In Nuclear Fire

Urban Dictionary: tolerast

a mix of `tolerant` and `pederast`, hyper tolerant person, who will sacrifice all of his beliefs just to avoid being thought of as `intollerant`. He'd rather let himself to be fucked in the ass than do or say something that is even remotely `intollerant` used mostly in russian informal speech...

Apparently this
Weird but accurate I guess, not me I hate furrys.
Wow, this chapter really triggered a lot of people :D

Look, if Peters not very well planned attempt to combine vampire, ananasi and werewolf stuff with NANOMACHINES, SON! and (not even) god knows (high-end technocracy stuff is weird) what else, as realized by his mecha-zerg drone children, had worked flawlessly immediately, I would have been fine with that. I am fine with this as well, though. And Peter himself really doesn't care how he looks, as long as he can do his stuff. Maybe wait for the next chapter for clarifications?
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Imagine several months later, we still have furry Peter, and it's not reversed back until April Fools, and we get told: "I told you it was temporary" and Poli is just fucking, like, ashamed, because Poli got kink shamed and was secretly a furry the entire time lmao
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Another character in Worm fanfiction makes grand decision, prepares everything and not actually follows through. All this hype for nothing. Another disappointment.

Failed transformation is not even disappointing, its just boring.

Ugh. Lets see what happens next at least.
To be fair…Peter specifically says that he doesn't care about his gender and he'll probably act the same. Also he said he wanted to become a werewolf for a while, like a few dozen chapters earlier
I guess my problem would be that that is what he'll look like in my head from then on, whenever he talks that image is what I'll see Peter as and I would hate that. When I think of him I think of like a jawa in mechanicus robes
Thanks. The Core Crystal is probably also a contributing factor now that I think about it. It probably has partial records of the Blades physical specifications that got assimilated too.

Obviously, the Core Crystal is from a female Blade.

But to be fair I'm surprised that Peter has a defined genre after the procedure. It wasn't like he cared and that spare space and mass could be used for anything else (and more useful), like a laser cannon.

The Garou thing was obviously going to give him that aspect. I wonder why no one realized that before.
Still, I'm pretty sure that if the one turned into that monster girl was any of the girls no-one would complain.
This is hilarious. Well the entire "format my own hard drive" thing wasn't but the accidental trans furry made me laugh out loud.

Edit: wow people are upset about this. I dont realy get it. His entire thing is "the body is an interchangeable vessel"
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Damnit not again.

Ok look, this old trope of "Suprise, genderbend, lol" Is getting damn old. I know it is tool for progressing a story. Hell I know of a few fics that make the flip-flop a central part of the fic to great effect, but this surprise gender swap out of no where speaks of very bad planning or poor taste. Either make it a thing from the start, do a permeant switch from the start, make it REALLY clear that it is a temporary step, or don't do it all.

Yes I know it could be use toward the point of the MC casting away his old life, but he was doing that with the change into a more lupin life. Part of what made this interesting was the 30something in a preteen body and all the issues and hijinks that come with it, now......just no. Doing this this late into the fic just seems in poor taste and ruins how the interactions with others in the future will be, and give rereading past chapters a off feeling just knowing what is coming next.

Really hope like hell it is changed/adressed/fixed within a chapter or two, because if this becomes a long term or permeant thing, it kinda puts me off this fic.
Edit From Newer Comment: For me its not the change that is the issue, its the "accident"/"surprise" gender swap part of the change that bugs the hell out of me. It is an overused tool that gets used waaaaay too much in fics.
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The first section of the most recent chapter has a weird-yet-interesting sort of energy to it. It's like when a slightly insane zealot character, who hasn't been taken seriously by anyone for the rest of the book/ game e.t.c. has something happen that makes them suddenly calm down, take a few deep breaths, smile, then say something like 'It all makes sense now. I understand what I need to do.'
And at that moment, you can tell things are about to go horribly right.

