In Nuclear Fire

Leviathan was Amy's first Endbringer fight. She isn't famous outside Brockton Bay. She didn't heal famous or important people and didn't sell her healing. You don't earn much fame for only healing random cases in your local hospital.

It is kind of like March. No one really recognized how dangerous and powerful March was because she stuck to local small time crime for so long and didn't use her Striker power on anyone with a strong defense.
The same reason why details around Trigger Events are tried to be kept under wraps to not reveal how traumatized most capes truly are.

There is a lot of that but it's not the sole reason. Trigger events are kept out of the public view to promote trigger events since trying to trigger makes it harder (Theo's interlude).

One of the few things I like about Ward is how it expanded on what the public knew about 'getting powers', the PRT pushed a narrative of overcoming adversity as the primary means of Heroes getting powers and that's where the strongest powers came from, while powers that come from hitting rock bottom is how you get 'weak' powers and criminal parahumans. Mainly it was Cauldron Capes giving false testimony to push the idea, with the very rare natural trigger such as Dauntless (he basically told his Shard to sit down and shut the fuck up) lending unknowing support.

It was all bullshit of course, but it fixed a hole in Worm in a reasonable way IMO.
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Well, there's always the ever reliable T.Calvert... I mean, sure he's a consultant, but he seems to know what's going on in Brockton Bay at all times so he's clearly a great pick!
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?

.....Seriously, why in the fuck is Cauldron even doing that Parahuman Feudalism Experiment?! The only thing it helps is to see how to let things get out of control so it happens. If the ENE had the same backing the other branches do, Brockton would be a controllable Chaos instead of a Bomb waiting to tip over one way or another and go BOOM.
I mean, its as if they just see the gangs and villains as the ones that will rise to prominence in the event that humanity survives Zion, and how could they not? The Experiment is rigged in their favor because Costa-Brown is the one who let the situation get so out of hand by cutting fundings and cape support for years, and the other directors see the bay as waste of resources due to how the situation and villain elements have escalated because of that.
They want Parahuman Feudalism? Why dont they look at Africa? The place is already being teared apart by Parahuman Warlords and the like. Heck look at fucking Moord Nag and her pet!
Ah, moments like that remind me how fucking stupid and self-sabotaging the entire "Let's arrange a feudal fiefdom in the primary country of our operation" is.

This is like reverse imperialism, but even more stupid, somehow.

No, like, seriously, why.

I mean, yeah, the real reason is "to fuck with Taylor's life as much as possible", but what shit went through Contessa's head when she arranged this?

There are canon mentions of Africa descending into warlord anarchy, the natural end state of what they tried to experiment with.
If distance was somehow a fucking problem for an organization with multidimensional portals, there's one place that is nearby, infamous for its drug trade and human trafficking that would help obscure the Cauldron giving out powers like candy, with cartels providing a ready framework for a pseudo-feudal domain.

Yes, fucking Mexico. I wouldn't want it to happen anywhere, because it's horrible and almost offensively stupid, but if it had to happen at all according to them, why the fuck in New Hampshire?


Ah, a spike of blood pressure, now I remember why I never bothered to start reading Ward or Pact.
Amy is definitely a mess . Let's hope Pete and Taylor stay away . Cause things can go nuclear very easily .
Imagine how angry piggy will be if just when she finally quits and finds peace or routine as a civilian , our Mc builds a machine that does widespread omnidirectional healing like Sailor moons .
About the Cauldron debate, I'll just leave this link here that explains it better than I ever could:

[Bleach/Worm] Arana

Yeah, fifth post meaning it's probably time to make a thread for this, thereby dooming it to a...

It's because of stuff like that why I go for the 'Schrödinger's Cauldron' approach. They most probably will never become relevant for the story before some foodnote about them existing somewhere in the background.

I may have Contessa slipping on a banana peel that Eidolon accidentally droped and breaking her neck.

