In Nuclear Fire

Did you or your little bloc bring up the idea of it being a joke as opposed to something permanent?

No, but I did get the impression that the MC is more inclined to try to roll with said changes than to try to revert them. That said, I lost a great deal of my confidence in having a feel for this story since the last chapter, so...??
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If it was a joke, it gave me more of a "Haha, just kidding...unless you're into it" vibe. But certainly I've been wrong before. Perhaps in this case from reading too much fanfic.
In my experience, it's easy to get caught up on what happens in a single update when there are none following it that could provide context or understanding.
Actually, from what I can tell he's only made references to any sort of werewolves once or twice in all 60 chapters

Okay so I have way too much time on my hands, but here we be, a (semi-)comprehensive collection of Foreshadowing With Poli:

Wait a minute! This one I like. It's a biological modification that enhances my speed and muscles. There's another one that would allow me to shape my bones at will and turn them into weapons. And one that allows me to replicate traits of different animals! I could create a retrovirus that gives humans animal ears! Anime-world, here I go!

Werewolves, vampires, mages, and technomancers! I have World of Darkness!

I could bioengineer so many werewolves and other changing breeds! All their fetiches and rituals!

those who implanted themselves with vampire hearts and werewolf muscles

Like Garu tendons made of neo-spider silk.

new breed of Ananasi

In a direct fight, a Garu would still win thanks to his human cunning, spiritual powers, and runic armament, but Rachel's dogs would still be physically superior.

I wonder what would happen if she tried to reinforce a werewolf.

The Flesh Canvas has collected more than enough information about the way mecha-Zerg interacts with human biology, so it's time for me to take all that information and use it as the building blocks for what hopefully will become my next upgrade.

Note - the above specifically foreshadows the fact that the most common living beings healed besides humans? Dogs (and a couple cats). Animal testing ftw.

I'll be untouched by plague or disease, and no sickness will blight me.

To move that, we have the highly efficient nanotech Garu muscles that mix what I learned from Deus Ex and from the prototypes of the HIT Mark VI. With them, I'll be strong enough to lift a tank and hurl it across the street.

To facilitate transport and the shape-shifting subroutines the extra mass will be stored in a quantum pocket similar to the one used by the scaling cubes.

enhanced hearing and smell

there's almost no weapon or tool this body can't turn into.

An initial 'seed' of what my future body will be like.

As the hive grows and adapts to its new techno-organic components, it will learn how to work my future body.

All I need is a donor.

biological sex is as important as the color of my socks

download all the information that the Flesh Canvas collected into it

So yeah. Uh. We got plenty of forewarning that there were werewolf-y (and vampiric shapeshifting) components to Peter's big plan, plus Newt's blood having been added to his own in the homunculization of the mecha-zerg (which becomes part of the seed for the rebuild). This wasn't necessarily the only possible outcome, but it was hardly unpredictable. Doesn't hurt that vampires get two separate Disciplines that allow some degree of form-shifting - one is quite general flesh- and bonecrafting, Vicissitude, but the other is Protean and it has nice specific details about growing claws and turning into a wolf or bat. Lupus-vespertilio indeed. (Btw, Poli, modern cladistics nerds would probably recognize chiropteran faster, for all vespertilio is the older term.)
In my experience, it's easy to get caught up on what happens in a single update when there are none following it that could provide context or understanding.

Such is the medium, I guess we'll know next chapter if it's a joke thing or a reoccurring thing.

TBH though, it's really fair to think it's a fetish thing.
Given the Polymidia's scenes with the blades, and his internal dialogue, and the dynamics, there has been more than a bit of a precedent for people to guess this is a sex thing.

Either way, it's also a bit of an emotional whiplash, from the serious emotional tone of the previous chapters to the Fetish/Gag humor moment. I think that throws people off.
If it was a joke, it gave me more of a "Haha, just kidding...unless you're into it" vibe. But certainly I've been wrong before. Perhaps in this case from reading too much fanfic.

Such is the medium, I guess we'll know next chapter if it's a joke thing or a permanent thing.

TBH though, it's really fair to think it's a fetish thing.
Given the Polymidia's scenes with the blades, and his internal dialogue, and the dynamics, there has been more than a bit of a precedent for people to guess this is a sex thing.

