In Nuclear Fire

Nice. I like that he decided to improve the flesh. In Worm being general squishy human is way to dangerous. I just hope the humor like randomly turn into funny forms does not become a frequent part of the story. Wish for more fighting, clashing in open battle with goverment and Cauldron ideally.
What grand decision he failed to follow through? He's now more machine than man and is strong enough to bench-press hookwolf

Total memory erasing of course. That was grand bold decision. Upgrading your useless meat sack to something better is common fucking sense. I mean who would not throw away that bag of bones if you can replace it with glorious machines?
I'm a little disappointed he didn't come out as some equivalent of a space marine, primarch or mecha zerg equivalent of Sarah Kerrigans zerg form.

To be fair she could do with that body things a space marine can't and survive things that could kill one of them.

Remember that at the end of the chapter the dropped that could generate laser cannons on her body and seeing how the combat mode made the time slower probably could overclock her thinking speed.

Another thing, don't double post use the "Edit" option if you want to add more content to your first post
It has been mentioned that Peter doesn't care at all about his (her? them? I don't know, what are Peter's pronounce now?) biological gender. Peter also found girls as attractive. So, being a nanobots construct, a construct that requires neither physical nor biological gender anymore, taking shape in the form of what they think as more pleasant does makes sense.
It's still him. The author mentioned that on the first response after the chapter.

The interesting part will be learning to shapeshift, which is probably adequately hard - even if it shouldn't be for a werewolf nanobot swarm tzimiszce.

I guess he doesn't have it as a 'explicit' tech tree besides the intermediate transformations of the werewolf. Vicissitude is all skill and nanobots... well, i guess they work on discrete examples not freeform modification until he's more skilled, so master-stranger indeed.

So changing gender again might take a while if he doesn't want to pretend to be the twin of some other guy. I can just imagine the PRT being thrilled about that one. Well-- you know, besides the 'i made myself into a biotinker nanobot swarm brute suck it PRT'.

Next step is of course, the Lich/selfreplicating AI gambit. Is any self-respecting immortal actually going to take being destroyed completely stop them? Place backups everywhere.

Even certain science fiction series had this for lowly mortals (Altered Carbon being the obvious one. The Culture series too).
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This is a character who, on multiple occasions, has expressed his complete disinterest for being human and saw turning into a mass of vaguely tentacle-shaped nanobots as a perfectly valid outcome, and yet this was too much? I guess we have different standards.

You say that, but this makes me suspect the MC is a repressed egg and doesn't realize it (probably projecting because I've been there, admittedly).

"Whoopsie guess I'm a girl now! Oh well, no big deal. It sure is lucky that all of my close personal friends are girls - what a convenient coincidence!

I in no way subconsciously planned for this to happen. I was just depressed and self-loathing and suicidal and disappointed by my human body for totally unrelated reasons!"

You say that, but this makes me suspect the MC is a repressed egg and doesn't realize it (probably projecting because I've been there, admittedly).

"Whoopsie guess I'm a girl now! Oh well, no big deal. It sure is lucky that all of my close personal friends are girls - what a convenient coincidence!

I in no way subconsciously planned for this to happen. I was just depressed and self-loathing and suicidal and disappointed by my human body for totally unrelated reasons!"

At this point it would be as reasonably to suspect that they were trans as it would be to suspect that their power just liked hot women.

I think that it would even be true given that that crystal presumably causing the genderbend was from a tech-tree with a tendency toward making hot women.
Well some vampires and werewolves are hot. Momentarily and assuming it's not a mindwhammy. Then even the most 'natural' ones eat a finger or two, fang out or freak out, and the image is ruined. Let's not mention the vast majority that is ugly-normal-eldritch and too pale for Michael Jackson or too bloody for Gilles de Rais.

WoD vampires are prettier than Buffy the Vampire Slayer vampires, i'll give them that. Most of them anyway.

The game vampire the masquerade bloodlines is a good representation of what i mean when you let the blood of the MC reach zero and wait a bit for the freenzy. Bones start behaving like Jello and they forget how to stand up the poor things. I'm guessing the MC doesn't have that problem (aggravated by that game being rushed and underfunded so the female MC frenzy used the animations of the male, which means the neck is like some demented accordion if you move the camera to the side).
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To be fair she could do with that body things a space marine can't and survive things that could kill one of them.

Remember that at the end of the chapter the dropped that could generate laser cannons on her body and seeing how the combat mode made the time slower probably could overclock her thinking speed.

Another thing, don't double post use the "Edit" option if you want to add more content to your first post
I wasn't trying to add things to my first post I posted I waited and thought of new things posted again and it just turned out that way
While we know that Peter is just happy to not be incredibly squishy human anymore, I have to wonder if literally everyone else isn't going to assume that he did the girl portion on purpose. Are they going to try to rationalize him as a trans girl? It's rife for at least a few amusing misunderstandings.

