Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

I don't understand the point your trying to make @Degorium. Do you think we need to buy the charm or not.
Fair enough. I'm of the thought we don't actually need a perfect Dodge charm at this moment I was just chiming in on the fact that people are like saying it's worse or not equal to who strikes the wind when in actuality they're both about the same except one costs more. So I would prefer BME over WSW with counter conceptual Interposition and ablation of brass and fire over either of them.
@uju32 Yog is asking you a number of questions and requesting cites. If you still have him on ignore your going to have a much harder time winning XP votes because your statements and arguments are being undermined/questioned and you aren't responding.

If you check the thread tool and click "who replied" you'll see that you and Yog post more than anyone else here by a wide margin second only to the OP with BronzeTongue being the only one who even comes close. I don't think having him on ignore actually works if your also proposing XP and Monthly AP votes.
DragonParadox, I'm guessing that VEE can't be used on oneself, meaning we can't pick up the Hands of Daedalus Merit that Acolyte found? (Being able to grant merits to others is cool, but getting more xp-free merits for Molly - even one a year - would be even better).

No, VEE trying to use VEE on yourself would be like attempting to literally lift yourself up by your bootstraps.

@DragonParadox could you weigh in on this? If we have a discount, that would be nice to know.

While training can save you XP it would take a long time, think 'going to college'

@DragonParadox how about a 6th dot Alchemy formula to discount increasing Physical by its level so 6xp per dot. Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Appearance.

That feels a bit too powerful.
I am open to dropping BME. This gives me 6 xp. With that we can either buy all counter spells, or 2 ox bodies, or politics up to 3. Or prayer eating 2. Or something else. I am amendable to that. What do voters prefer?
Any vote wigh Mana plague has my vote. We have the alchemy to remove ghe mindcontrol and it is free reagents.

It also helps with Iselabella and may be sufficient to fully awaken her.

So useful to have in a number of ways.
i would argue that Proxy Servant Protocol + Extra Limbs is better for minion protection in combat
We largely don't bring minions directly to most combats but there's something to that. The plan is called that because of verdant emptiness endowment mixed mana maggot plague means that we can literally grant wishes to all of our servants and they can use their Supernatural powers to the best of their abilities.

As far as our servants being independent entities that can both protect themselves and have better lives granting them wishes and also having them be able to use their abilities without needing to kill anyone is as good as it can possibly get for them at least.

This paired with politics and finance means that we're really moving up into the being an active manager of people and possibly policy. It's a larger overarching plan that has to do with minion protections outside of just combat.
[] Plan Thousand Correct Political Counteractions
-[] Molly, 49 XP spent
--[] Awakened Eye of the Dragon, 10 XP
--[] False Springs Beckon, 9 XP
--[] Treading the Golden Path, 4 XP
--[] Proxy Servant Protocol, 8 XP
--[] By Rage Recast: Extra Limbs, 6 XP
--[] Ox body, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Spirit, 3 XP
--[] Politics 1 dot, 3 XP
--[] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
-[] Lydia, 13 XP spent
--[] Counterspell: Fae, 3 XP
--[] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
--[] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
--[] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
--[] Perception 3 dots, 1 XP
--[] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
--[] Wits 5 dots, 1 XP
--[] Occult 2 dots, 2 XP
--[] Ox-Body, 3 XP
--[] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5
-[] Tiffany, 11 XP spent, 2 banked
--[] Wits 4 dots, 1 XP
--[] Intelligence 5 dots, 1 XP
--[] Perception 4 dots, 1 XP
--[] Charisma 4 dots, 1 XP
--[] Manipulation 4 dots, 1 XP
--[] Counterspell: Human, 3 XP
--[] Counterspell: Vampire, 3 XP
-[] Olivia, 13 XP spent
--[] Manipulation 2 dots, 1 XP
--[] Perception 5 dots, 1 XP
--[] Appearance 4 dots, 0 XP
--[] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Infusion, 2 XP
--[] Mana Manipulation Ritual: Shape Mana, 3 XP
--[] Clairvoyance, 6 XP
--[] Ask Tiffany to raise physical stats to 5

