In Nuclear Fire

The best part of this story aside from his internal dialogue is Peter doing a Peter and everyone else reacting. It's hilarious and they really should know him better by now. Namely how he doesn't have a brain to mouth filter and his impulsive lunacy.
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I lose concentration and my hands revert into pawns.

Although it'd be funny if his hands turned into nubby chess pieces.
"Come on, ma'am, you know him for longer than I do! Is this that surprising?"
you've known him for longer than I have
"Stop behaving like ones!" Renick counters
Excuse me, that was legitimately self-defense. And not their fault.
Although no one really likes you anymore when "not your fault" happens more than twice...
For some reason, I'm not liking the sound of those words...
Anyone sane would be trying to run at this point, yes...
My throat is about to break from so much laughter!

Fantastic chapter, although it is a pity that Peter himself has not mentioned the Tentacles to Danny
That is a hilarious image. It'd be scary, but the text completely ruins that and makes it silly.
"But in any case, I believe that there's a way to solve several of our problems and turn this," he aims at me, "Into a nice profit."

Streets of Brockton Bay, ten minutes later:

Tech-Priest running for dear life: "Noooooo, Glenn, don't turn me into marketable plushie!"

Glenn on Army's bike chasing him with Hero's last creation in hand: "Haha PR goes brrrrrrr!"
Go back to school is it. Would that school have Sophia Hess? Last time I checked the PRT were holding doing their jobs and prosecuting her over the Hebert's heads to try and get cooperation.
"Is that what the big deal is about?" I ask in confusion.
I have to agree. The arguments and worries were so stupid it's hard to take seriously. Peter would happily Tinker all day in a lab no one is going to casually see him in, and despite Danny's mutterings he's not going to suddenly become social. The PRT already unmasked him but that's their own fault. As far as shifts in public lives, their city was attacked by an Endbringer. Survived or not, the bulk of the population is going to have changed in some way, it's not going to surprise anyone if a child decides to get homeschooled or suddenly act differently. They were making a big deal out of nothing, again.
"Young lady!" He snaps.
She's 17. Get over it.
Since Tattletale is a fox, you have to count her years as dog years. Same with Peter, I suppose. They are both older than you by a large margin, Danny, it's pretty sad.
Go back to school is it. Would that school have Sophia Hess? Last time I checked the PRT were holding doing their jobs and prosecuting her over the Hebert's heads to try and get cooperation.

I have to agree. The arguments and worries were so stupid it's hard to take seriously. Peter would happily Tinker all day in a lab no one is going to casually see him in, and despite Danny's mutterings he's not going to suddenly become social. The PRT already unmasked him but that's their own fault. As far as shifts in public lives, their city was attacked by an Endbringer. Survived or not, the bulk of the population is going to have changed in some way, it's not going to surprise anyone if a child decides to get homeschooled or suddenly act differently. They were making a big deal out of nothing, again.

She's 17. Get over it.
Completely agree. That was something that didn't make sense and it just plain bothered me. Mostly the fact that Peter just thought that that made sense and then completely ignored it.

Renick is being hysterical, not without reason, but way out of line. Yeah, it was a problematic situation, but the overreaction is creating more problems for him than not. He wants to make Heavy Gear more amenable to the PRT before they have to take hostile actions, making a problem out of the situation that the kids can solve by themselves is just making it harder on himself. Peter even said it outright that he wants to brag, after being cooperative from the start. C'mon, it's free real state intel. He might be a desk jockey, but even he could've seen that was a good thing that deserved some other reaction than copying memetic Piggot.

Now, on a meta sense, every other character is sounding absolutely as themselves, but Renick (alongside some characters on the way they're reacting to him) sullies the narrative with the way he is acting. He is a plot device for drama, which makes sense, but he's being overplayed and it's really messing with the overall internal coherence of the scenes.*

And the worst thing is that I still like the story. I'm interested on where it's going. I'm just concerned on how it's happening. I hope I'm not being mean about it, because Peter genuinely is my favorite tinker in Worm fanfiction. Unless I'm in the mood for undiluted crack, then it's definitely Addy. Sorry not sorry.