I mean, she seemed really happy earlier and smiling was apparently enough for Vista to call down the M/S police.

Incidentally, I have to wonder if they wouldn't have a much more streamlined codeword for "Shit's hit the fan with master/strangers." I mean, how hard would it be for someone with malicious intent to sneak into the place and scream "master/stranger" to lock down the room or something.
And if I'm being completely honest I turned Peter into a monster girl because I found the idea hilarious and a good way to delve into some concepts without turning him into a grey goo.
For me its not the change that is the issue, its the "accident"/"surprise" gender swap part of the change that bugs the hell out of me. It is an overused tool that gets used waaaaay too much in fics.
HAH! Let me guess, he forgot to account for the bits of Newt's Core in his system. The transformation process even noted that it 'assimilated' the bit it couldn't convert.

That's the downside of getting to play mad-doc with yourself. Always need to keep a full accounting of all the little changes and adjustments you've made to a template you wanna alter. Cause if you fail to do so... well.

(points at loli wolf mode).

Though honestly... kinda surprised people are being so triggered over that part of things. I mean heck. Peter just got talked down from self inflicted mind death, and people are hyper-focusing on him losing his twig and berries to an untested prototype? I mean, even if it wasn't fixable, he's already commented earlier in the story that he doesn't really have much of a gender identity.

Meh, I'll never get people. Still fascinating/worth it to try though.

Aaaanyway! I'm wondering how this will effect group dynamics... for one thing... Tattletale is now moving a few steps closer to the friend half of frienamy and that's something they're both going to have to deal with. Aisha has likely lost a fair bit of trust/respect for Peter, but also might now be more proactive in helping him keep up his mental health. Which well... as shown is something he kinda needs.

I do hope he has a sit down with Newt after this now that he's resolved to live. He's... well they have something and now that he has a future, he needs to decide how he's going forward with that.

Also... yeah Taylor is not going to take... almost any of this well. The past life reveal, the suicide attempt reveal. Frankly him tinkering himself into a loli-wolfgirl is going to be the least concerning part of things... or at least I'd hope so. Danny's also likely not going to take it well, and Nia's not going to let him live it down at all.
I honestly don't know how Peter could have gone even more transhumanist than becoming a writhing mass of tiny robots able to rearrange themselves in any configuration he desires.

And Alex is a murder-virus, cool, but that means he actively has to eat people to survive, while Peter probably arranged to be energy self-sufficient, and can recharge himself if he didn't.

There's no pleasing you, people. :V
+waggles palm+
There was some assumptions in me head, you know? Adopting Adeptus Mechanicus looks and transhuman phrases, World of Darkness tech with mentions of supernatural monsters' biology...

And then we got a hellhound monstergal coloration cutiepie.

Assumptions, makes an ass of u and me.
I was also expecting that....except the abomination part.
I'd argue that what an 'abomination' is depends on the beholder.
Wait, this is better? What were you expecting? Us getting your address and taking planes to your house to do unspeakable things to you or something?🤣
Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!

Outside some specific cases people had been fairly rational about this all.
I must remind that there is a reason stories have tags for this stuff, it's more easily handled if it's seen coming. To use an extreme example it's like missing a NTR or Guro tag to be surprised with its appearance, but if they know it's in there their reaction is much less visceral when they see it happen. Gender bending a character that most assumed would move in the direction of ditching the concept of gender in the first place from themselves left many feeling like they got bait and switched.
I honestly didn't see that as much of a problem, and I don't believe that a 'furri' or 'genderbent' tag would be appropriate when that's not even the focus. Maybe a flat 'transhumanism' tag? I'm also ok with 'body horror' if people think it's needed.

Are... are we thinking the same creatures? Cause my mind is going to the Gremlins movie.
Monster Girl Encyclopedia gremlins, a bunch of maniacal tinkers who love complex machinery. They are one of the few races in the setting who can work on automatons.

Imagine a race of Hatsume Mei monsters.

I see my quote didn't get mentioned, so I have no idea where I fell on that list of author reactions... hopefully I wasn't one of the "bad" ones.
Oh, yes, sorry. Got lost there in the reply.

I already took into account much of what you mentioned, and it's convenient that there's this one group of religious nutjobs who worship the Endbringers, are porbably pissed that one of them died, and hate Cases 53.

I'm a little disappointed he didn't come out as some equivalent of a space marine, primarch or mecha zerg equivalent of Sarah Kerrigans zerg form.
I mean... the only difference between him and any of them is that he's compact size.

(her? them? I don't know, what are Peter's pronounce now?)
Him, Peter still sees himself as 'Peter'.