On a separate note, I'm throwing my opinion in with the others on the genderbend. Considering I think there are more male-to-female Worm self inserts than actual female SIs, the idea sort of lacks personality and individuality when done on a whim. But then, if you've got something like a plot line coming up that relies on the genderbend, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Edit: oh, I've just finished reading all the other comments, and mine can be seen in a different light. For the record, I'm not getting angry, pretentious or whiny on the whole MTF thing. Really, if it isn't plot relevant I'll just be indifferent, not passionately annoyed.
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So now Peter is ready for an interdimensional slumber party with Kathy and Addy, it will be glorious tinker madness!
Could have had some spelled out warning to save me the heartache, not gonna lie. Especially for a development this late into the story.

Edit: In other words, 289 chapters to introduce this unexpected turn and one i'm unsure how to procces; but ok.
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To be fair…Peter specifically says that he doesn't care about his gender and he'll probably act the same. Also he said he wanted to become a werewolf for a while, like a few dozen chapters earlier

It's hard to tell that this isn't like a hot springs story. When the characters, especially women, all go to a hot spring where they can get naked. There's an in-story reason which has nothing to do with nudity, but it's a flimsy excuse for nudity. This *feels* very much like we've just been given a flimsy in-story excuse for gender change and furry. It may not turn out that way, but reading years of fanfic where it usually does, can color the audience's perceptions.
Honestly, I didn't really expect this thing to happen, but holy fuck I didn't expect the reader reaction on SV either. Like 50% of the comments after this chapter go immediately either furry or gender bender hate. Isn't this supposed to be one of the more tolerant websites?

Maybe if you hate it this much just ghost instead of pissing all over the thread for five pages? Instead we get a konga line of people who think because they story isn't going the way they'd like it it's completely okay to make the author feel like shit about it. "Oh furry so disgusting, nooooo gender bender, you freak I'm out".

I mean imagine the author actually is a furry transwoman.
flimsy in-story excuse for

I don't really care, and don't see why you do. Don't like it, don't read it, right? This is free fanfic provided to you at the speed of the light, and there are millions more where it came from. It's not even poorly executed, either; this was hinted at beforehand like half a dozen times, hell, we knew our protagonist isn't cis given that Peter outright said so a while back, the transhumanist worldview has been there from the very very start, and now we're getting those promises delivered on. I think the problem some might have with this chapter is that all too often these types of stories don't follow through on those promises, or if they try it ends up in the same boring mold we've been using in sci-fi since the fifties. So if you're used to the lack of follow through, having it actually occur might be jarring.

Of course, that's me being optimistic. Realistically, a lot of the negativity is going to just be bigotry.

I would argue that the majority could be a response attributed to the timing..and length of the work in question.

This story is what...2 years old and nearly 450k words in length? I would have no issue if this was something given with prior warning or as a story premise.

Instead, 2 years of emotional investment is coloring my viewpoint somewhat. This is the emotional and literary equivalent of being flashed at a bus stop.

Edit: For additional perspective. This is almost the equivalent of the Lord of The Rings books in word count.
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It's hard to tell that this isn't like a hot springs story. When the characters, especially women, all go to a hot spring where they can get naked.

Hahahahaha! No way in frozen Hell the girls would allow Peter to go with them. And now is even more unlikely since she blindfold can't stop Peter now. In fact, he may be capable of see them through the division now.
I imagine it could be contributed to timing..and length.

This story is what...2 years old and nearly 450k words in length? I would have no issue if this was something given with prior warning or as a story premise.

Instead, 2 years of emotional investment is coloring my viewpoint somewhat. This is the emotional and literary equivalent of being flashed at a bus stop.
I really hope you don't have transgendered people or furry people in your environment if that's your reaction to a coming out. I mean honestly it might just be the author playing things for shock considering another update is still coming but maybe have some tolerance? If he'd actually turned himself into a Zerg there wouldn't be nearly this reaction. Gender bender morph into agendered (or probably female) bio-monster is okay, but this is not? Honestly this feels like the coming out of a gay classmate in highschool where people felt they should be reflexively disgusted about it.

This behaviour is very much not okay.
Gotta love it when people start screaming at each other about thing x they don't like and then at each other for not liking said thing to begin with. Peter turned himself into an MG and hit the YES for transhuman button without checking the options besides murderwolf, not like he had much of a choice given SOMEONE decided to try and off him.