*By "overall internal coherence of the scenes" I specifically mean how the narrative leads to a point in-story, as a narrative does, but with the tendency to nonsensically take a flimsy excuse of an argument and letting the scene progress without addressing it. It could also be an action or whatever, but I'm being specific to this story. It's a thing that happens with an worrying frequency here, sometimes once per chapter. That's bad. The best solution to that is to try and sound said arguments out a bit, as critically as possible. Vague, yeah, but that's the best I can think right now.

P.S.: I just noticed that this is fanfiction. I should be ashamed of myself for asking too much. And I am! Poliamida's story is good, it just makes me want to help make it better. There are problems, but I do remember reading some official publications that are way worse than this.
Renick's probably under quite a lot of stress. I'd cut him a bit of slack for overreacting, especially when it's not really overreacting when suddenly informed an already quite threatening Tinker just became a self-modifying weapon of mass destruction that can break out of the containment specifically meant for him and in his eyes is treating this all way too flippantly.

On another note, Coil got offed, right? But did his entire organization get dismantled with him? It's been a while, but if someone else took up his mantle the PRT could still have some of his moles.
I enjoyed this chapter. The end of the last one honestly had me a little ~~ but that is just because of how such major changes usually get handled or go down in a story. I am glad I waited before making any major judgements.

I do look forward to seeing what Glenn's Answer to all this is. It should be a good one.

As for Rencick's take and the 'silliness' of having them back in school, I see him as a man that is desperate to exert a bit of control in the situation in order to keep a manic like Tagg out of Brockton and to establish some level of non-parahuman control of the situation under a governmental purview from a federal agency.

Telling kids to go to school is a easy out for exerting that control.
Renick's probably under quite a lot of stress. I'd cut him a bit of slack for overreacting, especially when it's not really overreacting when suddenly informed an already quite threatening Tinker just became a self-modifying weapon of mass destruction that can break out of the containment specifically meant for him and in his eyes is treating this all way too flippantly.

On another note, Coil got offed, right? But did his entire organization get dismantled with him? It's been a while, but if someone else took up his mantle the PRT could still have some of his moles.
Yeah, fair. But at the same time, he didn't know that when he put everybody on jail and started going on tirades. Now he should be getting angrier, not before discovering that. Accidental self furryfication/sex-change is leagues less worrisome than Eagleton 2: Sentient Boogaloo.

Coil, who sadly now suffers from a terminal case of dead thanks to Tats, and his organization got dismantled hard. He got directorship, and then he got un-directored quite publicly. His organization is kaput, what was left was asset-wise was taken over by Tattletale and what wasn't taken was exposed to the public. His moles and everything are gone from our happy tale.
Yeah, fair. But at the same time, he didn't know that when he put everybody on jail and started going on tirades. Now he should be getting angrier, not before discovering that. Accidental self furryfication/sex-change is leagues less worrisome than Eagleton 2: Sentient Boogaloo.