Ok, so, in this plan:
1) The long range needs are relegated to prep, specifically DPM. We can carry a rocket launcher, an electrolaser, and a machine gun with us at all times with it. It's a more limited version of Principle Invoking Onslaught, with limited ammo and required prep. Should be good enough for the moment, I feel. This way we don't need Sandstrike blast or Principle Invoking Onslauight.
2) The core remains Proxy Servant Protocol + By Rage Recast: Extra Limbs. It has both uses in combat, and outside of it, like with Olivia, who could use Shape Mana with Molly's Occult dicepool and her own difficulty negators, resulting in some spectacular results.
3) I dropped Bloodless Murk Evasion, since it appears far less popular than I expected. I put in Ox Body as a survivability booster, and Counterspell: Spirit, which leaves Molly with only Counterspell: Fae to get, which should be less relevant right now, since she is a valued ally for both courts at the moment.

I could drop Ox Body and go for politics 2 instead. This gives us 1 free dot, which could go to Tiffany, bringing her to 3 free XP. If we drop Counterspell: Vampire, we could either boost Lore of Humanity to 2 points, or... I am unsure, and would like input here.

I am pretty satisfied with Olivia - she grows in both a combat role (better stars, better clairvoyance), and out of combat - an ability to store mana for later use is very nice for her, and if she is later able to make Jade Amulets as an extension of this, that would be great. Shape Mana is flat broken with Servant Proxy Protocol - it's the thing that I think we need to use as part of Manse Raising later.

EDIT: Alternatively, drop one of the countermagics, politics, and Ox Body, buy Violence is Worship
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The plan is not actually bad, but if it was for me I would vote for the one before. I like the perfect defence
Man still think we got short changed exp since it's not exactly that much more than last arc. We get exp for finding out plots but not solving them, we got exp for surviving an ambush but only an ambush instead of the four or five we went through, nothing for intelligent use of essence since we were running dry most of this arc and still won, nothing for clearing the traitors from the council which we've been wanting to do over the year just for discovering the conspiracy, nothing for saving senior council just for finding them, essentially every act we got that was similar was grouped together instead of being counted as individual things. I think if this was across a couple arcs we would have gotten a good thirty or so more exp but didn't simply because it was too much all at once for dp to feel comfortable giving us.

Anyways uh random question do we know what type of demon usum used to be?
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I can only remember that he was something Malfean.
that does not narrow it down much lol. I'm mostly curious because despite the turning of ages his soul structure is probably mostly familiar to whatever he once was so it'd be nice to get to know about him a bit better even if its more metagamey than anything. Basically all demons attached to exaltations are former first circle demons who were basically exemplary of their kind right? Sure that doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of exalted as species limitations are a huge thing but still a hero unit of his species none the less.

Wonder if we became a new primordial if we could turn him into a third circle of ourself since hes one of our subsouls now.
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W20 forgot to include this shit in the core book, so you have to go look for that in the 2nd Edition Player's Guide p104
Ok, I have to address this a bit more.

In ExvsWoD revised book, the Ancient Sorcery Spell Awakened Eye of the Dragon has the following desciprtion:
Awakened Eye of the Dragon
This hour-long ritual awakens the spiritual Essence
of a Dragon Nest and grants its blessing to the Exalt
and her companions for one full cycle of the moon.
System: Spend 5 Essence to begin the ritual, and
roll Wits + Occult (difficulty 7) to contest with the spirit
of the Dragon Nest. It is otherwise identical to the
Rite of the Opened Caern (see Werewolf 20th Anniversary
edition, p. 206).
In W20, on page 206, the text goes as follows:
Rite of the Opened Caern
Level One
Each caern has a specific power associated with it,
generally of a beneficial nature. Thus, there are caerns of
Rage, caerns of Gnosis, Strength, Enigmas, and so on. If a
character is knowledgeable enough, she may tap into the
caern's power and use it herself. Doing so is commonly
known as "opening" a caern. Such a feat shouldn't be
attempted lightly — Gaia's sacred places don't give up
their power easily, and failure to harness such power can
seriously harm the Garou.
Each caern has its own requirements of the ritemaster.
In order to open a caern of Enigmas, a Garou might
walk a spiral path while calling out the Greek myth of
Persephone; to open a caern of Rage, the Garou might
change into Crinos and chant the litany of his ancestors
who have fallen in battle against the Wyrm. The key is
forging a connection to the particular spirit of the caern.
System: To open a caern, the character engages in
a resisted, extended test of Wits + Rituals (difficulty 7)
against the caern's spirit, seeking to gain a number of successes
equal to the caern's level. The caern spirit uses the
caern's level as its dice pool (difficulty of the ritemaster's
Gnosis), seeking to gain (Ritemaster's Willpower) successes.
The first party to reach their target number of
successes triumphs.
If the character wins the test, she can add the caern's
rating to her dice pool when performing actions appropriate
to the caern's focus. If she loses, she takes lethal damage
equal to the number of successes by which the caern beat

