark it as canon: add a reference to the sighting of Tech Priest fleeing from Tattletale while she calls him 'Perverted weirdo'.

Peter ignoring blatant downsides to the stuff he really wants to do for purely personal reasons? No, I don't see it.
I think it might really just be the fact that Hero and Sphere were icons of Tinker.
Heck, if Hero's specialty was 'Wavelengts' then he basically was a tinker whose specialty was 'Parahuman Powers'. He could have built them the army they wanted, but never realized his potential and saw him as a valid sacrifice when compared to someone more 'flashy'.
Tinkers are probably the most BS powers in Worm, since they can get stronger the more they build. Hell, some might be able to give themselves powers.
The biggest weak point to the Amazon plan is that it absolutely depends on how much influence they can get on customs worldwide, which means dealing with international politics.

At the very least they would need permission to deploy their portals in BB harbour customs' international transshipment designated area (if there is still one at all), and enough influence to both put a portal in other countries' customs, and that their stuff doesn't get misfiled, scheduled to be inspected sometime next year, impounded for irregularities, dropped out of the back of trucks, or any combination/all of the above (and no, you can't put your own armed robotic guards on customs zones).

Heavy Gear is already considered a borderline if not outright villain group (and don't care); the most PR penetration they get is when they make the news by kicking the status quo in the balls, which really doesn't help their case with the establishment. Danny can't even get the City to reopen the ferry, his political power is minimum with the local authorities and nil outside BB. Opposed to the big business companies whose profits they're going to harm, they have absolutely no chance of succeeding in any kind of lobbying wars.
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The biggest weak point to the Amazon plan is that it absolutely depends on how much influence they can get on customs worldwide, which means dealing with international politics.

At the very least they would need permission to deploy their portals in BB harbour customs' international transshipment designated area (if there is still one at all), and enough influence in other countries so that their stuff doesn't get relegated to be inspected sometime next year, dropped out of the back of trucks, or both (and no, you can't put your own armed robotic guards on customs zones).

Heavy Gear is already considered a borderline if not outright villain group (and don't care); the most PR penetration they get is when they make the news by kicking the status quo in the balls, which really doesn't help their case with the establishment. Danny can't even get the City to reopen the ferry, his political power is minimum with the local authorities and nil outside BB. Opposed to the big business companies whose profits they're going to harm, they have absolutely no chance of succeeding in any kind of lobbying wars.
maybe they could just open cargo ship sized portals in international waters? just at the edge of it so they cut down travel time significantly and just not open portals in areas leviathan is being tracked in?
Does anyone know just how big of a portal Heavy Gear can open currently? Because there's no point in trying to drive a truck though a portal sized for a human.

If your limited to human sized, your best bet would likely be a conveyor belt system, feeding packages through to warehouses located in differing cities. One of HG's goals should be to get a warehouse in a major city in each of the USA's fifty states.
To be fair, Tinkers are supposed to be limited by the need to personally maintain their equipment. Dragon being able to reverse engineer some tinkertech for mass production is enough to make her the best living Tinker in the world, and Masamune only gets around the limitation (if I understand it correctly) by tinkering machines that then do production runs.

Peter being able to offload maintenance tasks onto the Swarm is an outside context solution for tinkertech; it's likely that only the Machine Army and other S-class threats are allowed to get around the Tinker limit in similar fashion.
The biggest weak point to the Amazon plan is that it absolutely depends on how much influence they can get on customs worldwide, which means dealing with international politics.

At the very least they would need permission to deploy their portals in BB harbour customs' international transshipment designated area (if there is still one at all), and enough influence to both put a portal in other countries' customs, and that their stuff doesn't get misfiled, scheduled to be inspected sometime next year, impounded for irregularities, dropped out of the back of trucks, or any combination/all of the above (and no, you can't put your own armed robotic guards on customs zones).

Heavy Gear is already considered a borderline if not outright villain group (and don't care); the most PR penetration they get is when they make the news by kicking the status quo in the balls, which really doesn't help their case with the establishment. Danny can't even get the City to reopen the ferry, his political power is minimum with the local authorities and nil outside BB. Opposed to the big business companies whose profits they're going to harm, they have absolutely no chance of succeeding in any kind of lobbying wars.

That a very good analysis for someone that doesn't have an army and care about the law.

In the case of Peter ? Gunboat diplomacy.

This is just deeply unrealistic. More likely, what is going to happen is that Dean and Gallant will get sick of Glory Girl stringing them on and flirting with both of them, and after they have an argument about it, will realize they actually love each other, and Glory Girl was just the excuse they were using to spend time together. This will end up with Dean and Gallant going on to their Happily Ever After. Glory Girl will learn an important lesson in not toying with other people's hearts. Alone.
Read a fic where a person who knew Dean and Gallant were the same person wrote that exact fanfic on PHO NSFW. Giggles were had over the imagined reaction by Dean of seeing him yaoi-shipped with himself.
It does make sense to me once you remember the extremely medieval mindset of Cauldron
I feel like maybe that's a bit uncharitable, Armsmaster was one of the greatest tinkers alive, seemingly, and he came up with some amazing shit but there were absolutely some capes that were just fundamentally stronger. That's the kind of thing cauldron were looking for. There's no way Contessa didn't run a path to find or make the strongest Cape that wouldn't have considered tinkers.
The biggest weak point to the Amazon plan is that it absolutely depends on how much influence they can get on customs worldwide, which means dealing with international politics.