Coil, who sadly now suffers from a terminal case of dead thanks to Tats, and his organization got dismantled hard. He got directorship, and then he got un-directored quite publicly. His organization is kaput, what was left was asset-wise was taken over by Tattletale and what wasn't taken was exposed to the public. His moles and everything are gone from our happy tale.
I don't think he died. Didn't he just get arrested?
That was quite entertaining. Dragon's focus on his humanism was as amusing as his disdain for it.
Once again I have to thank Raiseth for helping me craft a better image of a character I have so many troubles fully understanding.
Dragon's issue is that she always felt isolated, she fears that she'll never 'belong' and that people will abandon her the moment they find out what she truly is (and all this on top of all the restrictions she has). When she sees someone like Peter, who actively tries to separate himself from humanity, she sees someone actively trying to reach a state that for her is hell.
Like Raiseth put it "She doesn't understand why someone would value their form over the ability to connect with others, while Peter cannot fathom why someone would sacrifice their freedom of expression to engage with humans."
Still, glorious chapter! Peter/Petra/WolfVampireNanomachineMonster is really having some fun with their new body it seems.
Peter, or Tech-Priest. As was stablished this chapter, he's fine being called that for as long as he doesn't become a hive mind.
That wolf bleed through was disturbing, ngl. The foreshadowing is strong.
Indeed it is.
Fantastic chapter, although it is a pity that Peter himself has not mentioned the Tentacles to Danny, remembering the comment about the nipples, I think it is only a matter of time.
Would tentacles be such a thing in Bet considering that Anime never became mainstream? I can still see them being disturbed by them though.
I know its pedantic, but it should be trillions.
For example human body is made out of around 30 trillion cells.
No, no, you're completely correct. I'll fix that later.
Go back to school is it. Would that school have Sophia Hess? Last time I checked the PRT were holding doing their jobs and prosecuting her over the Hebert's heads to try and get cooperation.
The lawsuit already went through, the Heberts and the PRT reached and agreement shortly after the Leviathan battle and Shadow Stalker was already displaced from The Wards.
Look at this from Renick's perspective. He's in the very unique position where he's trying juggle multiple responsibilities and expectations. Brockton Bay became internationally famous after the defeat of Leviathan, several governments from around the world are using it as a symbol of hope, so by every account it needs to remain strong. The top brass of the PRT needs that they remain in control because if an independant cape team suddenly decide not to listen to them any longer, and then defeat them, this will break the PRT's immage and may encourage several other teams to do the same and suddenly they will have a civil war in their hands as parahumans starts breaking America apart into their personal kingdoms. Cauldron is being Cauldron, enough said. And on top of that, everyone and their grandmother knows that Tech Priest is quickly becoming the most famous cape in the world, and it's only a matter of time before kidnapping and assassination attempts are carried out that may turn parts of the city into craters.

And all this because of a group of teenagers with far too much power in their hands and no wisdom to use it properly.

Renick is trying to play nice and keep Heavy Gear from rocking the boat, is trying to organize joint patrols, and even welcomes them for joint projects. Then Heavy Gear torpedoes in a very public way one of the most famous hero teams around, remains completely oblivious to the dangers of tinkertech, and then Tech-Priest hacks their computers and uses their resources to turn himself into 'something' that not even their best tinker can fully understand. Is the thing that Tech-Priest turned himself into dangerous? Is it contagious? What if he snaps and decides that every human should be forcefuly upgraded? He doesn't know, and can't even do much about it because he understands that antagonizing HG would be a disaster. He's scared because he's progressively losing control and realizes that the Bay may be turning into a powder keg far bigger than the one that Piggott had to deal with. And the only reason why it hasn't exploded yet is because the members of HG aren't, as Dragon put it, actively malicious.

Renick would be more than happy is he could just force all of them into the Wards, transfer them outside the city, and turn this entire mess into someone else's problem, but it's fairly clear that won't be possible.

The issue of school and secret identities is just the surface, below that he wants to make sure that HG remains willing to play ball because he wants to be able to point at that and say (in great part to himself) 'see? they are listening to me, there's nothing to fear'.

Yeah, fair. But at the same time, he didn't know that when he put everybody on jail and started going on tirades.
That fact that he didn't know what the 'thing' that suddenly popped up in the middle of the base was, was the reason why he did it. He needed to at least make sure that it wasn't dangerous or the result of an enemy stand attack.
Coil, who sadly now suffers from a terminal case of dead thanks to Tats,
He's alive, but got arrested and transfered outside the city.
The issue of school and secret identities is just the surface, below that he wants to make sure that HG remains willing to play ball because he wants to be able to point at that and say (in great part to himself) 'see? they are listening to me, there's nothing to fear'.
In other words; he is making a big deal out of something that's not "that" big a deal so that he can force them into a "little" compliance. Which is likely the part that has most chances of exploding into his face. Well, without Glen at least.

Incidentally, this reminds me of my favorite Glenn part is from a fanfic where Taylor is a Dead Space necromorph. The part he interviews her and sets the limits of her public persona/uniform is epic and, shows this badass guy routinely deals with people whose trigger trauma keeps them half a step away from going murderhobo and starting with going postal on him. In-person, in their face.