her; a botch makes this damage aggravated.
See page 310 for a list of caern types, their powers,
and the spirits that can be encountered near them.
When combining the two quoted texts, the rule is fairly unambiguous. Exalt rolls Wits + Occult (difficulty 7) seeking to gain a number of successes equal to the Nest's dot rating. The Spirit of the Nest, if they are not waving the contest, rolls Dragon Nest's dot level dice to reach Exalt's Willpower successes. Whoever reaches their target first, wins. On winning, Exalt and her companions add Nest rating dice to appropriate dice pool for the next lunar month. The list of spirits, and what they grant is given in page 310 of W20.

TypePowerSpirits Encountered
AllOpen Moon Bridge*
EnigmasEnigmas AbilityIllusion, Shadow, Chameleon-spirit
GnosisGnosis pointsEngling, Ghost
HealingHealth LevelsPeace, Calm, Water elemental
LeadershipLeadership, IntimidationWar, Bird-spirit
RageRage pointsWar, Pain
StaminaSoak diceProtection, Guardian, Turtle-spirit
StrengthStrength attributeWar
UrbanStreetwiseCity Elemental
VisionsOracular VisionsBird-spirit
WillWillpower pointsWar, Ancestor-spirit
WisdomRituals, ExpressionOwl-spirit, Ancestor-spirit

Power: Either One point/level/die is gained per success on the Rite of the Opened Caern, up to the level of the Caern, or flat Caern rating bonus (W20 is internally self-contradicting).
Spirits Encountered: These are the spirits most often encountered near this type of caern. How-
ever, there's no guarantee they'll be there. Other spirits may appear at the Storyteller's discretion.
* Only if the caern has completed a Rite of the Opened Bridge to a destination for that Moon Bridge.

Rite of the Opened Bridge
Level Four
This rite creates a moon bridge, a shimmering portal
serving as a mystical means of transportation between
two caerns. Such moon bridges are vital links among the
sacred spaces of Gaia. Once per year, a caern must renew
its connection with other caerns to which it wishes to
maintain moon bridges. This rite is always held during
a moot, and it must be enacted simultaneously by both
participating caerns.
The primary requirement to open a moon bridge is a
pathstone. Pathstones are found in the Umbra, and they
are often the objects of quests. These extraordinarily rare
stones resemble flat pearls with the imprint of a wolf's
paw on one side. It is possible to steal a pathstone from a
caern, but such a theft is considered blasphemous, and it
may well result in war between two septs.
The rite establishes (or reestablishes) a spiritual con-
nection between the pathstones of two separate caerns
by way of the caerns' totem spirits. At the rite's culmina-
tion, a moon bridge opens between the two participating
caerns. During this time, Garou from both septs can travel
between the caerns to join in a wild revel. Moon bridges
allow Garou to traverse distances in 1/1000 th the normal
time required. This rite must be renewed once every 13
moons (roughly a year).
System: The roll is Wits + Enigmas (difficulty 8 minus
the level of the ritemaster's caern). If the ritemaster's pack
totem is the same as the totem of the caern, she receives a
bonus of three dice to the roll. If the rite was unsuccessful
previously, the difficulty level of the rite increases by one.
The ritemaster needs to obtain a number of successes equal
to the target caern's level to complete the rite.
If the rite succeeds, the moon bridge opens imme-
diately, and the spirit-bond between the two pathstones
is established. Moon bridges may now be opened at any
time between the two caerns. The bridges may be opened
with the Rite of the Opened Caern or the Ragabash Gift:
Open Moon Bridge (if performed at the caern). If the rite
fails, no moon bridge opens, and the rite must be tried
again next year. Moon bridges to the caern may still be
opened, but they aren't as safe as they might be.
See page 311 for moon bridge distances.