Either way, it's also a bit of an emotional whiplash, from the serious emotional tone of the previous chapters to the Fetish/Gag humor moment. I think that throws people off.

Again I ask, why do you care? This has all been hinted at beforehand, so the people who say it came out of nowhere are either willfully ignoring what they've read or skimmed through the story. If you don't like this outcome, then you don't like it. Fine. But not every niche interest someone has is a fetish (hell, most trans people and furries are downright insulted when someone says that—with good reason, as it's a super hostile thing to say) and even if it is, again, who cares? There's not going to be any sexual content on the page unless I severely misread the author's intentions, so what does it matter? I mean, I'm absolutely certain there are people with a fetish for metal robot bodies, but nobody says a word when someone posts the flesh is weak Warhammer copypasta. Literally anything could be a fetish, but it only seems to be relevant when someone brings up stuff connected to LGBT+ communities (and yes, furries and those with nonstandard orientations and whatnot go way back, if you'd like to look up the history). Case in point, many of the same people complaining about the most recent chapter are fans of anime that provides "fan service" in the form of little cartoon girls.
Again I ask, why do you care? This has all been hinted at beforehand, so the people who say it came out of nowhere are either willfully ignoring what they've read or skimmed through the story. If you don't like this outcome, then you don't like it. Fine. But not every niche interest someone has is a fetish (hell, most trans people and furries are downright insulted when someone says that—with good reason, as it's a super hostile thing to say) and even if it is, again, who cares? There's not going to be any sexual content on the page unless I severely misread the author's intentions, so what does it matter? I mean, I'm absolutely certain there are people with a fetish for metal robot bodies, but nobody says a word when someone posts the flesh is weak Warhammer copypasta. Literally anything could be a fetish, but it only seems to be relevant when someone brings up stuff connected to LGBT+ communities (and yes, furries and those with nonstandard orientations and whatnot go way back, if you'd like to look up the history). Case in point, many of the same people complaining about the most recent chapter are fans of anime that provides "fan service" in the form of little cartoon girls.

There's probably a fair argument to be made that people are more likely to notice those kinks they don't personally share. Further case in point, the one glaring exception to your point about LGBT+ content would be lesbian content, as fetishized (and in this particular space, infantilized) lesbians are pretty common (Amy or Lisa: "Taylor, I need gigglesmooches from my best blushy buddy!").

Personally, I'm of the opinion that if not purposefully writing porn, a writer's fetishes should be minimally present if at all when they don't contribute to the story.

Or, put another way, both hands should be on the keyboard.
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There's probably a fair argument to be made that people are more likely to notice those kinks they don't personally share. Further case in point, the one glaring exception to your point about LGBT+ content would be lesbian content, as fetishized (and in this particular space, infantilized) lesbians are pretty common (Amy or Lisa: "Taylor, I need gigglesmooches from my best blushy buddy!").

Personally, I'm of the opinion that if not purposefully writing porn, a writer's fetishes should be minimally present if at all when they don't contribute to the story.

Or, put another way, both hands should be on the keyboard.

But even in your case as a counterexample we get people bitching about that all the time! See the oodles of "why are they lesbians again," comments, where people act as if the characters' sexualities is a tired cliche on the level of making the Big Bad kick puppies. For goodness sake, every time we get someone new to Worm in fandom spaces you tend to get a few confused comments about how there are so many lesbians, despite the actual fact that most Worm fanfic protagonists never show any desire to anyone at all, or that there are about as many straight relationships as gay in aggregate. But people don't ever see it as half and half, but as an overwhelming deluge, which just isn't true. To pull out a random example, that one Eden's Edge fic has absolutely plummeted in readership after the author made it clear that gay relationships were going to feature in the actual plot itself. That's not just me reading into things, either. Plenty of commenters have explicitly said that. As for your last sentence, there is no valid reason for it. Why do you care how a writer motivates themselves? Art is art no matter if it came to the artist in a sublime dream or while fiercely copulating. If the result is something you want to read, you read it. If it's not, don't. You don't have to justify your likes or dislikes with pseudo philosophy. Just note them and move on.
But even in your case as a counterexample we get people bitching about that all the time! See the oodles of "why are they lesbians again," comments, where people act as if the characters' sexualities is a tired cliche on the level of making the Big Bad kick puppies. For goodness sake, every time we get someone new to Worm in fandom spaces you tend to get a few confused comments about how there are so many lesbians, despite the actual fact that most Worm fanfic protagonists never show any desire to anyone at all, or that there are about as many straight relationships as gay in aggregate. But people don't ever see it as half and half, but as an overwhelming deluge, which just isn't true. To pull out a random example, that one Eden's Edge fic has absolutely plummeted in readership after the author made it clear that gay relationships were going to feature in the actual plot itself. That's not just me reading into things, either. Plenty of commenters have explicitly said that. As for your last sentence, there is no valid reason for it. Why do you care how a writer motivates themselves? Art is art no matter if it came to the artist in a sublime dream or while fiercely copulating. If the result is something you want to read, you read it. If it's not, don't. You don't have to justify your likes or dislikes with pseudo philosophy. Just note them and move on.

