In Nuclear Fire

Well, the beauty of her actual form is that once she learned how to do that she could totally do that or even worse.
Did you notice that if she wanted to go violent in the last scene she could have shot lasers? Where are they? Wherever she wanted.

Peter isn't really a wolf girl, she is a nano-machines blob with the form of a Garou pup.
Ok christ everyone needs to calm about the genderbending furry plot, its probably only going to be a thing for a few chapters or hek maybe only 2 at least.

You all need to calm down please this does not help anyone.
Heh, you had a bunch of crazy twists and turns here. Other's thoughts about it going less furry for the initial transformation would probably work for a more grimdark setting. Going this route keeps things a bit brighter. I also believe that the furry part shouldn't have so much attention yet. It feels like the OP just threw it in for fun instead of making it a big issue considering this conversion has the option for transformation.
Peter accidentally set his Flesh-Transcendencinator to 'wolf pupy' and that's almost as funny as the whitehall sockpuppets showing up to yell slurs and get threadbanned, like they were alerted to try and brigade the thread only to eat shit off the floor.

Hopefully we get a bit where Peter tells Kaiser 'Halloween is forever, bitch.'
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Ok christ everyone needs to calm about the genderbending furry plot, its probably only going to be a thing for a few chapters or hek maybe only 2 at least.

You all need to calm down please this does not help anyone.

I'm actually a little sad that it won't likely last long. I mean, imagine the reactions he could evoke with his new form. There's so much story space to explore there. Oh, and the Nazi gang, they'd be basically playing out this thread's recent reaction inside the narrative as well as out.
I have never understood people who are cool with transhumanism but get squeamish over some bodymods or genderbending.

The body is clay! The form is mutable! Embrace it!
Ok last time I'll state anything like this but my main problems were: 1. Werewolves suck easily one of the worst fantasy creatures. 2. The nano machines are so boring, yes Peter can take any form but it's not really cool unless he pulls a plasticman and becomes inanimate objects. You've seen one grey goo/nano machine character you've seen them all. The fun of having a machine body is becoming larger and larger to fit in all of the tech and with nano machines it eventually becomes a case of, "I can turn my arm into a laser cannon and a chainsword or whatever."

I just feel like nano machines are a lazy way to leave your mortal form behind.
You format it and start over.
My Glorious Evolution, as Viktor would put it.
Wouldn't that be metamorphosis?
Pressing a hand (pawn?) against its cold
That's when I hear the sound of someone knocking at the workshop's door.

"It's open!" I yell out.

It takes me only I moment to understand why Lisa's looking at me as if she was contemplating the most painful way to murder me.

Curse you, reflex action!
Imbecile. Please tell me you were gonna give the amnesiatic you a letter with suggestions of what to do next to avoid the hell that is about to follow?
"Hey, Tech-Priest, are you here?" Missy's voice comes from the entrance. "Dragon told me that--" She steps inside only to come to an abrupt stop when she sees us. Lisa and Aisha without their masks and, well, me. The resident werewolf girl.
"Let's be honest here Vista, this isn't the worst thing you ever caught me doing now is it?"

Missy's eyes widen, her lips crook, and she turns her head back while she screams: "Master-Stranger!"
"Oh come on now! Do have any friggin idea how hard it is to get that stuff out of your fur?!"
Ok last time I'll state anything like this but my main problems were: 1. Werewolves suck easily one of the worst fantasy creatures. 2. The nano machines are so boring, yes Peter can take any form but it's not really cool unless he pulls a plasticman and becomes inanimate objects. You've seen one grey goo/nano machine character you've seen them all. The fun of having a machine body is becoming larger and larger to fit in all of the tech and with nano machines it eventually becomes a case of, "I can turn my arm into a laser cannon and a chainsword or whatever."

I just feel like nano machines are a lazy way to leave your mortal form behind.
Considering one of my biggest desires for a new body would be to become smaller, that would entirely defeat the purpose for me.

I hate being big. It was fun for all of six months when I was fourteen, then I realised I couldn't hide anymore. I was too tall. Too heavy. Too loud.

Poli is, I believe, someone who wants... amorphosity. Mutability. Being stuck in a big machine frame because he needs to be in that big machine frame wouldn't be that much better; it's a massive limitation, not to mention an inconvenience.
Even if resleeving was a simple enough procedure it'd still be a chore to do every time you want to go somewhere with human-sized doors.
(This is something of an assumption on my part, but it's what I've read from the writing.)