All Things Devoured (Worm/DeadSpace)

[X]Recommend a mentor: Assault It took almost a minute for the laughter to die down, and when it did, it did so awkwardly and with a limp. Assault mimed wiping tears from his eyes, then slowly grew still as he watched the worried expression on Miss Militia’s face remain unchanged. “Wait...

It's very short and unfinished, unfortunately. Also, it's from the same guy who wrote Constellations which is weird in that tone of feel-good story and horror story is so far from one another.
Incidentally, this reminds me of my favorite Glenn part is from a fanfic where Taylor is a Dead Space necromorph. The part he interviews her and sets the limits of her public persona/uniform is epic and, shows this badass guy routinely deals with people whose trigger trauma keeps them half a step away from going murderhobo and starting with going postal on him. In-person, in their face.
Wasn't it more of a story-heavy Quest? Unreliable narrating MC?
"Belisarius," Lisa interrupts, speaking for the first time during the discussion. "The thing that you don't seem to fully grasp is that Tech-Priest truly, genuinely, doesn't give a flying fuck about what swings from between his legs."

Wait, what?

Is that what this was about? I never saw that as a problem or anything worth even taking into consideration if I'm honest.
I can so very much identify with that...

I understand that gender identity is important to other people, but I can't quite manage to care about my own...
Let's take a step back and start from the basics. My body is a vaguely human-shaped gray goo composed of three big groups of nanobots: the actuators that take care of movement and reshaping, the anchors that give structure and serve as armor, and the power-engines that send and receive energy signals, be that in the form of information or deadly plasma bullets.
So that's analogues to muscle, connective, and glandular tissue respectively while nervous tissue would just be folded into the glandular analogues since modulating energy currents would render nerves somewhat redundant right?
I wonder if there are some psychological blocks in place here. Is my own body fighting against reverting to a human shape? I can't blame it, I don't want that either.

Just the very idea of returning to being that useless sack of meat and bones gives me the creeps.

No, no, I'm doing it again. No dark thoughts here. Despite everything, my life as a human wasn't that bad. I don't regret it, but I don't want to look back at it either. This is what I am now and I have no intention of changing my path.
To be fair though it's not like avoiding that particular dynamic and/or method of engagement with others is unreasonable. At least in the short-term I mean.
I fear that, despite everything, my brain is still human, and you can't simply snap your fingers and teach a human-coded brain how to use a completely alien organ.
Yeah should really integrate some better equipment into that thing at some point...All of these functions and not enough interfacing is gon'a be trouble.
"Armsmaster!" Renick's voice booms through the room as he walks to the hero. "What did you find?" He looks disheveled and in serious need of a nap.

"I'm afraid that I have little to give you at this stage," Armsmaster replies, sounding a bit grumpy. "My systems are having trouble breaking through the outer layers of protection."

Oh, so they have been trying to figure me out? Probably to redo my threat assessment ranking. Again. And maybe know how much of a menace for society I can be.

I wish them luck because all the Khaydarin and spatial effects inside my body would give any scanner a massive headache.

"You know, you can just ask me."

My offer gets ignored, and in response, Renick aims an index at me. "You. Shut up!" Rude. "And where's Dragon?"

"Right here, Director." Her voice comes from a monitor against a wall. "I apologize for not answering you earlier, I was trying to decipher Tech-Priest's blueprints but they are proving to be exceedingly complex."

See? I can be helpful and cooperative when people aren't freaking out and spraying me with containment foam.

"And who provided you with those blueprints?" Renick barks back.


When put like that, I can see why the man is so irritated.

"And how do we know that they are even real?!"

A bit of trust over here, please?
It'd probably be easier to connect to the transformative device instead to get those blueprints.
Continuing with my explanation: "Well, the reason why it's broken is that I took a piece that I inserted into my chest." I look down at my shirt, ready to tear it open to show them, but that's when I remember that the Crystal is no longer there, having been absorbed during my upgrade.

Renick gives me a look of alarm, and even when no sound comes from Dragon's speakers I can taste her silent judgment.

"Why would you do that?!" Armsmaster resumes his interrogation. "What were you hoping to achieve with something like that?!"