I don't dismiss your point about the comments folks make about lesbian content, because I happen to agree that it is, on the whole, overblown. But that doesn't mean there isn't a legitimate objection to be made that much of it isn't in the vein of a good-faith effort to represent another's experience with empathy and nuance, but rather bears more resemblance to what we see in porn; i.e. fantastic caricatures designed for titillation. By all means, let folks write what they want for whatever reason they choose. But let's not delude ourselves into thinking that just because content isn't explicit doesn't mean it doesn't serve the same purpose.

And, this may be a controversial opinion, but if content is written to serve the purpose of smut, I'd prefer it be in a place where one can safely assume that readers have consented to read smut.

But enough about me.

Returning to this fic, though--if it has its grey areas, I'd still call them fairly pale. I criticize because I think it's worth criticizing, and I'm arrogant enough to think my critique has value. Feel free to disagree on that last point.

Edit: rather than replying again and further derailing things, I'm adding this clarification here.

The work in question that I used as an example is written by a lesbian and people call it fetish material. Forgive me if I doubt your expertise here.

My apologies, I've not actually read Eden's Edge and can't comment on it, nor did I intend to imply that my criticism should be assumed to apply to it or its author. Better examples of lesbian content in Wormfic that I find objectionable would be roughly everything written by Slider214 on Spacebattles.
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The work in question that I used as an example is written by a lesbian and people call it fetish material. Forgive me if I doubt your expertise here.

Your second point is valid, to a point. Your critiques hold value to you and people who share many of your thoughts and beliefs. To people with a bias against transgender content, furry content, or both, this update is something that may mean you drop the story. Still, seeing content that you're a little uncomfortable about and immediately jumping to "this is a fetish" is indeed arrogant, as you are not the author and can't see into their mind.
But no.

Doing any of that would escalate the situation to unacceptable levels, making everything more difficult in the long run.

Because of that, I decide to do nothing and just wait patiently while the foam solidifies around us.
Yup missy was right. Boy was definitely replaced with a pod person. Donno who this is but it isn't the peter we have grown to watch with morbid fascination.
I think we should stop at here. One poster provided criticism, another rebuked it, if we get any further, I fear the discussion stops being civil.

I also have opinions on the subject at hand, however, maybe we shouldn't air them here, if they stop pertaining the fic.
I also have opinions on the subject at hand, however, maybe we shouldn't air them here, if they stop pertaining the fic.

Well I air my opinion here! I severely disappointed by two things:

1. No mind wipe (boo)

2. Peter didnt choose to ascend to transhumanism in TRUE HOLY WAY: by ending up like this

(Excommunication of Tech-Priest Peter Hebert is currently pending)
Well, fuck it then.