You just want different things out of your trans-humanism.
And I'm off to the side in my 'no machine trans-humanism' branch where I'm extra out there. Even basic cybernetics wig me out a little.
Nanomachines less so, it's the idea that my 'machine' body wouldn't be self maintaining and need specialised skills to fix and keep running that does it. Nanomachines are self-maintaining and... pretty much dodge all of my issues with tech-based trans-humanism.

Nanomachines are only 'lazy' in that they are one of the most broken things in Sci-Fi. It's convenient in a way your preferred method isn't.
Whether or not that impacts the story negatively... we'll see. He's a Tinker of Fiction with a functioning (Mecha) Zerg Hive, it's not like he isn't already hilariously powerful.
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Ok last time I'll state anything like this but my main problems were: 1. Werewolves suck easily one of the worst fantasy creatures. 2. The nano machines are so boring, yes Peter can take any form but it's not really cool unless he pulls a plasticman and becomes inanimate objects. You've seen one grey goo/nano machine character you've seen them all. The fun of having a machine body is becoming larger and larger to fit in all of the tech and with nano machines it eventually becomes a case of, "I can turn my arm into a laser cannon and a chainsword or whatever."

I just feel like nano machines are a lazy way to leave your mortal form behind.
To address your first point, werewolves don't suck. and it's an actual fact.

Observe: Werewolves get enhanced strength, stamina and durability (which may/may not carry over to their human form), enhanced senses (hearing, smell, etc), astral projection (optional), multiple forms (including an in-between with the best of both worlds (optional)), and a weakness to silver which can either be contact or in need of a stabbing (which is, say it with me now... Optional).

Now let's look at vampires: enhanced strength, stamina and durability , enhanced senses, astral projection (optional), multiple forms (with a change only during the full moon), and a fatal weakness t so many things it would take me a year to add them all here.

most demons can't step anywhere near a church (werewolves can, btw), you can stop or even kill many yokais with a slip of paper, and gods often only exist thanks to their believers' beliefs.

as for the nano-machines, son, he can change later, if he wants to. And if he gets too large, people will start screaming 'Gojira' or something. Add to that the fact that I loathe the very concept of the 'grey flood' tech tree, and you'll find me very happy with a base 5'2'' to 6' main form.

what can I say, I like the idea of being smol.
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Staff Notice: Rule 2
Well this was a ride that I'm getting off now, I personally don't care about the M to F thing but it is just another reason to go as I was promised Nuclear Fire & all that it entails not to have the author use us as thier personal therapy
I see my quote didn't get mentioned, so I have no idea where I fell on that list of author reactions... hopefully I wasn't one of the "bad" ones.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm pretty much fine with the transformations, with my only comments otherwise as follows, which are mostly concerns for his safety/mental health:
  • The attention that this'll bring (outside of hacking Dragon and doing bullshit inside the PRT base)
  • There are a lot of gangs that like exotic females. Yes, he can certainly defend himself, but these are not people you want after you
  • How abrupt it was that the main character became a wolf-person - I at least did not see this coming at all, probably due to an incomplete understanding of the source material
  • The sudden mood shift despite his assurance that he wouldn't be screwing with his mind
    • I can only assume that this is either relief that he's safe(r) now or that he fixed some sort of psychological problem, but it really was a M/S worthy change aside from the aforementioned "suddenly, wolf-person!" thing
and a weakness to silver which can either be contact or in need of a stabbing (which is, say it with me now... Optional).
Why would that ever be an option?!! Either it's yes it's there and can't be removed, or no because it doesn't have to be ergo it ain't!
There are a lot of gangs that like exotic females. Yes, he can certainly defend himself, but these are not people you want after you
Hah! I wish Dem fools the best of luck!
well lets see this play out he did say that he apricates the female form but i don't think this is what he meant well i cant wait to see reactions
i can picture it in my head starts with them being really confused and a bit horrified, horrified that he made large adjustments to his body more confused on why he made himself into a wolfgirl. then it changes to horror as he enthusiastically explains what he turned himself into
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I'm a little disappointed he didn't come out as some equivalent of a space marine, primarch or mecha zerg equivalent of Sarah Kerrigans zerg form.
So will he be making another machine and offering this service for a fee because I certainly know if I could step into a machine and walk out with an immortal perfectly healthy body and only that I would certainly sign up for that operation. And if I could get cool powers out of it I do for that too.