"Immortality," I reply as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Which, mind you, I achieved. The only problem was that the procedure also stopped my growth and that's why I'm frozen as an eternal eleven-year-old until I find a solution." That must also be the reason why I'm still a midget, which is a pity because I wanted to be a bit taller.
I imagine that, being nanobots, he could probably detach the specks of that stuff from each individual part of himself for long enough to change them according to his desires.
For his part, Armsmaster very slowly and deliberately brings a hand to his face. "That's why you never test your creations on yourself! That's the first thing that the Protectorate teaches its tinkers! I don't understand how you didn't get seriously hurt!"

"Oh, but I did," I argue back with some humor. "With my first generation of healing drones, I forgot to tell them that they should use anesthetics before fusing into a human body. Oh, boy, was I foaming from the mouth while that bugger dug into my skin during my first test. Good times."

It was extremely painful but also satisfying as in the end, I got exactly what I wanted. My only regret is not having a camera back at the time to take a picture of Taylor's face when she found me in that state. It was hilarious!

"You're lucky that you didn't die!"
Now that's unreasonable. Even those first few medical mecha-Zerg wouldn't have been able to mess up badly enough to do that.
The only one who is trying to keep a semblance of coolness is Renick. "And because of all this," once again he gestures at me, "we're keeping him confined until we're sure that he isn't a risk for himself or others."
Bitch that ain't even true if confinement could prevent him from being dangerous.
Renick huffs and puffs, and behind him the officers tense once again. "You broke more laws and regulations than I can list in a single day! And by your admission, you turned yourself into a monster of folklore! By every account, I have every right to keep you in there."
At first I was wondering what law turning yourself into a mythological being would be breaking but then I remembered that Parahumans exist and they probably had to implement a law against specifically that at some point.
I cock my head to one side. It seems that there was a small misunderstanding here.

"Yes, yes, that's lovely," I tell him. "But I meant that literally." Taking a step forward, I drum my knuckles against the transparent wall. "This cell isn't strong enough to contain me."

According to my sensors the material this was built with is an extremely complex polymer, airtight to prevent any microorganism from leaking, and both bullet-proof and brute-proof.

Mmm, let's add resistance to slashing damage and energy attacks to that.

In summary, strength alone wouldn't do anything to it. I could spend the entire afternoon punching or shooting it, and I wouldn't even make a dent.

But I'm a tinker! And as a tinker, I can come up with solutions that no one ever anticipated.

Stretching my palm flat, a humming noise saturates the air as it starts vibrating. The moment I set it against the wall, I'll force it to enter resonance and break open a hole big enough for me to simply walk through.
I feel like portals would have been the more elegant solution there but there is a certain artistry to making a door like that.
"Imp and Tattletale!" I yell out! "They were here with me!"

"They were?" Taylor asks me. "Why?"


Because of things I'm not ready to talk about. And I'm not talking just about the whole reincarnation fiasco.

"Long story. I may tell it to you one day." Then I turn towards Armsmaster. "Where are they?"

"Tattletale was put on an anti-thinker cell," he replies in a mechanical and slightly bored tone. "Imp is in the high-risk sector."

"High-risk? Is it because of her stranger armor?"

"Yes. But also because she tried to bite one of the officers."
Did she forget that she was wearing a helmet or something?
"Is that what the big deal is about?" I ask in confusion. "Come on, it's not like I had much of a social life before this." Like, who is even going to miss me? I never interacted with anyone outside of Missy and Aisha, and both of them are 'in the know'. No one would notice if I stopped attending.

"I'd prefer if you had one," Danny offers but what does he know? Socialization is for the weak. And I do talk to people! The members of the team, that's it. Even if it's usually about work and it'd be nice to talk about anything but work every now and again.

Going to the park the other day with Taylor was nice, but we won't be able to do that anymore if I look like this. I'd attract too much unwanted attention.

"Your guardian's opinion aside," Renick continues, "as the Bay returns to normality and services reactivate, we need you and your family to resume your normal schedules. That includes going to school."

"Why?" I grumble, still resistant to the idea. "It's not like I'm learning anything new. And if this is about getting a job, I'm already set for life." I'll never go hungry -literally- and any product or service I may ever need I can build it myself.

Surprisingly enough, it's not Renick who continues with the argument but Assault.