Now, in 2nd edition of Werewolf, the rules are different:
Accessing a caern's power usually involves the Rite of
Opening, which must be performed by one of the caern
officials, typically the Master of the Rite. He makes a
Manipulation + Rituals roll (difficulty 7). Customarily,
each success equals one bonus die to be distributed among
the characters as she sees fit. If the bonus could go to more
than one dice pool, the affected pool must be chosen when
the bonus is awarded. Typically, these bonus dice have an
effective duration of one day and may not be saved up. A
player may benefit from a specific power only once during a
single day, so if the player is awarded more bonus dice in the
same area, he loses any bonus he may already have had.
A caern is not a bottomless well. Like any natural
resource, it has limits. A cacrn can be utilized a number ofp
times during a single day equal to its rank level. Thus, a Rank
4 caern can be accessed only four times before it is drained
and in need of a recharging. There is no special procedure for
recharging a caern; simply leaving it alone for an interval is
all that is required. During times of desperate circumstance,
a caern can be called upon for more endowment, but only at
great risk. If the ritemaster attempts to draw additional
bonus dice from a caern that has already been drained, the
difficulty rises by 1. If the Storyteller feels that the players are
coming to rely upon the caern more than is prudent, she
should feel free to rule that other packs have already accessed
the caern too many times that day. If the characters
feel strongly that they should be allowed to use the caern
anyway, they may request a session with the sept leaders to
cajole, wheedle or beg for the privilege.
The bonuses only last 1 day, and can be used only up to Caern rating times per day.

I strongly believe that this was changed in updating to W20. The Rite was strengthened. Furthermore, I strongly believe that for AEoD to be worthy of being called an Ancient Sorcery spell and be worth 10 XP, it should work as described in W20 / ExvsWoD - bonuses to exalt and her companions, for a whole month, with no limits.

@DragonParadox could we get some mechanical elaborations on how Awakened Eye of the Dragon works?
20th anniversary books are used where applicable for the sake of maintaining coherence so yes you do get those bonuses for a full month, though I will add you can only have bonus dice from one spirit at a time.
Less broken that hoped for, but still more than worth it. Can you tell us the following:
1) Does the Forge count as a Dragon Nest?
2) What is Demonreach's type as far as Dragon Nests go?
3) How is Open Moon Bridge handled?
Less broken that hoped for, but still more than worth it. Can you tell us the following:
1) Does the Forge count as a Dragon Nest?
2) What is Demonreach's type as far as Dragon Nests go?
3) How is Open Moon Bridge handled?
  1. Yes of wisdom
  2. Harry would have to ask IC, and also talk Alfred into not contesting the spell if it were cast by someone other than him
  3. Those do not exist in this world
I can only remember that he was something Malfean.
He was something that was a big deal. We were warned that passing him up meant passing on something exceedingly rare, and he introduced himself as an ember of the green sun.

That's the kind of thing it's highly unlikely a demon would pull unless they had a prestigious place in the soul hierarchy of their primordial.

My tinfoil hat theory is that Usum is Malfeas' lifeboat. Not exactly in the sense that he's a means to come back, but that he was bound to the exaltation in an attempt to protect some central part of Malfeas' identity when things finally took a turn to whatever brought creation to this point.

Primordials do not conceptualize identity the same way mortals do, so stuff like this wouldn't necessarily be futile from their perspective.
He was something that was a big deal. We were warned that passing him up meant passing on something exceedingly rare, and he introduced himself as an ember of the green sun.

That's the kind of thing it's highly unlikely a demon would pull unless they had a prestigious place in the soul hierarchy of their primordial.

My tinfoil hat theory is that Usum is Malfeas' lifeboat. Not exactly in the sense that he's a means to come back, but that he was bound to the exaltation in an attempt to protect some central part of Malfeas' identity when things finally took a turn to whatever brought creation to this point.

Primordials do not conceptualize identity the same way mortals do, so stuff like this wouldn't necessarily be futile from their perspective.
Too servile to be Ligier, I think... That would be fun, though.