At the very least they would need permission to deploy their portals in BB harbour customs' international transshipment designated area (if there is still one at all), and enough influence to both put a portal in other countries' customs, and that their stuff doesn't get misfiled, scheduled to be inspected sometime next year, impounded for irregularities, dropped out of the back of trucks, or any combination/all of the above (and no, you can't put your own armed robotic guards on customs zones).

Heavy Gear is already considered a borderline if not outright villain group (and don't care); the most PR penetration they get is when they make the news by kicking the status quo in the balls, which really doesn't help their case with the establishment. Danny can't even get the City to reopen the ferry, his political power is minimum with the local authorities and nil outside BB. Opposed to the big business companies whose profits they're going to harm, they have absolutely no chance of succeeding in any kind of lobbying wars.
That's correct, there are several small problems that they'll have to face.
But, as I already said in a previous comment, a good chunk of them get solved with copious amounts of Zerg Rush.
Does anyone know just how big of a portal Heavy Gear can open currently? Because there's no point in trying to drive a truck though a portal sized for a human.
They are the size of the portals from, well, Portal. So around human size. Sending a truck through it will me immposible but everything else is free game.
it's likely that only the Machine Army and other S-class threats are allowed to get around the Tinker limit in similar fashion.
This proves that it's already doable in canon.
I feel like maybe that's a bit uncharitable, Armsmaster was one of the greatest tinkers alive, seemingly, and he came up with some amazing shit but there were absolutely some capes that were just fundamentally stronger. That's the kind of thing cauldron were looking for. There's no way Contessa didn't run a path to find or make the strongest Cape that wouldn't have considered tinkers.
The Three Blasphemies were created by tinkers, so was the Machine Army. The S9 became far more deadly thanks to Bonesaw upgrading its members. They won against Zion thanks to Bonesaw and Amy experimenting on Taylor, and then with a gun built by tinkers.

The only reasonable explanation I find is that Cauldron simply never saw tinkers as useful, maybe because of their obsession with finding a singular badass (again, a very medieval mindset) while Tinkers need external support to truly shine.
The Three Blasphemies were created by tinkers, so was the Machine Army. The S9 became far more deadly thanks to Bonesaw upgrading its members. They won against Zion thanks to Bonesaw and Amy experimenting on Taylor, and then with a gun built by tinkers.

The only reasonable explanation I find is that Cauldron simply never saw tinkers as useful, maybe because of their obsession with finding a singular badass (again, a very medieval mindset) while Tinkers need external support to truly shine.

I don't remember the quote exactly, but when Contessa was explaining what they were trying to do, she said something like finding a silver bullet for Scion, which she defined as a power or a synergy of several different ones that could kill him. The problem is, we don't have any evidence at all that they actually encouraged the capes to combine their powers. Like, f.e., Endbringers are fought in formations of differently oriented capes who each have a combat role, but nobody goes out of their way to synergize their powers, they mostly act out like individuals organized in temporary groups.
Eidolon is the one preeminently capable of synergizing with other capes by the very nature of his power, but he doesn't do it, because, well, he's an asshole.
But Legend and Alexandria don't really try, either. Alexandria spends most of the fights as an impression of a flying indestructible brick, while Legend tries out his impression of a flying gay brick that shoots lasers.

And yeah, cabals of tinkers are actually the easiest way to combine different powers, which we even see somewhat when Protectorate tinkers talk about collaborating on their projects.

Also, lol, can anyone remind me if they approached or even just recognized Flechette at any time? Since she's the closest to a silver bullet, but they apparently let her defect without stopping her?

It's all probably a very convoluted plan worthy of Coil.

Bleh. Anyway.

Wonder what Amy thinks about her sister going on a 'date' with Tech-Priest. Will anyone notify her, please?
I don't remember the quote exactly, but when Contessa was explaining what they were trying to do, she said something like finding a silver bullet for Scion, which she defined as a power or a synergy of several different ones that could kill him. The problem is, we don't have any evidence at all that they actually encouraged the capes to combine their powers. Like, f.e., Endbringers are fought in formations of differently oriented capes who each have a combat role, but nobody goes out of their way to synergize their powers, they mostly act out like individuals organized in temporary groups.
Eidolon is the one preeminently capable of synergizing with other capes by the very nature of his power, but he doesn't do it, because, well, he's an asshole.
But Legend and Alexandria don't really try, either. Alexandria spends most of the fights as an impression of a flying indestructible brick, while Legend tries out his impression of a flying gay brick that shoots lasers.

And yeah, cabals of tinkers are actually the easiest way to combine different powers, which we even see somewhat when Protectorate tinkers talk about collaborating on their projects.

Also, lol, can anyone remind me if they approached or even just recognized Flechette at any time? Since she's the closest to a silver bullet, but they apparently let her defect without stopping her?

It's all probably a very convoluted plan worthy of Coil.

Bleh. Anyway.
And this is what I imagine a normal day at Cauldron looks like:

Wonder what Amy thinks about her sister going on a 'date' with Tech-Priest. Will anyone notify her, please?
"This is fine, this doesn't affect me, think happy thoughts."