"This is so the PRT can better help you pretend that you're a normal civilian." He should know a thing or two about hiding one's tracks being a former villain. "A lot of villains will be aiming for your heads, and we don't want them getting their hands on you or your creations." That would be bad. My abilities in the hands of a real villain would be a disaster. "Having public lives will help you divert their attention, as any abrupt shift in behavior is the kind of red flag they'll be looking for." He then cracks a smile. "Not like they'd need to look hard with you looking like that." That remark is quickly answered by Battery punching his shoulder, but the message is clear.

Even if I don't care about taking a step outside the base, what does my family want? They may want to share things with me that they won't be able to for as long as I'm waving a flag that reads 'I'm a cape'.

I guess that Batman was onto something when he crafted his secret identity of Bruce Wayne.

"Okay, that's a reasonable point," I concede. Not like it'll cost me anything because I can tinker at any time, in any place, so school will no longer affect my schedule. "I don't know how long it will take me to master how to turn fully human -much less how to change my sex- but by installing The Illusion into myself it should be easy to create a holographic cloak that looks like my previous self." The disguise won't survive close inspection, if anyone touches me they'll notice that my real shape doesn't match, but that can be solved by standing away from everyone and by keeping Aisha close to me.
He could also get a secondary, or that might be tertiary, identity as a Case 53 while using a telepresence android, possibly even one primarily incorporating living tissue, to maintain his regular identity while he's figuring out how to do it himself. That would nicely avoid problems like requiring contact avoidance The Illusion to maintain it.
"Oh, don't 'young lady' me, you have no idea about the shitty night I went through, and I'm so not in the mood for any of this." She then sulks back into herself, looking at the rest of the room as if she was trying to stab us with her eyes alone.

This makes me feel a bit bad for her. She helped me a ton last night and she doesn't deserve to have been dragged into this whole mess.
Should really spy on some random gangs or groups or something out of town with her, possibly via a bunch of drones from a couch stolen from Max while eating triple-chocolate ice-cream, to see how many can be made to fall apart in the most spectacular ways with the fewest text messages.
"Time to monetize the furry. Let me tell you, that certain images sell for hundreds."—Glen Chambers, probably.
Cue Peter doing a photoshoot in a park, while playing catch.
You know it occurs to me that disguising ones-self as a doggo would probably actually work pretty well. Nobody suspects the dog of being a parahuman. It actually seems like a pretty big oversight come to think of it.
That wolf bleed through was disturbing, ngl. The foreshadowing is strong.
A bit of upgraded combat instinct is hardly a bad thing. For people other then whoever's trying to get into combat with anyone who has them I mean.
You are going to ask him/her to sell his/her body, aren't you?

//What!? No! Just merchandise, publicity, dolls, plushies, posters...

...Uh, as a bystander, that does sound a little bit like selling their body?

//No, not according to our contracts!
I'm sure that Peter would be willing to sell lots of bodies.
I enjoyed this chapter. The end of the last one honestly had me a little ~~ but that is just because of how such major changes usually get handled or go down in a story. I am glad I waited before making any major judgements.

I do look forward to seeing what Glenn's Answer to all this is. It should be a good one.

As for Rencick's take and the 'silliness' of having them back in school, I see him as a man that is desperate to exert a bit of control in the situation in order to keep a manic like Tagg out of Brockton and to establish some level of non-parahuman control of the situation under a governmental purview from a federal agency.