Leviathan was Amy's first Endbringer fight. She isn't famous outside Brockton Bay. She didn't heal famous or important people and didn't sell her healing. You don't earn much fame for only healing random cases in your local hospital.
Amy is one of the most fanon-ed characters of Worm, and that says a lot.
He doesn't have his system set up yet so he's actually in a bad position if he's forced to accept.
Coil is in a really bad possition right now. A lot of his equipment took a serious hit and one of his long-term plans may be set back by years if a new Director takes over.

He's in 'doomed if you do, doomed if you don't' situation and so he'll do what's most interesting for the plot.
Behold! I came with gifts!!!
It's beautiful!
Huh, you know Seeing Tagg become director could he interesting. One of the big reasons he sucked so much in canon, and this is a loose quote from canon, he was a director geared towards war in a city that was trying to rebuild in peace post like a dozen S-class events.

So seeing Tagg be in charge of a city that is actually at war and might benefit from a harder approach could be interesting to see.
Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?

.....Seriously, why in the fuck is Cauldron even doing that Parahuman Feudalism Experiment?! The only thing it helps is to see how to let things get out of control so it happens. If the ENE had the same backing the other branches do, Brockton would be a controllable Chaos instead of a Bomb waiting to tip over one way or another and go BOOM.
I mean, its as if they just see the gangs and villains as the ones that will rise to prominence in the event that humanity survives Zion, and how could they not? The Experiment is rigged in their favor because Costa-Brown is the one who let the situation get so out of hand by cutting fundings and cape support for years, and the other directors see the bay as waste of resources due to how the situation and villain elements have escalated because of that.
They want Parahuman Feudalism? Why dont they look at Africa? The place is already being teared apart by Parahuman Warlords and the like. Heck look at fucking Moord Nag and her pet!

There's also the two American cities that already were declared HOSV.
Huh, you know Seeing Tagg become director could he interesting. One of the big reasons he sucked so much in canon, and this is a loose quote from canon, he was a director geared towards war in a city that was trying to rebuild in peace post like a dozen S-class events.

So seeing Tagg be in charge of a city that is actually at war and might benefit from a harder approach could be interesting to see.
Didn't he have the lowest crime rate in his former city before BB?
I mean, I wouldn't probably be so hung up on that, if Contessa didn't have a literal precog package telling her what to do, all the time, which by the inherent logic of such an arrangement means her actions were somehow justified.
And I refuse to believe that, because something so stupid just cannot be explained away by "You just don't see the big picture".

... is Contessa braindamaged? Is her Shard braindamaged? May-

Behold! I came with gifts!!!

Here you have the most adorable moment of the fic until now.

-oooooh, a cute dog sitting on the head of a cute girl, the world's an alright place, I guess.
And I refuse to believe that, because something so stupid just cannot be explained away by "You just don't see the big picture".

There are 10^80 Earths. Once Scion is dead, it doesn't matter what kind of parahuman run government emerges. It will only affect handful of planets as there are only so many parahumans around. Even if they somehow managed to start their expansion across dimensions and conquered one planet per second they would get about 1.6*10^17 planets before Sun goes nova becomes a red giant.

Whether or not parahuman feudalism works is simply irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The entire experiment is simply an exercise in futility. Cauldron could still run with it, but that's because they simply incompetent.
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Ok, before this spirals out of control, I request we stop with the Cauldron discussion here.

There are more than enough of those around and this isn't the place for it.
Ok, before this spirals out of control, I request we stop with the Cauldron discussion here.

There are more than enough of those around and this isn't the place for it.

Yeah, sorry about that, I was setting up a joke about a cute picture distracting me from the existential despair and incomprehension.

A joke, right.
.....Seriously, why in the fuck is Cauldron even doing that Parahuman Feudalism Experiment?! The only thing it helps is to see how to let things get out of control so it happens. If the ENE had the same backing the other branches do, Brockton would be a controllable Chaos instead of a Bomb waiting to tip over one way or another and go BOOM.
Your missing some info here. They already knew what happens when a small group of Parahumans takes over, they seen it on alternative earths, they wanted to see what happens to a large amount of Parahumans. It wasn't that Cauldron wanted these parahumans in power, but it was that Cauldron knew parahumans would come to power regardless when society was broken down.