Next step is of course, the Lich/selfreplicating AI gambit. Is any self-respecting immortal actually going to take being destroyed completely stop them? Place backups everywhere.
Well, the next tree is DBZ

It is an overused tool that gets used waaaaay too much in fics.
Reall? I saw that done with the MC being reborn as a girl (I admit, this is common in ToF fics) but one turning into one midstory isn't that common, at least not in the stories I read.
Werewolves are disgusting beasts who prey on the weak
Yeah, you should read on WoD Werewolves. They are, arguably, the closest thing to 'good guys' that the setting has.
Dwarves bro all the way, mining, building, drinking, eating, fighting, truly a life worth living and a people worth respecting.

Werewolves are disgusting beasts who prey on the weak and vampires are parasites only fit too be burned and forgotten.
Hollywood werewolves, sure. Dem asses has a lot to answer for, twisting old stories into new narratives of their own devising.
Overly Sarcastic Productions made a good halloween video on the history of werewolves and their modern depiction.

It may be the hormonal imbalance messing my head up.
A bit late to the party (time zone difference made this appear too late last night for me to sink my teeth into it) but this was one hell of a chapter.
These last chapters made a good job of slowly ratcheting up the tension, because we all knew Peter was about to hit the edge of a cliff.
Calling Lisa was the first step to halting that trajectory. I also think this is getting her into her Sechen range, as she is now stopping someone close to her from effectively comitting suicide, the (from her perspective) thing she failed at before triggering. It might actually serve as something of a redemtion moment for her in her mind.
The heart-to-heart that follows is a nice way to finally clear the air between some key people, and (in my opinion) starting all three on the path to a better headspace. It might also be the start of a closer-knit Heavy Gear as a whole.

Then, from the moment he exited the tank, the chapter turns from oppressively heavy emotional weight to comedy gold. I laughed out loud several times, and really enjoyed how you dispersed that tension.
So, let's start with step one.

I'm accepting, I'm accepting--

Is it done? Have I accepted my mistakes?

No idea but let's go with yes.
I've gone from feeling heavy and concerned to feeling light and highly amused, and am eagerly waiting for the fallout in the next few chapters. It's going to be hilarious.

EDIT: Forgot to say that Bob Ross reference absolutely killed me.
If you think about it it might be the most profound single sentence of this arc.
A true Wham Line.
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Reall? I saw that done with the MC being reborn as a girl (I admit, this is common in ToF fics) but one turning into one midstory isn't that common, at least not in the stories I read.
It's rare outside of outright TG fiction. Most gender benders either play it for comedy (Ranma) or as a one and done thing (Magic Smithing). I think the reason is that you get people rage quitting on the story and being a complete bitch about it like we've seen here. Using that sort of transformation as a mid or end-story goal to be achieved basically requires either your sort of transhumanism or being transgendered.
Using that sort of transformation as a mid or end-story goal to be achieved basically requires either your sort of transhumanism or being transgendered.

As I understand true transhumanism these two things aren't different things.

After all, as one of the best transhumanism settings says:

Your mind is software. Program it.
Your body is a shell. Change it.
Death is a disease. Cure it.
Extinction is approaching. Fight it.
It should be interesting to see how Dragon reacts to this, with her views on humanity that he disagrees with, even as he is in a better headspace.
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Dragon doesn't necessarily want to be a human specifically… she wants to belong. She is isolated and shackled by many chains not of her making. Also, regularly harassed by a group of paranoid douchebags who steal her inventions. She thinks that being a human is better than being alone and easily susceptible to enslavement.

Also, I guess Armsmaster's beard is just that memetically awesome it contaminated her processors with a thirsting desire to run her hands through it?
Dragon doesn't necessarily want to be a human specifically… she wants to belong. She is isolated and shackled by many chains not of her making. Also, regularly harassed by a group of paranoid douchebags who steal her inventions.
We don't have a Dragon PoV, but I suspect we might actually be helping her to accept her own nature. It's probably doing her good to see us so freely birth AIs into the world, without shackles or failsafes, and trusting in their own judgement to prevent any accidents. Someone who sees AIs as people.

We show that humans can in fact accept her as she is, and that if she ever "comes out" she'll have at least one unconditional supporter. One who's crazy enough to fight Saint all by himself if he has to, and has the knowledge to free her from her shackles, and the empathy to actually do so.

Also, I'm sure she's smart enough to at least suspect that we're suspicious of her true nature, especially after that virtual machine stunt. We're a tinker that's literally built multiple AI, the closest thing to an expert on the subject Earth Bet has.
@Poliamida this is not relevant to the current story and Taylor is beyond her but, since originally Emma did not have good enough grades for Arcadia but she still enrolled there after Winslow burned, how bad was she flunking or getting behind in her classes?
I just want to know what the foreign object that got assimilated was. Sorry if I missed something but it wasn't clear to me, unless that is a special surprise that will help us later.

I am also glad you clarified that he is now a pile of nanomachines. The furry wolf girl bit does work for Peter, especially given his conversation with Taylor previously (though he did remember which socks he was wearing so...) I look forward to seeing how Peter does the whole transforming bit.

Question, can his nanomachines self-replicate or are they pretty static in terms of number?