Well I air my opinion here! I severely disappointed by two things:

1. No mind wipe (boo)

2. Peter didnt choose to ascend to transhumanism in TRUE HOLY WAY: by ending up like this

(Excommunication of Tech-Priest Peter Hebert is currently pending)

I'm just saying, Adeptus Mech-
Wait is that a baby face under the hood? An angry baby face.
It is kinda funny how pretty much everyone who disliked the outcome instead wanted something out of Warhammer. But those machines break down, whereas right now Peter is effectively immortal. Looks like we've broken the stereotype of the SB/SV user being primarily concerned with RAW STATS and PURE POWER. Instead, it's all about the aesthetic.
Wow that sure was a reaction to the chapter, but anyway uh, putting that chaos aside, I'm a bit surprised the transhumanist joke was lost on so many. No it's not goddamn transgender, the whole point of this absurd situation is that it doesn't matter. It's funny and it's pointless. A bunch of people mention Peter being the sort to roll with the punches but by god, have you not read the whole episode preluding this? It's silly so he'll edit his body off into a semblance of normality (once he figures out how the hell to shoot web) when he can, because he has also accepted responsibility of his actions.
He abandoned the weakness of the flesh and embraced a superior body, and so many go and lose their minds over just the body's current Customization Skin. There's something beautifully hilarious to such a negative reaction at something unappealing, knowing that if Peter had came out with a body covered with mecha-tentacles it would've been found less abnormal.
It is kinda funny how pretty much everyone who disliked the outcome instead wanted something out of Warhammer. But those machines break down, whereas right now Peter is effectively immortal. Looks like we've broken the stereotype of the SB/SV user being primarily concerned with RAW STATS and PURE POWER. Instead, it's all about the aesthetic.

*ahem ahem*


People are capable of personal growth, you know? I do find it funny that he is quite literally a pod person now though.
... You realize you come off incredibly condescending right? How about you speak to people instead of speaking down to them? Yes, I know and while my statement was a joke there is a kernal of truth to it.

Im leaning towards him getting a high from whatever he did to himself, he is normally pretty lax about unexpected complications in his transhumanism but this is beyond his norm. Calling it 'personal growth' is a little premature when all you have to go off of is the last paragraph of the latest chapter. Granted I like the silliness we see in poliamida's characters, gives everything a bit of a comic book feel with how over the top things are.
... You realize you come off incredibly condescending right? How about you speak to people instead of speaking down to them? Yes, I know and while my statement was a joke there is a kernal of truth to it.

You seem to have taken what I said super seriously, I guess because you were expecting me to miss the joke? I don't disagree that his mental state was whack at the time. I mean, he even mentions hormonal imbalance. But, as you say, there tends to be a kernal of truth in many jokes. So yeah, not immediately escalating the situation there is kinda an improvement that speaks to some level of personal growth, isn't it?
Is there any chance we're going to see Peter help Dragon with acquiring a biological body?
Absolutely, not before he takes care of Saint and bitches about it a bit trying to understand why Dragon may want to be a human.
Besides the above, will we also be getting a more in-depth view of Peter's cybernetics or other mechanical parts?
Yes, next chapter will deal a lot with that.
Where does the extra mass come from?
A pocket quantum-dimension stored within the Khaydarin.
Either way, it's also a bit of an emotional whiplash, from the serious emotional tone of the previous chapters to the Fetish/Gag humor moment. I think that throws people off.
This is something I can agree with, some of my betas suggested I should end the scene with Peter entering the pod but I didn't do it for 2 reasons: first, writing Peter's upgrade is something I've been waiting for a long time, since the start of this story, and I wanted to finallywrite it. Second, I feared that people would hype themselves too much waiting for a terminator body only to get dissapointed when this happened, and that would have lead to a worst reaction. Of course, if I had done that maybe some of the worst reactions would have been put at ease by me including the reaction to all this, but I'll never know.

But seriously, I don't believe that this wasn't foreshadowed in some way. Peter has been talking at length about how little he cares about his human body (his humanity in general, even) and how he was throwing the biology of classic monsters into his pod. By all accounts he succeeded.
I'm all for waiting for major plot points and all that, and I'm not demanding the author change anything, but I would like to know if the story is undergoing a major tonal shift so I can decide for myself if I'm going to keep reading it.

Authors should write what they want, but readers should know what they are getting into as well. If the story changes in the middle to something completely different, it's only respectful to warn people so they can make an informed choice.
Yes, exactly. So given there was no such warning, why are you panicking?
You know if people actually achieve the whole flesh is maleable thing there would be thousands lined up to become werewolves, vampires, elves, wendigos and all sorts of other monsters, gotta admit as robust as our bodies are they are kinda boring at this point, let me be a good boi dammit