In Nuclear Fire

If Peter came out of chrysalide (I probably butchered this word to hell and back) as horrific mechazerg monstrosity a-la "Abathur but actually mobile" or "Dehaka but with too many arms" or "Zagara but male" or even better as pic I posted in my previous post, now this would make people react and realize how truly little Peter cared about his humanity, his appearance, everything, and cared truly only about obtaining better body, transcending his mortality and going full on transhumanity at any cost. When you look like victim of S9 but did all of this to yourself BY yourself, with glee no less, now this is actually gives people a peek inside Peter's mind.

And then queue to millions word's of worthless drama about people having the same reaction that will likely go on until the end of the fic and would likely include trying to send him to an asylum or force him to the ward's or reverse it

The current Peter It a eldritch abomination Right now(a la Kirby) and while i think the whole machine thing is odd for the end goal of transhumanism to be some eldritch looking thing seen odd to me since people are vain and most would not like to look bad so actual transhumanism will likely be appeling using whatever aesthetics are popular at the time of desing
And then queue to millions word's of worthless drama about people having the same reaction that will likely go on until the end of the fic and would likely include trying to send him to an asylum or force him to the ward's or reverse it

Difference between bad and good writers is that first will leave this mess as it is till very end, and second will sort this out in a meaningful way. Hell, may be people constantly overreacting will actually teach Peter a lesson and he then will try to make himself less scary by, say, turning into cutesy werewolf girl.

...gonna admit I mostly mad because author's reasoning was "Well, wolfgirl was more original than mechabomination". IT IS NOT, EVERYONE GO ANIME NOWADAYS AND PRACTICALLY NO ONE GOES WARHAMMER. Bonesaw branded arms filled with instrumental is absolutely the most "horrific" thing you can see in fics now.
Difference between bad and good writers is that first will leave this mess as it is till very end, and second will sort this out in a meaningful way. Hell, may be people constantly overreacting will actually teach Peter a lesson and he then will try to make himself less scary by, say, turning into cutesy werewolf girl.

...gonna admit I mostly mad because author's reasoning was "Well, wolfgirl was more original than mechabomination". IT IS NOT, EVERYONE GO ANIME NOWADAYS AND PRACTICALLY NO ONE GOES WARHAMMER. Bonesaw branded arms filled with instrumental is absolutely the most "horrific" thing you can see in fics now.

Have you ... visited this website? The one you're on? I honestly don't know how you can say nobody goes Warhammer. It is without a doubt cliche in Worm stories.
Well i won't debate your taste's, likes or dislikes so with that say

Difference between bad and good writers is that first will leave this mess as it is till very end, and second will sort this out in a meaningful way.

No there are thing's that can't just be set on any meaningful way on short term heck that need sequel's to be deal with and that's without counting story's where the whole point is to fix a mess and no for just one reason but by a lot of them from writting stile to just trying to convey something
Have you ... visited this website? The one you're on? I honestly don't know how you can say nobody goes Warhammer. It is without a doubt cliche in Worm stories.

Well then I am so lucky that I never run across it. Let me tell you - anytime someone asked about "Worm with bit of warhammer" this fic is the only one I could recall. Literally the only one. I spent like 5 minutes trying to remember any other fic (that is not direct crossover with Warhammer duh) that goes waha, and I got nothing, nicht, null, nol', sero, zero. Lucky me I guess

Oh and also: do you actually imply that going anime is not a cliche? If anything, its even bigger one cuz more people know (and like) anime than warhammer.
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that is not direct crossover with Warhammer duh

There's your problem. There are so many crossovers that are seemingly exactly what you want, except not, because you want Warhammer ... without Warhammer? There's one Tyranid Taylor, one where she's Eldar, one where she's literally the Emperor of Mankind—like I say, Warhammer is everywhere. Actually, if this story gets Peter a Warhammer tech tree and retroactively makes this whole story into a crossover, will that ruin it for you? I'm just, so curious.
Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful
There's your problem. There are so many crossovers that are seemingly exactly what you want, except not, because you want Warhammer ... without Warhammer? There's one Tyranid Taylor, one where she's Eldar, one where she's literally the Emperor of Mankind—like I say, Warhammer is everywhere. Actually, if this story gets Peter a Warhammer tech tree and retroactively makes this whole story into a crossover, will that ruin it for you? I'm just, so curious.

