It's not a matter of evidence, scheud, merely of curiousity
What you mean is transhumanism, and it is *not* a sign of problems.
That's a very thorny debate with no clear decided answer, but it's obvious that Addy doesn't think it's a problem, and equally obvious that the Heberts don't hold the same position.
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I find it funny that there is a distinct chance that Contessa is actually either directly or indirectly responsible for drowning one or more puppies.
Well, given the sheer scale of her manipulations, which altered basically the entire societies of multiple worlds, and the fact that a lot of them were to craft harsher worlds in order to create more trigger events, it's basically statistically impossible for her to not be at least indirectly responsible for at least some puppy drownings.
Not "couldn't", but "wouldn't". Without her asking to vaporise them, they would still be dead, just not vaporised. Without her tech, they would stay dead. So technically she's asking to not get more work because of people she doesn't give a shit about.
Uh, technically she didn't ask the Simurgh to just vaporise people that the Simurgh was going to kill anyway, she asked the Simurgh to vaporise people. Regardless of whether Addy meant the former, the Simurgh is totally capable of "but that's not what you asked for". :oops:

All you have to do is look at the outcome of the E88 kidnapping her: she proceeded to brutally murder everyone present in a scene more reminiscent of a charnel house than anything else, and her response to being found covered in viscera and entrails is "don't worry, I'm a hero! I merely self-defenced a dozen or so members of the Empire into people-purée."
Uh, no, bad example. The only blue-and-orange morality there was the E88 thinking their plan was in any way acceptable. They tried to kidnap a child from her own home with the plan to enslave her, and when that backfired they doubled down by kidnapping her with the plan to murder her. Addy was completely within her rights to respond with lethal force, and no matter what hollywood may like to pretend the simple fact is that people dying violently pretty much never leave tidy bodies. The E88 played stupid games and won stupid prizes.
Uh, technically she didn't ask the Simurgh to just vaporise people that the Simurgh was going to kill anyway, she asked the Simurgh to vaporise people. Regardless of whether Addy meant the former, the Simurgh is totally capable of "but that's not what you asked for". :oops:
Well, the context was: people who'd stayed in the BB died.
Her phrase:
"Hey Simmy. If people are too stupid to leave next time you attack a city can you vaporise them or something with tinkertech so I don't have to bring them back please?"
(No purple)
She specifically asked to vaporise people who're already 'scheduled' to die anyway, because they 'are too stupid to leave' (from her perspective, I personally am not saying those people are actually stupid or whatnot).
I mean, of course the Simurgh can reinterpret this request in the most vicious way possible, that's why she's 'that fucking feathered bitch', but Addy definitely wasn't asking to just kill more people.

shit now needs to go sideways for the heberts. otherwise this is becoming dull.
Bruh, read previous chapters, shit is going to go sideways, downways and upways for the entire Brockton Bay very soon.
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shit now needs to go sideways for the heberts. otherwise this is becoming dull.
Bruh, read previous chapters, shit is going to go sideways, downways and upways for the entire Brockton Bay very soon.
Or, paraphrasing a local rapper:
Shit is gonna go from ceiling to floor, from window to opposite wall, and fly all the way out the door.

In other words, shitstorm galore.
On the idea that that punishing Addy isn't working. I agree. People have not learned that punishing Addy creates more problems. Force her to do a bunch of useless paper work for tech you are already using, and Addy decides to hop on PHO. I think occupying Addy's time with Victory Ice Cream would be preferable. I think the only way to keep Addy out of trouble is to keep her busy with other things she wants to do. Heck, spending more time with her friends would be better because it keeps her from tinkering.

On the idea that Addy isn't be appreciated for stopping an Endbringer. We are seeing things from Addy's perspective, and she's mostly focused on the annoying paper work and grounding. Remember back to the Annette interlude on how Annette recognized how messed up Addy is but is trying to support her. The Heberts already helped hide a ton of her crimes and start Splyce's gang.

Heberts are probably worrying over all the attention Addy has on her now for bottling Leviathan.
The Heberts already helped hide a ton of her crimes and start Splyce's gang.
I guess being a biotinker does count as a crime on Earth Bet, and this directly leads us to the whole Splyce's gang thing, since she can't be Protectorate affiliate.
I honestly don't remember any other crimes. She and Annette killed those two Nazis who attacked their house (Stormtiger? Victor?), but that clearly falls under 'castle doctrine' and is not a crime.
Can you remind what else was there? (genuinely asking)
Had her tentacle cat killed anyone?
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Can you remind what else was there? (genuinely asking)
Had her tentacle cat killed anyone?
Yes. And yes. That was a mugging, and Addy doesn't seem to have meant it to be fatal, but it still happened. Then there was the hospital robbery, a lot of other Splyce stuff since the nazi incident that the Heberts are totally complicit in, but which is still very illegal, what looked like underage drinking but was actually self-surgery, and probably a lot of littering.
Yes. And yes. That was a mugging, and Addy doesn't seem to have meant it to be fatal, but it still happened. Then there was the hospital robbery, a lot of other Splyce stuff since the nazi incident that the Heberts are totally complicit in, but which is still very illegal, what looked like underage drinking but was actually self-surgery, and probably a lot of littering.
Oh, right, the whole 'let's rob Medhall in broad daylight' debacle. I remember that now. Yeah, not the most glorious (or sanest) moment in the history of Hebert household.
Remember back to the Annette interlude on how Annette recognized how messed up Addy is but is trying to support her. The Heberts already helped hide a ton of her crimes and start Splyce's gang.
She did recognize that, but none of the interludes since have given any indications she is actually doing much understand and help her. And the whole Splyce thing is kind of a black mark against the Heberts here, as while Addy wanted to go out and do things on the whole she was remaining relatively low key. The only reason things ended up like they are is that Annette wanted to go after the Nazis and basically told Addy to go all out in making biological weapons. On the whole the Addy's involvement with the gang is pretty much limited to supplying them with weapons and using the Splyce body when she wants to create something the PRT would not approve of and in basically all other situations she is just a figurehead for the Hebert's gang.
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I would happily sacrifice PHO interludes to never again have to read Addy spending several paragraphs describing her boredom.
You focus on the weirdest parts.
I used that as an example.
Because it is the current one.
Everytime she is grounded she comes up with work arounds and does something interesting. Groundings are barely a speed bump and only exist because the non crackfiction parts git to mesh somehow with the crack. They way people act around her wouldn't make sense otherwise. Other people expect consequences.
The only reason things ended up like they are is that Annette wanted to preemptively go after the Nazis to defend her family and basically told Addy to go all out in making biological weapons.
Man, people are taking this so seriously! Good job, Unders!

I figured walking was the safer alternative if it meant a chance of Taylor driving again.
So many ways to fix this, but some are:
alternative if it meant no chance
alternative to any chance

We we situated just far enough from the sea that the buildings in the Docks took the major brunt of the tidal waves
We were

They even want a report written up for the Life Staffs I'm going to making even though they're already approved for emergency use.
going to be making
(I would mention Staves, but using Staffs is so very Addy... :) )

Growling in disgust I threw down my pen and glared at the pile of paperwork I still waiting to be filled out.
paperwork still waiting
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Ok, what the fuck... tone down a little Abby.
This reaction is a bit odd to me. Like, do people not think that would have been the Simurgh's response anyhow? 'Hey, people who die with a corpse still around didn't stay dead. How exactly should I, the Hopekiller deal with this?' Through that lens, what she asked for is actually tame, as she only wanted the people too stupid to evacuate to get erased.