Telling kids to go to school is a easy out for exerting that control.
People seem to think that Tagg getting into a position of authority would be a bad thing. I personally think that it would be a wonderful employment opportunity. The PRT getting pitted against Heavy Gear would, especially with the Flesh Loom greatly raising the margin for error in what can be called "sub-lethal", drive a great number of PRT Agents to look for alternative employment and I bet that Heavy Gear would have some positions open for such individuals.
Once again I have to thank Raiseth for helping me craft a better image of a character I have so many troubles fully understanding.
Dragon's issue is that she always felt isolated, she fears that she'll never 'belong' and that people will abandon her the moment they find out what she truly is (and all this on top of all the restrictions she has). When she sees someone like Peter, who actively tries to separate himself from humanity, she sees someone actively trying to reach a state that for her is hell.
Like Raiseth put it "She doesn't understand why someone would value their form over the ability to connect with others, while Peter cannot fathom why someone would sacrifice their freedom of expression to engage with humans."
Relatedly Peter should totally set up a community center or something at some point. Some place where socialization can happen. Maybe set up a few projectors and set up a out-doors cinema? Or a few arcade machines? I'm sort of imagining that a few Mecha-Zerg would temporarily reconfigure into these things to pull it off by the way. No reason not to have them serve as public resources when not being used for a specific task you know.
Would tentacles be such a thing in Bet considering that Anime never became mainstream? I can still see them being disturbed by them though.
Oh yeah absolutely. Tentacles have been lewd since before animation was a thing. There's historical artwork of that shit.
Look at this from Renick's perspective. He's in the very unique position where he's trying juggle multiple responsibilities and expectations. Brockton Bay became internationally famous after the defeat of Leviathan, several governments from around the world are using it as a symbol of hope, so by every account it needs to remain strong. The top brass of the PRT needs that they remain in control because if an independant cape team suddenly decide not to listen to them any longer, and then defeat them, this will break the PRT's immage and may encourage several other teams to do the same and suddenly they will have a civil war in their hands as parahumans starts breaking America apart into their personal kingdoms. Cauldron is being Cauldron, enough said. And on top of that, everyone and their grandmother knows that Tech Priest is quickly becoming the most famous cape in the world, and it's only a matter of time before kidnapping and assassination attempts are carried out that may turn parts of the city into craters.

And all this because of a group of teenagers with far too much power in their hands and no wisdom to use it properly.

Renick is trying to play nice and keep Heavy Gear from rocking the boat, is trying to organize joint patrols, and even welcomes them for joint projects. Then Heavy Gear torpedoes in a very public way one of the most famous hero teams around, remains completely oblivious to the dangers of tinkertech, and then Tech-Priest hacks their computers and uses their resources to turn himself into 'something' that not even their best tinker can fully understand. Is the thing that Tech-Priest turned himself into dangerous? Is it contagious? What if he snaps and decides that every human should be forcefuly upgraded? He doesn't know, and can't even do much about it because he understands that antagonizing HG would be a disaster. He's scared because he's progressively losing control and realizes that the Bay may be turning into a powder keg far bigger than the one that Piggott had to deal with. And the only reason why it hasn't exploded yet is because the members of HG aren't, as Dragon put it, actively malicious.

Renick would be more than happy is he could just force all of them into the Wards, transfer them outside the city, and turn this entire mess into someone else's problem, but it's fairly clear that won't be possible.

The issue of school and secret identities is just the surface, below that he wants to make sure that HG remains willing to play ball because he wants to be able to point at that and say (in great part to himself) 'see? they are listening to me, there's nothing to fear'.
It's not as though things can end worse then they were before HG came in and solved everything for everyone. Like you want to seem impotent then being unable to arrest The Merchants is a good way to show off how impotent you are.

Now selfish is another thing entirely. To look selfish you should find the people that are making things better for everyone, and in the course of doing so making things awkward for you, and try to prevent them from doing exactly that.

All Things Devoured (Worm/DeadSpace)

[X]Recommend a mentor: Assault It took almost a minute for the laughter to die down, and when it did, it did so awkwardly and with a limp. Assault mimed wiping tears from his eyes, then slowly grew still as he watched the worried expression on Miss Militia’s face remain unchanged. “Wait...

It's very short and unfinished, unfortunately. Also, it's from the same guy who wrote Constellations which is weird in that tone of feel-good story and horror story is so far from one another.
I would like to recommend the subreddit "wholesomenosleep" for some stories that are both.
I can so very much identify with that...

I understand that gender identity is important to other people, but I can't quite manage to care about my own...
I suspect that it has a lot to do with how people tie up a lot of their identity with their community/tribe.
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Peter is not acting the most stable here, but he is too important to alienate or imprison. He made something that killed an Endbringer and something that can revive the dead. Even one of those would be enough to make him almost untouchable.

If Saint acts against him, he will die.