We did see it happen in canon, with the baseline humans paying taxes and lip service to their local Parahuman, the really exceptional normals being vassals, and the Parahumans forming Undersider type groups under their one strongest leader. We see it happen with Taylor, sure there's some resistance but she is the law in her area, she's who the people turn to for protection, and while most of the adults wouldn't be super comfortable with that, the next generation would have been basically raised under her.
Your missing some info here. They already knew what happens when a small group of Parahumans takes over, they seen it on alternative earths, they wanted to see what happens to a large amount of Parahumans. It wasn't that Cauldron wanted these parahumans in power, but it was that Cauldron knew parahumans would come to power regardless when society was broken down.

We did see it happen in canon, with the baseline humans paying taxes and lip service to their local Parahuman, the really exceptional normals being vassals, and the Parahumans forming Undersider type groups under their one strongest leader. We see it happen with Taylor, sure there's some resistance but she is the law in her area, she's who the people turn to for protection, and while most of the adults wouldn't be super comfortable with that, the next generation would have been basically raised under her.
I don't why but I find kinda of wrong, it's good that she manage to help people but at the same it still resulted into feeding into her control issues, she was less likely to listen to someone of any form of authority despite it being a good suggestion and tends to use scare tactics unnecessarily. Glenn chambers point out if Taylor was less confrontational with authority figures she would have gain more allies than enemies. Taylor was far more likely to demand instead of suggesting, but what I never did like is how she can do terrible on moment and immediately forgot about or even justified it. You know it's ironic that Alexandria was Taylor favorite hero because in a way they were so similar, as Alex is grown up version to Taylor, both started with good intentions until circumstances twisted them into these people that are willing to compromise their morals so much despite the people that have to suffer because of their actions, in a way I wouldn't have been shock if Taylor had remain a warlord long enough until the power got to her head(like most teens) and truly started committing more reprehensible moral acts.

The undersiders are in a way a less scummy cauldron, it actually pretty sad once you start making comparisons from Cauldron, Armsmaster, Coil, the trio(Taylor's bully) and even Jack slash, in the methods they use, though justify doesn't make them any less of jerks they were, the good that they did seems at time to serve more of a purpose to prevent people from retaliating. I kinda wish Worm had character that call people out on their action more often especially the Undersiders, as the heroes already received enough criticism over their own actions.
Your creations work just fine and if we agree to all this we'll be left paralized
And here it is. Our big bimb.
Their what? I honestly don't know what that is supposed to be.
"Be careful with your tone!" The woman yells, aiming an accusatory finger at us, "The PRT has dealt with many wannabe warlords in the past. We won't be--" And then she pauses, one of her hands gripping her side, "won't be--" She stutters, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull as her legs lose their strength.

Director Piggot drops unconscious to the floor.

There goes the neighborhood.
It admittedly would be hilarious if Belisarius jumped the table and started doing surgery, but I don't think anyone would take that well.

I'm sure this has nothing to do with a Coil plot. The fact that the director just dropped with a heart attack from going without dialysis due to a tinker bomb was surely nothing to do with hints he dropped to Bakuda...
Piggot went quiet for a moment and Amy pushed her ear against the door trying to hear what the woman's decision would be.

Would she do that? Would she truly accept getting Panacea to fully heal her?

"Very well, then. Bring me my computer, I'll inform Costa Brown that I'm stepping down and that a new Director will be needed."

Stupid, prideful woman.
Sigh, I can see her doing that. Shame, though, because she's really the best person for the job. We're probably going to get either Tagg or Coil here next...
You know, I'm really not sure how the heck Tagg wasn't fired in canon, but it has always been clear that the PRT was horribly corrupt and incompetent even ignoring the actions of Alexandria's alter ego.