I think I should clarify - going Warhammer means in this case more specifically going to tramshumanism Adeptus Mechanicus style. And mechanicus usually care more about functionality, less about esthetic. Which results in something like Cawl. And Peter up to this point leaned more mechanicus style - who cares how horrible something looks if it gets job done?

But as I see tinkers in fics ALWAYS go for style, and almost never chose something grotesque or at least utilitarian as said style, no sir, anime all day. I hoped that Peter might be this one tinker who will go Omnissiah true way but nope, Slaanesh and her/his/its/their heresy infected this fic too in the end.
Slaanesh and her/his/its/their heresy infected this fic too in the end.

Wow, that's incredibly rude. Trans people exist, and calling that heresy hits a little too close to home. Anyway, you're wrong about the style thing. If he went mechanical a la Warhammer, he'd lack self-repair and modification, have a lot less power, and just generally be worse off all around. Instead of style and substance, he'd have neither.
Eh, if I got the chance to swap bodies into something of my own design I'd absolutely go the robo furry route.

Maybe not how they did it appearance-wise, but definitely something Reploid-like.
Wow, that's incredibly rude. Trans people exist, and calling that heresy hits a little too close to home. Anyway, you're wrong about the style thing. If he went mechanical a la Warhammer, he'd lack self-repair and modification, have a lot less power, and just generally be worse off all around. Instead of style and substance, he'd have neither.

I dunno if you get the joke but when something that can be considered even mildly sexual happens thats when people start yelling about Slaanesh and heresy. Nothing to do with trans people specifically (except that Slaanesh is canonically can be whatever gender she/he/it/they want at any given time or simultaneously cuz, you know, chaos god)
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I dunno if you get the joke but when something that can be considered even mildly sexual happens thats when people start yelling about Slaanesh and heresy. Nothing to do with trans people specifically (except that Slaanesh is canonically can be whatever gender she/he/it/they want at any given time or simultaneously cuz, you know, chaos god)

Oh no, I get that. It's still an incredibly tasteless thing to say in this context.
Oh no, I get that. It's still an incredibly tasteless thing to say in this context.

"Taste", especially when talking about jokes, is incredibly subjective thing.

However, if this very mild and very, I am freely admitting it, low hanging joke is enough to give people offense here, I guess I'll refrain from using my... more dark repertoire in this thread.
Personally I've never seen something like this done before at least not in worm if someone else has seen it I would love to get a link to that this is the type of stuff that I love
Also I never really cared if something was cliche or not as long as I find it entertaining it does not matter to me
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Just wanna say, Russian humor is inherently offensive. You can say it's simultaneously sexist, racist and many other types of -ist, but the more accurate thing to say would be that Russian humor hates everyone equally, regardless of their creed, race and confession, it just uses these things to become even more personally hurtful, and no, Russians themselves aren't spared either, in fact, some of the most caustic jokes I know are about Russian people.

Not telling people not to get offended, just saying that it took a long time for me to dial it back.

And a couple of infractions.

Oh, btw, how do you think Taylor will react? I made a case that Taylor could be pretty pro-transhumanis, considering she doesn't like her appearance very much and often operates as a swarm of insects with a human-shaped central control node, but maybe someone has other ideas about her future reaction?
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Oh, btw, how do you think Taylor will react?

Call Peter an idiot when he'll say that this wad result of slight miscalculation "but I learned my mistake (*very skeptical look from big sis*) and won't repeat it ever again"

I am more interested how Armsy would react. He was pretty damn in tune with Peter when they started discussing "What useless biomass we can throw away from human body and get away with it?"
Armsmaster: "If I have to become a furry to be more efficient, then it's a price I will pay gladly."
Sorta relieved the author didn't go mechanicus, shoggoths and great old ones are prettier than they are

I personally disagree but I totally see where you coming from, they are majestic in their own way after all and are a great alternative for A S C E N S I O N to transhumanism. I mean shoggoths are basically "nanoswarm but purely biological"